I am using windows 10 and kdb 3.6, at first, the q console has only one bracket, but as I practice on it, gradually it grows many duplicated ones. It works fine but looks annoying. How can I get rid of those?
You are seeing the additional brackets due to errors that occur inside functions/lambdas. When an error occurs you are entered into the q debugger. To remove the brackets and exit the debugger type \ in your terminal and hit enter.
You can read more about the q debugger here.
Thomas has already explained how you're entering the debugger due to errors occurring inside of functions, and that entering \ will exit the current 'layer' you're in. I just wanted to add that if you enter \ while not in the debugger (i.e. your current prompt is q)), then your prompt will become (two blank spaces), and the interpreter will begin evaluating k instead of q. While in the k interpreter, you can enter \ to switch back to the q interpreter.
In zsh (with oh-my-zsh, is that matters) when I enter empty commands (e.g. just press enter) I see empty lines added to my ~/.zsh_history:
: 1508496422:0;ls
: 1508496422:0;vim
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496494:0;ls
I'm wondering if it's possible to avoid adding these lines. I checked http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html but no luck. The reason why I'm trying to avoid adding empty lines is I'm using fzf and fzf lists these empty commands when I search in last commands in a directory.
If this is not possible in zsh side I'll try to search for a solution in fzf side.
There are a few Zsh settings to control what goes into your history
(though I'm surprised emtpies end up there; I can't reproduce that
despite also using fzf and hitting blank RETs a lot).
The man page for zshoptions(1) describes:
HIST_IGNORE_[ALL_]DUPS — This should at least reduce your
consecutive multiple empties down to one.
HIST_IGNORE_SPACE — Your empties might be treated as whitespace
and thus be eliminated. I like this feature anyway for intentionall
discarding commands by starting them with a space.
There is also the HISTORY_IGNORE option (not to be confused with
Bash's HISTIGNORE) — described in zshparam(1) with an example —
which lets you remove a set of patterns. An empty pattern may fix
your case. It also has a zshaddhistory hook that you could use to
more finely control exactly what goes into history.
i'm using zsh on my mac (oh-my-zsh) and i don't understand why at the end of my output there is always this character: "%"
If i don't put export TERM="xterm-256color" in my ~/.zshrc i haven't that character:
Usually a bold % (or # for root) with reversed colors is used to signify a "partial" line in the output. That is a line, which is not terminated with a newline character.
As it seems to depend on the value of TERM I suspect an incompatibility between that value and the settings of terminal emulator. Contrary to the warning shown in your second screenshot, you actually should not set TERM in your ~/.zshrc (or anywhere inside the shell session). TERM should always be set by the terminal emulator itself. Its value (in conjunction with the terminfo terminal capability data base) tells the shell and other programs, which features a terminal emulator supports and how to use them. If the value is changed in the shell, the terminal emulator will not know about it. This may lead to programs sending control codes the terminal emulator does not understand correctly or at all.
In order to change the value of TERM you should change it in the terminal emulator settings. According to the iTerm 2 FAQ the settings is to be found at Preferences->Profiles->Terminal->Report Terminal Type.
I personally placed export PROMPT_EOL_MARK='' inside my ~/.zprofile and hide the character.
I recently installed Zsh in hope of a better life and brighter mornings. However, I quickly realized Zsh introduces various issues in conjunction with tmux.
The first issue was some weird stuff happening at the end of the prompt, before my commands, but this was resolved by supplying tmux with the -u flag for unicode-support. However, I am stuck with one final issue that needs resolution before I can use Zsh with tmux:
Usecase: Autocomplete a command which contains multiple suggestions
Issue: Autocompletion shifts suggestion one character to the right, while leaving the original character behind (visual bug, it is not included in the command)
Example 1.
Then I hit TAB..
Example 2.
Then I hit TAB..
Note 1: This does NOT occur when using the Bash-shell.
Note 2: I am using "oh-my-zsh". This issue only occurs when using the provided themes. This narrows it down to an "oh-my-zsh"-theme issue, not native zsh/tmux.
In case some people still get a similar issue, see also the top-voted answer of Remnant characters when tab completing with ZSH. The plugin you were using may have had the same non-printable characters issue, that would explain the symptoms.
Here's what happens. I'm using Vim + LaTeX-Suite to edit TeX files in Vim. This could be in the Terminal or in MacVim.
I happily
Insert lots of $\LaTeX \commands$ etc. I love using the $\backslash$.
TeX works great. No problem.
Then I go and open up a .R file in the same window (different tab). R-Plugin for Vim uses the <Leader> key (mapped to \ as per usual) to execute commands, e.g. I type \sa to send the selection to R and execute and move the window down. Life is nice.
Problem: even though while editing an R file, Vim is nice enough not to bug me in insert mode when I type \, for some reason when I switch back to the tab to edit the TeX file, then type \ in insert mode, it moves the cursor left of the \ and pauses as though waiting for the rest of the command, before then re-moving to the right of the \ and moving on as I type.
Below shows what happens just from typing \ in insert mode; obviously I could reproduce this by moving the cursor to the left with the arrow keys, but that's not how this happened--the cursor just moves left for a split second as though waiting for the R command to finish being input.
So: how can I stop the annoying behavior in the TeX file insert mode, without sacrificing other functionality? Note, (a) I don't expect mapping <Leader> to a different key to help since then that key will just have the same left-cursor-move problem in TeX; (b), I like the leader as \ anyway so I don't want to change it.
Put this line in your vimrc (requires Vim-R-plugin >=
let g:vimrplugin_insert_mode_cmds = 0
If the problem persists, you can do the following in Normal mode to know what are the keyboard shortcuts in Insert mode:
I'm new to zsh and am using the ZSH_THEME="jnrowe", which works great for a little while.
It starts out and I get a prompt that looks like this:
Ξ ~ →
but if I run a command like: ssh it becomes:
↑255 ~ →
I suspect something is messing up the character that was creating the triple bar in the first one, but have no clue really as to what's going on. I could just pick a different theme, but I've noticed most of them with a fancy character in the prompt do the same thing.
Is this a special error code or something? Or is something just borking out?
I don't know the prompt theme "jnrowe" (it's not part of the default zsh distribution afaics), but I suspect this prompt includes the error code of the last command in its output.
Try to run "ls" or "true" and the number will disapper. Run "false" and it will be 1, run ssh without arguments and it will be 255. zsh preserves this value until you run the next command, so pressing ENTER many times will not clear it.
(This will be the same value that is stored in the shell variable "$?")