CSS clamp function formula for font-size - css

How can I use the clamp function, for my h1 element, to change the font-size responsive with specific requirements.
h1 { font-size: clamp(min, ???, max); }
Only from a screen width of 576px should "clamp" increase the size of the font proportionally/responsive up to a screen width of 1200px.
#media (min-width: 576px)
h1 { font-size: clamp(32.44px, ???, 61.04px); }
Is there a formula to calculate the green area in the picture?

slope = (maxFontSize - minFontSize) / (maxWidth - minWidth)
yAxisIntersection = -minWidth * slope + minFontSize
preferredValue = yAxisIntersection[rem] + (slope * 100)[vw]
On this Website, I found the formula to calculate the value for clamp.
Linearly Scale font-size with CSS clamp() Based on the Viewport
The calculation example for my situation:
maxFontSize = 61.04px or 3,81rem
minFontSize = 32.44px or 2,0275rem
maxWidth = 1200px or 75rem
minWidth = 576px or 36rem
slope = ( 3,815 - 2,0275) / ( 75 - 36 )
slope = 1,7875 / 39
slope = 0,045833
yAxisIntersection = -36 * slope + 2,0275
yAxisIntersection = 0,3775
preferredValue = yAxisIntersection[rem] + (slope * 100)[vw]
preferredValue = 0,3775rem + 4,5833vw
clamp(2,0275rem, 0,3775rem + 4,5833vw, 3,815rem);
Temani Afif found a website where you can calculate the value.
Font-size Clamp Generator


Convert from relative luminance to HSL

Given a certain color in HSL (let's say hsl(74,64%,59%)), I want to calculate what darker shade (with the same h and s values) gives me enough contrast to satisfy W3C color contrast requirements.
There are formulas to convert HSL to RGB (for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#HSL_to_RGB) and to calculate the relative luminance from that RGB (for example https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#relativeluminancedef). Based on the color contrast formula (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#contrast-ratiodef) I can calculate what the relative luminance for my other color should be.
However, then I'm stuck. I find no way to calculate back from a given relative luminance, to an HSL color with given h and s.
Using tools like https://contrast-ratio.com/ I can just decrease the lightness until it satisfies the requirements, but I would like a formula (preferably in JavaScript) to do this calculation for a large selection of colors.
(I am currently using a binary search method to find the closest value, by testing many conversions from HSL to RGB to relative lightness, but that is quite intensive plus I wonder if the conversion to RGB in between introduces inaccuracies.)
Hope this is what you need
Using the formulas in this SO answer, and below:
// Relative luminance calculations
function adjustGamma(p) {
if (p <= 0.03928) {
return p / 12.92;
} else {
return Math.pow( ( p + 0.055 ) / 1.055, 2.4 );
function relativeLuminance(rgb) {
const r = adjustGamma( rgb[0] / 255 );
const g = adjustGamma( rgb[1] / 255 );
const b = adjustGamma( rgb[2] / 255 );
return 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b;
// Contrast calculations
function contrastRatio(a,b) {
const ratio = (a + 0.05) / (b + 0.05);
return ratio >= 1 ? ratio : 1 / ratio;
// Loop for correct lightness
function rgbFromHslContrast(h, s, l1, ratio) {
var inc = -0.01;
var l2 = ( ( l1 + 0.05 ) / ratio - 0.05 );
if (l2 < 0) {
l2 = ( ratio * ( l1 + 0.05 ) - 0.05 );
inc = -inc;
while (contrastRatio(l1, relativeLuminance(hslToRgb(h, s, l2))) < ratio) {
l2 += inc;
return hslToRgb(h, s, l2);
The function you want to call is:
const originalHslAsRgb = hslToRgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const l1 = relativeLuminance(originalHslAsRgb);
const contrastRgb = rgbFromHslContrast(0.2, 0.2, l1, 3.5) // 3.5 is minimum contrast factor we target for..
// [139, 149, 100]
// equivalent to hsl(72, 20%, 53%)

Three.js calculate position at edge of rectangle when I know the angle from center

I'm trying to calculate position 2 in the illustration below.
I know position 1 from
this._end = new THREE.Vector3()
this._end.copy( this._rectanglePos )
.sub( this._circlePos ).setLength( 1.1 ).add( this._circlePos )
Where the radius of the circle is 2.2
I'm now trying to work out a position on the edge of the rectangle along this intersect.
I've found an equation written in pseudo code which I turned into this function
function positionAtEdge(phi, width, height){
let c = Math.cos(phi)
let s = Math.sin(phi)
let x = width/2
let y = height/2
if (width * Math.abs(s) < height * Math.abs(c)){
x -= Math.sign(c) * width / 2
y -= Math.tan(phi) * x
y -= Math.sign(s) * height / 2
x -= cot(phi) * y
return {x, y, z: 0}
function cot(aValue){
return 1/Math.tan(aValue);
And this kind of works for the top of the rectangle but starts throwing crazy values after 90 degrees. Math didn't have a coTan function so I assumed from a little googling they meant this cot function.
Anyone know an easier way of finding this position 2 or how to convert this function into something useable.
This is a general purpose solution, which is independent of their relative position.
Live Example (JSFiddle)
function getIntersection( circle, rectangle, width, height ) {
// offset is a utility Vector3.
// initialized outside the function scope.
offset.copy( circle ).sub( rectangle );
let ratio = Math.min(
width * 0.5 / Math.abs( offset.x ),
height * 0.5 / Math.abs( offset.y )
offset.multiplyScalar( ratio ).add( rectangle );
return offset;
You don't need any transcendental functions for this.
Vsb = (Spherecenter - rectanglecenter)
P2 = rectanglecenter + ((vsb * rectangleheight * .5) / vsb.y)

JavaFX canvas: Make image "flat"

Is there any option to rotate an image at the (3D) y-Axis by using the GraphicsContext in a JavaFX canvas?
I thought about applying an affine transformation. Sadly I only got that far that I was able to shear and rotate the image which does not result in the perspective I am looking for.
Thanks to 'fabian'!
The Solution is a PerspectiveTransform (Oracle documentation).
This code for example returns a Transform for the desired effect.
static PerspectiveTransform getTransform(double x, double y, double width) {
double hf = 0.3; // Height Factor (0 < hf < 1)
double df = 0.2; // Deepth-Factor (0 < df < 0.5)
double heightDif = (1 - hf) * width;
PerspectiveTransform pt = new PerspectiveTransform();
pt.setUlx(x + (df * width)); // upper left x
pt.setUly(y + heightDif); // upper left y
pt.setUrx(x + width - (df * width)); // upper right x
pt.setUry(y + heightDif); // upper right y
pt.setLlx(x); // lower left x
pt.setLly(y + width * hf + heightDif); // lower left y
pt.setLrx(x + width); // lower right x
pt.setLry(y + width * hf + heightDif); lower right y
return pt;
The Transform can be applyied by performing canvas.getGraphicsContext2D().setEffect(getTransform(...));
Any square image, drawn at x and y will be bend like it is shown in the picture.

Flip image in Canvas , without using Scale -1

I am trying to add flip and flop functionality to this demo http://www.ernestdelgado.com/public-tests/canvasphoto/demo/canvas.html
I am trying by setting scalex = -1 , its works , but this demo also has resize functionality. So author finding height and width (on resizing the image) with scalex (please check below code).
After I am assigning scalex = -1 , the canvas height and width become 0. Is there any other was of doing this?
Canvas.Img.prototype.setFlop = function() {
this.width = this._oElement.width;
this.height = this._oElement.height;
this.scalex = -1
Canvas.Img.prototype.setImageCoords = function() {
this.left = parseInt(this.left);
this.top = parseInt(this.top);
this.currentWidth = parseInt(this.width) * this.scalex;
this.currentHeight = parseInt(this.height) * this.scalex;
this._hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.currentWidth / 2, 2) + Math.pow(this.currentHeight / 2, 2));
this._angle = Math.atan(this.currentHeight / this.currentWidth); ...

aspect ratio a calculation

afternoon all. Iv'e come across some mathematical problems that im not too good at. does anyone know how to calculate the ratio for Height against width?
Regards Phil
Here is a simple function that should give you the aspect ratio (simplified and in javascript)
function getAspectRatio(w, h)
var rem;
var newW = w;
var newH = h;
while (h != 0)
rem = w % h;
w = h;
h = rem;
newH = newH / w;
newW = newW / w;
alert("Aspect Ratio: " + newW + ":" + newH);
getAspectRatio(800,600); results in 4:3.
Hope this helps
EDIT: I forgot to mention, it calculates the gcd of the two numbers and does not check for division by zero, so you might want to add that. :)
Pseudo code:
newWidth = newHeight / oldHeight * oldWidth
newHeight = newWidth / oldwidth * oldHeight
If you mean the aspect ratio of a height and width, it's just height / width reduced to its greatest common factor.
For instance, if your monitor is 1600 x 1200, it's 1600/1200 reduced to 4/3. To do this:
In math terms, you have to find the "Greatest Common Factor" and divide both values (1600 and 1200) by that. In this case, it's 400.
A very simple (and relatively) algorithm for this is:
for i <= min( 1600, 1200 ); i > 0; --i );
if( 1600 % i == 0 && 1200 % i == 0 ) {
minTop = 1600 / i;
minBottom = 1200 / i;
Your answer is minTop / minBottom. Replace 1600 and 1200 with the width and height you want, respectively.
Basically, the algorithm goes like this: count down from the lesser of the two numbers and find the first number into which both 1600 and 1200 divide into evenly (using the mod operator, so remainder == 0). That will end up being 400. That leads you with (1600 / 400) / (1200 / 400), or 4/3.
Hope this helps; leave a comment with any questions and I'll try to help further.
