Can I use multiple tailwind configured prefixes in 1 application? - tailwind-css

I am working on an application where the main package's tailwind.config.js has the prefix set.
module.exports = {
prefix: 'my-prefix-',
However, I need to import components from another package that uses tailwind classes without a prefix.
Currently when importing components from the other package, none of the tailwind styles are applied as there is no prefix.
Is there a way to import components from the other package and have them work in the main application despite their different tailwind prefixes?


Why are the styles of my scss module being applied to the wrong component?

I'm building a website with gatsby and I have set up the gatsby scss plugin. Everything seemed to be working fine until I realized my styles from home.module.scss were also being applied to my navigation component that only imports navbar.module.scss.
I have a style for my buttons in each of these modules that looks like this...
button {
// different styles in the different modules
Both of these modules import a global scss file at the top like this...
#import '../styles/global.scss';
The react components only import their respective modules. In my main index component I import global styles like this import './global.scss'
Am I misunderstanding how scss modules work in React or is this is a bug?
from my understanding
In react importing SCSS or CSS in any component will be global.
So it will affect all other components as similar to the component where you imported the SCSS file.
use different class names

Why are my global style modules being imported multiple times?

I have tried to set up some global Scss in my Gatsby application, but it looks like after doing this i am seeing some odd behaviour in dev tools:
You can see that my global styles are appearing and being overwritten multiple times.
It is a Gatsby app so i am using sass-loader and the default dart-sass.
Here is how i have configure my gatsby-config.js file to allow me to use these global styles based on this stackoverflow post:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sass`,
options: {
additionalData: `#use 'main' as *;`,
//allow mixins, variables etc to be accessible globally
sassOptions: {
includePaths: [`${__dirname}/src/styles/sass`],
// data: `#import "main.scss";`,
I the use #forward along with #extend to get it all working in my module.scss files. My folder structure looks like this:
My global styles are in base.scss and I import them into main.scss using #forward:
#forward "base";
#forward "layout";
#forward "components";
As an exmaple, here is my index.module.scss file where i then use these global styles:
.sectionHome {
h1 {
background-color: $color-secondary;
#extend .uMarginBottomLarge;
#extend .headingPrimary;
It seems like a reasonable approach to me to use some global styles but to extend them into local sccs module classes, so can anyone explain to why these global styles are being applied several times?
The #forward rule, according to the docs:
The #forward rule loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins,
functions, and variables available when your stylesheet is loaded with
the #use rule. It makes it possible to organize Sass libraries across
many files, while allowing their users to load a single entrypoint
So basically, each time you are requesting a CSS module in some component, you are importing all the nested extensions (#extend and #use). Moreover, because of React's component extensions, you may also nest styles when importing nested components (Button in Layout, Layout in a index.js, etc)
Global styles in CSS apply exactly in the same way as CSS "standard" files, as you can see in Gatsby's docs, extending its documentation, you will need to add the following in your gatsby-browser.js:
import "./src/styles/sass/main.scss"

Namespace Bootstrap4 CSS and JS Components

Is there any way available as part of Bootstrap4 scss based build to add prefix to each bootstrap class in css and js to avoid name collisions.
I have used
But this only supports bootstrap3 based css and js files.
Assuming you make use of SCSS you can prefix the whole BS4 library like:
.myprefix {
#import '~bootstrap.scss';
Prefixing the javascript is a little harder. I have not tried this but it looks like you can specify the CONST variables in each js file to match your prefix:
After that create your own bootstrap index.js, define all variables there and import the classes you need. Or, create a plugin in your (webpack?) buildscript to dynamically replace all classes on build.
You would need to modify the bootstrap code directly, an example of how this could be achieved elegantly in less:
.prefixname {
&-row {
credit for #raygerrard in this question Add prefixes to CSS class names using LESS or SASS

Accessing global sass variables and bootstrap in .vue files

I need my Vue components to inherit styling and variables from other "global" imports.
I do not want to import variables and bootstrap in every single component, this seems very redundant and not best practice.
It is basic usage so Vue must have made the functionality. I have already attempted to create a base component, an "app.vue" component if you will, that has its own styling that includes the variables and bootstrap, but my components can still not access it.
Any idea?
You can do this with webpack's sass loader options that name is 'prependData'. This code will be added top of every .vue file that consist of scss style. I know this is ugly but It works. As bootstrap documentation said. You have two choices about this. One of these is adding whole bootstrap files another one is this technique.
You can check here bootstrap documentation.
// webpack.config.js
loader: 'sass-loader',
options: {
prependData: "#import '~/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss'; #import '~/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss'; #import '~/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_mixins.scss';"
I know of no other way than #import the variables file in each component. Much like we have to import/require the npm libs we use in each component.

Sass with CSS Modules & Webpack

I've been building a project for a while using Webpack, Sass, and CSS modules. Normally in my .scss files, I define a class like:
:local(.button) {
color: white;
and in my React components, in the render method, I require the styles:
render = () => {
const styles = require('./MyStyles.scss');
<div className={ styles.button } />
and all is good with the world. Everything works as expected.
Now today I was reading through the CSS Modules page and noticed that none of the selectors were encompassed by :local() like mine and furthermore that they were importing the styles like:
import styles from './MyStyles.scss';
And I thought "Wow that looks much nicer, it's easier to see where it's imported, ect. And I'd love not to use :local() and just have things local by default." So I tried that and immediately ran into several problems.
1) `import styles from './MyStyles.scss';
Because I'm using ESLint on my React files, I immediately get an error thrown that MyStyles.scss doesn't have a default export which would normally make sense but the CSS Modules page stated:
When importing the CSS Module from a JS Module, it exports an object with all mappings from local names to global names.
so I naturally expected the default export of the stylesheet to be the object they're referring too.
2) I tried import { button } from './MyStyles.scss';
This passes linting but button logs as undefined.
3) If I revert to the require method of importing my styles, anything not specified with :local is undefined.
For reference, my webpack loader (I'm also including Node-Neat and Node-Bourbon, two awesome libraries):
{ test: /.(scss|css)$/, loader: 'style!css?sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!resolve-url!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap&includePaths[]=' + encodeURIComponent(require('node-bourbon').includePaths) +
'&includePaths[]=' + encodeURIComponent(require('node-neat').includePaths[1]) + '&includePaths[]=' + path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'src/client/') }
My questions, following all of this, are:
1) When using CSS Modules with Sass, am I confined to using either :local or :global?
2) Since I'm using webpack, does that also mean I can only require my styles?
Soon after posting, I figured out the solution. The problem, which I thought was quite confusing, was in my Webpack config. Originally my loader looked like:
loader: 'style!css?sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!resolve-url!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap
which enabled to me to 1) require my Sass and 2) wrap my styles in :local.
However, the css loader was missing the modules option so that it looked like:
loader: 'style!css?modules&sourceMap&localIdentName=[local]___[hash:base64:5]!resolve-url!sass?outputStyle=expanded&sourceMap
Now I can import my styles and I don't have to wrap them in :local (although I presume I still can if I want to).
What I found most interesting about all this is that without the modules option, one can still use CSS Modules-esque features, although somewhat limiting.
Something I noticed, a future warning to whomever looks at this answer, is if you're using the eslint-plugin-import to lint the imports in your javascript code, it will throw an error upon importing styles like:
import styles from './MyStyles.scss';
because of the way CSS Modules exports the resulting styles object. That does mean you'll be required to do require('./MyStyles.scss') to bypass any warnings or errors.
