I'm building an app with Ionic v3.
Now I've already set up push notification with OneSignal.
But I find out that if I send only 'number' message like '123123', iOS Device cannot receive the message. (Android work perfect). But English, Chinese and any other languages work.
p.s Idk attached link is ok or not, just in case, here's OneSignal plugin link https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs
I'm using Firebase to send notifications to my React Native frontend. Notifications come through fine when the app is closed, but user's don't receive the notification while they are inside the app. How can I force the notification through every time?
the notifications are received but not showing when the app is open (foreground) you will have to use this or similar solution to show the notification on the screen in this case.
check this link
I have used it on android and iOS with no problems.
You can't "force" them but you can handle them
I want to set custom sound to notification in my application which using firebase notification.
In android worked perfectly, but in IOS not working. I put audio file in ios/runner, but notification received silently.
Is it possible to identify whether a particular push notification message was delivered to a particular token via Firebase Cloud Messaging? And, if so, is it possible to do so via an API call or by listening to some callback?
I know that I can look at aggregate statistics in the console and even segment those statistics through analytics tags, but cannot find a way to get more discrete information.
I also know that the API will synchronously respond if a token is invalid but the process by which Apple and Google invalidate tokens is a bit opaque (to me) and doesn't help if someone simply turned off push notifications for my app.
If someone turned off push notification – you can check it with code
Swift ios check if remote push notifications are enabled in ios9 and ios10
Android app - detect if app push notification is off
But user can be offline, or APNs / Firebase service – can get some problems and your notification will be drop. You can check delivery status with some code in iOS and Android applications.
If you need check, delivery status for some push you can make push notification extension (in iOS). For send status about delivered notification in your API. More info about push notification extension.
It can be helpful
https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/android/receive#handling_messages About handling messages in Android (you can send status delivered too)
I hope this answer will help with your problem.
Received (available only on Android devices) — The data message or
notification message has been received by the app. This data is
available when the receiving Android device has FCM SDK 18.0.1 or
higher installed.
I am sending Push Notifications on my iOS application from Firebase console and the notifications are delivered however the Notification section in Firebase does not show Open Rate(Mean how many notifications were open out of total sent ). Why is that happening ?
I think gcm is not related here, he said he is working with ios, not android. I am experiencing the same behaviour with my iOS app here!
When implementing Push notification using IBM MobileFirst Platform. I noticed that when i send more then one message, the notification gets over write each other. And i am able to see only last notification in status bar.
The issue is the same with this article for Android phone. It recommends to use different Notification ID.
Android: Manage multiple push notification in device of an app
The question is: how I can fix this problem in IBM MFP v7.1 ?
This blog post shows how you can override the default push notifications implementation by adding your own, that will create the "Inbox" style notifications: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/worklight/entry/inboxstyle_notifications_in_android?lang=en
If you do not want to create your own notification implementation, you can add the following property to the wlclient.properties file in your generated Android project:
This properly is available only if your are using the latest 7.1 iFix from IBM Fix Central.