import multible CSV files and use file name as column [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Importing multiple .csv files into R and adding a new column with file name
(2 answers)
Closed 14 days ago.
I have numerous csv files in multiple directories that I want to read into a R tribble or data.table. I use "list.files()" with the recursive argument set to TRUE to create a list of file names and paths, then use "lapply()" to read in multiple csv files, and then "bind_rows()" stick them all together:
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
This approach works fine. However, I need to extract a substring from the each file name and add it as a column to the final table. I can get the substring I need with "str_extract()" like this:
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
I am stuck however on how to add the extracted substring as a column as lapply() runs through read_csv() for each file.

I generally use the following approach, based on dplyr/tidyr:
data = tibble(File = files) %>%
extract(File, "Site", "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3})", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Data = lapply(File, read_csv)) %>%
unnest(Data) %>%

tidyverse approach:
readr 2.0 (and beyond) now has built-in support for reading a list of files with the same columns into one output table in a single command. Just pass the filenames to be read in the same vector to the reading function. For example reading in csv files:
(files <- fs::dir_ls("D:/data", glob="*.csv"))
dat <- read_csv(files, id="path")
Alternatively using map_dfr with purrr:
Add the filename using the .id = "source" argument in purrr::map_dfr()
An example loading .csv files:
# specify the directory, then read a list of files
data_dir <- here("file/path")
data_list <- fs::dir_ls(data_dir, regexp = ".csv$")
# return a single data frame w/ purrr:map_dfr
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source")
# Alternatively, rename source from the file path to the file name
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source") %>%
dplyr::mutate(source = stringr::str_replace(source, "file/path", ""))

You could use purrr::map2 here, which works similarly to mapply
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}") # same length as filenames
stopifnot(length(filenames)==length(sites)) # returns error if not the same length
ans <- map2(filenames, sites, ~read_csv(.x) %>% mutate(id = .y)) # .x is element in filenames, and .y is element in sites
The output of map2 is a list, similar to lapply
If you have a development version of purrr, you can use imap, which is a wrapper for map2 with an index

data.table approach:
If you name the list, then you can use this name to add to the data.table when binding the list together.
files <- list.files( whatever... )
#read the files from the list
l <- lapply( files, fread )
#names the list using the basename from `l`
# this also is the step to manipuly the filesnamaes to whatever you like
names(l) <- basename( l )
#bind the rows from the list togetgher, putting the filenames into the colum "id"
dt <- rbindlist( dt.list, idcol = "id" )

You just need to write your own function that reads the csv and adds the column you want, before combining them.
my_read_csv <- function(x) {
out <- read_csv(x)
site <- str_extract(x, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
cbind(Site=site, out)
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, my_read_csv) %>% bind_rows()

You can build a filenames vector based on "sites" with the exact same length as tbl and then combine the two using cbind
### Get file names
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
### Get length of each csv
file_lengths <- unlist(lapply(lapply(filenames, read_csv), nrow))
### Repeat sites using lengths
file_names <- rep(sites,file_lengths))
### Create table
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
### Combine file_names and tbl
tbl <- cbind(tbl, filename = file_names)


How can I read multiple csv files into R at once and know which file the data is from? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Add "filename" column to table as multiple files are read and bound [duplicate]
(6 answers)
Closed 14 days ago.
I want to read multiple csv files into R and combine them into one large table. I however need to a column that identifies which file each row came from.
Basically, every row has a unique identifying number within a file but those numbers are repeated across files. So if I bind all files into a table without knowing which file every row is from I won't have a unique identifier anymore which makes my planned analysis impossible.
What I have so far is this but this doesn't give me what file the data came from.
list_file <- list.files(pattern="*.csv") %>% lapply(read.csv,stringsAsFactors=F)
combo_data <- list.rbind(list_file)
I have about 100 files to read in so I'd really appreciate any help so I don't have to do them all individually.
One way would be to use map_df from purrr to bind all the csv's into one with a unique column identifier.
filenames <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
purrr::map_df(filenames, read.csv,stringsAsFactors = FALSE, .id = 'filename') %>%
dplyr::mutate(filename = filenames[filename]) -> combo_data
Also :
combo_data <- purrr::map_df(filenames,
~read.csv(.x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% mutate(filename = .x))
In base R :
combo_data <-, lapply(filenames, function(x)
cbind(read.csv(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), filename = x)))
In case you want to use base R you can use
file.names <- list.files(pattern = "*.csv")
df.list <- lapply(file.names, function(
df <- read.csv(
df$ <-
df <- list.rbind(df.list)
As other answer suggested, now tidyverse made things easier:
df <- fs::dir_ls(regexp = "\\.csv$") %>%
map_dfr(read_csv, id='path') %>%
mutate(thename = str_replace(path, ".tsv","")) %>%

How to read and merge data from multiple CSVs in a folder based on specific column names in R program

I have 30 CSVs (with huge data) having 92 columns with headers, in a folder. I need to merge the data only for some specific 10 columns from all CSVs into a single df using r program. Lets say the column names as Col1,Col2,Col3, COl4....Col10. Below is my sample code ,which combines all the CSVs, irrespective to Column names.
mypath <-"C:/Blrt/B0/Mac/Output/"
filelist <- list.files(path=mypath, pattern="*.csv", full.names=FALSE)
Almdat <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(filelist, read.csv,header=TRUE, quote = "",sep = ",",row.names = NULL))
Any support here pls.
You could try using a combination of purrr and readr from the tidyverse. read_csv from readr allows you to specific col_types and contains the function cols_only which allows you to specify which columns to load and the types you want them to be loaded as (the example below uses col_guess() but you can be more specific if you wish).
map_dfr from the package purrr replaces the lapply, Reduce and rbind. The result is a tibble combining the rows of all dataframes loaded.
filelist <- list.files(path = "C:/Blrt/B0/Mac/Output/", pattern = ".csv", full.names = TRUE)
Almdat <- map_dfr(filelist,
col_types = cols_only(Col1 = col_guess(),
Col2 = col_guess(),
Col3 = col_guess())
The example above uses only three columns, you can add as many as you like to you call to cols_only().
You can try :
cols <- paste0('Col', 1:10)
Almdat <-, lapply(filelist, function(x)
read.csv(x, quote = "",row.names = NULL)[cols]))
Or using tidyverse functions :
Almdat <- purrr::map_df(filelist, ~read.csv(.x, quote = "",row.names = NULL) %>%

Rbind multiple Data Frames in a loop

I have a bunch of data frames that are named in the same pattern "dfX.csv" where X represents a number from 1 to 67. I loaded them into seperate dataframes using following piece of code:
folder <- mypath
file_list <- list.files(path=folder, pattern="*.csv")
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
read.csv(paste(folder, file_list[i], sep=',', header=TRUE))
What I'm trying to do is merge/rbind them into a single huge dataframe.
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
df_main <- rbind(df_main, df[[i]].csv)
However using that I'm getting an error:
Error: unexpected symbol in:
"for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
df_main <- rbind(df_main, df[[i]].csv"
Any idea what might be causing an issue & whether there's a simpler way of doing things.
If file_list is a character vector of filenames that have since been loaded into variables in the local environment, then perhaps one of, mget(ls(pattern = "^df\\s+\\.csv"))), mget(paste0("df", seq_along(file_list), ".csv")))
The first assumes anything found (as df*.csv) in R's environment is appropriate to grab. It might not grab then in the correct order, so consider using sort or somehow ordering them yourself.
mget takes a string vector and retrieves the value of the object with each name from the given environment (current, by default), returning a list of values., ...) does one call to rbind, which is much much faster than iteratively rbinding.
Here I use map() to iterate over your files reading each one into a list of dataframes and bind_rows is used to bind all df together
df <- map(list.files(), read_csv) %>%
If you have a lot of data (lot of rows), here's a data.table approach that works great:
basedir <- choose.dir() # directory with all the csv files
file_names <- list.files(path = basedir, pattern= '*.csv', full.names = F, recursive = F)
big_list <- lapply(file_names, function(file_name){
dat <- fread(file = file.path(basedir, file_name), header = T)
# Add a 'filename' column to each data.table to back-track where it was read from
# this is why we set full.names = F in the list.files line above
dat$filename <- gsub('.csv', '', file_name)
big_data <- rbindlist(l = big_list, use.names = T, fill = T)
If you want to read only some columns and not all, you can use the select argument in fread - helps improve speed since empty columns are not read in, similarly skip lets you skip reading in a bunch of rows.

Remove column using list.files in R

So, I've got the following script
output <- list.files(pattern = "some_files.csv", recursive = TRUE) %>%
lapply(read_csv) %>%
and it's works perfect find all posibble files csvsand making one big file, but i encountered the following problem, one csv file generate error: Error: Column `some_column` can't be converted from numeric to character. And I decided to remove this column from the dataset
output <- list.files(pattern = "some_files.csv", recursive = TRUE) %>%
lapply(read_csv) %>% subset(read_csv, select = -c(some_column)) %>%
that genearte another error
Error in subset.default(., read_csv, select = -c(some_column)) :
'subset' must be logical
Any idea?
Try this
list.files(pattern = "some_files.csv", recursive = TRUE) %>%
x <- readr::read_csv(.)
x[setdiff(names(x), "some_column")]
Instead of lapply we use map, to avoid bind_rows at the end we can use map_df or map_dfr. Instead of subset we use setdiff to remove columns since subset would fail in case if the column is not present.
Or keeping everything in base R
file_names <- list.files(pattern = "some_files.csv", recursive = TRUE), lapply(file_names, function(x) {
df <- read.csv(x)
df[setdiff(names(df), "some_column")]

Read in multiple files and append file name to data frame [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Importing multiple .csv files into R and adding a new column with file name
(2 answers)
Closed 15 days ago.
I have numerous csv files in multiple directories that I want to read into a R tribble or data.table. I use "list.files()" with the recursive argument set to TRUE to create a list of file names and paths, then use "lapply()" to read in multiple csv files, and then "bind_rows()" stick them all together:
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
This approach works fine. However, I need to extract a substring from the each file name and add it as a column to the final table. I can get the substring I need with "str_extract()" like this:
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
I am stuck however on how to add the extracted substring as a column as lapply() runs through read_csv() for each file.
I generally use the following approach, based on dplyr/tidyr:
data = tibble(File = files) %>%
extract(File, "Site", "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3})", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Data = lapply(File, read_csv)) %>%
unnest(Data) %>%
tidyverse approach:
readr 2.0 (and beyond) now has built-in support for reading a list of files with the same columns into one output table in a single command. Just pass the filenames to be read in the same vector to the reading function. For example reading in csv files:
(files <- fs::dir_ls("D:/data", glob="*.csv"))
dat <- read_csv(files, id="path")
Alternatively using map_dfr with purrr:
Add the filename using the .id = "source" argument in purrr::map_dfr()
An example loading .csv files:
# specify the directory, then read a list of files
data_dir <- here("file/path")
data_list <- fs::dir_ls(data_dir, regexp = ".csv$")
# return a single data frame w/ purrr:map_dfr
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source")
# Alternatively, rename source from the file path to the file name
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source") %>%
dplyr::mutate(source = stringr::str_replace(source, "file/path", ""))
You could use purrr::map2 here, which works similarly to mapply
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}") # same length as filenames
stopifnot(length(filenames)==length(sites)) # returns error if not the same length
ans <- map2(filenames, sites, ~read_csv(.x) %>% mutate(id = .y)) # .x is element in filenames, and .y is element in sites
The output of map2 is a list, similar to lapply
If you have a development version of purrr, you can use imap, which is a wrapper for map2 with an index
data.table approach:
If you name the list, then you can use this name to add to the data.table when binding the list together.
files <- list.files( whatever... )
#read the files from the list
l <- lapply( files, fread )
#names the list using the basename from `l`
# this also is the step to manipuly the filesnamaes to whatever you like
names(l) <- basename( l )
#bind the rows from the list togetgher, putting the filenames into the colum "id"
dt <- rbindlist( dt.list, idcol = "id" )
You just need to write your own function that reads the csv and adds the column you want, before combining them.
my_read_csv <- function(x) {
out <- read_csv(x)
site <- str_extract(x, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
cbind(Site=site, out)
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, my_read_csv) %>% bind_rows()
You can build a filenames vector based on "sites" with the exact same length as tbl and then combine the two using cbind
### Get file names
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
### Get length of each csv
file_lengths <- unlist(lapply(lapply(filenames, read_csv), nrow))
### Repeat sites using lengths
file_names <- rep(sites,file_lengths))
### Create table
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
### Combine file_names and tbl
tbl <- cbind(tbl, filename = file_names)
