Using a Value in write.csv - r

Maybe a simple question, but I am trying to automate a bit of code, including the write.csv process.
I want to use a character (Stationname, e.g. STN76) to name the csv, I have this:
write.csv(AbunData, file = Stationname)
Where the station name is the automated bit. Which sort of works, but without the .csv file encoding. I want to .csv to be
or would would be even better!

if you include more details on exactly what you are doing you will probably get a more helpful answer :), but have you explored using paste() or paste0() to create the file names. E.g.:
file_name <- paste0("STN", SOME_NUMBER, "_Routput.csv")


Writing to a CSV file producing errors

I am using R to analyze some text data. After doing some aggregation, I had a new dataframe I wanted to write to a csv file, so I can use it in other analyses. The dataframe looks correct in r- it only has 2 columns with text data- but once I write the csv and open it, the text is scattered across different columns. Here is the code I was using:
write.csv(new_df, "4.19 Group 1_agg by user try 2.csv")
I tried adding in an extra bit of code to specify that it should be using UTF-8, since I've heard this could be an encoding error, so the code then looked like this:
write.csv(new_df, "4.19 Group 1_agg by user try 2.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
I also tried reading in the file differently (using fread instead of read.csv)
Still, the csv file looks wrong/messy in many places. Here is what it should look like:
This is what it looks like currently:
Again, I think the error must be in writing the csv file, because everything looks good in R when I check it using names and head. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Create a *read-only* CSV

I hope this is a straightforward question -- I create a lot of output files using write_csv, and for auditing purposes, I need to be sure that those csv files can't be modified by someone else. Is there a way to write a CSV file that's read-only? write.csv and write_csv don't have any obvious parameters for this when creating the file; am I missing anything, or is there another way to do this?
You could try to use this:
system("attrib +R file.csv")

read_csv does not work separate commas and not capture separate rows

I am trying to parse a text log file like this, I can use the default read.csv to parse this file.
test <- read.csv("test.txt", header=FALSE)
It separated all comma parts, though not perfectly put in a dataframe, further manipulation can be done to improve.
However, I can not seem to do so using readr package
test <- read_csv("test.txt", header=FALSE)
All observations turn into 1 row, no separation between commas.
I am learning this package so any help would be great.
Thanks to #Dave2e pointing out that this file is in JSON format, I found the way to parse it using ndjson::stream_in.

Save text files with a different extension in r

I'm trying to write out an R output to a text file that is not saved as .txt but as some other unique identifier (for example .prt). I know that's possible with matlab, but I don't know how to get that to work with R.
I can't find any package to do that, and when I try to specify the extension in the file name it give me an error and doesn't save.
Any idea would be greatly welcome! Thank you.
Unless you are using some specialized package, a lot of standard R functions for writing data to files have a file= parameter (or similar) to let you specify whatever the filename (and extension) you want. For example: <- matrix(rnorm(25),ncol=5)
### in reality you could just write file="dummyfile.prt" as one string
### but for demonstration purposes, you can use paste0() or paste(,sep='')
### to create a new file name using some variable prefix and your extension
### ".prt"
### sep='\t' makes the output tab-delimited

how to read a file to data frame and print some colums in R

I got a question about reading a file into data frame using R.
I don't understand "getwd" and "setwd", do we must do these before reading the files?
and also i need to print some of the columns in the data frame, and only need to print 1 to 30,how to do this?
Kinds regards
getwd tells you what your current working directory is. setwd is used to change your working directory to a specified path. See the relevant documentation here or by typing ? getwd or ? setwd in your R console.
Using these allows you to shorten what you type into, e.g., read.csv by just specifying a filename without specifying its full path, like:
instead of:
