How to show taxonomy description when hover on its title, Drupal9 - drupal

I have a reference field of a taxonomy term in a content type. I want its description to appear when I hover over it.


Select taxonomy by partially filling in a taxonomy term and selecting from a drop-down menu

taxonomy field in the Edit Media box
taxonomy field in the Edit Image box
I would like to have the option to fill in a taxonomy term by typing in the name of the term and having a dropdown which filters all the possible terms and allows me to select the correct one. There are two places where I would like to have this functionality: 1) the "edit image box" accessed from the Media Library and, 2) the "edit image box" accessed from a post or page.
I have the partial fill option with ACF fields and in Media Library when using Admin Columns Pro but not with native taxonomies in Wordpress. Some of these taxonomies have hundreds of terms, making it difficult to navigate without some way of searching for the correct term. Is there a way to implement this functionality in Wordpress?

How to create a field in Drupal 7 view based on specific taxonomy term?

I am new to Drupal and I have been trying to figure out how to create a field in Drupal 7 views to group my content by a specific taxonomy term. I've already attempted to use the vocabulary this taxonomy term belongs to, but it will also group with other taxonomies under the same vocabulary, which I don't want to do. Essentially what I want to do is this:
taxonomy term parent (show)
taxonomy term child
taxonomy term parent (ignore/hide)
Right now I can select the vocabulary for the field as content: [vocabulary], but what I want is content: [vocabulary > taxonomy term parent (show)]. How do I do this?
This can be achieved with a relationship using the following steps:
Add a relationship to the view, select "Taxonomy term: Parent term" and call the relationship "Parent" (Identifier)
Add the field "Taxonomy term: Rendered Taxonomy term"
In the field settings under Relationship, select "Parent"
In the Format settings add "(Parent) Rendered Taxonomy term" as Grouping field Nr.1.
This will grouped the child terms under their parent terms. Make sure your view is of Taxonomy terms and not Content. You don't need to use the Rendered Taxonomy term field, as long as you select the Relationship in field settings you can control which fields are rendered.

get the term id from the url in views module

I have a portfolio view; the portfolio displays all the nodes of the portfolio content type in a grid and, basing on the selected term of the tags above, shows the associated content in images and titles and some description.
I'm adding the view block of the portfolio in the Tags page (taxonomy-term.tpl.php).
How can I get the term from the URL and make the view show only the child terms of that term?
Yes, you can: In your block-view's admin page, look at the Advanced section; click to add a new "Content: Has taxonomy term ID" contextual argument. From the section "When the filter value is NOT in the URL," choose "Provide default value "; then, select "Taxonomy term ID from URL."
This should do the trick.

How to link Taxonomy term Image to taxonomy term page in the Drupal View?

I would like to link the taxonomy term image to the taxonomy term page, the option is available in the field of the taxonomy term name but not for the taxonomy term image in the view...
Depending on the version of your views module you can try following solutions:
Add your taxonomy picture as a field and set it 'link to taxonomy page'
First add your taxonomy link as a field and set 'hide this filed'; than Add your taxonomy picture as the second field and go to field Rewrite and set 'provide link to this field' (or similar) and add the first field into the link input filed there. (you might need to install Token Module to do this)

How to make a node point to a taxonomy term page instead of its own?

I have a view that displays a group of "featured" nodes of different categories (taxonomy terms). These featured nodes can be ubercart products or just a generic node with an image and, maybe, some text.
They show up one by one, as a slideshow (Views Slideshow module) inside a block on the front page. This view is based on the new_products view from uc_views module.
Each node shows up as an image linked to to the node and, when a product, a buy button under the image.
I want some of these nodes to go, when clicked, to a taxonomy term page instead of the node "page".
How can i do that? If you need more details, feel free to ask.
Inside Views, for a field you can configure it to 'Output this field as a link', then set the 'Link path' by using the 'Replacement patterns' tokens provided.
You will need to make sure your view has a field for the 'Taxonomy: Term ID' and its weight is further up the list than your image field.
You'll set your image field's settings to 'Output this field as a link', then set the 'Link path' to e.g.
Just be sure to use the proper 'Replacement patterns' tokens provided by your view.
