I'm trying to debug why my device isn't being recognized on my MacOS BigSur laptop in Rust. I've ran my Python code to verify that it exists, though it's unable to be read to which is very strange. As Rust has the serial port library and it seems a lot more robust than PyUSB I decided to use it.
The code I'm using is taken from a pre-existing project that worked on x86_64 processors, Big Sur using Apples M1 chip.
Here's the code:
#[cfg(not(feature = "fake_serial"))]
pub fn start_serial_probe(
custom_tty: &Option<String>,
// ) -> Result<crossbeam_channel::Receiver<B0xxMessage>, ViewerError> {
) {
let b0xx_port = serialport::available_ports();
for port in &b0xx_port {
// let port : serialport::SerialPortInfo = port;
println!("{} ", port.port_name);
The error when compiling is the same as what I'm receiving in VSCode.
no field port_name on type &std::vec::Vec<serialport::SerialPortInfo>
I'm not entirely sure how to grab the items through the vector, as most use integers, etc in some type of array.
The function serialport::available_ports() returns a Result<Vec<SerialialPortInfo>>, not a Vec<SerialPortInfo>.
The confusion here is likely because Result implements IntoIterator, and looping over it will yield either one or zero elements depending on if it is Ok or Err respectively. The item is a Vec in this case, which is why you can't access fields of SerialialPortInfo.
This should work:
if let Ok(b0xx_port) = serialport::available_ports() {
for port in &b0xx_port {
println!("{} ", port.port_name);
} else {
// handle the error
I'm currently trying to write a function that is generally equivalent to numpy's tile. Currently each time I try to return a (altered or unaltered) clone of the input array, I get a warning about an overflow, and cargo prompts me to increase the recursion limit. however this function isn't recursive, so I'm assuming its happening somewhere in the implementation.
here is the stripped down function, (full version):
pub fn tile<A, D1, D2>(arr: &Array<A, D1>, reps: Vec<usize>) -> Array<A, D2>
A: Clone,
D1: Dimension,
D2: Dimension,
let num_of_reps = reps.len();
//just clone the array if reps is all ones
let mut res = arr.clone();
let bail_flag = true;
for &x in reps.iter() {
if x != 1 {
bail_flag = false;
if bail_flag {
let mut res_dim = res.shape().to_owned();
_new_shape(num_of_reps, res.ndim(), &mut res_dim);
return res;
//otherwise do extra work
return res.reshape(shape_out);
this is the actual error I'm getting on returning res:
overflow evaluating the requirement `&ArrayBase<_, _>: Neg`
consider increasing the recursion limit by adding a `#![recursion_limit = "1024"]` attribute to your crate (`mfcc_2`)
required because of the requirements on the impl of `Neg` for `&ArrayBase<_, _>`
511 redundant requirements hidden
required because of the requirements on the impl of `Neg` for `&ArrayBase<OwnedRepr<A>, D1>`rustcE0275
I looked at the implementation of Neg in ndarray, it doesn't seem to be recursive, so I'm a little confused as to what is going on.
p.s. I'm aware there are other errors in this code, as those appeared after I switched from A to f64(the actual type I plan on using the function with), but those are mostly trivial to fix. Still if you have suggestions on any error you see I appreciate them nonetheless.
I work on test automation for an app that communicates with the server. The app has 7 pre-defined strings. Depending on the info the server returns, which is not deterministic and depends on external factors, the app places one to three of the seven pre-defined strings in a table view as hittable static texts. The user has a choice which of those strings to tap.
To automate this test I need an asynchronous way to determine in the test code which of the 7 pre-defined strings actually appear on the screen.
I cannot use element.exists because it takes time for static texts to appear and I do not want to call sleep() because that would slow down the test.
So I tried to use XCTestExpectation but got a problem. XCTest always fails when waitForExpectationsWithTimeout() times out.
To illustrate the problem I wrote a simple test program:
func testExample() {
let element = XCUIApplication().staticTexts["Email"]
let gotText = haveElement(element)
print("Got text: \(gotText)")
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool{
var elementExists = true
let expectation = self.expectationForPredicate(
NSPredicate(format: "exists == true"),
evaluatedWithObject: element,
handler: nil)
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
The test always fails with
Assertion Failure: Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 5 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "Expect predicate `exists == 1` for object "Email" StaticText".
I also tried
func haveElement(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
var elementExists = false
let actionExpectation = self.expectationWithDescription("Expected element")
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
while true {
if element.exists {
elementExists = true
} else {
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(NSTimeInterval(5)) { error in
elementExists = error == nil
return elementExists
In this case the test always fails with
Stall on main thread.
So the question is how do I check a presence of an asynchronous UI element that may or may not appear within specified time without the test failing on timeout?
Thank you.
You're overcomplicating the test. If you're communicating with a server, there is unnecessary variability in your tests -- my suggestion is to use stubbed network data for each case.
You can get a brief introduction to stubbing network data here:
You will eliminate the randomness in the test based on response time of the server as well as the randomness of which string is appearing. Create test cases that respond to each case (i.e, how the app responds when you tap on each individual string)
I'm looking for a class much like Vec<RefCell<T>>, in that it is the ultimate owner & allocator of all of its data, yet different pieces of the array can be be mutably borrowed by multiple parties indefinitely.
I emphasize indefinitely because of course pieces of Vec<T> can also be mutably borrowed by multiple parties, but doing so involves making a split which can only be resolved after the parties are done borrowing.
Vec<RefCell<T>> seems to be a world of danger and many ugly if statements checking borrow_state, which seems to be unstable. If you do something wrong, then kablammo! Panic! This is not what a lending library is like. In a lending library, if you ask for a book that isn't there, they tell you "Oh, it's checked out." Nobody dies in an explosion.
So I would like to write code something like this:
let mut a = LendingLibrary::new();
let b1 = a.get(0); // <-- b1 is an Option<RefMut<Foo>>
let b2 = a.get(1); // <-- b2 is an Option<RefMut<Foo>>
// the 0th element has already been borrowed, so...
let b3 = a.get(0); // <-- b3 is Option::None
Does such a thing exist? Or is there another canonical way to get this kind of behavior? A kind of "friendly RefCell"?
If the answer happens to be yes, is there also a threadsafe variant?
RefCell is not designed for long-lived borrows. The typical use case is that in a function, you'll borrow the RefCell (either mutably or immutably), work with the value, then release the borrow before returning. I'm curious to know how you're hoping to recover from a borrowed RefCell in a single-threaded context.
The thread-safe equivalent to RefCell is RwLock. It has try_read and try_write functions that do not block or panic if an incompatible lock is still acquired (on any thread, including the current thread). Contrarily to RefCell, it makes sense to just retry later if locking a RwLock fails, since another thread might just happen to have locked it at the same time.
If you end up always using write or try_write, and never read or try_read, then you should probably use the simpler Mutex instead.
use std::cell::{RefCell, RefMut, BorrowState};
struct LendingLibrary<T> {
items: Vec<RefCell<T>>
impl<T> LendingLibrary<T> {
fn new(items: Vec<T>) -> LendingLibrary<T> {
LendingLibrary {
items: items.into_iter().map(|e| RefCell::new(e)).collect()
fn get(&self, item: usize) -> Option<RefMut<T>> {
.and_then(|cell| match cell.borrow_state() {
BorrowState::Unused => Some(cell.borrow_mut()),
_ => None
fn main() {
let lib = LendingLibrary::new(vec![1, 2, 3]);
let a = lib.get(0); // Some
let b = lib.get(1); // Some
let a2 = lib.get(0); // None
This currently requires a nightly release to work.
I am trying to find an example about the LTL operator _ F_ which means fatally with Aorai but i can't figure out exactly what this operator aims and there are no examples in the repository "tests" of Aorai
For example, i wrote this formula
CALL(main) && _X_ (CALL(a) && _X_(RETURN(a) && _F_ (RETURN(b) && _X_ (RETURN(main)) ) ))
which says that in my program main, i have to call the function a() and after this i don't understand what happens with the operator fatally but it seems that it takes and accepts whatever we call after the function a() with no warning or error from Aorai. If anybody could help me or could give a right example about it.
For example, i have this program below which i would like to test with this formula above
void a()
void b()
int main()
{ a();
return 0;}
I type frama-c -aorai-ltl test.ltl test.c
Normally, there should be an error or warning from Aorai. No?
Your question is more about temporal logic than Frama-C/Aorai itself, but the meaning of this formula is that main must call a, then do whatever it wants, before calling b and returning just after that.
NB: note that Aorai only traces call and return events, so that e.g. "just after" here means that main cannot not call any function after its last call to b, but can still perform some actions, such as x++;.
I've run your complete example on Frama-C. Indeed a post-condition is missing in the contract for main generated by Aorai, namely that the state of the generated automaton at the end of main (T0_S4) is supposed to be accepting, which is not the case here. This is a bug. If you write explicitely an equivalent automaton in the ya language, as
%init: S0;
%accept: Sf;
S0: { CALL(main) } -> S1;
S1: { [ a() ] } -> S2;
S2: { RETURN(b) } -> S3
| other -> S2;
S3: { RETURN(main) } -> Sf;
Sf: -> Sf;
Then the generated contract for main contains a requires \false;, which indeed indicates that the function is not conforming to the automaton, and Aoraï warns about that.
Please note however that in the general case, Aoraï will not emit any warning. It generates contracts that, if fulfilled, imply that the whole program is conforming to the automaton. The proof of the contract must be done by another plugin (e.g. WP or Value Analysis)
As an exercise, I'm trying to create a wrapper for sqlite3. I've got the bridging header set up, and I can see the tool tips for the sqlite3 functions, but I can't figure out how to call sqlite3_open
sqlite3.h contains the following definitions of sqlite3 and sqlite3_open:
typedef struct sqlite3 sqlite3;
SQLITE_API int sqlite3_open(
const char *filename, /* Database filename (UTF-8) */
sqlite3 **ppDb /* OUT: SQLite db handle */
Which means that sqlite3_open takes as a trailing parameter a pointer to a pointer to an anonymous structure, which seems clear enough in the tooltip:
func sqlite3_open(filename: CString, ppDb: CMutablePointer<COpaquePointer>) -> CInt
Knowing that CMutablePointer means to pass in &T, the closest I've come is:
class Database {
var handle:COpaquePointer
init(file:String) {
let error = sqlite3_open(file as CString, &handle)
deinit {
There's no error on the sqlite3_close line, so I think I'm at least close, but the sqlite3_open line yields:
Cannot convert the expression's type 'CInt' to type '$T9'
Any clues on how to do this?
Please, no answers that say to use FMDB or other Objective-C based interfaces. As I said, this is at least partially an exercise in figuring out how to use C libraries from swift.
The problem is not with the handle parameter, but with the string conversion. The following works…
class Database {
var handle: COpaquePointer = nil
init(file: NSString) {
let error = sqlite3_open(file.cStringUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding), &handle)
I'm unsure as to why the 'as CString' doesn't work.
When you add #import <sqlite3.h> into Bridging-Header, the sqlite3 C/C++ API will be 'translated' into native swift function. So, the sqlite3_open will be like below.
func sqlite3_open(file:String, inout ppdb:COpaquePointer) -> Int
And you can call this function with "String" type parameter instead of "CString". The swift compiler will translate "String" into UTF8 String data stream automatically.
let error = sqlite3_open(filePath, &db)