How to get the custom updates in telegram - telegram

I try to use<token>/getupdates to get updates from telegram with robot, and how can I get custom updates?
Such as, I want to get updates from one telegram group, and in specified time?

Currently there's no way to do that.
You have to process all the updates from the API server in Telegram-specified format. The only thing you can provide as a query filter is an offset parameter.
If the problem is that you always receive the same set of updates, the reason is that you're specifying incorrect offset parameter for getUpdates method.
From the API docs page:
In order to avoid getting duplicate updates, recalculate offset after each server response
So offset must be different every time you call getUpdates.
How to calculate offset for every call:
getUpdatesrequest returns an array of Update objects.
Every Update object has a update_id property. Iterate over this array, find and store the maximum update_id in a variable (max_upd_id for example).
Use max_upd_id + 1 as a new offset in the next getUpdates call.
For the very first call of getUpdates use offset=0.


Marketo REST API - increment field

If i have a custom object with an integer field, is there a way to send a request to increment this field by 1?
Or would i have to get that field's value, increment it and send it back?
Unfortunately, you cannot increment such a value with a single API call, so you either have to
keep track of your records outside of Marketo too, and update Marketo with the current value;
or you have to use two API calls: one to fetch the record, and a second one to send back the updated value.
While it is possible to increment/decrement the Score field type (which is also an integer field) with integer values, it is only possible to do so through the Change Score flow step within Marketo. Besides that, the Score type is not available for custom objects.
To be sure, I just have tried to increment an integer value via the API by setting “+1” as a sent value, but it was recorded as plain “1”, so the original record has been overwritten.

Marketo Leads - How to find the updated values of progressionStatus field

I need to get the Marketo Leads who have changes on "progressionStatus" field (inside membership) with the API.
I can get all the leads related to a Program (with Get Leads by ProgramID API) without issues, but my need is to get those Leads with changes on "progressionStatus" column.
I was thinking to use the CreatedAt / UpdatedAt fields of the Program, so then, get all the leads related to those programs. But I didn't get the accurate results that I want.
Also, I tried to use the GET Lead changes API and use "fields" parameter to "progressionstatus" but that field don't exist.
It is possible to resolve this?
Thanks in advance.
You can get the list of Leads with progression status change by querying against the Get Lead Activities endpoint.
The Get Lead Changes endpoint could sound as a good candidate, but that endpoint only returns changes on the lead fields. Progression status change is not stored on the lead directly, so at the end that won't work. On the other hand the Get Leads by ProgramId endpoint returns –amongst others– the actual value of progressionStatus (program status of the lead in the parent program) but not the “change” itself, so you cannot process the resultset based on that.
The good news is that the progression status change is an activity type and luckily we have the above mentioned Get Lead Activities endpoint (which is also mentioned as the Query in the API docs) available to query just that. This endpoint also allows for filtering by activityTypeIds to narrow down the resultset to a single activity type.
Basically you have to call the GET /rest/v1/activities.json enpoint and pass the values of activityTypeIds and nextPageToken as query parameters (next to the access token obviously). So, first you need to get the internal Id of the activity type called “Change Status in Progression”. You can do that by querying the GET /rest/v1/activities/types.json endpoint and look for a record with that name. (I don't know if this Id changes from instance to instance, but in ours it is the #104). Also, to obtain a nextPageToken you have to make a call to GET /rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json as well, where you have to specify the earliest datetime to retrieve activities from. See more about Paging Tokens.
Once you have all of these bits at hand, you can make your request like that:
GET https://<INSTANCE_ID><TYPE_ID>&nextPageToken=<NEXTPAGE_TOKEN>&access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>
The result it gives is an array with items like below, which is easy to process further.
{"name":"Acquired By","value":true},
{"name":"New Status ID","value":33},
{"name":"Old Status ID","value":32},
{"name":"Reason","value":"Filled out form"},
{"name":"New Status","value":"Filled-out Form"},
{"name":"Old Status","value":"Not in Program"}
Knowing the leadIds in question, you can make yet another request to fetch the actual lead records.

Meteor pagination: cursor fetch limit with getmore

I have an infinite scroll page where I'm not using Meteor templates to draw the items. The reason for that belongs in a whole other thread. I'm trying to figure out how to paginate the data without fetching all the items at once. I have an idea about using a limit on the cursor, but can't find any real samples online of the proper way to do this.
Should the server call return the cursor itself or just the find with limited data set? If the server doesn't return the cursor itself, won't I lose position when I try to fetch the next set of results?
Also, I want to make sure to retrieve data from the same cursor. Like if there are currently 100 items and I fetch 20, I expect the next 4 fetches to get 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, and 80-100. If in the interim some items got inserted or deleted, I don't want it to mess up the fetches. I am handling reactivity separately and letting users decide when to update the items (which should reset the cursor).
Help/advice appreciated!
What you would usually do is this:
var cursor = collection.find({},{limit:100+20*page});
The first {} is obviously the selector!
You don't have to worry about returning only the values 100-120 and then 120-140 etc. since meteors ddp does that for you!
If you were using meteor's blas or you just want to have the reactivity, you should probably store the page variable in the Session or create a dependancy:

Modality work list - Which items are returned for C-FIND request of a sequence?

My question is a really basic question. Consider to query a modality work list to get some work items by a C-FIND query. Consider using a sequence (SQ) as Return Key attribute for the C-FIND query, for example: [0040,0100] (Scheduled Procedure Step) and universal matching.
What should I expect in the SCP's C-FIND response? Or, better say, what should I expect to find with regards of the scheduled procedure step for a specific work item? All the mandatory items that Modality Work List Information Model declare as encapsulated in the sequence? Should I instead explicitly issue a C-FIND request for those keys I want the SCP return in the response?
For example: if I want the SCP return the Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time and Scheduled Procedure Start Date, do I need to issue a specific C-FIND request with those keys or querying for Scheduled Procedure Step key is enough to force the SCP to send all items related to the Scheduled Procedure Step itself?
Yes, you should include the Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time / Date Tags into the 0040,0100 sequence.
See also Service Class Specifications (K6.1.2.2)
This will not ensure you will retrieve this information, because it depends on the Modality Worklist Provider, which information will be returned.
You could also request a Dicom Conformance Statement from the Modality Provider to know the necessary tags for request/retrieve.
As for table K.6-1, you can consider it as showing only the requirement of the SCP side or what SCP is required to use for matching key (i.e. query filter) and additional required attribute values to return (i.e. Return Key) with successful match. It is up to SCP’s implementation to support matching against required key but you can always expect SCP to use the values in matching key for query filter.
Also note that, SCP is only required to return values for attributes that are present in the C-FIND Request. One exception is the sequence matching and there you have the universal matching like mechanism where you can pass a zero length ITEM to retrieve entire sequence. So as stated in PS 3.4 section C., you can just include an empty ITEM (FFFE, E000) element with VR of SQ under Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040, 0100) for universal matching.

Firebase better way of getting total number of records

From the Transactions doc, second paragraph:
The intention here is for the client to increment the total number of
chat messages sent (ignore for a moment that there are better ways of
implementing this).
What are some standard "better ways" of implementing this?
Specifically, I'm looking at trying to do things like retrieve the most recent 50 records. This requires that I start from the end of the list, so I need a way to determine what the last record is.
The options as I see them:
use a transaction to update a counter each time a record is added, use the counter value with setPriority() for ordering
forEach() the parent and read all records, do my own sorting/filtering at client
write server code to analyze Firebase tables and create indexed lists like "mostRecent Messages" and "totalNumberOfMessages"
Am I missing obvious choices?
To view the last 50 records in a list, simply call "limit()" as shown:
var data = new Firebase(...);
Firebase elements are ordering first by priority, and if priorities match (or none is set), lexigraphically by name. The push() command automatically creates elements that are ordered chronologically, so if you're using push(), then no additional work is needed to use limit().
To count the elements in a list, I would suggest adding a "value" callback and then iterating through the snapshot (or doing the transaction approach we mention). The note in the documentation actually refers to some upcoming features we haven't released yet which will allow you to count elements without loading them first.
