Make tailwind favor rgba() instead of rgb(/var(--tw-text-opacity)) - tailwind-css

My iOS device is older, so in Safari some colors are not showing. I don't know why, but I'm guessing it's due to how tailwind is setting text-color or background-color to use rgb but with a /opacity-value for instance:
Using class="text-blue-600" creates this CSS to be applied:
.text-blue-600 {
--tw-text-opacity: 1 !important;
color: rgb(37 99 235/var(--tw-text-opacity)) !important;
Or doing class="bg-gray-200" causes this CSS to be applied:
.bg-gray-200 {
--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
background-color: rgb(229 231 235/var(--tw-bg-opacity));
I wanted to test if this is what's breaking the CSS on old Safari on iOS 10. Is there a way to tell tailwind to use rgba which I think should be supported.

You can use postcss and postcss-preset-env plugin, Its will convert rgb to rgba by default

Tailwind will use this syntax when the background opacity utilities are enabled.
You can disable this by adding this to your tailwind.config.js:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
corePlugins: {
// ...
backgroundOpacity: false,
In my case, I had a similar issue with text and border colors. You might need to experiment and figure out which of these "opacity" utilities are causing you trouble. For my project, I disabled all of them:
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
corePlugins: {
// ...
backdropOpacity: false,
backgroundOpacity: false,
borderOpacity: false,
divideOpacity: false,
ringOpacity: false,
textOpacity: false


How to get a Tailwind theme color's actual value from resolveConfig?

I'm using Next.js and Tailwind. I have a theme defined as a set of CSS vars. How do I access the actual value that results from Tailwind theme colors defined with alphavalue?
When I try to access it via resolveConfig I just get the string rgb(var(--color-one) / <alpha-value>), but the result I would like to get is rgb(255, 0, 0) or rgba(255, 0, 0, 1).
I need to access it for use inside a TSX component file which has an SVG for two different stopColors in the same gradient. Eventually there will be multiple themes, so its best if I can fetch it since the gradient should change with the theme.
#layer base {
:root {
--color-one: 255 0 0;
module.exports = {
content: ['./pages/**/*.tsx', './components/**/*.tsx'],
theme: {
extend: {
textColor: {
skin: {
one: 'rgb(var(--color-one) / <alpha-value>)',
My TSX component
const { one } = (twFullConfig?.theme?.textColor as any)?.skin || {}
This logs rgb(var(--color-one) / <alpha-value>) to the console.
How can I get the actual value of the color, rgb(255,0,0), instead of the Tailwind string?
I came up with what feels like an extremely hacky way of doing this: putting classes on a div that is hidden/has no height/width, and then putting a ref on that div, and using window.getComputedStyles to access the styles on the div. If there is a better way to do this I'd like to know because this seems like an ugly solution.

Generating CSS from Angular SCSS?

Is there a way to see the CSS that corresponds to the SCSS when we are using SCSS as the preprocessor for Angular?
There is an answer here:
When using angular with scss, how can I see the translated css?
And it mentions using the --extract-css option, however when I try that it looks like it has been deprecated:
sandbox/project $ ng build --extract-css
Unknown option: '--extract-css'
Styles in Angular Build Files
In your build files the styles of components will actually be compiled in the main.js file. You can find it in the network tab of your browsers developertools.
You will also see a file called styles.css, but this will only contain your global styles. This is because of Angulars view-encapsulation of styles per component. The behavior of angular may change if you change the view-encapsulation strategy as explained here to:
Emulated (default)
I would not recommend doing that though.
However, if you want you can compile your sass files into css using the command line tool you can install as explained on the official sass website.
You can also just use online sass converters like thisone.
If you are just interested in the global styles here's a reference to How you can switch the format from scss to css in your browser.
p {
background-color: orange;
#import 'default';
p {
color: red;
&:hover {
color: blue;
h1 {
color: teal;
Result in Build
h1 {
color: teal;
p {
color: red;
p:hover {
color: blue;
AppComponent.ɵfac = function AppComponent_Factory(t) { return new (t || AppComponent)(); };
AppComponent.ɵcmp = /*#__PURE__*/ _angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵdefineComponent"]({ type: AppComponent, selectors: [["app-root"]], decls: 1, vars: 0, template: function AppComponent_Template(rf, ctx) { if (rf & 1) {
_angular_core__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ɵɵelement"](0, "lib-my-lib");
} }, directives: [my_lib__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.MyLibComponent], styles: ["p[_ngcontent-%COMP%] {\n background-color: orange;\n}\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbImFwcC5jb21wb25lbnQuc2NzcyIsIi4uXFwuLlxcLi5cXC4uXFxBbmd1bGFyJTIwUHJvamVjdHNcXGxpYi1leGFtcGxlXFxzcmNcXGFwcFxcYXBwLmNvbXBvbmVudC5zY3NzIl0sIm5hbWVzIjpbXSwibWFwcGluZ3MiOiJBQUFBO0VBQ0Usd0JBQUE7QUNDRiIsImZpbGUiOiJhcHAuY29tcG9uZW50LnNjc3MiLCJzb3VyY2VzQ29udGVudCI6WyJwIHtcclxuICBiYWNrZ3JvdW5kLWNvbG9yOiBvcmFuZ2U7XHJcbn1cclxuIiwicCB7XG4gIGJhY2tncm91bmQtY29sb3I6IG9yYW5nZTtcbn0iXX0= */"] });
*Note the orange background-color in the last line.
This is just a complement to the accepted answer. I wrote it up in a medium article, as it was not immediately obvious as styles.scss is opened first when selecting elements in Chrome Developer Tooling, but styles.css is in the tab right next to it.

Set min-width using tailwind spacing units without global config?

Is there a way to apply spacified spacing units from tailwind.config.js to e.g. min-width other than by global config? That's as far I can see the only way but would mean to duplicate all (necessary) spacing units which is from my pov a potential error source as each relevant space must get duplicated then.
// Dummy code explaining what I want to achieve
#apply bg-red-100 w-auto;
min-width: #apply w-11 // Not working just for theoretical explanation
I'll provide every known option for me
1. Provide value inside config
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
minWidth: {
11: '2.75rem'
This will generate min-w-11 class with min-width: 2.75rem. But what if for some reason Tailwind change 11 value to let say 197px, how can we sync it? Well every option has access to default theme options like
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
minWidth: theme => ({
11: theme('spacing[11]')
This time min-w-11 will set min-width: 197px;. It referenced here
2. Use theme() directive
It is works inside CSS files like - no need to set config unless you need new value which is not present in default theme
#apply bg-red-100 w-auto;
min-width: theme('spacing[11]'); // 2.75rem
More information about theme() directive here
3. With a JIT mode enabled - requires Tailwind version 2.1 or higher
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit'
This on its own will generate CSS properties on the fly
<button class="myButton min-w-[2.75rem]">My Button</button>
<button class="myButton min-w-[197px]">My Button</button>
generated properties are
.min-w-\[2\.75rem\] {
min-width: 2.75rem;
.min-w-\[197px\] {
min-width: 197px;
You can read about JIT here
Please let me know if my answer is not what are you looking for as I may misunderstood question
min-w-[theme('spacing[11]')] also works, tested in Tailwind v3.

How do I blur an electron BrowserWindow with transparency

Is it possible to make a BrowserWindow, in electron, transparent with blur? In that it blurs all background content, including apps and the wallpaper.
And if possible, how would I accomplish this?
Here are some code I've tried.
let win = new BrowserWindow({
fullscreen: true,
fullscreenable: false,
frame: false,
skipTaskbar: true,
resizable: false,
movable: false,
show: false,
alwaysOnTop: true,
transparent: true
html, body {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
backdrop-filter: blur(4px);
The html is just a body with a h1 tag with text in it.
Although this only creates a black background in the window.
I read something about this:
webPreferences: {
experimentalFeatures: true
But can't get it to work.
Ubuntu: 18.04.2
Node: v10.15.3
npm: 6.4.1
i3wm. 4.14.1
I have compton running. Maybey it has to do with that. Or the compositing engine in general?
Thanks in advance!
Actually, it is possible, with a little bit of magic. I have no idea why nobody pointed that out, but there exists a small utility called electron-acrylic-window, which allows you to do exactly that. You can choose between the acrylic ("frosted") and blur effects, as well as change the color of the window and the opacity.
Under the hood, it uses node-gyp and low-level C++ code to render the page however you like. It's pretty easy to implement in Javascript.
The major drawback is that anything that is remotely transparent (and not above anything with a solid color) will be rendered as totally transparent.
Sample usage
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron-acrylic-window');
// import { BrowserWindow } from 'electron-acrylic-window';
win = new BrowserWindow({
frame: false,
vibrancy: {
theme: 'light', // (default) or 'dark' or '#rrggbbaa'
effect: 'acrylic', // (default) or 'blur'
disableOnBlur: true, // (default)
// alternatively use these to
// dynamically change vibrancy
// or
setVibrancy(win, [options])
body {
background-color: transparent;
.watev {
background-color: black;
It's not possible to blur other apps in the background.
The blur filter only applies to the web page, so there is no way to
apply blur effect to the content below the window (i.e. other
applications open on the user's system).
Electron does not allow you to blur on anything running behind it. It only allows you to blur the content on your webpage/app. Anything in your css styling will only be applied to the foreground contents. I know because I too have tried and failed.

Angular Material mat-spinner custom color

Does anyone know how can I change mat-spinner color in Angular Material?
Overriding css doesn't work. I tried changing color in material files but they can only be imported, I can't change anything there.
I want it to be my custom color, not color from prebiult-themes.
Use this code for ** < mat-spinner >** add this code in your .css file
.mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #3fb53f;
This answer will work for those who're looking for a flexible solution in Angular 4 / 6 / 7. If you wan't to change the color of a mat-spinner at a component level, you'll need to use the ::ng-deep selector. Knowing this, the solution is quite easy.
In your html file:
<div class="uploader-status">
In your css / scss file:
.uploader-status ::ng-deep .mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #000000;
Notice that the .uploader-status css class encapsulates the component. You could just use ::ng-deep without using a class but then whatever changes you're doing to the mat-spinner will appear in other areas of the application. Check this to learn more.
Easy Fix!
Add custom css rules inside styles.css instead of component.css file
.mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #2A79FF!important;
To your .css/.scss component file style add (it will works locally - in component only)
:host ::ng-deep .mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #bada55;
If you don't want to mess around with the global css and need a way to set the spinner to different colors in different areas of your app, I would strongly recommend to create a directive for it.
import { Directive, Input, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '#angular/core';
selector: "[customSpinner]"
export class CustomSpinnerDirective implements AfterViewInit{
#Input() color: string;
private elem: ElementRef
const element = this.elem.nativeElement;
const circle = element.querySelector("circle"); = this.color;
Then the spinner should work like this:
<mat-spinner diameter="22" customSpinner color="#fff"></mat-spinner>
mat-spinner html code :
<mat-spinner color="accent" diameter="20" class="loading"></mat-spinner>
And now sass code :
.mat-spinner {
::ng-deep circle {
stroke: #33dd82;
Color is build in.
The color of a progress-spinner can be changed by using the color property. By default, progress-spinners use the theme's primary color. This can be changed to 'accent' or 'warn'.
<mat-spinner color="warn"></mat-spinner>
I think the key here is that is must be in the GLOBAL styles.css file. The below solution does work if placed there (should be the CSS file affected when material was added to the project if added with ng add:
.mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #b68200;
Of course you could also add classes to the component and specify different selectors if you want distinctly styled spinners. However, it seems the classes must be in the global CSS file.
Late to the game, but this worked well in my .scss file today...
.parent-element-class {
.mat-spinner {
circle {
stroke: white;
In your styles.css file, add...
::ng-deep .mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: #2A79FF!important;
As you might have guessed, I have just made a simple modification to Nitin Wahale's answer. I have prefixed his answer with ::ng-deep and it worked in my case as I had the same issue.
I hope this helps somebody
By default angular material would give your spinner default color of primary.
You can use 3 colors available in pallet that would be primary, accent, warn.
However, if your needs are of different color please consider anyone of the below options.
Easy way(not recommended)
You can use any of method to override css forcefully mention in other answers. I would recommend using parent class above spinner element if you do not want spinner to be of same color throughout the application.
The correct and recommended approach would we to use custom-theme for material. If you already have custom you can just
do like creating a custom mixin called
//here $primary-color is the color you want your spinner to be
#mixin spinner-custom-theme($primary-color, $accent-color, $warn-color) {
$custom-spinner-theme-primary: mat-palette($primary-color);
$custom-spinner-theme-accent: mat-palette($accent-color, A200, A100, A400);
$custom-spinner-theme-warn: mat-palette($warn-color);
$custom-spinner-theme: mat-light-theme($custom-theme-primary, $custom-theme-accent, $custom-theme-warn);
#include mat-progress-spinner-theme($custom-spinner-theme);
Now go to file where #include angular-material-theme($custom-theme);
is written
and #include your mixin just below the #include angular-material-theme($custom-theme);
To know more on how to create custom theme you can check this blog here
Sample Color, strokeWidth, diameter and title
<mat-spinner strokeWidth="24" [diameter]="85" color="warn" title="Tooltip text here"></mat-spinner>
In your css file mention like below:
::ng-deep.mat-progress-spinner circle,.mat-spinner circle {stroke: #f2aa4cff !important;}
Here, ::ng-deep will be used to force a style.
!important here what says is that "this is Important",you ignore all other rules and apply this rule.
.mat-mdc-progress-spinner { --mdc-circular-progress-active-indicator-color: white; }
This worked for me using Angular 15.
This is best achieved by doing a custom theme.
use this code
<md-progress-circular md-diameter="20px"></md-progress-circular>
md-progress-circular path {
stroke: purple;
In case you guys want to customize each spinner on your webpage. You can do it this way:
svg .mat-progress-spinner circle, .mat-spinner circle {
stroke: inherit;
And now on mat-spinner add class:
<mat-spinner class="custom-spinner-color"></mat-spinner>
And in css file:
.custom-spinner-color {
stroke: #234188;
That was what I wanted to achieve. I suppose if you look for this question you probably want the same.
Mat progress spinner custom timer, I changed to 3 different colors based on the value passed to mat spinner. Pls refer :
<mat-progress-spinner class="mat-spinner" [color]="progressColor"
[diameter]="170" [strokeWidth]="14"[mode]="'determinate'"
Ts file
timer: number = TIMER; // say 60 seconds
progressColor: ThemePalette = 'accent';
timerPercent: number = 0;
progressLabel: number = 100;
startTimer() {
this.timer = TIMER;
this.timerInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (this.timer <= 0) {
if (this.timer > 0) {
this.progressColor =
this.timerPercent > 69
? 'warn'
: this.timerPercent > 49
? 'primary'
: 'accent';
this.timerPercent = (100 * (TIMER - this.timer)) / TIMER;
this.progressLabel = 100 - this.timerPercent;
}, 1000);
For me this is how I do it clean without messing with anything globally:
in my .css
::ng-deep .customColorSpinner circle {stroke: #4e1e1e!important;}
in my .html
<mat-spinner class="customColorSpinner"></mat-spinner>
You can use a custom Angular Directive to solve this problem. The directive allows you to set a custom color on the mat-spinner like this:
<mat-progress-spinner spinnerColor="#09ff00"></mat-progress-spinner>
I have an article here where I explain this and thoroughly show you how to solve it
In component.scss where your mat-spinner exists, just add this :
::ng-deep .mat-mdc-progress-spinner {
--mdc-circular-progress-active-indicator-color: #7D469A;
