wordpress lightbox gallery on button click - wordpress

In "project" page on my site i have some photos and a button "Check how it looked before".
Is there a way to make wordpress gallery pop-up in a lightbox on button-click AND make it easy to access through admin-panel (without any coding, just add photos to gallery and attach to button)?
I am using foobox as a lightbox plugin and a standard gutenberg wordpress gallery.


How to create a elementor template gallery with own templates

I have been trying to figure out and searching everywhere to make a custom template gallery like happy adons or essential-addons or simialr plugin. They place an icon just beside the elementor folder icon and clicking on their icon they show their own template library right inside the elementor modal. How to do this feature? Thanks

Display woo-commerce product gallery not showing the zoom button

I am creating one eCommerce website using woocommerce. I am just using the woocommerce plugin and add the products. In that product shows the zoom button on the right side when clicking the zoom button it redirects to the woocommerce Gallary it shows the full-size button and close button but not displaying the zoom button.
How I must do to show the effect of slider and zoom?
In theme, it shows the three buttons. I Use this theme:https://accesspressthemes.com/theme-demos/?theme=accesspress-store
This screenshot our theme in that theme this zoom button is displayed but in my website not shows use this same CSS but not displaying.
If the feature is there in the theme but not showing then it could be that it is turned off by default. Themes can sometimes give the store owners an option to toggle such features.
You can check under the Appearance->Customize section or any other theme settings page that your theme comes with.
You should probably be raising this issue with the theme support otherwise.

How to create a link to a lightbox gallery popup?

I'm trying to have a normal hyperlink opening up a lightbox like gallery
The only thing I've found so far are workarounds which involve coding, but then it's not at all user friendly for my customer.
Isn't any plugin out there which provides a lightbox gallery popup as link?
If you are using wordpress theme then you can using plugin in wordpress theme.
You can follow the plugin link for Lightbox Gallery Popup
If you would be using fancybox, then it would be as easy as adding data-fancybox attribute to the trigger elements (e.g., links). Example: https://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/#images-1

How to add wordpress theme default modal in wordpress menu

I'm using a wordpress theme which is using an inbuilt modal form for login/ register, I want that to be used in a specific menu item. There are lot of plugins to create popups and display. The thing is the modal which is comeup with the theme.
I need a menu named Login which triggers this modal on click.

Customizing the WP image editing widget

While editing a post that contains an image, WP attaches a properties inspector icon over the image to allow editing basic properties such as size, alignment, link etc.
I'd like to know how difficult it would be to hack into this dialog screen and add some custom programming to the link area.
I'd like to add a popup menu there that I can access with the click of a button (next to the existing "Link to Image" button.
I'd prefer to hook into this dialog via a file in my theme's folder or via a plug-in. I don't want to alter the wordpress code itself (to allow this to be more portable and theme specific).
The edit image popup is a TinyMCE plugin (the rich text editor that Wordpress uses), the files for which are in wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/.
As such you can't simply use the Wordpress plugin API to modify it. You'd need to create your own TinyMCE plugin, probably by duplicating the wpeditimage plugin and adding your extra functionality. You'd also need to create a Wordpress plugin to activate the TinyMCE plugin, see these codex pages for more information on working with TinyMCE plugins in Wordpress:
