I'm trying to run this code to create a wordcloud that I saw in the class. But I cannot find the solving problem by the error that appears where I try plot the wordcloud. the error is: Error in wordcloud(dfCorpus, max.words = 100, random.order = FALSE) :
it was not possible find the function "wordcloud". Can anyone help?
install.packages("tm", "SnowballC", "worldcloud", "RColorBrewer")
library(tm, SnowballC,worldcloud,RColorBrewer)
df <- read.csv('C:/r_fundamentos/parte2/questoes.csv', sep = ",")
dfCorpus <-Corpus(VectorSource(df$Question))
dfCorpus <- tm_map(dfCorpus, PlainTextDocument)
dfCorpus <- tm_map(dfCorpus,removePunctuation)
dfCorpus <- tm_map(dfCorpus, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
dfCorpus <- tm_map(dfCorpus, stemDocument)
dfCorpus <- tm_map(dfCorpus, removeWords, c("the", "this", c(stopwords("english"))))
wordcloud(dfCorpus, max.words = 100, random.order = FALSE)
I think he does not load all the packages. Try instead:
library(tm) ; library(SnowballC) ; library(worldcloud) ; library(RColorBrewer)
I am very new to R and I am trying to do an NGram WordCloud. However, my results always show a 1Gram instead of an NGram. I have searched for days for answers on the web and tried different methods...still the same result. Also, for some reason, I don't have the Ngramtokenizer function that I see everyone is using. However, I found another tokenizer function that I am using here. I hope someone can help me out. Thanks in advance!
rm(list = ls())
#allverbatims <-read_excel("RS_Verbatims2018.xlsx") #reads excel files
#selgroup <- subset(allverbatims, FastNPS=="Detractors")
#selcolumns <- selgroup[ ,3:8]
#sample data
selcolumns <- c("this is a test","my test is not working","sample data here")
Comments <- Corpus(VectorSource(selcolumns))
CommentClean <- tm_map(Comments, removePunctuation)
CommentClean <- tm_map(CommentClean, content_transformer(tolower))
CommentClean <- tm_map(CommentClean,removeNumbers)
CommentClean <- tm_map(CommentClean, stripWhitespace)
CommentClean <- tm_map(CommentClean,removeWords,c(stopwords('english')))
#create manual tokenizer using tau textcnt since NGramTokenizer is not available
tokenize_ngrams <- function(x, n=2) return(rownames(as.data.frame(unclass(textcnt(x,method="string", n=n)))))
#test tokenizer
td_mat <- TermDocumentMatrix(CommentClean, control = list(tokenize = tokenize_ngrams))
inspect(td_mat) #should be bigrams but the result is 1 gram
matrix <- as.matrix(td_mat)
sorted <- sort(rowSums(matrix),decreasing = TRUE)
data_text <- data.frame(word = names(sorted),freq = sorted)
wordcloud(word = data_text$word, freq = data_text$freq, min = 5, max.words = 100, random.order = FALSE, rot.per = 0.1, colors = rainbow(30))
using R(3.2.5) and with the following packages loaded
'SnowballC', 'tm', 'NLP', 'RWeka', 'RTextTools', 'wordcloud', 'fpc'
carmenCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(feedback$Description))
carmenCorpus <- tm_map(carmenCorpus, PlainTextDocument)
carmenCorpus <- tm_map(carmenCorpus, removePunctuation)
carmenCorpus <- tm_map(carmenCorpus, removeWords, stopwords('english'))
carmenCorpus <- tm_map(carmenCorpus, stemDocument)
When I go to create a wordcloud i get the following error. this is a new error, when the code was run several months ago there was no issue:
wordcloud(carmenCorpus, max.words = 100, random.order = FALSE)
# Error in simple_triplet_matrix(i, j, v, nrow = length(terms), ncol = length(corpus), :
# 'i, j' invalid
Please advise on this issue.
wordcloud cannot just take a corpus and magically churn out a wordcloud.
You have to do the hard work of converting it into a TextDocumentMatrix and then summing up the word frequencies:
# convert to TDM
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(carmenCorpus, control=list(stemming=True))
# calculate word frequencies
freqs = sort(rowSums(as.matrix(tdm)), decreasing=TRUE)
# plot wordcloud
wordcloud(names(freqs), freqs,
max.words = 100,
random.order = FALSE,
# any other params you want to pass into wordcloud
I'm creating a correlated topic model from public review data and getting a rather odd error.
When I call terms(ctm1, 5) on my CTM, I get back the names of the documents rather than the top 5 terms for each topic.
In more detail I ran,
a <-Corpus(DirSource("~/text", encoding="UTF-8"), readerControl =
a <- tm_map(a, removeNumbers)
a <- tm_map(a, removePunctuation)
a <- tm_map(a , stripWhitespace)
a <- tm_map(a, tolower)
a <- tm_map(a, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
a <- tm_map(a, stemDocument, language = "english")
adtm <-TermDocumentMatrix(a)
adtm <- removeSparseTerms(adtm, 0.75)
ctm1 <- CTM(adtm, 30, method = "VEM", control = NULL, model = NULL)
terms(ctm1, 5)
which returned
Topic 1 "cmnt656661.txt"
We cannot know for sure because you did not provide data; but it is likely that you did not import the files correctly. See ?DirSource (my emphasis):
directory : A character vector of full path names; the default
corresponds to the working directory getwd().
In your case, it seems like you should do something like this:
a <- Corpus(DirSource(list.files("~/text", full.names = TRUE)))
I have been trying to follow this example by Norbert Ryciak, whom I havent been able to get in touch with.
Since this article was written in 2014, some things in R have changed so I have been able to update some of those things in the code, but I got stuck in the last part.
Here is my Working code so far:
wiki <- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
titles <- c("Integral", "Riemann_integral", "Riemann-Stieltjes_integral", "Derivative",
"Limit_of_a_sequence", "Edvard_Munch", "Vincent_van_Gogh", "Jan_Matejko",
"Lev_Tolstoj", "Franz_Kafka", "J._R._R._Tolkien")
articles <- character(length(titles))
for (i in 1:length(titles)) {
articles[i] <- stri_flatten(readLines(stri_paste(wiki, titles[i])), col = " ")
docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(articles))
docs2 <- tm_map(docs, function(x) stri_replace_all_regex(x, "<.+?>", " "))
docs3 <- tm_map(docs2, function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(x, "\t", " "))
docs4 <- tm_map(docs3, PlainTextDocument)
docs5 <- tm_map(docs4, stripWhitespace)
docs6 <- tm_map(docs5, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
docs7 <- tm_map(docs6, removePunctuation)
docs8 <- tm_map(docs7, content_transformer(tolower))
docsTDM <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs8)
docsTDM2 <- as.matrix(docsTDM)
docsdissim <- dist(docsTDM2, method = "cosine")
But I havent been able to get pass this part:
docsdissim2 <- as.matrix(docsdissim)
rownames(docsdissim2) <- titles
colnames(docsdissim2) <- titles
h <- hclust(docsdissim, method = "ward.D")
plot(h, labels = titles, sub = "")
I tried to run the "hclust" directly, and then I was able to Plot, but nothing readable came out of it.
This are the errors Im getting:
rownames(docsdissim2) <- titles
Error in `rownames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("Integral", "Riemann_integral", :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
plot(h, labels = titles, sub = "")
Error in graphics:::plotHclust(n1, merge, height, order(x$order), hang, :
invalid dendrogram input
Is there anyone that could give me a hand to finish this example?
Best Regards,
I was able to solve this problem thanks to Norbert Ryciak (the author of the tutorial).
Since he used an older version of "tm" (which was probably the latest at the time) it was not compatible with the one I used.
The solution was to replace "docsTDM <- TermDocumentMatrix(docs8)" with "docsTDM <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs8)".
So the final code:
wiki <- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
titles <- c("Integral", "Riemann_integral", "Riemann-Stieltjes_integral", "Derivative",
"Limit_of_a_sequence", "Edvard_Munch", "Vincent_van_Gogh", "Jan_Matejko",
"Lev_Tolstoj", "Franz_Kafka", "J._R._R._Tolkien")
articles <- character(length(titles))
for (i in 1:length(titles)) {
articles[i] <- stri_flatten(readLines(stri_paste(wiki, titles[i])), col = " ")
docs <- Corpus(VectorSource(articles))
docs2 <- tm_map(docs, function(x) stri_replace_all_regex(x, "<.+?>", " "))
docs3 <- tm_map(docs2, function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(x, "\t", " "))
docs4 <- tm_map(docs3, PlainTextDocument)
docs5 <- tm_map(docs4, stripWhitespace)
docs6 <- tm_map(docs5, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
docs7 <- tm_map(docs6, removePunctuation)
docs8 <- tm_map(docs7, content_transformer(tolower))
docsTDM <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs8)
docsTDM2 <- as.matrix(docsTDM)
docsdissim <- dist(docsTDM2, method = "cosine")
docsdissim2 <- as.matrix(docsdissim)
rownames(docsdissim2) <- titles
colnames(docsdissim2) <- titles
h <- hclust(docsdissim, method = "ward")
plot(h, labels = titles, sub = "")
I have been working through numerous online examples of the {tm} package in R, attempting to create a TermDocumentMatrix. Creating and cleaning a corpus has been pretty straightforward, but I consistently encounter an error when I attempt to create a matrix. The error is:
Error in UseMethod("meta", x) :
no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "character"
In addition: Warning message:
In mclapply(unname(content(x)), termFreq, control) :
all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code
For example, here is code from Jon Starkweather's text mining example. Apologies in advance for such long code, but this does produce a reproducible example. Please note that the error comes at the end with the {tdm} function.
#Read in data
policy.HTML.page <- readLines("http://policy.unt.edu/policy/3-5")
#Obtain text and remove mark-up
id.1 <- 3 + which(policy.HTML.page == " TOTAL UNIVERSITY </div>")
id.2 <- id.1 + 5
text.data <- policy.HTML.page[id.1:id.2]
td.1 <- gsub(pattern = "<p>", replacement = "", x = text.data,
ignore.case = TRUE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
td.2 <- gsub(pattern = "</p>", replacement = "", x = td.1, ignore.case = TRUE,
perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE)
text.d <- td.2; rm(text.data, td.1, td.2)
#Create corpus and clean
txt <- VectorSource(text.d); rm(text.d)
txt.corpus <- Corpus(txt)
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, tolower)
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, removeNumbers)
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, removePunctuation)
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, stripWhitespace); #inspect(docs[1])
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, stemDocument)
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(txt.corpus)
The link provided by jazzurro points to the solution. The following line of code
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, tolower)
must be changed to
txt.corpus <- tm_map(txt.corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
There are 2 reasons for this issue in tm v0.6.
If you are doing term level transformations like tolower etc., tm_map returns character vector instead of PlainTextDocument.
Solution: Call tolower through content_transformer or call tm_map(corpus, PlainTextDocument) immediately after tolower
If the SnowballC package is not installed and if you are trying to stem the documents then also this can occur.
Solution: install.packages('SnowballC')
There is No need to apply content_transformer.
Create the corpus in this way:
trainData_corpus <- Corpus((VectorSource(trainData$Comments)))
Try it.