How do I output the variable target_id instead of node.nid? inside the function call?
{% set target_id = content.field_internal_lnk %}
{{ content.field_button_text }}
By using the right variable name?
{'node': target_id }
I send from Symfony object which contains at-sign # in variable.
Object name is invoice and with {{ dump(invoice) }} in twig template I see object and parameter with path:
But I dont know how to get value of this banSpojDod#showAs because there is at-sign #.
Could you help me someone please?
You could try with The attribute function can be used to access a "dynamic" attribute of a variable:
{{ attribute(invoice[0], 'banSpojDod#showAs') }}
Hope this help
Ok thanks. Problem was that I used it in loop, and some parameters not exists. I needed to add exist conditions. So my final code works:
{% for f in invoice %}
{% if attribute(f,'banSpojDod#showAs') is defined %}
{{ attribute(f,'banSpojDod#showAs') }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I have the following code :
{% set aSessionKeys = app.session.get('aBasket')|keys %}
onkeyup="calculatePrice({{ product['product_price'] }},{{ product['product_id'] }},{{ aSessionKeys }})
And I have an error :
Notice: Array to string conversion
Can you help me please? Thx in advance. So exist a solution to passe this array?
I do like this :
{% set aKeys = aSessionKeys|join(',') %}
{{ dump(aKeys) }}
It shows good, but if I passe to jquery :
calculatePrice({{ product['product_price'] }},{{ product['product_id'] }},{{ aKeys }})
When I do in js methode calculatePrice() :
function calculatePrice(price, product_id, aKeys) {
var x = document.getElementById("product_quantity_"+product_id);
var total_price = price * x.value;
$("#total_price_"+product_id).html(total_price+" <small> MDL</small>");
sum = 0;
It shows only the first value of aKeys
You have very popular error. You are trying to display array. But how do you imagine that? You can use {{ dump(aSessionKeys) }} for that purpose or use first element: {{ aSessionKeys.0 }} (if it is not an array or object).
But if you want to print all values from this array you can run foreach loop:
{% for element in aSessionKeys %}
{# something here #}
{{ element }}
{# something here #}
{% endfor %}
Obviously (as you are using the |keys filter) aSessionKeys contains an array, and by using {{ aSessionKeys }} in the template Twig will try to output the array as a string, which doesn’t work (or at least is not what you want).
To convert the array to a string, you should use Twig’s join() filter, which will concatenate the array values using a given delimiter string. So, if – for instance – you want to join the values using a comma, this would be the code:
{{ aSessionKeys|join(',) }}
I stored a format of shopping order in database, it's like #{{ number }} (it's just a string), how can use this {{ number }} as a execution of Twig.
For example, in my Controller, when I render the view, I also pass a $number variable:
return $this->render('MyBundle:View:index.html.twig', array('number' => 123));
and in my index.html.twig file, it's something like
{% set orderFormat = some_function_to_get_order_format() %}
// orderFormat will be #{{ number }}
// What can I do to print orderFormat to #123
Try template_from_string function.
{{ include(template_from_string("Hello {{ name }}") }}
In Symfony / Twig, I could use tags by using percentages in my translated block. For example:
Hello {{nickname}}
would become
{% trans %}Hello %nickname%{% endtrans %}
This works as expected. The array with placeholders that I pass to Twig, are automatically mapped to %placeHolder%. No extra work involved. So this works with my PHP array from the controller being:
Array('nickname' => 'rolandow')
When I want to use the nickname inside the translation block, all I have to do is surround it with percentages %. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work when I pass it to trans.
Now I would like to translate a whole block of text, using tags. I can't figure out how I can use the tags in my translation. So, my twig would look something like this:
{{ say.hello|trans }}
And my translation snippet
<trans-unit id="1">
<target>Hello %nickName%, how are you doing today? lots-of-text-here</target>
I got it working by using this in my template, but it feels like doing things twice. I now need to put the array of placeholder into the trans function again. For example:
{{ say.hello|trans('%nickName%' : nickName) }}
If I want to use other tags that are given to twig in my controller, I need to pass them to the translator as well. Can't I just pass the complete array somehow?
{{ say.hello|trans('%nickname%': 'rolandow') }}
There are several questions here so let's cover them.
1) Twig's behaviour is not like a Doctrine query, where each parameter must be bounded. You can pass an array that contains unused parameters to trans, so if you don't want to specify {'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2'...} to the filter, just pass the entire array (example: | trans(array)). That's #Luke point.
2) You can translate block of texts using several ways, the most simple is {% set %}. The {% set %} tag can be used two ways :
{% set var = expression %} or {% set var1, var2 = expression1, expression2 %} is the most known and used way: you just put some value inside one or several variables.
{% set var %} block of text {% endset %} allow you to set an entire block of text inside that variable. This is useful if you want to put that block into a filter (such as, escape, or in your case, trans).
So to translate a block of text, you'll do something like:
{% set variable %}
block to translate %placeholder%
{% endset %}
{{ variable | trans(array) }}
Anyway, I don't see any interest of translating a whole block in one time : we use | trans generally after a property (such as say.hello), and I can't imagine your xlf/yml translation file with such a design. If you want to use the translator just to fulfill placeholders, just use Twig as it is written for that job :-)
3) About replacing placeholder by %placeholder% in your parameters array's keys : the point of Twig is: put what you want as placeholder. In such a way, if your translated sentence contains several %, you can use $something$, #something# or even something as placeholder.
If your array keys does not contain those %, you need to add them, you don't have any choice. If you really want to do it on a Twig file, you can create a macro that will do the job for you, and put it in a file you import in your base layout.
Something like :
{% macro trans_pct(property, params) %}
{% set newParams = [] }
{% if params %}
{% for key, value in params %}
{% set newParams['%' ~ key ~ '%'] = value %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ property | trans(newParams) }}
{% endmacro %}
And then use it with {{ _self.trans_pct('hello.say', array) | trim }}.
Notes :
_self is the template where is stored the macro (see the documentation for more details).
trim is used because I wrote the macro with indentation and line breaks (that's cleaner to read). Those spaces are, by default, printed.
{% set var_name1 = "hello" %}
{% set var_name2 = "there" %}
{% array1|merge({var_name1: var_name2}) %}
I was hoping the code above would add this to array1:
...but it adds:
I've tried wrapping {{ }} around var_name1. Is it possible to add a record to an array and use a variable for the key?
Enclose the key name in brackets:
{% array1|merge({(var_name1): var_name2}) %}
Note that if var_name1 is a numeric value, it won't work.
You'll have to concat it with a string value :
{% set array1 = array1|merge({(var_name1~'_'): var_name2}) %}