How to convert a value to a string? - functional-programming

I am attempting to print a value which is not a string to the console.
In this case it is an array of integers.
How can I convert an array or any other value which allows such behaviour to a string.
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import Data.Array
main = log [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
When I run the above the compiler gives the following error:
Could not match type
Array Int
with type
while checking that type Array t0 is at least as general
as type String while checking that expression
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
has type String in value declaration main
where t0 is an unknown type

Exactly how you should convert an array to a string depends on what you need to do with that string. That is, it depends on who is going to consume that string and how. The possibilities range from just turning it into a string "array" all the way to binary-base64-encoding.
If all you need is just print it out for debugging or educational purposes, then use the function show from type class Show. There is an instance of that type class defined for arrays, so the function will work in your case.
main = log $ show [1,2,3,4,5]
If you want to take a shortcut, use the function logShow, which does literally the above:
main = logShow [1,2,3,4,5]
An alternative way to print out stuff for debugging purposes is the traceAny function from Debug.Trace. This function doesn't require a Show instance, because it uses the native JavaScript console.log, which will just dump the raw JSON representation of your value:
main = traceAny [1,2,3,4,5] \_ -> pure unit
Beware though: this function is for debugging only, do not use it for reliable output.


How To Copy data from String access to Ada.String

I have the following fragment of code
with GNAT.Command_Line; use GNAT.Command_Line;
with GNAT.Strings; use GNAT.Strings;
(Config => Config, Output => File_Name'Access,
Long_Switch => "--file=", Switch => "-f=",
Help => "File with Composition");
After parsing command line via Getopt I have access object that points to actual file name
I would like to copy this name to Ada.String.Fixed string that definded as
File_Name : String(1 .. 256);
I can print to console data from File_Name'Access as
I think I should provide something like copy operation then free access object.
How can I do it?
I guess File_Name in the code snippet defined as 'aliased GNAT.Strings.String_Access'. This is a "fat pointer" to the string object. "Fat" means it is not an address only, it is range of indices of the string. C-style Nil terminator is not used in Ada, and Nil is valid character.
You can copy data inside this string object into the another standard String object playing with indexes computations, but usually you must not do this: there is no Nil terminator, you will need to pass length of the actual data; destination string object may be smaller than necessary, and data will be truncated or exception raised; etc.
There are two right ways to do this. First one is to declare unconstrained string object and assign value to it.
Fixed_File_Name : String := File_Name.all;
Free (File_Name);
or use variable length string (bounded or unbounded):
Unbounded_File_Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Unbounded_File_Name :=
Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (File_Name.all);
Free (File_Name.all);
Use of fixed string has important restriction: string object must be initialized exactly at the point of declaration of the object, and available only inside corresponding block/subprogram. Use of variable length string allows to declare string object outside of the scope of particular block/subprogram.

Swiftui: how do you assign the value in a "String?" object to a "String" object?

Swiftui dictionaries have the feature that the value returned by using key access is always of type "optional". For example, a dictionary that has type String keys and type String values is tricky to access because each returned value is of type optional.
An obvious need is to assign x=myDictionary[key] where you are trying to get the String of the dictionary "value" into the String variable x.
Well this is tricky because the String value is always returned as an Optional String, usually identified as type String?.
So how is it possible to convert the String?-type value returned by the dictionary access into a plain String-type that can be assigned to a plain String-type variable?
I guess the problem is that there is no way to know for sure that there exists a dictionary value for the key. The key used to access the dictionary could be anything so somehow you have to deal with that.
As described in #jnpdx answer to this SO question (How do you assign a String?-type object to a String-type variable?), there are at least three ways to convert a String? to a String:
import SwiftUI
var x: Double? = 6.0
var a = 2.0
if x != nil {
a = x!
if let b = x {
a = x!
a = x ?? 0.0
Two key concepts:
Check the optional to see if it is nil
if the optional is not equal to nil, then go ahead
In the first method above, "if x != nil" explicitly checks to make sure x is not nil be fore the closure is executed.
In the second method above, "if let a = b" will execute the closure as long as b is not equal to nil.
In the third method above, the "nil-coalescing" operator ?? is employed. If x=nil, then the default value after ?? is assigned to a.
The above code will run in a playground.
Besides the three methods above, there is at least one other method using "guard let" but I am uncertain of the syntax.
I believe that the three above methods also apply to variables other than String? and String.

idl: pass keyword dynamically to isa function to test structure read by read_csv

I am using IDL 8.4. I want to use isa() function to determine input type read by read_csv(). I want to use /number, /integer, /float and /string as some field I want to make sure float, other to be integer and other I don't care. I can do like this, but it is not very readable to human eye.
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
; TODO check header
if not isa(str.(0), /integer) then stop
if not isa(str.(1), /number) then stop
if not isa(str.(2), /float) then stop
I am hoping I can do something like
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['/integer', '/number', '/float']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i=0l,n_elements(expected_type) do
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop
the above doesn't work, as '/integer' is taken literally and I guess isa() is looking for named structure. How can you do something similar?
Ideally I want to pick expected type based on header read from file, so that script still works as long as header specifies expected field.
my tentative solution is to write a wrapper for ISA(). Not very pretty, but does what I wanted... if there is cleaner solution , please let me know.
Also, read_csv is defined to return only one of long, long64, double and string, so I could write function to test with this limitation. but I just wanted to make it to work in general so that I can reuse them for other similar cases.
function isa_generic,var,typ
; calls isa() with keyword
; if 'n', test /number
; if 'i', test /integer
; if 'f', test /float
; if 's', test /string
if typ eq 'n' then return, isa(var, /number)
if typ eq 'i' then then return, isa(var, /integer)
if typ eq 'f' then then return, isa(var, /float)
if typ eq 's' then then return, isa(var, /string)
print, 'unexpected typename: ', typ
IDL has some limited reflection abilities, which will do exactly what you want:
expected_types = ['integer', 'number', 'float']
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if ~array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
foreach type, expected_types, index do begin
if ~isa(str.(index), _extra=create_struct(type, 1)) then stop
It's debatable if this is really "easier to read" in your case, since there are only three cases to test. If there were 500 cases, it would be a lot cleaner than writing 500 slightly different lines.
This snipped used some rather esoteric IDL features, so let me explain what's happening a bit:
expected_types is just a list of (string) keyword names in the order they should be used.
The foreach part iterates over expected_types, putting the keyword string into the type variable and the iteration count into index.
This is equivalent to using for index = 0, n_elements(expected_types) - 1 do and then using expected_types[index] instead of type, but the foreach loop is easier to read IMHO. Reference here.
_extra is a special keyword that can pass a structure as if it were a set of keywords. Each of the structure's tags is interpreted as a keyword. Reference here.
The create_struct function takes one or more pairs of (string) tag names and (any type) values, then returns a structure with those tag names and values. Reference here.
Finally, I replaced not (bitwise not) with ~ (logical not). This step, like foreach vs for, is not necessary in this instance, but can avoid headache when debugging some types of code, where the distinction matters.
Reflective abilities like these can do an awful lot, and come in super handy. They're work-horses in other languages, but IDL programmers don't seem to use them as much. Here's a quick list of common reflective features I use in IDL, with links to the documentation for each:
create_struct - Create a structure from (string) tag names and values.
n_tags - Get the number of tags in a structure.
_extra, _strict_extra, and _ref_extra - Pass keywords by structure or reference.
call_function - Call a function by its (string) name.
call_procedure - Call a procedure by its (string) name.
call_method - Call a method (of an object) by its (string) name.
execute - Run complete IDL commands stored in a string.
Note: Be very careful using the execute function. It will blindly execute any IDL statement you (or a user, file, web form, etc.) feed it. Never ever feed untrusted or web user input to the IDL execute function.
You can't access the keywords quite like that, but there is a typename parameter to ISA that might be useful. This is untested, but should work:
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['int', 'long', 'float']
str = read_cv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i = 0L, n_elemented(expected_type) - 1L do begin
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop

pyparsing for querying a database of chemical elements

I would like to parse a query for a database of chemical elements.
The database is stored in a xml file. Parsing that file produces a nested dictionary that is stored in a singleton object that inherit from collections.OrderedDict.
Asking for an element will give me an ordered dictionary of its corresponding properties
(i.e. ELEMENTS['C'] --> {'name':'carbon','neutron' : 0,'proton':6, ...}).
Conversely, asking for a propery will give me an ordered dictionary of its values for all the elements (i.e. ELEMENTS['proton'] --> {'H' : 1, 'He' : 2} ...).
A typical query could be:
mass > 10 or (nucleon < 20 and atomic_radius < 5)
where each 'subquery' (i.e. mass > 10) will return the set of elements that matches it.
Then, the query will be converted and transformed internally to a string that will be evaluated further to produce a set of the indexes of the elements that matched it. In that context the operators and/or are not boolean operator but rather ensemble operator that acts upon python sets.
I recently sent a post for building such a query. Thanks to the useful answers I got, I think that I did more or less the job (I hope on a nice way !) but I still have some questions related to pyparsing.
Here is my code:
import numpy
from pyparsing import *
# This import a singleton object storing the datase dictionary as
# described earlier
from ElementsDatabase import ELEMENTS
and_operator = oneOf(['and','&'], caseless=True)
or_operator = oneOf(['or' ,'|'], caseless=True)
# is a property getter that returns the list of
# registered properties in the database
props = oneOf(, caseless=True)
# A property keyword can be quoted or not.
props = Suppress('"') + props + Suppress('"') | props
# When parsed, it must be replaced by the following expression that
# will be eval later.
props.setParseAction(lambda t : "numpy.array(ELEMENTS['%s'].values())" % t[0].lower())
quote = QuotedString('"')
integer = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
float_ = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
comparison_operator = oneOf(['==','!=','>','>=','<', '<='])
comparison_expr = props + comparison_operator + (quote | float_ | integer)
comparison_expr.setParseAction(lambda t : "set(numpy.where(%s)%s%s)" % tuple(t))
grammar = Combine(operatorPrecedence(comparison_expr, [(and_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT) (or_operator, 2, opAssoc.LEFT)]))
# A test query
res = grammar.parseString('"mass " > 30 or (nucleon == 1)',parseAll=True)
print eval(' '.join(res._asStringList()))
My question are the following:
1 using 'transformString' instead of 'parseString' never triggers any
exception even when the string to be parsed does not match the grammar.
However, it is exactly the functionnality I need. Is there is a way to do so ?
2 I would like to reintroduce white spaces between my tokens in order
that my eval does not fail. The only way I found to do so it the one
implemented above. Would you see a better way using pyparsing ?
sorry for the long post but I wanted to introduce in deeper details its context. BTW, if you find this approach bad, do not hesitate to tell it me!
thank you very much for your help.
do not worry about my concern, I found a work around. I used the example shipped with pyparsing (thanks for the hint Paul).
Basically, I used the following approach:
1 for each subquery (i.e. mass > 10), using the setParseAction method,
I joined a function that returns the set of eleements that matched
the subquery
2 then, I joined the following functions for each logical operator (and,
or and not):
def not_operator(token):
_, s = token[0]
# ELEMENTS is the singleton described in my original post
return set(ELEMENTS.keys()).difference(s)
def and_operator(token):
s1, _, s2 = token[0]
return (s1 and s2)
def or_operator(token):
s1, _, s2 = token[0]
return (s1 or s2)
# Thanks for Paul for the hint.
grammar = operatorPrecedence(comparison_expr,
[(not_token, 1,opAssoc.RIGHT,not_operator),
(and_token, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,and_operator),
(or_token, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,or_operator)])
Please not that these operators acts upon python sets rather than
on booleans.
And that does the job.
I hope that this approach will help anyone of you.

ActionScript: An equivalent of Python's `repr` (ie, a useful string representation of an object)?

Python's repr function is awesome: it returns a printable representation of an object.
For example, repr(["a'b", {1: 2}, u"foo"]) is the string '["a\'b", {1: 2}, u\'foo\']'. Notice, eg, how quotes are properly escaped.
So, is there anything like this for ActionScript?
For example, right now: [1, 2, ["3", "4"]].toString() produces the string "1,2,3,4"… Which really isn't very helpful. I'd like it to produce a string like… Well, '[1, 2, ["3", "4"]]'.
I have considered using a JSON library… But that's less than ideal, because it will try to serialize instances of arbitrary objects, which I don't really want.
AFAIK there isn't any quick-easy one line command that does what you want, but here's a way to do it, straight from Adobe I might add
This is the only thing remotley close:
valueOf ()
public function valueOf():Object
Language Version : ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions : AIR 1.0, Flash Player 9
Returns the primitive value of the specified object. If this object does not have a primitive value, the object itself is returned.
Note: Methods of the Object class are dynamically created on Object's prototype. To redefine this method in a subclass of Object, do not use the override keyword. For example, A subclass of Object implements function valueOf():Object instead of using an override of the base class.
Object — The primitive value of this object or the object itself.
You can try the ObjectUtil.toString function, it's not exatly what you want, but I don't think you will find anything closer to what you want as it's functions is described as "Pretty-prints the specified Object into a String.", which is what it does, but keeps much more info that you would want. As Array is a complex data object and that's why it annotates it like that.
var a:Array = [1, 2, ["3", "4"]];
trace (ObjectUtil.toString(a));
// returns
// (Array)#0
// [0] 1
// [1] 2
// [2] (Array)#1
// [0] "3"
// [1] "4"
I'm wondering how would repr handle this example:
var a:Array = [0,1,2];
trace (ObjectUtil.toString(a));
// returns
// (Array)#0
// [0] 0
// [1] 1
// [2] 2
// [3] (Array)#0
Yes I know what you want, the solution is quite simple, use JSON object to complete it!
For example:
trace(JSON.stringify(['yet', 'another']));
trace(JSON.stringify({hello: 'world'}));
Try it!
Read more about that please visit here.
