I am use Firestore transaction for avoid race condition of add more than 1 user to chat. If transaction timeout, I show error dialog.
But when I move this logic to Model2 with ChangeNotifier (and Provider) it now show error:
Unhandled Exception: A Model2 was used after being disposed. Once you
have called dispose() on a Model2, it can no longer be used.
(No issue with Firestore transaction. This is expected):
PlatformException(9, Transaction failed all retries.: Every document
read in a transaction must also be written in that transaction., null)
It seem ChangeNotifier is call dispose() too early?
This mean it not allow me to handle error of race condition because it is already dispose.
class Model2 extends ChangeNotifier {
bool userAdded;
Future<bool> addUser() async {
try {
await Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
DocumentSnapshot chatRoomDocSnapshot =
await transaction.get(chatRoomDocRef);
bool userInChat = await chatRoomDocSnapshot[‘userInChat'];
if (userInChat == false) {
await transaction.update(chatRoomDocSnapshot.reference, {
‘userInChat': true,
await chatUserRef.setData({
‘User’: user,
userAdded = true;
} catch (e) {
userAdded = false;
return userAdded;
Provider (in stateful widget):
return ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Model1, Model2>(
initialBuilder: (_) => Model2(),
builder: (_, model1, model2) => model2
..string = model1.string,
child: Consumer<Model2>(
builder: (context, model2, _) =>
await model2.addUser();
Anyone know solution?
Issue is not throw if I remove fetchData(); from build method before ChangeNotifierProxyProvider .
But why is this fix the issue?
Going through the comments, it's likely that calling fetchData() rebuilds the entire screen - calling the dispose() method. If you're still having issues, I suggest providing logs and the code inside fetchData() for better context.
I have a very tricky situation, which I've reproduced in a demo.
I have a Provider of a user, with this method of updating the listeners:
class User extends ChangeNotifier {
User({required this.uid}) {
(user) async {
displayName = user?.displayName;
email = user?.email;
phoneNumber = user?.phoneNumber;
photoURL = user?.photoURL;
did = user?.did;
interests = user?.interests;
onError: (e) => print(e),
My main.dart starts like this:
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<AuthState>.value(value: _authState),
ChangeNotifierProvider<ThemeModel>(create: (_) => ThemeModel())
child: Consumer<AuthState>(
builder: (context, auth, child) {
var user =
auth.authUser == null ? null : User(uid: auth.authUser!.uid);
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
value: zuser,
child: MaterialApp.router(...
This has been sufficient for my use case thus far.
Now, I wish to make an update to the interests field;
I have a DB widget that does:
Future updateUser(String uid, Map<String, Object?> data) async {
return userCollection.doc(uid).update(data);
Where the userCollection is my collection in Firestore.
I call this class from my view widget, as:
text: "Save",
onPressed: () async {
setState(() {
_localEdit = false;
_loading = true;
await user.saveInterests(_interests());
setState(() => _loading = false);
Where saveInterests is:
Future saveInterests(List<String> interests) async {
return _db.updateUser(uid, {"interests": interests});
None of this presents any problem at first -- I can update the interests and it works fine. That is, until I keep updating the interests, and it gets slower and slower each time (the browser says the download time gets longer and longer) and seemingly my computer is eating up more and more memory until the webpage ultimately crashes.
Something of a memory leak appears to be happening, but I'm unsure what about flutter web and firebase could be causing it. I believe it may have to do with the Provider package not disposing appropriately. It does not seem to be the provider as I don't see the Widget being rebuilt over and over. Looking for some thoughts.
For anyone looking; My issue is that my json deserializer was causing an infinite loop with the firebase listener
Hello everyone I'm making an application with flutter which has different views for normal users admins and unauthenticated users, but the logic that I'm going for isn't working and I don't know why.
P.S here I'm only trying to differentiate between admins and normal users.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Future<bool> isAdmin() async {
final currentUserUid = _firebaseAuth.currentUser.uid;
//What I'm trying to do here is get my isAdmin field which is created when a user is created
final DocumentSnapshot db = await
return db.data().containsKey('isAdmin');
This is how I'm trying to implement it
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../../screens/auth/admin/admin_tab_bar_screen.dart';
import '../../screens/auth/user_tab_bar_screen.dart';
import '../../providers/auth.dart';
class AuthTabBarScreen extends StatelessWidget {
static const routeName = 'auth-tab-bar-view';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final checkUserRole = Provider.of<Auth>(context, listen: false).isAdmin();
// Here I want to check the Value I'm returning if its true
if(checkUserRole == true){
return AdminTabBarScreen();
} else {
return UserTabBarScreen();
i didn't test it but this will probably work for you.
basically db.data() is a map so, if you search your key you will get what you want
like that
Future<bool> isAdmin() async {
final currentUserUid = _firebaseAuth.currentUser.uid;
final DocumentSnapshot db = await
return db.data()['isAdmin'];
You can use FutureBuilder which waits for a future (isAdmin() in your case) before building. snapshot.data is the value of the future.
class AuthTabBarScreen extends StatelessWidget {
static const routeName = 'auth-tab-bar-view';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: Provider.of<Auth>(context, listen: false).isAdmin(),
builder: (context, snapshot) => snapshot.hasData
? snapshot.data // if isAdmin() is true
? AdminTabBarScreen() // return Admin
: UserTabBarScreen() // else if false, return UserTab
: Loading(), // while you're waiting for the data, show some kind of loading indicator
isAdmin() returns Future<bool> which is a future value so when you compare Future<bool> and bool, you will receive an equality error because one is a Future and the other is a bool. Using FutureBuilder(), your app waits for Provider.of<Auth>...isAdmin() to return a value or snapshot. A snapshot is an async value of your future so calling snapshot.data is the same as await Provider.of<Auth>...isAdmin() which is why snapshot.data returns a bool and not a Future<bool>. It might be helpful to understand how futures, async, await work documentation.
So im trying to stream data from firestore but when printing the data I get:
I/flutter ( 8356): Closure: () => Map<String, dynamic> from Function 'data':.
I am using this code to fetch the data:
void messagesStream() async {
Stream collectionStream = _firestore.collection('messages').snapshots();
await for (var snapshot in collectionStream) {
for (var message in snapshot.docs) {
When new data is added to the messages collection I get the Closure message so it is interacting with the databse.
What I want is it to print out the contents of the new document within the collection.
Any help is appreciated.
That's not the way you're supposed to iterate the results of a Stream. If you have a Stream and you want to process its results, you're supposed to use listen() to receive the results asynchronously.
Stream collectionStream = _firestore.collection('messages').snapshots();
collectionStream.listen((QuerySnapshot querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.documents.forEach((document) => print(document.data()));
See also: Firestore collection query as stream in flutter
You might also want to review the documentation to learn how to query Firestore in Flutter.
void getMessages() async {
final messages= await _firestore.collection('messages').get();
for(var message in messages.docs){
this is working check this and call getMessages() wherever you wana call
I encountered the same issue with pretty much your exact same code (sans your Stream variable). My suggestion is to delete the Stream var altogether (I tested the code below and got it to print the data from the Firestore database) :
void messagesStream() async {
await for (var snapshot in _firestore.collection('messages').snapshots()) {
for (var message in snapshot.docs) {
Alternatively, try addding QuerySnapShot as the data type for your Stream variable (untested):
Stream<QuerySnapshot> collectionStream = _firestore.collection('messages').snapshots();
You could also replace the entire method by creating a new Stateless Widget (MessagesStream) that returns a StreamBuilder:
class MessagesStream extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: _firestore.collection('messages').snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
final messages = snapshot.data.docs;
for (var message in messages) {
...and call it wherever you see fit while you test:
class _ChatScreenState extends State<ChatScreen> { (...)
body: Column(children: <Widget> [
//Just an example.
***Be sure you make the _fireStore (which should be a FirebaseFirestore.instance) a global variable if you're going with the Stateless Widget route.
I received this error while trying to throw a custom error class InkError:
You meed add toMap the class.
final response = await http.post(url, body: body, headers: headers);
final json = jsonDecode(response.body);
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
return json;
} else {
throw InkError(
code: 0,
message: json['message'],
statusCode: response.statusCode,
class InkError {
/// Error code.
final int code;
/// Error message.
final String message;
/// HTTP Status Code
final int? statusCode;
const InkError({
required this.code,
required this.message,
factory InkError.fromJSON(Map<String, dynamic> json) => InkError(
code: json['code'] as int,
message: json['message'] as String,
statusCode: json['statusCode'],
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'code': code,
'message': message,
'statusCode': statusCode,
String toString() {
return toMap().toString();
In my app I build a list of objects using data from Firebase. Inside a StreamBuilder, I check if the snapshot has data. If it doesen't, I am returning a simple Text widget with "Loading...". My problem is that if I go to another page in the app, and then come back, you can see for a split second that it says 'Loading...' in the middle of the screen, and it is a bit irritating. I am pretty sure it is downloading the data from Firebase, and building the widget every time I come back to that page. And if I don't do the check for data, it gives me a data that I am trying to access data from null.
Is there a way to cache the data that was already downloaded, and if there has been no change in the data from Firebase, then just use the cached data?
Heres a redacted version of my code:
class Schedule extends StatefulWidget implements AppPage {
final Color color = Colors.green;
_ScheduleState createState() => _ScheduleState();
class _ScheduleState extends State<Schedule> {
List<Event> events;
List<Event> dayEvents;
int currentDay;
Widget itemBuilder(BuildContext context, int index) {
// Some Code
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('events').snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return Text("Loading...");
events = new List(snapshot.data.documents.length);
for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.data.documents.length; i++) {
DocumentSnapshot doc = snapshot.data.documents.elementAt(i);
events[i] = Event(
name: doc["name"],
start: DateTime(
end: DateTime(
buildingDoc: doc["location"],
type: doc["type"],
events.sort((a, b) => a.start.compareTo(b.start));
dayEvents = events.where((Event e) {
return e.start.day == currentDay;
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: itemBuilder,
itemCount: dayEvents.length,
You can use the the following code to define the source you want to retrieve data from. This will search either in local cache or on the server, not both. It works for all get() parameters, no matter if it is a search or document retrieval.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("collection").doc("doc").get(GetOptions(source: Source.cache))
To check if the search has data in cache, you need to first run the search against cache and if there is no result, run it against the server.
I found project firestore_collection to use a neat extension that can greatly simplify this process.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
// https://github.com/furkansarihan/firestore_collection/blob/master/lib/firestore_document.dart
extension FirestoreDocumentExtension on DocumentReference {
Future<DocumentSnapshot> getSavy() async {
try {
DocumentSnapshot ds = await this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.cache));
if (ds == null) return this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.server));
return ds;
} catch (_) {
return this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.server));
// https://github.com/furkansarihan/firestore_collection/blob/master/lib/firestore_query.dart
extension FirestoreQueryExtension on Query {
Future<QuerySnapshot> getSavy() async {
try {
QuerySnapshot qs = await this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.cache));
if (qs.docs.isEmpty) return this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.server));
return qs;
} catch (_) {
return this.get(GetOptions(source: Source.server));
If you add this code, you can simply change the .get() command for both documents and queries to .getSavy() and it will automatically try the cache first and only contact the server if no data can be locally found.
To be sure whether the data is coming from Firestore's local cache or from the network, you can do this:
for (int i = 0; i < snapshot.data.documents.length; i++) {
DocumentSnapshot doc = snapshot.data.documents.elementAt(i);
print(doc.metadata.isFromCache ? "NOT FROM NETWORK" : "FROM NETWORK");
In the case you described you are probably going to still see the loading screen when its "NOT FROM NETWORK". This is because it does take some time to get it from the local cache. Soon you will be able to ask for the query's metadata for cases with empty results.
Like others suggested, you can cache the results and you won't see this. First you can try to cache it in the Widget using something like:
QuerySnapshot cache; //**
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: StreamBuilder(
initialData: cache, //**
stream: Firestore.instance.collection('events').snapshots(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData) {
return Text("Loading...");
cache = snapshot.data; //**
This will make your widget remember the data. However, if this does not solve your problem, you would have to save it not in this widget but somewhere else. One option is to use the Provider widget to store it in a variable that lives beyond the scope of this particular widget.
Probably not related, but it's also a good idea to move the Firestore.instance.collection('events').snapshots() to initState(), save the reference to the stream in a private field and use that it StreamBuilder. Otherwise, at every build() you may be creating a new stream. You should be ready for build() calls that happen many times per second, whatever the reason.
Using Generics
Appending to #James Cameron's answer above; I found myself in a situation where, said implementation removed my typecast from withConverter. So, the below adds the generic types back into the functions.
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';
extension FirestoreDocumentExtension<T> on DocumentReference<T> {
Future<DocumentSnapshot<T>> getCacheFirst() async {
try {
var ds = await get(const GetOptions(source: Source.cache));
if (!ds.exists) return get(const GetOptions(source: Source.server));
return ds;
} catch (_) {
return get(const GetOptions(source: Source.server));
extension FirestoreQueryExtension<T> on Query<T> {
Future<QuerySnapshot<T>> getCacheFirst() async {
try {
var qs = await get(const GetOptions(source: Source.cache));
if (qs.docs.isEmpty) return get(const GetOptions(source: Source.server));
return qs;
} catch (_) {
return get(const GetOptions(source: Source.server));
The implementation below would not compile with James example, as DocumentSnapshot<Object?> is not a subset of DocumentSnapshot<UserModel>. So, by adding the generic parameters back in, we can ensure that this extension maintains any type casts.
Future<DocumentSnapshot<UserModel>> userInfo() async {
return await FirebaseFirestore.instance
fromFirestore: (snapshot, _) => UserModel.fromJson(snapshot.data()!),
toFirestore: (userModel, _) => userModel.toJson(),
sdk: ">=2.17.1 <3.0.2"
cloud_firestore: ^3.1.17
I make a function call to my database, which updates a local object after getting data and takes a few moments.
Because of the Async task, the program moves to the next line of code. unfortunately I need the local object that gets updated with the async call for the next line of code.
how can I wait for my async task to finish before the next piece of code is executed? thank you
edit: adding code to explain
updateUser() {
return FutureBuilder(
future: updateUserData(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
return Text("hello not");
} else {
return Text('Hello!');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
switch (_authStatus) {
case AuthStatus.notSignedIn:
return new LoginPage(
auth: auth,
CurrentUser: CurrentUser,
onSignedIn: _signedIn,
case AuthStatus.signedIn:
return new HomePage(
auth: auth,
CurrentUser: CurrentUser,
onSignedOut: _signedOut,
You can use await keyword in async function.
void someFunc() async {
await someFutureFunction();
// Your block of code
Here your block of code wont run until someFutureFunction returns something.
You can also use with custom async function like below example:
(() async {
await restApis.getSearchedProducts(widget.sub_cats_id,widget.keyword).then((val) => setState(()
setState(() {
data = val["data"];
This might help, The below sample code has two functions,
Below function is used to load the assets and return the JSON content.
Future<String> _loadCountriesAsset() async {
return await rootBundle.loadString('assets/country_codes.json');
the other function will use the JSON content and convert the format to model and return to the class.
Future<List<CountryCode>> loadCountryCodes() async {
String jsonString = await _loadCountriesAsset();
final jsonResponse = json.decode(jsonString);
// print(jsonResponse);
CountriesCodeList countriesCodeList =
new CountriesCodeList.fromJson(jsonResponse);
// print("length " + countriesCodeList.codes.length.toString());
return countriesCodeList.codes;
Usage in the class, defined a method to call the loadCountryCodes() function from services.dart file.
Future getCountryCodes() async {
var countryCodesList = await loadCountryCodes();
print("**** length " + countryCodesList.length.toString());
// Perform the operations, or update to the UI or server. It should be same for API call as well.
Hope this helps.