OWIN shuts down immediately after startup - asp.net

After a lot of trial and error, In order to find the cause, I have reduced the startup to this:
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
Log.Debug("\n Startup end !!!");
private void RegisterOnShutdown(IAppBuilder app)
var context = new OwinContext(app.Properties);
var token = context.Get<CancellationToken>("host.OnAppDisposing");
if (token != CancellationToken.None)
private void OnShutdown()
Log.Debug("\n Shutdown !!!");
And I get this log:
2022-12-11 08:00:27,045 [1] DEBUG (null) Web.Startup [(null)] <(null)> -
Startup end !!!
2022-12-11 08:00:29,751 [7] DEBUG (null) Web.Startup [(null)] <(null)> -
Shutdown !!!
Why is this happening?

The log file was put in the bin folder, which shouldn't have been, as it changes and causes change to the folder. Refer to this
Relocating the file solved the problem.


Hosted service not terminating after Environment.Exit

I've got a .NET core 3.1 app with a hosted service that runs as a console application on Windows.
In case of an error I'm trying to terminate the worker with Environment.Exit(1).
Now the problem is that, if Enviroment.Exit() is called before any await in ExecuteAsync, the application does not terminate. It logs Waiting for the host to be disposed. Ensure all 'IHost' instances are wrapped in 'using' blocks. and then hangs indefinitely.
When I await anything before the call to Enviroment.Exit() it also logs that, but it terminates as expected.
Here is the simplest code that I could come up with to reproduce the problem.
The NotTerminatingWorker hangs forever, the TerminatingWorker terminates. The only difference is a tiny Task.Delay:
public class Program {
public static async Task Main(string[] args) {
using var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build();
await host.RunAsync();
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) {
return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => { services.AddHostedService<NotTerminatingWorker>(); });
public class NotTerminatingWorker : BackgroundService {
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) {
public class TerminatingWorker : BackgroundService {
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) {
await Task.Delay(1);
I would expect that both behave the same way, but that's obviously not the case.
Any explanation for this would be greatly appreciated!
UPDATE: The application should be able to run both as a console application and as a Windows service. The non-zero return code is required to get it restarted if it crashes.
And apparently Windows does not restart services that exited with code 0.
I believe the behavior you're seeing is a side-effect of how the .NET Core runtime does its startup: it calls ExecuteAsync for each background worker and then waits for it to complete. So a synchronous ExecuteAsync can cause problems. I've used Task.Run to work around this.
In case of an error I'm trying to terminate the worker with Environment.Exit(1).
I recommend not using Environment.Exit at all. Instead, do a controlled shutdown by injecting IHostApplicationLifetime and calling StopApplication. This will trigger the stoppingToken for each of your background services, and if they ignore it, they will be forcibly terminated after a timeout.
Handling the hostLifetime events in the Main method did for me the job. This is working for me on .NET6
public static int Main(string[] args)
ExitCode = 0;
ILogger? logger = null;
var builder = CreateHostBuilder(args)
var hostLifetime = builder.Services.GetRequiredService<IHostApplicationLifetime>();
logger = builder.Services.GetService<ILogger<Program>>();
// register on hostLifetime events for handling stopping and finalize
using var hostLtAppStopping = hostLifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(() =>
// service is about to stop... do some cleanup stuff here
using var hostLtAppStopped = hostLifetime.ApplicationStopped.Register(() =>
logger?.LogDebug("Service graceful shout down, exit with code {exitCode}!", ExitCode);
Environment.Exit(ExitCode); // ExitCode is set by the caller of hostApplicationLifetime.StopApplication
// start the service
catch (Exception e)
logger?.LogError(e, "Unhandled Exception occurred => exit with exit code 1!");
ExitCode = 1;
return ExitCode;
return ExitCode;

After accidentally deleting Data Dictionary (app:dictionary) Alfresco doesn't start

One operator deleted Data Dictionary and restarted Alfresco 3.4.12 Enterprise Edition. The context /alfresco doesn't start with the following exception:
17:43:11,100 INFO [STDOUT] 17:43:11,097 ERROR [web.context.ContextLoader] Context initialization failed
org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 08050000 Failed to find 'app:dictionary' node
at org.alfresco.repo.action.scheduled.ScheduledPersistedActionServiceImpl.locatePersistanceFolder(ScheduledPersistedActionServiceImpl.java:132)
Looking at the source code in org.alfresco.repo.action.scheduled.ScheduledPersistedActionServiceImpl.java, the path is hardwired.
Then we followed the tip from https://community.alfresco.com/thread/202859-error-failed-to-find-appdictionary-node, editing bootstrap-context.xml, comment out the class.
After the change the error went over, now the RenditionService couldn't start.
We're looking for a way to recover the deleted node, since we can obtain the nodeid from the database. So we created a small class and invoke it through spring in bootstrap-context.xml, but it's failing due to permissions. Could you take a look at the code and tell us what's wrong. The code is:
package com.impulseit.test;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import org.alfresco.repo.node.archive.NodeArchiveService;
import org.alfresco.repo.node.archive.RestoreNodeReport;
import org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.AuthenticationUtil;
import org.alfresco.repo.security.authentication.AuthenticationUtil.RunAsWork;
import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef;
public class RestoreNode {
private NodeArchiveService nodeArchiveService;
private ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;
private String nodeName ="archive://SpacesStore/adfc0cfe-e20b-467f-ad71-253aea8f9ac9";
public void setNodeArchiveService(NodeArchiveService value)
this.nodeArchiveService = value;
public void setServiceRegistry(ServiceRegistry value)
this.serviceRegistry = value;
public void doRestore() {
RunAsWork<Void> runAsWork = new RunAsWork<Void>()
public Void doWork() throws Exception
NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(nodeName);
//RestoreNodeReport restoreNodeReport =
UserTransaction trx_A = serviceRegistry.getTransactionService().getUserTransaction();
RestoreNodeReport restored = nodeArchiveService.restoreArchivedNode(nodeRef);
return null;
public RestoreNode() {
The exception is:
19:31:21,747 User:admin ERROR [node.archive.NodeArchiveServiceImpl] An unhandled exception stopped the restore
at org.alfresco.repo.security.permissions.impl.model.PermissionModel.getPermissionReference(PermissionModel.java:1315)
at org.alfresco.repo.security.permissions.impl.PermissionServiceImpl.getPermissionReference(PermissionServiceImpl.java:956)
at org.alfresco.repo.security.permissions.impl.PermissionServiceImpl.hasPermission(PermissionServiceImpl.java:976)
Thank you in advance.

How to disable Redis Caching at run time if redis connection failed

We have rest api application. We use redis for API response caching and internal method caching. If redis connection then it is making our API down. We want to bypass the redis caching if that redis connection fails or any exception instead of making our API down.
There is a interface CacheErrorHandler but it handles the redis get set operation failures not redis connection problems. We are using Spring 4.1.2.
Let's boil this down a bit. Your application uses caching (implemented with Redis). If the Redis connection is stale/closed or otherwise, then you want the application to bypass caching and (presumably) go directly to an underlying data store (e.g. RDBMS). The application Service logic might look similar to...
class CustomerService ... {
private CustomerRepository customerRepo;
protected CustomerRepository getCustomerRepo() {
Assert.notNull(customerRepo, "The CustomerRepository was not initialized!");
return customerRepo;
#Cacheable(value = "Customers")
public Customer getCustomer(Long customerId) {
return getCustomerRepo().load(customerId);
All that matters in Spring core's Caching Abstraction to ascertain a Cache "miss" is that the value returned is null. As such, Spring Caching Infrastructure will then proceed in calling the actual Service method (i.e. getCustomer). Keep in mind on the return of the getCustomerRepo().load(customerId) call, you also need to handle the case where Spring's Caching Infrastructure attempts to now cache the value.
In the spirit of keeping it simple, we will do without AOP, but you should be able to achieve this using AOP as well (your choice).
All you (should) need is a "custom" RedisCacheManager extending the SDR CacheManager implementation, something like...
package example;
import org.springframework.cache.Cache;
import org.springframework.data.redis.cache.RedisCacheManager;
class MyCustomRedisCacheManager extends RedisCacheManager {
public MyCustomerRedisCacheManager(RedisTemplate redisTemplate) {
public Cache getCache(String name) {
return new RedisCacheWrapper(super.getCache(name));
protected static class RedisCacheWrapper implements Cache {
private final Cache delegate;
public RedisCacheWrapper(Cache redisCache) {
Assert.notNull(redisCache, "'delegate' must not be null");
this.delegate = redisCache;
public Cache.ValueWrapper get(Object key) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return handleErrors(e);
public void put(Object key, Object value) {
try {
delegate.put(key, value);
catch (Exception e) {
// implement clear(), evict(key), get(key, type), getName(), getNativeCache(), putIfAbsent(key, value) accordingly (delegating to the delegate).
protected <T> T handleErrors(Exception e) throws Exception {
if (e instanceof <some RedisConnection Exception type>) {
// log the connection problem
return null;
else if (<something different>) { // act appropriately }
else {
throw e;
So, if Redis is unavailable, perhaps the best you can do is log the problem and proceed to let the Service invocation happen. Clearly, this will hamper performance but at least it will raise awareness that a problem exists. Clearly, this could be tied into a more robust notification system, but it is a crude example of the possibilities. The important thing is, your Service remains available while the other services (e.g. Redis) that the application service depends on, may have failed.
In this implementation (vs. my previous explanation) I chose to delegate to the underlying, actual RedisCache implementation to let the Exception occur, then knowing full well a problem with Redis exists, and so that you can deal with the Exception appropriately. However, if you are a certain that the Exception is related to a connection problem upon inspection, you can return "null" to let Spring Caching Infrastructure proceed as if it were a Cache "miss" (i.e. bad Redis Connection == Cache miss, in this case).
I know something like this should help your problem as I built a similar prototype of a "custom" CacheManager implementation for GemFire and one of Pivotal's customers. In that particular UC, the Cache "miss" had to be triggered by an "out-of-date version" of the application domain object where production had a mix of newer and older application clients connecting to GemFire through Spring's Caching Abstraction. The application domain object fields would change in newer versions of the app for instance.
Anyway, hope this helps or gives you more ideas.
So, I was digging through the core Spring Framework Caching Abstraction source today addressing another question and it seems if a CacheErrorHandler is implemented properly, then perhaps a problematic Redis Connection could still result in the desired behavior, e.g. cache "miss" (triggered with the return of a null value).
See the AbstractCacheInvoker source for more details.
The cache.get(key) should result in an exception due to a faulty Redis Connection and thus Exception handler would be invoked...
catch (RuntimeException e) {
getErrorHandler().handleCacheGetError(e, cache, key);
return null; // If the exception is handled, return a cache miss
If the CacheErrorHandler properly handles the Cache "get" error (and does not re-throw the/an Exception), then a null value will be returned indicating a cache "miss".
Thank you #John Blum. My solution in Spring Boot is as follows.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.cache.Cache;
import org.springframework.data.redis.cache.RedisCacheManager;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisOperations;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
class CustomRedisCacheManager extends RedisCacheManager {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomRedisCacheManager.class);
public CustomRedisCacheManager(RedisOperations redisOperations) {
public Cache getCache(String name) {
return new RedisCacheWrapper(super.getCache(name));
protected static class RedisCacheWrapper implements Cache {
private final Cache delegate;
public RedisCacheWrapper(Cache redisCache) {
Assert.notNull(redisCache, "delegate cache must not be null");
this.delegate = redisCache;
public String getName() {
try {
return delegate.getName();
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public Object getNativeCache() {
try {
return delegate.getNativeCache();
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public Cache.ValueWrapper get(Object key) {
try {
return delegate.get(key);
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public <T> T get(Object o, Class<T> aClass) {
try {
return delegate.get(o, aClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public <T> T get(Object o, Callable<T> callable) {
try {
return delegate.get(o, callable);
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public void put(Object key, Object value) {
try {
delegate.put(key, value);
} catch (Exception e) {
public ValueWrapper putIfAbsent(Object o, Object o1) {
try {
return delegate.putIfAbsent(o, o1);
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
public void evict(Object o) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public void clear() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private <T> T handleException(Exception e) {
logger.error("handleException", e);
return null;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.data.redis.cache.RedisCacheManager;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
public class RedisConfig {
public RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager(RedisTemplate redisTemplate) {
CustomRedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = new CustomRedisCacheManager(redisTemplate);
return redisCacheManager;
actually my response is directed to Mr. #Vivek Aditya - I faced the same problem: new spring-data-redis api and not constructing RedisCacheManager per RedisTemplate. The only option - based on #John Blum suggestions - was to use aspects. And below is my code.
public class FailoverRedisCacheAspect {
private static class FailoverRedisCache extends RedisCache {
protected FailoverRedisCache(RedisCache redisCache) {
super(redisCache.getName(), redisCache.getNativeCache(), redisCache.getCacheConfiguration());
public <T> T get(Object key, Callable<T> valueLoader) {
try {
return super.get(key, valueLoader);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
return valueFromLoader(key, valueLoader);
private <T> T valueFromLoader(Object key, Callable<T> valueLoader) {
try {
return valueLoader.call();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ValueRetrievalException(key, valueLoader, e);
#Around("execution(* org.springframework.cache.support.AbstractCacheManager.getCache (..))")
public Cache beforeSampleCreation(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint) {
try {
Cache cache = (Cache) proceedingJoinPoint.proceed(proceedingJoinPoint.getArgs());
if (cache instanceof RedisCache) {
return new FailoverRedisCache((RedisCache) cache);
} else {
return cache;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return null;
works fine for all reasonable scenarios:
app starts fine with redis down
app (still) works during (sudden) redis outage
when redis starts working again, app sees it
Edit: the code is more like a poc - only for "get", and I don't like reinstantiating FailoverRedisCache every single cache hit - there should be a map.
None of the above worked for us when using Spring Boot 2.3.9.release with Redis. We ended up creating and registering our own customized CacheErrorHandler named CustomCacheErrorHandler to override the default SimpleCacheErrorHandler provided by Spring Framework. This will work perfectly.
public class CachingConfiguration extends CachingConfigurerSupport {
public CacheErrorHandler errorHandler() {
return new CustomCacheErrorHandler();
class CustomCacheErrorHandler implements CacheErrorHandler {
Logger log = Logger.get(CustomCacheErrorHandler.class);
public void handleCacheGetError(RuntimeException e, Cache cache, Object o) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public void handleCachePutError(RuntimeException e, Cache cache, Object o, Object o1) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public void handleCacheEvictError(RuntimeException e, Cache cache, Object o) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
public void handleCacheClearError(RuntimeException e, Cache cache) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
I had same problem, but, unfortunately, none of the above solutions work for me. I checked for the problem and found out that the executed command never timed out if there was no connection to Redis. So I start to study lettuce library for a solution. I solve the problem by rejecting the command when there is no connection:
public LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory()
final SocketOptions socketOptions = SocketOptions.builder().connectTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).build();
ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder()
LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettuceClientConfiguration.builder()
RedisStandaloneConfiguration redisStandaloneConfiguration = new RedisStandaloneConfiguration(this.host, this.port);
return new LettuceConnectionFactory(redisStandaloneConfiguration, clientConfig);
All the core Spring Framework Cache abstraction annotations (e.g. #Cacheable) along with the JSR-107 JCache annotations supported by the core SF delegate to the underlying CacheManager under-the-hood, and for Redis, that is the RedisCacheManager.
You would configure the RedisCacheManager in Spring XML configuration meta-data similar to here.
One approach would be to write an AOP Proxy for the (Redis)CacheManager that uses the RedisConnection (indirectly from the RedisTemplate) to ascertain the state of the connection on each (Redis)CacheManger operation.
If the connection has failed, or is closed, for standard cache ops, the (Redis)CacheManager could return an instance of RedisCache for getCache(String name) that always returns null (indicating a Cache miss on an entry), thus passing through to the underlying data store.
There maybe better ways to handle this as I am not an expert on all things Redis (or SDR), but this should work and perhaps give you a few ides of your own.
You can use CacheErrorHandler. But you should make sure to make
RedisCacheManager transactionAware to false in your Redis Cache Config(to make sure the transaction is committed early when executing the caching part and the error is caught by CacheErrorHandler and don't wait until the end of the execution which skips CacheErrorHandler part). The function to set transactionAware to false looks like this:
public RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager(LettuceConnectionFactory lettuceConnectionFactory) {
JdkSerializationRedisSerializer redisSerializer = new JdkSerializationRedisSerializer(getClass().getClassLoader());
RedisCacheConfiguration redisCacheConfiguration = RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = RedisCacheManager.RedisCacheManagerBuilder.fromConnectionFactory(lettuceConnectionFactory)
return redisCacheManager;

redirect java.util.logging to log4j birt

I have a spring mvc webapp which uses BIT reports. BIRT reports uses java.util.logging. I am looking for a way to redirect the java.util.logging to log4.
The instructions at this link detail how to do it but I'm having some troubles getting the solution to work.
I've added the class as described. Then I added logging.properties into my webapp /resources directory with the following contents.
I don't think the system parameter applies since I am using a webapp?
Anyway I know it is not working because in my application logging directory I get the standard birt logs every time the application server re-starts.
Can someone help me with clarifying these instructions.
I don't believe those instructions are acceptable for web application. Where there is a single JUL for the whole web server / servlet container.
If you generate report using BIRT API, BIRT allows you to set your own logger. See the method EngineConfig.setLogger(). It works at least in BIRT 4.3.1. We do as follows (it redirects BIRT logs to SLF4J, but the idea should be the same for Log4J):
EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig();
// set logger that forwards log messages to SLF4J
// as of BIRT 4.3.1 the custom logger will be accepted only if it or one of its parent in the BIRT's root logger list.
// see http://git.eclipse.org/c/birt/org.eclipse.birt.git/commit/engine/org.eclipse.birt.report.engine/src/org/eclipse/birt/report/engine/api/impl/EngineLogger.java?h=Kepler&id=1cb9507c8ce997bf5407a73d9c23487cef002fa9
java.util.logging.Logger julLogger = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger("org.eclipse.birt" + ".myapp.Slf4jBridge");
Handler logHandler = new Slf4jLogHandler();
And the Slf4jLogHandler is implemented as follows:
public class Slf4jLogHandler extends Handler {
private Formatter julFormatter = new SimpleJulFormatter();
public void publish(LogRecord record) {
if (record == null) {
ClassLoader hanlderClassLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (hanlderClassLoader != contextClassLoader) {
// do not log in foreign contexts
* This check is necessary if several web applications with "JUL to SLF4J" bridge are deployed in the same Servlet container.
* Each application has its own instance of SLF4J logger, but they all are mapped to the same JUL logger,
* because the JUL logger is loaded by the root classloader. Whereas SLF4J loggers are loaded by their respective
* webapp classloaders. Thus comparing classloaders is the only known way to find out whom the JUL log record belongs to.
String loggerName = record.getLoggerName();
if (loggerName == null) {
loggerName = "unknown";
Logger slf4jLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(loggerName);
* JUL levels in descending order are:
* <ul>
* <li>SEVERE (highest value)
* <li>INFO
* <li>CONFIG
* <li>FINE
* <li>FINER
* <li>FINEST (lowest value)
* </ul>
if (record.getLevel().intValue() <= Level.FINEST.intValue()) {
if (slf4jLogger.isTraceEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.trace(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
} else if (record.getLevel().intValue() <= Level.FINE.intValue()) {
if (slf4jLogger.isDebugEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.debug(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
} else if (record.getLevel().intValue() <= Level.INFO.intValue()) {
if (slf4jLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.info(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
} else if (record.getLevel().intValue() <= Level.WARNING.intValue()) {
if (slf4jLogger.isWarnEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.warn(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
} else if (record.getLevel().intValue() <= Level.SEVERE.intValue()) {
if (slf4jLogger.isErrorEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.error(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
} else if (record.getLevel().intValue() == Level.OFF.intValue()) {
// logger is switched off
} else {
slf4jLogger.warn("Unexpected log level {}.", record.getLevel().intValue());
if (slf4jLogger.isErrorEnabled()) {
slf4jLogger.error(julFormatter.format(record), record.getThrown());
public void flush() {
// noop
public void close() throws SecurityException {
// noop
This approach works even if there are several web apps using BIRT on the same server.
I use a ServletContextListener, that install SLF4JBridgeHandler as unique handler for j.u.l. logger:
public class InstallJULHandlerListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
// Optionally remove existing handlers attached to j.u.l root logger
SLF4JBridgeHandler.removeHandlersForRootLogger(); // (since SLF4J 1.6.5)
// add SLF4JBridgeHandler to j.u.l's root logger, should be done once
// during the initialization phase of your application
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {

how to load class from jar inside equinox server side application in jboss 7

I'm face a problem since few days and I can't get solution. below is my app structure:
I have ejbapp.jar inside MyearDeployedOnJboss7.ear at the same level of equinox-server-side-app.war (built using warproduct) and I want to load class from MyJarToLaoadForEjbapp.jar which is in iModernizeWebClient_1.0.0.jar which is in plugins folder of equinox-server-side-app.war (I want show image of app structure but I cannot send image because forum rules need 10 score to be able to do that)
My question is how to allow ejbapp.jar load classes from "MyJarToLaoadForEjbapp.jar" inside MyWebClient_1.0.0.jar's plugin folder which is in the equinox-server-side-app.war.
I think using servletbridge classloader but no idea how to use it.
in my launch.ini I've:
osgi.*=#null org.osgi.*=#null eclipse.*=#null osgi.parentClassloader=app osgi.contextClassLoaderParent=app
I resolved my proble using Servlet HttpServiceTracker from the OSGI spec. how to do it : write HttpServiceTracker liket that :
public class HttpServiceTracker extends ServiceTracker {
private static final Logger logger = Logger
public HttpServiceTracker(BundleContext context) {
super(context, HttpService.class.getName(), null);
public Object addingService(ServiceReference reference) {
HttpService httpService = (HttpService) context.getService(reference);
logger.info("default context path : "
+ org.eclipse.rap.ui.internal.servlet.HttpServiceTracker.ID_HTTP_CONTEXT);
try {
logger.info("will register servlet ");
new ProgramLauncherServlet(), null, null);
logger.info("servlet has been registred with http context ");
// httpService.registerResources( "/", "/html", null );
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.info("The alias '/programLauncherServlet' is already in use");
return httpService;
public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object service) {
logger.info("will unregister servlet ");
HttpService httpService = (HttpService) service;
super.removedService(reference, service);
logger.info("servlet has been unregistred");
in your plugin activator class at method start :
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
Activator.plugin = this;
BundleContext osgiContext = BundleReference.class
serviceTracker = new HttpServiceTracker(osgiContext);
LOGGER.info("servlet published !!");
LOGGER.info("Bundle started.");
and for unregister the servlet at the stop method :
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
Activator.plugin = null;
serviceTracker = null;
LOGGER.info("servlet unregistered from context !!");
that's all. your servlet is accessible outside your eclipse bundle and you can call methods inside the bundle.
