woocommerce: SOLD is not displayed for unregistered users - wordpress

Having trouble since last wordpress and woocommerce updates.
Cant get any idea what my be reason for such behavior. While I'll registered on site all "SOLD" signs shows correctly, but as soon as someone whos not registered on site checks item it doesn't display SOLD on single product page (but on catalogue view it`s visible).
For me this doesn't make any since, as site doesn't have any extra role and permission plugins..
any idea where might be issue?


How Can I keep Selling Out Of Stock Products?

My client has just upgraded to a new POS system that manages stock and overwrites product data on woo/wp, and the client has had trouble with the "manage stock" setting being automatically applied on woo every time she updates a product on the POS system.
the idea of this is the product needs to show as available regardless of what the stock status. ALL products should show 'add to cart and be purchasable REGARDLESS of the stock status. Any idea how can I achieve that?
From the looks of it, this seems like an issue with the POS. I have tested enabling backorders on WooCommerce and was able to backorder products. Please see if you are able to share the code overwriting product data. As this probably shuts off the back order setting again.
My test case>
Product Configuration
Available Backorder
Page when setting is disabled. (what is probably happening to you)
If you are able to share part of the code I will be able to assist you with this issue because by the looks of it this is an issue with custom code and not with WooCommerce itself.
Keep in mind that this does look different from your webshop, as my test server is currently running a default WP theme.

When, precisely, is the stock supposed to be reduced?

I have a WordPress site with a custom template that was not originally made with e-commerce in mind. Now we've added WooCommerce, and, while most stuff is working fine, there's one specific thing that I'm not able to figure out.
We've enabled inventory management under WooCommerce Settings, and individually on some products as well.
But when a product with Stock management enabled is added to a basket, the inventory is not reduced. Not even when the order is completed - the stock is never updated.
Why could this be?

When is a WooCommerce session started?

I read in https://mikejolley.com/2013/12/20/problems-with-cart-sessions-and-woocommerce/
"On page load, a session ID is created for a user."
But what page are we talking about. When people come to my site they first hit a home page. From there they can select "Pricing" to go to a "Pricing" page. And from there they can select from a list of items and go to a checkout page, where the item they selected on the Pricing page is seen in the cart.
But at what point is a WooCommerce session created (I know this is not the PHP $_SESSION).
What I'm really after is the soonest I can empty cart,since I keep seeing items from the last visit in the cart, in addition to what was selected this time, when I get to the checkout page.

How to use the Concrete5 "Page Rating" Add-On

I have a page that shows search results containing pages that matched the search criteria. All of the pages returned are the same type of page (e.g., a person's profile). I want to add a star rating system to it so users can rate the profile.
I've tried adding a custom page attribute and updating it using the output rating helper but that didn't work. It looked like it worked but when I refreshed the page it just went back to whatever the rating was set to originally.
So, I added the "Page Ratings" add-on (https://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/page-ratings/) and installed it. There are supposed to be 2 blocks associalted with it. I'm assuming the list block is the one I need in my case. However, when I go to the page and try to add one of those blocks to my area I don't see them listed. Does anyone know how to use this add-on? There is barely any documentation for it.
You do realize this is a "pay for" application? As such, most of the Developers that do charge for their add-ons are very responsive. Not to push you away from here, but if you have a problem with the installation, payment, etc. Really should be addressed by the Developer.

How do I make a plugin show only on one page in Wordpress?

I installed "buddypress albums" to my website. I also had "Buddypress Activity Plus" (of which I deactivated because those two are not connected.)
Users on my website still want the "Buddypress activity Plus" plugin for the groups but it is not needed for my main "activity" page.
How do I get the "Buddypress activity plus" plugin to show on the groups but not my main activity page?
When you create a buddypress you have to assign the groups functionnality to a page. You can still use the same if(is_page(pageid)) method to display your plugin. However since you're talking about users you may have to specify in the php that the user have to be logged if buddypress don't work around it itself.
This may help to check if the user is logged :
