Since this is an un-used key combination for me, and because ; sits nicely under my right pinky finger, I think Ctrl-; would make a nice, quick prefix for tmux. However, I can't figure out how to bind it. I've tried:
set -g prefix C-;
unbind C-b
bind C-;
And variations, such as C-\; 'C-;' 'C-\;'
None work.
Duplicate: I found the answer here.
How to use Ctrl-semicolon for prefix in tmux?
Apparently ctrl-; doesn't even have an ASCII code.
I'm trying to give my tmux panes individual titles. Since there is nothing built into tmux to assign titles, I'm using a function that will receive various properties of the pane and then lookup the title that I want based on those properties, and echo it out.
However, the test inside the function is not working as expected. Even when the session_name "portal" is passed in, it does not match the string "portal", even though the output is always exactly "portal".
I've removed all irrelevant code from the function to show just exactly the failing match:
tmux_pane_title() {
local session_name=$1
# ...
if [[ "$session_name" = "portal" ]] && echo ".${session_name}." || echo "-${session_name}-"
# ...
tmux set pane-border-format "#P: `tmux_pane_title \"#{session_name}\" \"#{pane_current_command}\" \"#{pane_current_path}\"` "
It always echos out "-portal-", showing the $1 is in fact "portal", but it does not match "portal" in the test.
I have tried using sed to remove newlines, but it made no difference.
However if I hard-code "portal" into the tmux format for pane-border-format it will suddenly work, suggesting there's some weird control character hidden in the name preventing it from working when I pass in session_name
tmux set pane-border-format "#P: `tmux_pane_title \"portal\" \"#{pane_current_command}\" \"#{pane_current_path}\"` "
If that's the case, how can I find and eliminate the control character? (And why would it be there? I did not enter anything weird into my tmuxinator.yml file for the session name.)
I've already tried removing control characters like this:
local session_name=$(echo $1 | tr -d "[:cntrl:]")
If that's not the case, how can I figure out what is breaking this function?
P.S. I'm on tmux 3.1b.
This is NOT an answer to the question, but it is a step in the direction of a solution to the problem that led me to ask the question. If you have the same problem, this may be helpful.
Although I'm still interested in solving the mystery related to the failing test, I found a way to set my pane titles more easily1.
There is a pane_title property that can be used in your pane-border-format:
tmux set pane-border-format "#{pane_title}"
If you set this format, then you can set the title with printf and escape sequences:
printf '\033]2;%s\033\\' 'your desired title'
(I had read about the printf technique elsewhere, both on and off SO, but it fails if you don't have the proper format including pane_title. No where else did I see these two things mentioned together. Without the combination, it fails. Assuming that the default format is set is not a safe assumption.)
A complete answer is still useful, so I could do things like this:
tmux set pane-border-format " #P: #{?pane_title,#{pane_title},`tmux_pane_title \"#{session_name}\" \"#{pane_current_command}\" \"#{pane_current_path}\"`} "
That would choose an explicit title if one were set, and default to the function to choose one. So please don't close this question as a duplicate of others that relate to setting tmux pane titles. IT IS DIFFERENT.
1In other words, I solved the problem but I didn't answer the question. Many people think SO is a problem-solving site, but it describes itself as a question & answer site. I doubt if many people have given this distinction much thought, but they are very different things.
Can anyone tell me how to move back a word in ZSH? Ctrl+b will move back a character but not an entire word.
For instance a log command like this:
knife zero bootstrap mbigglesworth# --sudo-preserve-home --ssh-user mbigglesworth --sudo --policy-name linux_mint_wkstn -N linuxmint-vm -VV painful to get to the middle of!
ESCAPE+b or ESCAPE+f to move back one word or forward one word respectively
The mentioned above are the defaults(as far as I'm concerned)
#TyMac mentions that the defaults are uppercase in his system though (ESCAPE-B, ESCAPE-F)
You may perfectly set them manually by inserting the following lines in your zshrc
bindkey "^[b" backward-word
bindkey "^[f" forward-word
in case you don't like the defaults you may set it to some different key combo using this same syntax (I would suggest that it's preferable to use the defaults though but that's just personal opinion)
Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right to move back and forward one word.
It does, however, depend heavily on your configuration. Read more here.
A list of other handy default keybindings is here
I've removed and added a few times now the following line to ~/.tmux.conf:
set -ga terminal-overrides ',xterm*:smcup#:rmcup#'
Which according to the person who provided it does the following:
to fool the multiplexers into thinking that the terminal has no "alternate screen" mode (such as that used by pico, mutt, etc). This is accomplished by setting termcap commands for the session.
The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as.
The end result is that the overflow ends up in the terminal's scrollback buffer instead of disappearing. Of course, since this is one static buffer, things will get messy as you switch between screen or tmux windows, but this is handy for quickly flicking up to see the output of an ls command or the such.
I don't quite understand the bolded section (emphasis added), but guess this is the source of what I'm seeing. It's causing some weird sort of unicode overspill upon exiting tmux.
Pasted as plaintext this text won't show up, but the symbol [001B]112 appears alongside the usual [exited]:
(FWIW I think it has pasted in that line, but isn't displaying)
I followed this advice ("Use terminal scrollbar with tmux"), and while it does work, this is just ugly/annoying to see that upon exiting. Can anyone advise how to fix or avoid the output message?
Offhand, I would get the unwanted "message" is some hard-coded application (or script) which is helpfully resetting the xterm dynamic text cursor color. See XTerm Control Sequences in the description of Operating System Controls:
The dynamic colors can also be reset to their default
(resource) values:
Ps = 1 1 2 -> Reset text cursor color.
So... somewhere there is some script doing the equivalent of
echo -n -e '\e]112\a
The results probably depend most on what particular terminal emulator you are using. Both screen and tmux filter out escape sequences that their developers did not care to implement, and pass through those that the terminal "should" handle.
Just take a look at sentence you provided: "The 'xterm*' part of the command should be set to whatever your terminal-emulator is declared as."
In my case, the $TERM has value xterm-256color and the corresponding line in ~/.tmux.conf looks like:
set -g terminal-overrides "xterm-color256:smcup#:rmcup#"
I'm simply trying to get shift+tab to be a recognized key sequence during my rxvt terminal sessions. So I can map it to usefulness such as:
bindkey "\e[Z" reverse-menu-complete
But, based on my research, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Just want to make sure.
This is a hard limitation of rxvt? (Is there a technical reason for this limitation? Or just an unsupported feature?)
I can't get it to emit that either, although strangely enough, the rxvt source code (as shipped with Cygwin) does appear to have support for it:
case XK_Tab:
if (shft)
STRCPY(kbuf, "\033[Z");
else {
Anyway, rxvt development stopped eight years ago. Try its successor, rxvt-unicode, aka urxvt, where this does work. If you're on Cygwin or MSYS and you were using rxvt without an X server, which urxvt does require, try mintty.
I have Vim 7.2 installed on Windows. In GVim, the <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> work for navigation between tabs by default. However, it doesn't work for Vim.
I have even added the below lines in _vimrc, but it still does not work.
map <C-PageUp> :tabp<CR>
map <C-PageDown> :tabn<CR>
But, map and works.
map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
Does anybody have a clue why?
The problem you describe is generally caused by vim's terminal settings not knowing the correct character sequence for a given key (on a console, all keystrokes are turned into a sequence of characters). It can also be caused by your console not sending a distinct character sequence for the key you're trying to press.
If it's the former problem, doing something like this can work around it:
:map <CTRL-V><CTRL-PAGEUP> :tabp<CR>
Where <CTRL-V> and <CTRL-PAGEUP> are literally those keys, not "less than, C, T, R, ... etc.".
If it's the latter problem then you need to either adjust the settings of your terminal program or get a different terminal program. (I'm not sure which of these options actually exist on Windows.)
This may seem obvious to many, but konsole users should be aware that some versions bind ctrl-pageup / ctrl-pagedown as secondary bindings to it's own tabbed window feature, (which may not be obvious if you don't use that feature).
Simply clearing them from the 'Configure Shortcuts' menu got them working in vim correctly for me. I guess other terminals may have similar features enabeld by default.
I'm adding this answer, taking details from vi & Vim, to integrate those that are already been given/accepted with some more details that sound very important to me.
The alredy proposed answers
It is true what the other answer says:
map <C-PageUp> :echo "hello"<CR> won't work because Vim doesn't know what escape sequence corresponds to the keycode <C-PageUp>;
one solution is to type the escape sequence explicitly: map ^[[5^ :echo "hello"<CR>, where the escape sequence ^[[5^ (which is in general different from terminal to terminal) can be obtained by Ctrl+VCtrl+PageUp.
One additional important detail
On the other hand the best solution for me is the following
set <F13>=^[[5^
map <F13> :echo "hello"<CR>
which makes use of one of additional function key codes (you can use up to <F37>). Likewise, you could have a bunch of set keycode=escapesequence all together in a single place in your .vimrc (or in another dedicated file that you source from your .vimrc, why not?).