How do I use C math functions in JQ that take more than one argument? There are no examples in the manual. All it says is:
C math functions that take a single input argument (e.g., sin()) are available as zero-argument jq functions. C math functions that take two input arguments (e.g., pow()) are available as two-argument jq functions that ignore . C math functions that take three input arguments are available as three-argument jq functions that ignore .
I've figured out how to single input argument functions, which are implemented as zero-argument jq functions:
> echo '{"a": 10.12}' | jq '.a | floor'
How do I use something like pow?
What does the manual mean by "jq functions that ignore ."? Do they ignore what's piped in, in the sense that they don't take it as an argument, in contrast to the one input argument case where the argument is taken just from the pipe?
It's simple, just separate function arguments by ;:
> echo '{"a": 10.12}' | jq '. | pow(.a;.a)'
Regarding the meaning of jq functions that ignore .:
It appears that in the case of single-input-argument functions, like floor, what actually happens is that the default argument . is used, thus no need to actually mention any argument.
In the case of 2 or more input arguments, that of course doesn't do anymore, so no default argument is applied and both argument have to be explicitly passed.
jq -r '."#graph"[]["rdfs:label"]' 9.0/schemaorg-all-http.jsonld works but jq -r '."#graph"[].["rdfs:label"]' 9.0/schemaorg-all-http.jsonld does not and I don't understand why .["rdfs:label"] does not need the dot. suggests it needs .name after [] and says
For example .["foo::bar"] and .[""] work while .foo::bar does not,
Where did the dot go?
Using the terminology of the jq manual, jq expressions are
fundamentally composed of pipes and what it calls "basic filters". The
first filter under the heading "Basic Filters" is the identify filter,
.; and .[] is the "Array/Object Value Iterator".
From this perspective, that is, from the perspective of
pipes-and-basic-filters, the expression under consideration
."#graph"[]["rdfs:label"] can be viewed as an abbreviated form of
the pipeline:
.["#graph"] | .[] | .["rdfs:label"]
So from this perspective, the question is what abbreviations are allowed.
One of the most important abbreviation rules is:
E | .[] #=> E[]
Another is:
.["<string>"] #=> ."<string>"
Application of these rules yields the simplified expression.
So perhaps the basic answer to the "why" in this question is: for convenience. :-)
The dot serves two different purposes in jq:
A dot on its own means "the current object". Let's call this the identity dot. It can only appear at the start of an expression or subexpression, for example at the very start, or after a binary operator like the | or + or and, or inside an opening parenthesis (.
A dot followed by a string or an identifier means "retrieve the named field of the current object". Let's call this an indexing dot. Whatever is to the left of it needs to be a complete subexpression, for example a literal value, a parenthesised expression, a function call, etc. It can't appear in any of the places the identity dot can appear.
The thing to understand is that in the square bracket operators, the dot shown in the documentation is an identity dot - it's not actually part of the operator itself. The operator is just the square brackets and their contents, and it needs to be attached to another complete expression.
In general, both square bracket operators (e.g. ["foo"] or [] or [0] or [2:5]) and object identifier indexing operators (e.g. .foo or ."foo") can be appended to another expression. Only the object identifier indexing operators can appear "bare" with no expression on the left. Since the square bracket operators can't appear bare, you will typically see them in the documentation composed after an identity dot.
These are all equivalent:
.foo # indexing dot
."foo" # indexing dot
. .foo # identity dot and indexing dot
. | .foo # identity dot and indexing dot
.["foo"] # identity dot
. | .["foo"] # two identity dots
So the answer to your question is that the last dot in ."#graph"[].["rdfs:label"] isn't allowed because:
It can't be an identity dot because it has an expression on the left.
It can't be an indexing dot because it doesn't have an identifier or a string on the right, it has a square bracket.
All that said, it looks like newer versions of jq are going to extend the syntax to allow square bracket operators immediately after an indexing dot, and having the intuitive meaning of just applying that indexing operation the same as if there had been no dot, so hopefully you won't need to worry about the difference in the future.
This is about Zsh 5.5.1.
Say I have a glob pattern which expands to exactly one file, and I would like to assign this file to a variable. This works:
# N: No error if no files match. D: Match dot files. Y1: Expand to exactly one entry.
and echo $myfile will show the file (or directory). But this one does not work:
In the latter case, echo $myfile holds the pattern, i.e. *(NDY1).
Of course I could do some cheap trick, such as creating a chilprocess via
myfile=$(echo *(NDY1))
but is there a way to do the assinment without such tricks?
By default, zsh does not do filename expansion in scalar assignment, but the option GLOB_ASSIGN could help. (This option is provided as for backwards compatibility only.)
local myfile=''
() {
setopt localoptions globassign
echo $myfile
;#>> something
Here are some descriptions in zsh docs:
The value of a scalar parameter may also be assigned by writing:
In scalar assignment, value is expanded as a single string, in which the elements of arrays are joined together; filename expansion is not performed unless the option GLOB_ASSIGN is set.
--- zshparam(1), Description, zsh parameters
If this option is set, filename generation (globbing) is performed on the right hand side of scalar parameter assignments of the form 'name=pattern (e.g. foo=*'). If the result has more than one word the parameter will become an array with those words as arguments. This option is provided for backwards compatibility only: globbing is always performed on the right hand side of array assignments of the form name=(value) (e.g. foo=(*)) and this form is recommended for clarity; with this option set, it is not possible to predict whether the result will be an array or a scalar.
--- zshoptions(1), GLOB_ASSIGN, Expansion and Globbing, Description Of Options, zsh options
I would like to see a code snippet of julia that will read a file and return lines (string type) that match a regular expression.
I welcome multiple techniques, but output should be equivalent to the following:
$> grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'
I'm using GNU grep 3.1 here, and the first line of each entry in the file is the all caps word on its own.
You could also use the filter function to do this in one line.
filter(line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line),readlines(open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt")))
filter applies a function returning a Boolean to an array, and only returns those elements of the array which are true. The function in this case is an anonymous function line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line)", which basically says to call each element of the array being filtered (each line, in this case) line.
I think this might not be the best solution for very large files as the entire file needs to be loaded into memory before filtering, but for this example it seems to be just as fast as the for loop using eachline. Another difference is that this solution returns the results as an array rather than printing each of them, which depending on what you want to do with the matches might be a good or bad thing.
My favored solution uses a simple loop and is very easy to understand.
julia> open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt") do f
for i in eachline(f)
if ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO", i) println(i) end
Lines with tab separations have the tabs preserved (no literal output of '\t')
my source file in this example has the dictionary words in all caps alone on one line above the definition; the complete line is returned.
the file I/O operation is wrapped in a do block syntax structure, which expresses an anonymous function more conveniently than lamba x -> f(x) syntax for multi-line functions. This is particularly expressive with the file open() command, defined with a try-finally-close operation when called with a function as an argument.
Julia docs: Strings/Regular Expressions
regex objects take the form r"<regex_literal_here>"
the regex itself is a string
based on perl PCRE library
matches become regex match objects
julia> reg = r"^AB[AJ].*TO";
julia> typeof(reg)
julia> test = match(reg, "ABJURATORY")
julia> typeof(test)
Just putting ; in front is Julia's way to using commandline commands so this works in Julia's REPL
;grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'
(Note: This is a successor question to my posting zsh: Command substitution and proper quoting , but now with an additional complication).
I have a function _iwpath_helper, which outputs to stdout a path, which possibly contains spaces. For the sake of this discussion, let's assume that _iwpath_helper always returns a constant text, for instance
function _iwpath_helper
echo "home/rovf/my directory with spaces"
I also have a function quote_stripped expects one parameter and if this parameter is surrounded by quotes, it removes them and returns the remaining text. If the parameter is not surrounded by quotes, it returns it unchanged. Here is its definition:
function quote_stripped
echo ${1//[\"\']/}
Now I combine both functions in the following way:
target=$(quote_stripped "${(q)$(_iwpath_helper)}")
(Of course, 'quote_stripped' would be unnecessary in this toy example, because _iwpath_helper doesn't return a quote-delimited path here, but in the real application, it sometimes does).
The problem now is that the variable target contains a real backslash character, i.e. if I do a
echo +++$target+++
I see
+++home/rovf/my\ directory\ with\ spaces
and if I try to
cd $target
I get on my system the error message, that the directory
home/rovf/my/ directory/ with/ spaces
would not exist.
(In case you are wondering where the forward slashes come from: I'm running on Cygwin, and I guess that the cd command just interprets backslashes as forward slashes in this case, to accomodate better for the Windows environment).
I guess the backslashes, which physically appear in the variable target are caused by the (q) expansion flag which I apply to $(_iwpath_helper). My problem is now that I can not simply drop the (q), because without it, the function quote_stripped would get on parameter $1 only the first part of the string, up to the first space (/home/rovf/my).
How can I write this correctly?
I think you just want to avoid trying to strip quotes manually, and use the (Q) expansion flag. Compare:
% v="a b c d"
% echo "$v"
a b c d
% echo "${(q)v}"
a\ b\ c\ d
% echo "${(Q)${(q)v}}"
a b c d
chepner was right: The way I tried to unquote the string was silly (I was thinking too much in a "Bourne Shell way"), and I should have used the (Q) flag.
Here is my solution:
No need for the quote_stripped function anymore....
I am trying to subtracts one count value from another but,I am facing problem in following code :
(then some operations and above count values got some value suppose 1,2 respectively)
$count=$count1 - $count ==> Here it should get : 2-1=1 )
I don't know exact syntax for this so, can any one help me please?
You can use the shell's expression syntax:
the $ prefix on variables is optional inside $(()), so this can also be written as:
Unix provides you the command expr that lets you evaluate any arithmetic expression you want. At shell prompt try :
expr 2 - 3 + 5 '*' 8
Remember that * is used as wildcard so you need to un-specialized it in any way you want.
Then now, you could use ` to evaluate an expression at any place :
count=`expr $count1 - $count`
Be aware that all arguments MUST be separated with spaces.
This will work for Bourne-shell which is the one recommended for shell-scripts.