Katalon Studio - Stop test suite execution if a test fails - automated-tests

I would like to stop test suite execution in Katalon Studio when a test fails. Can someone tell me if this can be achieved in Katalon as I am new to this tool?

Expanding on this answer:
Create a Global Variable with boolean value set to false (You need to do this before actually running the test case/suite):
GlobalVariable.SKIP_REMAINING_TESTS = ''
Create a test listener with the following code
def sampleBeforeTestCase(TestCaseContext testCaseContext) {
println "Test Case skipped"
def sampleAfterTestCase(TestCaseContext testCaseContext) {
GlobalVariable.SKIP_REMAINING_TESTS = true
Before each test, #BeforeTestCase will check if GlobalVariable.SKIP_REMAINING_TESTS is true (it is false by default) and will skip the test if it is.
After each test, if the test case is failed it will change GlobalVariable.SKIP_REMAINING_TESTS to true and all subsequent test case in that test suite will be skipped.


Show test body, test steps for passing tests in Cypress

When tests pass in Cypress it doesn't show the steps but if fails it shows all the steps and what step caused test to fail.
I want to see passing tests body/steps too.
Below image shows a passing test and a failing test. Failing test is much more informative. I want passing test to be like that too. How can I achieve this?
it('should select shipment method and type "test" into additional
notes', function () {
cy.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { // If CheckoutJS throws an error, it will be caught here
cy.url().should('include', '/basket/checkout/payment')
cy.get('[data-cy="misc::additional_message_checkbox"]').check({force: true}).should('be.checked')
// there is no shipping::forward
// cy.get('[data-cy="shipping::forward"]').click()
it('should focus iframe and put a credit card', function () {
cy.url().should('include', '/basket/checkout/shipping')
const iframeSelector = 'iframe[data-cy="payment::iframe"]'
By default, clicking on a test's name in the runner will expand and show all steps executed. In your case, it is doing this. But the issue you are running into is most likely that the uncaught:exception event you are waiting for in the first test is not occurring, and therefore no steps are executed. If you remove the cy.on('uncaught:exception'), you'll see the steps are executed.

Initialising a driver instance with callSingle does not work for automated UI tests [duplicate]

I was trying to find a way to launch all features in Karate testing through maven using an external variable to set up the browser (with a local webdriver or using a Selenium grid).
So something like:
mvn test -Dbrowser=chrome (or firefox, safari, etc)
or using a Selenium grid:
mvn test -Dbrowser=chrome (or firefox, safari, etc) -Dgrid="grid url"
With Cucumber and Java this was quite simple using a singleton for setting up a global webdriver that was then used in all tests. In this way I could run the tests with different local or remote webdrivers.
In Karate I tried different solution, the last was to:
define the Karate config file a variable "browser"
use the variable "browser" in a single feature "X" in which I set up only the Karate driver
from all the other features with callonce to re-call the feature "X" for using that driver
but it didn't work and to be honest it doesn't seem to me to be the right approach.
Probably being able to set the Karate driver from a Javascript function inside the features is the right way but I was not able to find a solution of that.
Another problem I found with karate is differentiating the behavior using a local or a remote webdriver as in the features files they're set in different ways.
So does anyone had my same needs and how can I solve it?
With the suggestions of Peter Thomas I used this karate-config.js
function fn() {
// browser settings, if not set it takes chrome
var browser = karate.properties['browser'] || 'chrome';
karate.log('the browser set is: ' + browser + ', default: "chrome"');
// grid flag, if not set it takes false. The grid url is in this format http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
var grid_url = karate.properties['grid_url'] || false;
karate.log('the grid url set is: ' + grid_url + ', default: false');
// configurations.
var config = {
host: 'http://httpstat.us/'
if (browser == 'chrome') {
if (!grid_url) {
karate.configure('driver', { type: 'chromedriver', executable: 'chromedriver' });
karate.log("Selected Chrome");
} else {
karate.configure('driver', { type: 'chromedriver', start: false, webDriverUrl: grid_url });
karate.log("Selected Chrome in grid");
} else if (browser == 'firefox') {
if (!grid_url) {
karate.configure('driver', { type: 'geckodriver', executable: 'geckodriver' });
karate.log("Selected Firefox");
} else {
karate.configure('driver', { type: 'geckodriver', start: false, webDriverUrl: grid_url });
karate.log("Selected Firefox in grid");
return config;
In this way I was able to call the the test suite specifying the browser to use directly from the command line (to be used in a Jenkins pipeline):
mvn clean test -Dbrowser=firefox -Dgrid_url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
Here are a couple of principles. Karate is responsible for starting the driver (the equivalent of the Selenium WebDriver). All you need to do is set up the configure driver as described here: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-core#configure-driver
Finally, depending on your environment, just switch the driver config. This can easily be done in karate-config.js actually (globally) instead of in each feature file:
function fn() {
var config = {
baseUrl: 'https://qa.mycompany.com'
if (karate.env == 'chrome') {
karate.configure('driver', { type: 'chromedriver', start: false, webDriverUrl: 'http://somehost:9515/wd/hub' });
return config;
And on the command-line:
mvn test -Dkarate.env=chrome
I suggest you get familiar with Karate's configuration: https://github.com/intuit/karate#configuration - it actually ends up being simpler than typical Java / Maven projects.
Another way is to set variables in the karate-config.js and then use them in feature files.
* configure driver = { type: '#(myVariableFromConfig)' }
Keep these principles in mind:
Any driver instances created by a "top level" feature will be available to "called" features
You can even call a "common" feature, create the driver there, and it will be set in the "calling" feature
Any driver created will be closed when the "top level" feature ends
You don't need any other patterns.
EDIT: there's some more details in the documentation: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/develop/karate-core#code-reuse
And for parallel execution or trying to re-use a single browser for all tests, refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60387907/143475

Firebase Firestore rules path in production

Following the docs, I tried to debug the path
When I'm using the emulator locally, the path is like /databases/$(database)/documents/col1/doc1/col2/doc2/...
so this resource['__name__'][0] will be databases
and resource['__name__'][4] will be doc1
for example, this test function will return true (locally, using the emulator):
function test() {
return string(resource['__name__'][4]).matches('doc1');
function test() {
return string(resource['__name__'][0]).matches('databases');
But, when I deploy the rules, the test function becomes false.
Is it because the path in production is different? If so, how can I see it? is there any example for a production path..

apache airflow variables on startup

I'm learning Airflow and am planning to set some variables to use across different tasks. These are in my dags folder, saved as configs.json, like so:
"vars": {
"task1_args": {
"something": "This is task 1"
"task2_args": {
"something": "this is task 2"
I get that we can enter Admin-->Variables--> upload the file. But I have 2 questions:
What if I want to adjust some of the variables while airflow is running? I can adjust my code easily and it updates in realtime but it doesn't seem like this works for variables.
Is there a way to just auto-import this specific file on startup? I don't want to have to add it every time I'm testing my project.
I don't see this mentioned in the docs but it seems like a pretty trivial thing to want.
What you are looking for is With code, how do you update an airflow variable?
Here's an untested snippet that should help
from airflow.models import Variable
Variable.set(key="my_key", value="my_value")
So basically you can write a bootstrap python script to do this setup for you.
In our team, we use such scripts to setup all Connections, and Pools too
In case you are wondering, here's the set(..) method from source
def set(
key: str,
value: Any,
serialize_json: bool = False,
session: Session = None
Sets a value for an Airflow Variable with a given Key
:param key: Variable Key
:param value: Value to set for the Variable
:param serialize_json: Serialize the value to a JSON string
:param session: SQL Alchemy Sessions
if serialize_json:
stored_value = json.dumps(value, indent=2)
stored_value = str(value)
Variable.delete(key, session=session)
session.add(Variable(key=key, val=stored_value))

how to use both And and Or condition in robot framework

Run Keyword
If '${Contains_True}' == 'true'
'${App_Name}' == 'App Name'
ELSE IF '${Contains_True}' == 'true'
"Do Something" ELSE Log "Nothing"
In the below examples the different combinations are tested against a keyword that validates the combinations using the and/or validations. Please keep in mind that this kind of and/or check can also be separate ELSE IF statements.
*** Test Cases ***
[Template] Validate App and Contains
App Name true
App Name false
My app Name true
My app Name false
Not My Name true
Not My Name false
*** Keywords ***
Validate App and Contains
[Arguments] ${App_Name} ${Contains_True}
Run Keyword If
... ('${Contains_True}'=='true' and '${App_Name}'=='App Name') or '${App_Name}'=='My app Name' Return From Keyword Accept
... ELSE IF '${Contains_True}'== 'true' Log App Name is not as expected:"${App_Name}" level=WARN console=${True}
... ELSE Fail Of the combo "${App_Name}"/"${Contains_True}" None of the values are correct.
