Sabre service to get flight availability and price excluding BargainFinderMax - sabre

Is any Sabre service to get flight availability and price (from given start and end airports and dates).
But excluding BargainFinderMax service (this service is not in our contract).

A possible service it is: OTA_AirLowFareSearchLLSRQ


SABRE Hotel Passive Segment API

In SABRE just started on a "webapp" in SABRE for the agent to convert a HK segment to a passive segment (GK). I am new to the API's. Is there an API for does this with SABRE. I couldn't find one but surely there's a generic method for sending a "valid sabre command" ...
The agent entry would be like this...
555-1111#RQNEAR POOL/CF89732901
You are unable to convert an HK reservation to GK, as HK is an online sale with the hotel and GK is an offline sale with the hotel.
In order for you to sell a hotel segment in any status, you can use the services listed below according to your needs:
All of these services allow you to sell a hotel with HK or GK status.
I'm transitioning from sabre script writing to sabre red apps.
I found this example/sample it has textboxes to collect information and then push to sabre. You should be able to rename some of the boxes and add some textboxes to collect all the hotel data and push to sabre.
Location: C:\SDK\red-app-sdk-3.0-20.11.6\samples
This is the main processor file that initiates the data in html, to ts, to sabre.
The modal shown in sabre comes from template dir. These are HTML pages with boxes/drop downs etc.
Transmit to sabre

Verify if data was returned from preferred region in cosmos

So I have setup my cosmos in 2 regions (say West US and South Central US). I also have my app services running in these two region and connecting to cosmos. For app services running in each region I have configured my preferred region list. So for app service running WUS region, preferred list is in order [WUS, SCUS] and for app service running SCUS region, preferred list is in order [SCUS, WUS].
I want to verify if this configuration is working and my data was returned from cosmos region in order as i have mentioned. For example if accessed from WUS app service, verify if region chooses to execute the query was WUS and vice versa.
Is there any way to verify this?
NOTE : I am using spring-data-cosmosdb-2.1.2 to connect to cosmos.
Not sure if you can get that information from Response in code but you can make use of Cosmos Metrics in Azure portal.There you can filter the metrics on Region.
So, Attempt a request through App from region 1 and then verify in portal that expected Cosmos region served it. Test in same way for region 2.
Yes, just dump the Diagnostics returned in the response object and look for the FQDN to the endpoint. It will have a regional subdomain pre-pended to the URI.

tce api tollcost.json returns no costs

For example this url returns no costs:;-1126692456
Here's the response:
If instead using the the fleet api calculateroute.json with the same coordinates:,8.51315&detail=1&waypoint1=46.18977,6.24859&routelegattributes=none&routeattributes=none&maneuverattributes=none&linkattributes=none&legattributes=none&currency=EUR&tollVehicleType=3&mode=fastest;truck;traffic:disabled&rollups=country&alternatives=0
The response contains cost 93.89€:
Shouldn't both apis return the same cost?
HERE API provides two APIs one is to calculate toll cost optimised route using toll cost extension services and second one to get the route with Toll cost.
Here is the link for the documentation
Hope this helps.

Rofxord: how to change the endpoint and connect with API Azure Cognitive Service?

I try to connect with Azure Cognitive Service using Roxford package. I got error propably due to wrong endpoint (after including Oxford Project into Azure Services there are several, region specific end points).
I got the key from personal account in Azure Cognitive Service project:
facekey <- "xxx" #look it up on your subscription site
getFaceResponseURL("",key= facekey)
#I got error
# {"error":{"code":"Unspecified","message":"Access denied due to invalid subscription key. Make sure you are subscribed to an API you are trying to call and provide the right key."}}
How to change the endpoint to the: "" ???
If your Roxford lib is the one here:
Then you can add the region when you call the method. Cognitive Services keys are dedicated to an Azure region, so you should use the same region when you use it. If you don't remember which region you choose when you generated the key, it's written in the overview in Azure portal.
Then when you use getFaceResponseUrl:
getFaceResponseURL <- function(img.url, key, region="westus")
Pass the region:
getFaceResponseURL("", key=facekey, region="theAzureRegionOfYourKey")

sabre: Did not find a hosted air segment in reservation

The service GetPassengerDataRQ responds me with the message:
Did not find a hosted air segment in reservation
I'am using ItineraryRef from create passenger name record response
(Here is the response) and here is the request to Get Passenger Data
If you are trying to retrieve a PNR by record locator, you should be using either TravelItineraryReadRQ or getReservationRQ.
