what's the proposal of "DependsOn" on Prism Library - xamarin.forms

I'did look in several places to find more information about "DependsOn" property of ModuleInfo Type with not success.
I did guess that is relative to load other modules that depends of this one, for exemple:
I have a moduleA with it's property InitializatioMode set as Prism.Modularity.InitializationMode.WhenAvailable
also have moduleB with it's property InitializatioMode set as
but the moduleA "dependsOn" moduleB, so I did set it's attribute [ModuleDependency("moduleB")] assuming that with this config will be able to navigate from moduleA to moduleB in sweet way, but it's not was the expected behavior, when the navigation is executed, nothing happens.
Someone can give more information to me figure out what's this config sets ?
Thank you so much!


Trying to override templates in FOSUserBundle, but having no effect

I'm trying to modify the skin of the register.html.twig template found in FOSUserBundle/Resources/views/Registration/register.html.twig.
I've basically followed the instructions in the documentation down to a T.
Like it told to do so, I created /app/Resources/views/FOSUserBundle/views/Registration/register.html.twig.
Cleared the cache (and browser cache just to be sure)
NO effect! I've put a blank file in register.html.twig, but no matter what I put there, when I go to /register/, I still see the default template.
Yep, these things happen all the time.
It should be:

Folder Does Not Support Ordering

I see a message This type of folder does not support ordering when viewing the News or Events folder. My understanding is that items contained in such folder, their position order can not be set arbitrarily. Only alphabetical order for their IDs is applied.
From ZMI, I see News and Events folders are of ATFolder type, everything seems the same with the regular folder I just create. What makes such difference? And what is the rationale behind this?
Edit: My bad that Info message in the above image is enabled by wildcard.foldercontents, which I thought due to Plone 4.3.2. However, the issue remains that position order can not be set arbitrarily. The following image attached to illustrate this.
PS: I ever delete the News folder, create a regular folder named news, this way I can set item position order arbitrarily. However, I find the Calendar Portlet within that folder is not working right. The issue happens when I click to switch months. The URL link will be out of its context, I mean, not staying in the news folder. Maybe this is not related to the folder ordering behavior, anyway, just for your reference.
For some reason Plone is shipping with the news and events folders being unorderable.
>>> news = site.news
>>> news.getOrdering()
<plone.folder.unordered.UnorderedOrdering object at 0x112e434d0>
I consider this a bug in plone's initial site installation.
Plone core actually explicitly sets the folder to unordered: https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/blob/4.3.x/Products/CMFPlone/setuphandlers.py#L250
I don't understand why. I'll change it if there aren't any objections...

How would one set the default view of content that is imported via Generic Setup (structure)

I already know how to programatically set the default view content, in my specific case, a Folder, or how to use the Plone UI to do it. In my case, I am creating a large skeleton of content via GenericSetup and I need a set of folders to have a specific content item in each folder be the default view.
So, I have a folder structure like so:
-- .properties
-- page1
-- homepage1
-- .properties
-- page2
-- homepage2
I would think that in:
you would be able to add:
DefaultView = homepage1
or similar. So the question is: "Is it possible to set the default view of a content item using Generic Setup?"
This answer might also work; I haven't tried it yet because I'd like some feedback on my question before moving away from GS to using ZCML.
How to define default views in Plone
The GS structure importer doesn't support this; it has no idea about the (Plone specific) Dynamic Layout support.
You'll have to write your own custom GS step to do this, I am afraid, or perhaps use something like plone.app.transmogrifier (it includes support for browser defaults and collective.transmogrifier includes a GS step) to configure this.

How to deal with Web Controls in a class library which have file dependancies

I could do with a little guidance if possible..
I'm building a class library to contain custom web controls. I've transformed many of the jQuery UI elements into .NET classes for dynamic use in pages. e.g.
Dim Msg As New Dialog("Dialog Title", New LiteralControl("Dialog Content"))
Msg.Width.Value = 500
Msg.Height.Value = 300
Me.Controls.Add(Msg )
The necessary scripts get inserted into the head during CreateChildControls, and any jQuery file references are added to the head e.g.
The WebControl base class handles inserting the references into the Page Head.
This is brilliant, however there's a problem...the file paths may differ between applications which consume the control library.
My choices that I can see are:
A) Embed the files as resources within the library itself....however the CSS styling would be non-customisable between the individual aplications, and any changes to CSS/JS would need a re-compile.
B) Define and use a standardised file heirarchy. Each application needing a folder call 'Scripts' with a fixed file heirarchy within, so the control knows where to reference the required files. The problem I can see here is that it might not always be possible to use this standardised heirarchy and could make using the library cumbersome.
C) Create a property for each control, for each file it requires. Again this would become cumbersome and a pain to use, because each instantiated control would have to have those properties set.
D) Make some kind of ResourceUrlLibrary Dictionary like class which the consuming app can populate, then give to each control as it's instantiated. However, this seems convoluted and could cause confusion for other developers.
If anyone has come across this problem and could spare me some guidance that would be brilliant :)
If its a custom control, it has a reference to the Page class, which then has a method call ResolveClientUrl to generate a relative URL for you. So that can take care of that scenario. You may want to expose a ScriptsFolder property that allows you to store the path to the scripts rather than hard-coding it too.
If this is for your own custom project, standardizing on a folder is fine, but if you are creating a common library to be reused, requiring a specific folder isn't a good idea, and you can then use the ScriptsFolder property to remedy this, or store the folder path in the config. It's OK to standardize on the use of an application setting.
To confirm, I use Telerik controls, and they go the route of having a property that defines a custom path to the script (since they rely on one for a specific control), and they also have certain settings that can be overridden by adding an application setting.

Could not resolve * to a component implementation

I'm a wee bit stuck on this, and was hoping you might have some input to help me.
I'm getting the "Could not resolve * to a component implementation." error message. However, everything I've read about this via Google hasn't helped my case in the slightest. I presume I'm just missing something obvious, but maybe its something more serious.
So, to solve this problem, I've tried two things, and both work, as far as they take me. First, I added a new component, of the exact same variety, and then copied the contents of the erroring component into it. I replace the viewstack 'page' with the new component (which as near as I can tell is IDENTICAL, but with a different name), and the compiler error goes away.
I can also solve this by simply renaming the original component & letting FB4 refactor for me. The error goes away again. But if I then re-rename back to the original name, I get the compiler error again.
I've tried to clean the project several times, and that doesn't help. Neither does deleting the workspace, and re-importing the project.
I'd really like to understand what I've done wrong here. What am I missing?
Thanks much!
Try the following:
Right-click on your project in the
Package Explorer.
Select "Properties" in the pop-up
menu (last item).
Click "Flex Library Build Path"
Click the "Classes" tab
Try to find the name of your new component in there. If you do, see if it is checked or not. If it is not, check it. That should solve the problem right there, but you may have to clean and (sometimes) quit FB4 and relaunch.
Usually errors like this means you have two components named similarly and the compiler couldn't tell which one you wanted to use.
Do you have another component with the same, even in a different package? Or do you have a variable in your component the same name as the component? Be sure to check your SWCs and/or Library projects.
I'm assuming this is a compile time error; is that correct?
In my case the problem was solved by changing the SDK version of the Flex Compiler to 4.5
You can try with different SDK versions, until you get your component to compile or until the error changes to something related to a theme related error.
After changin this I got an error related to a propertie that is not supported by the current theme, so I open the component in design view and in the Properties View selected the Appearance tab and changed the theme from SPARK to HALO
Hope this is usefull for somebody else
One cause of this error is that the default xml namespace for the component is not the same as the the package in which the component resides.
Check to make sure that the default xmlns entry in the component definition is the same as the package.
For example:
If you have an component MyControl.mxml located in the package com.company.components.controls
The mxml opening tag might look something like this:
<MyControl xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
Note how the default xmlns entry points to the same package.
Why this happens:
What often happens is that after you refactor an MXML class by moving it to a new package you will end up with a an valid but not correct mxml definition.
For example say I refactor and move the MyControl.mxml from the com.company.components package to the com.company.components.controls package. The xmlns definitions will not be updated so they will look like this:
<controls:MyControl xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
Note how the default namespace still points to the com.company.components package and the mxml tag MyControl has to be prefixed by the namespace controls this is an indication of the issue.
Now here is the catch; This is technically valid and will often work. The reason is that it is valid and the components can all be found in their defined xmlns locations.
The problem comes when you try to use a component that is expected to be found, by the framework or parent component, in the default namespace. A good example of this is and other subcomponents of the parent mxml component you might be extending.
To fix this you should modify the mxml tag and namespaces so that the default namespace is the same as the current package. (As in the first example)
Might be I am very late to answer this question, but this might be because the package name which is associating with your class is not the exact and appropriate.
