QSettings beginReadArray() always empty - qt

With beginReadArray() it should be possible to read a block from an ini file dynamically.
I would like to read the entries in the block [colordefs] dynamically, because there can be any number of color definitions.
The block [colors] has a fixed length. When reading in these values, the color name should replaced by the color value from [colordefs].
colors/white = "#ffffff";
colors/grey = "#c3c3c3";
colors/lightGrey = "#f0f0f0";
colors/darkGrey = "#a0a0a0";
colors/darkerGrey = "#808080";
colors/mint = "#30dccc";
colors/security/passwordEnabled = "mint"
colors/security/passwordDisabled = "grey"
colors/display/backgroundDefault = "white"
colors/display/backgroundHeader = "grey"
colors/display/backgroundFooter = "grey"
I have tried different examples but I always get a size of 0
int size = settings->beginReadArray("colors");
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
Any idea?

beginReadArray() returns 0 because you don't actual have an array in your settings file. Arrays in the settings file look like this
Have a look at the documentation. These settings were generated by the following snippet.
QSettings settings("myapp.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
struct Login
QString userName;
QString password;
QList<Login> logins = {{"test", "123"}, {"foo", "bar"}};
for (int i = 0; i < logins.size(); ++i) {
settings.setValue("userName", logins.at(i).userName);
settings.setValue("password", logins.at(i).password);
If you want to get all keys you can use the following code.
QStringList keys = settings.allKeys();
for (const auto &k : keys)
qDebug() << k;
Which in your case will give you
With the key you can then use value() to get the value behind the key.
You can also get all the keys of certain group by using
QStringList keys = settings.allKeys();
for (const auto &k : keys)
qDebug() << k;
Which in your case will give you


Can I remove a column if it's part of a primary key? [duplicate]

is there a way to remove primary key from the datatable Or is there any way to remove the constraints of "PK" first and then remove the column itself?
dtTable.Columns.Add(new System.Data.DataColumn("PRIMARY_KEY", typeof(System.Int32)));
dtTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[1] { dtTable.Columns["PRIMARY_KEY"] }; // throws an error
dtTable.Columns["PRIMARY_KEY"].AutoIncrement = true;
You can remove primay key using
DataTable.PrimaryKey = null;
you can delete data table column using
DataTable.Columns.Remove("column name here");
I found that sometimes after removing PrimaryKey from a DataTable:
MyDataTable.PrimaryKey = null;
the Unique setting remains true on the member columns of the deleted PrimaryKey.
My solution:
public static void KillPrimaryKey(DataTable LocDataTable)
int LocPriKeyCount = LocDataTable.PrimaryKey.Length;
string[] PrevPriColumns = new string[LocPriKeyCount];
// 1. Store ColumnNames in a string Array
for (int ii = 0; ii < LocPriKeyCount; ii++) PrevPriColumns[ii] = LocDataTable.PrimaryKey[ii].ColumnName;
// 2. Clear PrimaryKey
LocDataTable.PrimaryKey = null;
// 3. Clear Unique settings
for (int ii = 0; ii < LocPriKeyCount; ii++) LocDataTable.Columns[PrevPriColumns[ii]].Unique = false;

What tools in Qt are there to decode HTML 4 entities?

I have an input QString that has HTML 4 entities, like õ that I’d like to decode. But I can’t find any facilities in Qt to do so. Is there a way to do so in Qt? If possible I’d like to avoid QTextDocument so I don’t have to bring in QtGui.
The HTML 4 entities are listed in this link:
Out of curiosity, I have looked a bit around.
I found this SO: How can i convert entity character(Escape character) to HTML in QT?. However, it uses QTextDocument (which is part of GUI) what OP wants to prevent.
The doc. of QTextDocument::setHtml() doesn't mention anything specific whether something is used which could be accessed directly (and is even part of the Qt core). Hence, I had a look into source code. I started with QTextDocument::setHtml() on woboq.org and followed the bread crumbs.
Finally, I ended up in qtbase/src/gui/text/qtexthtmlparser.cpp:
QString QTextHtmlParser::parseEntity()
const int recover = pos;
int entityLen = 0;
QStringRef entity;
while (pos < len) {
QChar c = txt.at(pos++);
if (c.isSpace() || pos - recover > 9) {
goto error;
if (c == QLatin1Char(';'))
if (entityLen) {
entity = QStringRef(&txt, recover, entityLen);
QChar resolved = resolveEntity(entity);
if (!resolved.isNull())
return QString(resolved);
if (entityLen > 1 && entity.at(0) == QLatin1Char('#')) {
entity = entity.mid(1); // removing leading #
int base = 10;
bool ok = false;
if (entity.at(0).toLower() == QLatin1Char('x')) { // hex entity?
entity = entity.mid(1);
base = 16;
uint uc = entity.toUInt(&ok, base);
if (ok) {
if (uc >= 0x80 && uc < 0x80 + (sizeof(windowsLatin1ExtendedCharacters)/sizeof(windowsLatin1ExtendedCharacters[0])))
uc = windowsLatin1ExtendedCharacters[uc - 0x80];
QString str;
if (QChar::requiresSurrogates(uc)) {
str += QChar(QChar::highSurrogate(uc));
str += QChar(QChar::lowSurrogate(uc));
} else {
str = QChar(uc);
return str;
pos = recover;
return QLatin1String("&");
A table of named entities can be found in the same source file:
static const struct QTextHtmlEntity { const char name[9]; quint16 code; } entities[]= {
{ "AElig", 0x00c6 },
{ "AMP", 38 },
{ "zwj", 0x200d },
{ "zwnj", 0x200c }
Q_STATIC_ASSERT(MAX_ENTITY == sizeof entities / sizeof *entities);
These are bad news for OP:
The API of the QTextHtmlParser is private:
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
and it's part of Qt GUI.
If OP insists to prevent GUI dependencies, the only other chance I see is to duplicate the code (or just to re-implement it from scratch).

How to implement clipboard actions for custom mime-types?

I am trying to implement copy/cut/paste in a complex application.
I have a QGraphicsScene that can contain QGraphicsItem subtypes of varied subtypes, fairly complex (with Item as a second parent storing custom properties).
I would copy/cut selected items, and paste them back in place.
I already have implemented it using a local version: a list of items.
void copyItemsActionOld()
foreach(QGraphicsItem* qItem, selectedItems())
Item* newItem = (dynamic_cast<Item*>(qItem))->createItemCopy();
On paste, I make a copy of all items in clipboard and add them to the scene. So simple.....
I need to implement it using the global system clipboard.
I saw that creating a custom mime type is as simple as calling setData on a QMimeData object, after I make up a format name... (I hope that is true)
static const QString _mimeType("application/myItem");
void copyItemsAction()
QMimeData* _mimeData = new QMimeData;
2 QByteArray _itemData = ?????;
_mimeData->setData(_mimeType, _itemData);
QClipboard* _clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
void pasteItemsAction()
QClipboard* _clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
const QMimeData* _mimeData = _clipboard->mimeData();
QStringList _formats = _mimeData->formats();
foreach (QString _format, _formats)
if (_format == _mimeType)
QByteArray _itemData = _mimeData->data(_mimeType);
3 // then do what ? How do I parse it ?
My questions
1) Are the above fragments for copyItemsAction and pasteItemsAction anywhere close to how clipboard actions should work ?
2) How can I put item data in the QByteArray ?
3) How do I parse the data in QByteArray ?
4) Do I need to register the custom mime-type anywhere else ? (other than what I just did in my two functions); and will it be multi-platform ?
I have already implemented save and load functionality for all items. Something like...
void Item::saveItem(QDataStream &outFile)
outFile << type;
outFile << width;
outFile << color.name();
Can I use this to place the items data in the QByteArray ? (How ?)
I was on the right track, and I kept adding code to my question until I found how to make it work:
static const QString _mimeType("application/myItem");
void copyItemsAction()
QByteArray _itemData;
QDataStream outData(&_itemData, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
outData << selectedItems().size();
foreach(QGraphicsItem* qItem, selectedItems())
Item* item = dynamic_cast<Item*>(qItem);
QMimeData* _mimeData = new QMimeData;
_mimeData->setData(_mimeType, _itemData);
_mimeData->setText("My Items");
QClipboard* _clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
void pasteItemsAction()
QClipboard* _clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
const QMimeData* _mimeData = _clipboard->mimeData();
QStringList _formats = _mimeData->formats();
foreach (QString _format, _formats)
if (_format == _mimeType)
QByteArray _itemData = _mimeData->data(_mimeType);
QDataStream inData(&_itemData, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
int itemsSize;
inData >> itemsSize;
for (int i = 0; i < itemsSize; ++i)
Item* item = ...
So, for question 1, yes I was on the right track;
For questions 2 and 3 - I was able to use a QDataStream to serialize info to/from the QByteArray.
If there is a better / more effective / faster way, I would love to know...
For question 4 - it seems that I can use just about any string, if all I want is to copy/paste within a single instance of my application.
It is also true if I want to use it between multiple applications, multiple instances of my application, or for drag-and-drop - on most platforms. (It does not seem to work between multiple applications/instances in the embedded platform I target.)
Caveat - it fails frequently when another clipboard using application is open, in windows.

abc PDF generate a blank page on IIS

I am creating an PDF from HTML using ABC PDF 8.0, it works well on my local end but generate a blank page on IIS, I already down grade IE, and provide the all permission to folder. When I tried to generate the PDF through any external link like Google.com it works perfectly. more over my link is accessible and there is no error on the page. please find below the code for your reference.
var url="test.com"
if (XSettings.InstallLicense(abcPDFkey))
using (Doc theDoc = new Doc())
//apply a rotation transform
double w = theDoc.MediaBox.Width;
double h = theDoc.MediaBox.Height;
double l = theDoc.MediaBox.Left;
double b = theDoc.MediaBox.Bottom;
theDoc.Transform.Rotate(90, l, b);
theDoc.Transform.Translate(w, 0);
// To fix time out
theDoc.HtmlOptions.RetryCount = 1;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.Timeout = 25000;
// rotate our rectangle
theDoc.Rect.Width = h;
theDoc.Rect.Height = w;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.Gecko;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.ImageQuality = 60;
int theID;
theID = theDoc.AddImageUrl(url);
while (true)
if (!theDoc.Chainable(theID))
theDoc.Page = theDoc.AddPage();
theID = theDoc.AddImageToChain(theID);
int NewtheID = theDoc.GetInfoInt(theDoc.Root, "Pages");
theDoc.SetInfo(NewtheID, "/Rotate", "90");
for (int i = 1; i <= theDoc.PageCount; i++)
theDoc.PageNumber = i;
foreach (IndirectObject io in theDoc.ObjectSoup)
if (io is PixMap)
PixMap pm = (PixMap)io;
pm.Realize(); // eliminate indexed color images
pm.Resize(pm.Width / 6, pm.Height / 6);
Please help, thanks
Ok, I figured out what was the issue.
First of all I define the relative path for all my Images, and secondly Our server have internal IP, I define the URL for internal IP instead of public domain. that fix my issue..
cheers !!

Copying part of QTableView

So I have a question very closely related to another question I've seen on here but when I tried posing my question there I got no responses, I'm hoping by asking this as a fresh question someone can help me out. Basically I want simply copy a portion of my table that I've created so that I can paste it to an excel file. Here's what I have:
QAbstractItemModel *abmodel = ui.tableview->model();
QItemSelectionModel *model = ui.tableview->selectionModel();
QModelIndexList list = model->selectionIndexes();
QModelIndex index = list.first();
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
QModelIndex index = list.at(i);
QString text = abmodel->data(index).toString();
if(index.row() != previous.row())
previous = index;
QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
This will copy a column fine, but when I attempt to copy a row or say a 2x2 subtable the row index gets messed up, incorrectly assigning the row index for the values. Any thoughts?
Well, already figured it out, sorry anyone that wasted their time and looked.
void TestCopyTable::on_pushButton_copy_clicked()
QAbstractItemModel *abmodel = ui.tableView->model();
QItemSelectionModel * model = ui.tableView->selectionModel();
QModelIndexList list = model->selectedIndexes();
if(list.size() < 1)
QString copy_table;
QModelIndex last = list.last();
QModelIndex previous = list.first();
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
QVariant data = abmodel->data(previous);
QString text = data.toString();
QModelIndex index = list.at(i);
if(index.row() != previous.row())
previous = index;
QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
I wrote some code based on Phil's to copy the selection when the user types Control-C.
I subclassed QTableWidget and overrode keyPressEvent():
void MyTableWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) {
// If Ctrl-C typed
// Or use event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy)
if (event->key() == Qt::Key_C && (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))
QModelIndexList cells = selectedIndexes();
qSort(cells); // Necessary, otherwise they are in column order
QString text;
int currentRow = 0; // To determine when to insert newlines
foreach (const QModelIndex& cell, cells) {
if (text.length() == 0) {
// First item
} else if (cell.row() != currentRow) {
// New row
text += '\n';
} else {
// Next cell
text += '\t';
currentRow = cell.row();
text += cell.data().toString();
Output example (tab-separated):
foo bar baz qux
bar baz qux foo
baz qux foo bar
qux foo bar baz
Regarding the cdline:
qSort(cells); // Necessary, otherwise they are in column order
currently(20190118) it brings a warning:
Warnung: 'qSort >' is deprecated: Use std::sort
so my solution to replace the line with:
Compile, Run OK -> so far so good. But Question: Benefit of this cdline?
I found there is no one. Made several Test with copy from gui and parsing it to excel. Everything was fine even with the scenario 2x2 or othe XxY.
