Dynamic programming with grid - recursion

I have the following problem:
Assume a truck collects items from a grid with n*n size starting at location (0, 0)and delivers them to a terminal (n, n). The truck can move right, left or down. There are
few specific cells that contain items of different types/weights.
Note that an item can be presented more than ones. The truck has a list of
items that should collect before reaching the terminal and should visit each and every
one of the specific cells exactly once to prepare the list. The truck
consumes energy for carrying the item that is equivalent to the weight of the
item, e.g., if it carries three items with the weights of w1, w2 and w3, it consumes w1 + w2 + w3 units of energy per move. This means that if the truck takes the items that are closer to the terminal, it will consume less energy. If the
truck carries no items, it consumes no energy.
So far I have seen problems related to minimum cost path. However, here it seems that the path not only needs to have the least cost, but also include all the items in the list. Moreover, I was thinking of starting from the terminal since it needs to find the minimum cost from the terminal. Here is also the recurrence relation, that I have came up so far:
MinCost(i,j) = min(MinCost(i-1,j), MinCost(i,j-1), MinCost(i,j+1)) + Cost[i][j]
Is this relation valid? Or any ideas how to tackle this problem?


Combining multiple Routing tasks of Google OR-Tools

I want to solve a VRP with some constraints. Let's say I got a network of nodes (= electric omnibus network) and each node represents a busline. Each node has attributes like starting and end time and energy consumption.
My idea is to use the code for a VRPTW and add the constraint of the energy consumption as capacity of a node .
This way I could manage that after a bus does a specific line, it only drives to the lines that are possible to fulfill concerning the time window (means: if he can or can not reach f.ex. line 30 before its starting time) and concerning the enery capacity (every bus has a battery and the energy consumption must not bring it below a certain point x. Point x means the bus can drive the line and still have enough energy left to reach the closest loading facility).
I tried to add the capacity constraint with the AddDimension() functionality, but it doesn't work out the way I want it to.
My question is: is it even possible to realize my idea with the current state of OR-Tools and if yes, how is it done best?
I do it with Python.

Optaplanner: Dynamic number of planning variable based on ProblemFactCollectionProperty

Problem: Truck assignment with limited quantity to deliver to the customers.
The truck has to be assigned to the customer. As the truck has limited quantity, the truck needs to return back to reload again to deliver to the next customer.
Trip - load at Depot, unload at customer/few customers, come back to depot.
The problem facts are available trucks and customers to be delivered. We need to find dynamically how many trips can be possible from truck-based on few timing-related conditions(like truck available time, driver hours, etc).
The solution I can think off:
Pre-compute max number of trips by the truck based on business understanding- use this as a planning variable. Provide hard score for violating time constraints, so few trips will be left unassigned if truck exceeds the available truck/trip time.
Need Help:
For every solved example, we have a fixed number of planning variables before planning. Even In the chained planning variable(Like TSP,VRP), we have the fixed number of trucks beforehand.
Any help is appreciated. If there is no direct solution, is the approach I have come up is the best possible?
That solution is indeed recommended currently:
Provide enough trucks in the anchorValueRange to make sure a feasible solution can be found. Defining that number can be tricky: typically double the average usage. For example, if you have 300 visits and do on average 100 visits per truck, give it 6 trucks, as you never expect it to use more than 6 trucks (and probably a lot less). If trucks have skills or affinity, this becomes a bunch more complex.
Add an extra score level: if you're on HardSoftScore, switch to HardMediumSoftScore.
Add a medium constraint to penalize the number of trucks used. This is softer than the hard constraints (capacity etc) and harder than the soft constraints (distance etc).
(The alternative, adding/removing values to the value ranges on the fly, is only theoretically possible in OptaPlanner's architecture at the moment (don't use addProblemFactChanges for this!). It might sound like the perfect solution, but there are many subsystems that profit from a fixed value range, so that approach would have severe trade-offs.)

Finding optimal order of all nodes to be visited in a graph

The following problem comes from geography, but I don't kown of any GIS method to solve it. I think it's solution can be found with graph analysis, but I need some guidance to think in the right direction.
There is a geographical area, say a state. It is subdivided in several quadrants, which are subdivided further, and once again. So its a tree structure with the state as root, and 3 levels of child nodes, each parent having 4 childs. But from the perspective of the underlying process its more like a completed graph, since in theory a node is directly reachable from each other node.
The subdivisions reflect map sheet boundaries at different mapscales. Each mapsheet has to reviewed by a topographer in a time span dependend on the complexity of the map contents.
While reviewing the map, the underlying digital data is locked in the database. And as the objects have topological relationships with objects of neighboring map sheet (eg. roads crossing the map boundaries), all 8 surrounding map sheets are locked also.
The question is, what is the optimal order in which the leafs (on the lowest level) should be visited to satisfy following requirements:
each node has to be visited
we do not deal with travel times but with the timespan a worker spent at each node (map)
the time spent at a node is different
while the worker is at a node, all adjacent nodes cannot be visited; this is true also for other workers too; they cannot work on a map side by side with a map already being processed
if a node has been visited, other nodes having the same parent should be prefered as next node; this is true for all levels of parents
Finally for a given number of nodes/maps and workers we need an ordered series of nodes, each worker visites to minimize the overall time, and the time for each parent also.
After designing the solution the real work begins. We will recognize, that the actual work may need more or less time, than expected. Therefore it is necessary to replay the solution up to a current state, and design a new solution with slightly different conditions, leading to another order of nodes.
Has somebody an idea which data structure and which algorithm to use to find a solution for such kind of problem?
Not havig a ready made algorithm, but may be the following helps devising one:
Your exakt topologie is not cler. I assume from the other remarks,
you are targeting a regular structure. In your case a 4x4 square.
Given the restriction that working on a node blocks any adjacient node can be used to identify a starting condition for the algorithm:
Put a worker to one corner of the total are and then put others
at ditance 2 from this (first in x direction and as soon as the side is "filled" with y direction . This will occupy all (x,y) nodes (x,y in 0,2,..,2n where 2n <= size of grid)
With a 4x4 area this will allow a maximum of 4 workers, and will position a worker per child node of each 2 level grid node)
from this let each worker process (x,y),(x+1),(y+1),(x+1,y). This are the 4 nodes of a small square.
If a worker is done but can not proceed to the next planned node, you may advance it to the next free node from the schedule.
The more workers you will have, the higher the risk for contention will be. If you have any estimates on the expected wokload per node,
then you may prefer starting with the most expensive ones and arrange the processing sequence to continue with the ones that have the highest total expected costs.

Can I use SQLite to model arbitrary graphs (i.e. a logical map with cycles)?

I'm new to SQL and learning about Adjacency Lists, Nested Sets, Closure Tables, but from what I understood, these solutions usually apply to acyclic data.
I'm aware that this sort of problem may be better suited to a graphical database engine such as Neo4j, and I am exploring that also. But for this question, I specifically want to know if I can achieve this goal in SQLite.
Before running off with a possible answer for this, please help me understand how to better define or illustrate the problem. Once the problem definition is refined, then point me in the right direction (technique, reference material) and let me try to figure it out.
Maintain a list of areas and how they are connected.
Areas can have different types: Country, Highway, State, City, Neighborhood.
Areas can be connected in cycles (undirected).
Areas can have multiple exits.
Maintain a weighted list from one exit to another, within the area.
Extract optimal path from one area to another (from this neighborhood to nearest highway).
Will use SQLite 3 (newest version).
Small data set ( < 1,000 areas and connections, < 5s DB creation).
Relatively static ( < 5 inserts or updates/year ).
May be simpler to recreate database from scratch than update?
Highways are areas, not connectors.
Streets are logical connectors, no length, no weight.
Areas and connections are like a house with many rooms with multiple doors. The doors connect the rooms. There is no traversal weight going through a door. The weight in selecting a door comes from the distance between the doors. A hallway is like an extended door, so it has a weight and is considered a type room. A room may have a large size, but if the only two doors are near each other, it may have a small weight. it's not the size of the room that counts for my purposes, but the distance between the doors.
As always, thank you for taking the time to read, and for constructive comments.
Yes, it is possible to use SQLite to store this kind of data.
It is not practical, and you may have performance issues. If you plan to store huge amount of such data and want a well scalable solution, you should go for some graph DB.
If you are gong to store ~1000 nodes, that can work with simple realtions in SQLite.
Especially since you are going to have very little number of updates, you could pre-calculate the distances. So you don't have to actually recalculate it each time, but just load from the DB.
I think you should represent your problem as a graph.
Nodes could be the "doors" and edges the distances between them.
You could store this easily in relational database. (Areas(Id,Name), Doors(Id,Area1,Area2) DoorDoorDistance(Door1, Door2, Distance))
If you have stored these data, you can calculate shortest path from every door to every other. You could store this in a new table. (Distances(Door1,Door2,Path, Distance))
To calculate shortest path you can find different algorithms:
Shortest path algorithms
After this you have the shortest path between each pair of doors.
The only question from now is witch door to take from your starting area to which door in your destination area.
If you don't want to be this precise you just take the one with the shortest path. Otherwise you have to maintain door distances from area starting points.
A; You can can assume that you start from the center of the area, so you can store door distances from the center
B; You can be more precise, by storing exact door locations and calculating door distances from an exact starting point.
In both cases you should select door with the lowest cost, both in the starting area and the destination area:
Total cost: (Walk to door distance) + (starting Door to destination Door Path) + (Walk to destination in the destination area)
I would do this like this. I hope I helped, have fun!

Load balancing using the heat equation

I didn't think this was mathsy enough for mathoverflow, so I thought I would try here. Its for a programming problem though, so its sorta on topic.
I have a graph (as in the maths one), where I have a number of vertices, A,B,C.. each with a load "value", these are connected by some arbitrary topology (there is at least a spanning tree). The objective of the problem is to transfer load between each of the vertices, preferably using the minimal flow possible.
I wish to know the transfer values along each edge.
The solution to the problem I was thinking of was to treat it as a heat transfer problem, and iteratively transfer load, or solve the heat equation in some way, counting the amount of load dissipated along each edge. The amount of heat transfer until the network reaches steady state should thus yield the result.
Whilst I think this will work, it seems like the stupid solution. I am wondering if there is a reference or sample problem that someone can point me to -- I am unsure what keywords to search for.
I could not see how to couple the problem as either a simplex problem or as a network flow problem -- each edge has unlimited capacity, and so does each node. There are two simultaneous minimisation problems to solve, so simplex seems to not apply??
If you have a spanning tree, then there is an O(n) solution.
Calculate the average value. (In the end, every node will have this value.) Then iterate over the leaves: calculate the change in value necessary for that leaf (average - value), add that change to the leaf, assign it (as flow) to the edge that connects that leaf to the tree, and subtract it from the other node. Remove that leaf and edge from the tree (not from the graph of course); the other node to may become a new leaf, if it has only one remaining edge in the tree.
When you reach the last node, if you've done the arithmetic right it will end up with the average value, just like all the other nodes.
