How to use functions in mixin params (sass/scss) - css

Here's a problem:
I have some mixin in sass/scss:
#function strip-unit($value) {
#return $value / ($value * 0 + 1);
#mixin fluid-type($min-vw, $max-vw, $min-font-size, $max-font-size) {
$u1: unit($min-vw);
$u2: unit($max-vw);
$u3: unit($min-font-size);
$u4: unit($max-font-size);
#if $u1 == $u2 and $u1 == $u3 and $u1 == $u4 {
& {
font-size: $min-font-size;
#media screen and (min-width: $min-vw) {
font-size: calc(#{$min-font-size} + #{strip-unit($max-font-size - $min-font-size)} * ((100vw - #{$min-vw}) / #{strip-unit($max-vw - $min-vw)}));
#media screen and (min-width: $max-vw) {
font-size: $max-font-size;
I took it from there: Fluid Typography
Everything works perfectly fine, when I use the mixin in "normal way":
#include fluid-type(20rem, 90rem, 2rem, 10rem);
#include fluid-type(400px, 1600px, 24px, 96px);
But, what if I have some function converting px to rem units:
#function rem($px) {
#return ($px / 16) + rem;
And I want that function to help me with that:
#include fluid-type( rem(400), rem(1600), rem(24), rem(96) );
At this moment I catch an error :/
Can I do something about this? I don't wanna to covert px to rem manually every time I have to use the mixin.


SASS functions check if value is map returns error

I want to check if the value provides to a function is a map or not.
#function func($props...) {
#if(is-map($props)) {
#return 'something';
#else {}
h1 {
color: func((color: red));
I'm getting the error:
(color: red) isn't a valid CSS value.
What am I doing wrong?
I personally never heard about any native Sass function called is-map. If you want to check the type of something, use the type-of function, so for example, checking for type-of($props) == map would solve your problem in this case.
#function func($props...) {
#if(type-of($props) == map) {
#return 'something';
#else {}
Because function returns map. Not a color as expected. Use map-get to get the access to properties values.
#return map-get($props, color);
And you have the variable argument. To get the first of arguments use nth($props, 1).
Sassmeister demo.
If parameters in map are dynamic you can use this mixin instead of function.
#mixin print($declarations) {
#if $declarations {
#each $property, $value in $declarations {
#{$property}: $value
} #else {
#error "mixin print: $declarations is not specified";
Mixin sassmeister demo.

sass convert px to vw

I found a tutorial on how to write function that converts pixels to vw:
#function get-vw($target) {
$vw-context: (1000*.01) * 1px;
#return ($target/$vw-context) * 1vw;
usage on tutorial:
.headline {
font-size: get-vw(72px);
but when I use it like its explained nothing happens
my browser returns:
font-size: get-vw(44px); Invalid property value
Since I don't need learn sass at this moment but need only way to convert px to vw can someone help me to make this work?
#function vw($px-vw, $base-vw: 1292px)
#return ($px-vw * 100vw) / $base-vw
font-size: vw(16px)
You can try this:
1. Create a function
$vw-viewport: 1920;
#function get-vw($font){
$vw-context: $vw-viewport * 0.01 * 1px;
#return $font / $vw-context * 1vw;
#return $font;
2. Apply the function
font-size: get-vw(20px);
Did you test this?
#use "sass:math"; //You can use "sass:math"
$vw-viewport: 1920;
#function get-vw($font){
$vw-context: $vw-viewport * 0.01 * 1px;
#return math.div($font, $vw-context) * 1vw;
The above didn't work for me but this did :
#function strip-unit($number) {
#if type-of($number) == 'number' and not unitless($number) {
#return $number / ($number * 0 + 1);
#return $number;
#function get-vw($px-vw, $base-vw: 1920px){
#return #{strip-unit($px-vw) * 100 / strip-unit($base-vw)}vw;

Sass each function is compiling with dollar sign in front of it

I'm trying to use an each loop in Sass but the css is compiling with the variable name instead of the content of the variable.
$green-1: #9ae200;
$green-2: #5ea600;
$color-list: green-1 green-2;
#each $single-color in $color-list {
&.#{$single-color} {
background-color: $single-color;
The output I am looking for is:
.green-1 {
.green-2 {
But the css is compiling as:
.green-1 {
.green-2 {
So to try to get the dollar sign in there I tried this:
#each $single-color in $color-list {
#function create-variable($variable){
#return "$" + $variable;
&.#{$single-color} {
background-color: create-variable($single-color);
But that compiled as:
.green-1 {
.green-2 {
Sass is not reading the variables for some reason and is taking them literally. Anyone know how to make this work?
You cannot create dynamic variable in sass. Instead you can achieve your desired result using map
$green-1: #9ae200;
$green-2: #5ea600;
$color-map: (
green-1: $green-1,
green-2: $green-2,
#each $key,$value in $color-map {
&.#{$key} {
background-color: $value;

Pass mixin as mixin param in LESS

I have the the following mixin:
.image-ui-wave-pos (#num, #selected:0) when (#selected = 0) {
background-position: -(#image-ui-wave-width * #num) -28px;
I'd like to pass it to the following mixin as parameter:
.small-button (#pos-macro, #buttons, #i) when (#i > 0) {
#button: extract(#buttons, #i);
&.#{button} {
.pos-macro (#i);
.small-button(#pos-macro, #buttons, #i - 1);
as the parameter #pos-macro calling it like this:
.small-button (.image-ui-wave-pos, #wave-buttons);
But it doesn't compile. How to do so?

Trigonometric functions in Sass -- preprocessor error

Unfortunately, I think I misunderstand how to use trigonometric functions in Sass. I've done a fair amount of google search, but with limited results.
In order to animate the transition of an HTML element I have code similar to the following in one of my scss files:
#home-positions {
transform: translateX(200px * sin(45deg));
When my Sass is compiling, however, I get the following error:
Syntax error: Undefined operation: "200px times sin(45deg)".
It is very liking I am missing something fundamental, probably pretty simple, and syntactic. Unfortunately, I've looked at a bunch of examples of trigonometric function uses in Sass, though, and I haven't been able to spot the difference between my code, and that in the examples.
The following solution is extracted from Trigonometry In Sass by Daniel Perez Alvarez.
/* power */
#function pow($number, $exp) {
$value: 1;
#if $exp > 0 {
#for $i from 1 through $exp {
$value: $value * $number;
#else if $exp < 0 {
#for $i from 1 through -$exp {
$value: $value / $number;
#return $value;
/* factorial */
#function fact($number) {
$value: 1;
#if $number > 0 {
#for $i from 1 through $number {
$value: $value * $i;
#return $value;
/* pi */
#function pi() {
#return 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971694;
/* radian */
#function rad($angle) {
$unit: unit($angle);
$unitless: $angle / ($angle * 0 + 1);
// If the angle has 'deg' as unit, convert to radians.
#if $unit == deg {
$unitless: $unitless / 180 * pi();
#return $unitless;
/* sine */
#function sin($angle) {
$sin: 0;
$angle: rad($angle);
// Iterate a bunch of times.
#for $i from 0 through 10 {
$sin: $sin + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, (2 * $i + 1)) / fact(2 * $i + 1);
#return $sin;
And then eventually
#home-positions {
transform: translateX(200px * sin(45deg));
To anyone confused by this in the future, Sass itself, as of 11/17/14 does not support trigonometric functions. Instead, the Compass framework is required to use them. (See this article for step-by-step instructions on installing compass.)
Or just
$sin45deg: .7071;
Then replace sin(45deg) with $sin45deg. Tada, no framework needed.
