Is it possible to extend an inline partial in handlebars? - handlebars.js

I have the following code, and I'm trying to extend an inline partial, but am receiving the following error: Error: missing partial: 'page'
Here's the inline partial:
{{#*inline "page"}}
{{#block "title"}}Example - {{/block}}
Here's my attempt to use it:
{{#*inline "page"}}
{{#block "title"}}Example - {{/block}}

Okay, I figured it out.
Here's the syntax:
{{#*inline "page"}}
<section>{{> #partial-block }}</section>
and then using page like this:
{{> cover}}


Rendering template within context in Handlebars

Is it possible to render a template, or even just a partial, from within the context passed to a top level template? It seems like this might require recursive rendering, but maybe I'm missing something.
The example below demonstrates this using Bootstrap.
Say this is my top level template:
<div class="panel">
<div class="panel-body">
And my context is:
description: "\
Some text before the warning.\
<div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\">\
<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign\" aria-hidden=\"true\"> </span>\
My warning here.\
Some text after the warning."
What I'd like to do is separate the alert into a partial for a number of reasons:
Arbitrary placement within surrounding text
Can make partials for types other than warning (danger, info, etc.)
Can add as many as needed interspersed in the context string
For these reasons, it seems like it's not possible to put it into the top level template.
The partial would look something like this:
<script id="partial-warning-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign" aria-hidden="true"> </span>
Once this is in place, I would be able to use it like so:
description: "\
Some text before the warning.\
{{> partial-warning-template \"My warning here.\"}}\
Some text after the warning.\
{{> partial-warning-template \"Now adding a second warning.\"}}"
Maybe I'm missing something fundamental - is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?
You won't be able to include the partial blocks in the description value and expect them to be evaluated as partials by the top level template method; the entire description string will be spat out as a single literal string.
What you would need to do is to have the partials evaluated before you pass the context object with description to the top level template method.
If you have pre-compiled your partial in something like the following manner:
Handlebars.registerPartial('warn', Handlebars.compile(document.getElementById('partial-warning-template').innerHTML));
Then you will be able to call this partial when you construct your description string:
description: 'Some text before the warning.' +
Handlebars.partials.warn({ 'warning-message': 'My warning here.' }) +
'Some text after the warning.' +
Handlebars.partials.warn({ 'warning-message': 'Now adding a second warning.' })

Iron-router's this.render function does not render

As the title says, this.render does not render a template it's provided with. This is the code in router.js:
layoutTemplate: 'main'
Router.route('/', function(){
The file containing the layout template, main.html:
<template name='main'>
<div class='container'>
<header class='navbar'>
<div class='navbar-inner'>
<a class='brand' href='/'>MyApp</a>
<div id='main' class='row-fluid'>
{{> yield}}
And the file containing the postsList template which is passed to this.render() function
<template name='postsList'>
<div class='posts'>
{{#each posts}}
{{> postItem}}
So when I go to localhost:3000/ the page displays only the main template and not the postsList template. However, there is no error, unless I completely remove Router.route(...), at which point it will display the standard 'route not found' error.
Also, I tried not using the global template, but a route template, by removing Router.configure(...) and adding this.layout('main') to Router.route(...). The browser then displays nothing.
Your code is perfectly fine. I also came across this issue. The iron:router package seems to be missing the ejson dependancy.
Add the ejson to your app and it should work.
meteor add ejson
I'm sure when iron:router is updated this will be resolved.

Why Does Meteor Spacebars #each Tag Not Render Content?

The {{name}} in the below html does not inject anything into the page when it should say "hello world". I have even tried to remove the {{name}} and put in something as simple as "blah blah blah". The page however does not show the text.
One error I am getting is: :1039:17: #each requires an argument (compiling raffler.html)
<div id="container">{{> raffle}}</div>
<template name="raffle">
<ul id="entries">
{{#each entries}}
<li> {{name}} </li>
if Meteor.is_client
Template.raffle.entries = [{name: "hello world"}]
Also I am working off of this tutorial:
Your code looks fine, maybe you missed the </template>, also try this:
if Meteor.is_client
Template.raffle.entries = ->
[name: "hello world"]
again not sure if it'll help your code looks quite ok

How do i get an onload function on the body for a specific template using meteor.js?

I'm trying to get the following behavior for a certain template:
<body onload="someInitFunction();">
Let's say i have the following markup (i'm using mrt router, not iron-router, for {{renderPage}}):
// Main Template
{{> header}}
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
{{> footer}}
That renderPage is the secondTemplate:
<template name="secondTemplate">
{{#if currentUser}}
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="list-group">
<a class="list-group-item" href="{{render thirdTemplate please...}}">Third Template</a>
<a class="list-group-item" href="{{render fourthTemplate please...}}">Fourth Template</a>
// In this case let's say thirdTemplate gets rendered
{{render the choice taken above please...}}
And within this template, depending on which link was clicked on, (in this case the third) there will finally be a thirdTemplate, which will show a data visualization with some help by a javascript framework, which will be in need of a <body onload="initFunction();">in order to display the data:
<template name="thirdTemplate">
<div class="col-md-5">
<h2>THIS!! section needs a "<body onload="initFunction();"> in order to work" ></h2>
<div class="col-sm-5">
<h2>Some other related content here</h2>
To sum up i have three questions:
1a. How could i get the third template to get a <body onload="initFunction();">
2a. In which way can i render different templates within the secondTemplate?
2b. Can i use a {{renderPage}} within this template even though this template is the renderedPage in the main template or should i do it in some other way?
In order to get the <body onload="initFunction();"> i had to do the following:
First add the following function to a .js file in the client folder:
Template.thirdTemplate.rendered = function() { // Template.thirdTemplate.created - also worked.
onload: 'init();'
This however got me an error saying that initFunction is not defined. In an standard html page my could work just fine, but in meteor i had to change my function from:
function initFunction(){
//what ever i wished to do
init = function() {
//what ever i wished to do
Regarding the rendering of pages, iron-routing is the way to go since the router add on is not under development any more.
1a. How could i get the third template to get a <body
You probably want to call initFunction when the third template has been rendered, so just put your call to it in the rendered callback.
Template['thirsTemplate'].rendered = function(){
2a. In which way can i render different templates within the
2b. Can i use a {{renderPage}} within this template even though this
template is the renderedPage in the main template or should i do it in
some other way?
Listen for clicks on the links, and when one happen you manually render the desired template (possible with Meteor.render, if you need reactivity) and add it to the right node in the document. See this question.
It may be possibly to achieve with router (I don't know that package).
I think that what you want to use is the created callback, that will be called each time your template is created, and not the rendered callback, that would be called each time a change has caused the template to re-render.
Template.thirdTemplate.created = function(){
See the documentation for templates for other types of callbacks:

What is the ">" operator in a Meteor Handlebars.js template?

I have looked through the source of Meteor and Handlebars.js, but couldn't find what > does. Is it a helper? For example in the todos example of Meteor (git):
<div id="lists">
{{#each lists}}
{{> list_item}}
Follow up: The handlebars.js Meteor package parses the template and when it finds {{> some_partial}} it places the some_partial template. Take a look at packages/handlebars/parse.js
I'ts a partial call
Whereas in ERB you may have this:
<%= partial :next_more, :start => start, :size => size %>
Mustache requires only this:
{{> next_more}}
