Upgrading Artifactory license - artifactory

We were using Artifactory 3.0.4, whose license got expired.
We have got the updated license version, but i am not sure how to change the license version. Please suggest where to change the licnese version.
P.S. Please do not suggest for artifactory migration steps, as our aim is only upgrading the license verion not to migrate.

After some rigorous search on this question found the solution. Hence posting it for any future help.
1. Login to Artifactory server " su – nexus"
2. Change the working directory to the artifactory home directory.
cd Artifactory_3_9_5\etc
3. Take the backup of the old license files.
cp artifactory.lic Artifactory_bkp.lic
4. Also, it is advisable to take the backup of the below files.
cp artifactory.system.properties artifactory_bkp.system.properties
cp artifactory.config.bootstrap.xml artifactory_bkp.config.bootstrap.xml
5. Either put the new licensed version file to this location or paste the license key to the Artifactory license file(i.e. artifactory.lic).


JupyterQ license Check Failed

Upon loading a JupyterQ notebook for a kdb project, I got an unfamiliar error.
License check failed.
There's an issue with the license manager. Check your installation carefully and/or reinstall your application.
I googled it and there's no explanation, other than to reinstall everything, which I did.
conda install -c kx kdb
conda install -c kx embedpy
conda install -c kx jupyterq
No change, still get the error. Any suggestions?
64-bit kdb requires a license to run although it is free for non-commercial use with some limitations. Have you followed the steps outlined here to get the kc.lic file downloaded?
Licences/binaries 'expires' occasionally. Request new one, or download new binary.
Had the same thing happen to me.
You need to replace this file in your anaconda3 folder
You can do so by downloading the licence from kx:
This it is the free, non-commercial, 64-bit kdb+ on demand licence.
Fill in the info and they'll email you the license.

Artifactory-pro recommendations for upgrade version from 4.14.2 to 5.7

I am planning to upgrade artifactory-pro from 4.14.2 to 5.7. Has anyone done this so far? We use npm, bower, debian, yum repositories. Any recommendation or insight is appreciated.
As I see it, the upgrade depends on two main factors:
Your installation type(ZIP/RPM/RPM OSS/Debian/Docker). Here you can find detailed instructions for each type:
ZIP installation
RPM installation
RPM OSS installation
Debian installation
Docker installation
In case you use an HA cluster, here are the instructions.
While no special operations are required except those are mentioned in the instructions - please pay attention to updates and other special instructions since there are specific instructions to upgrading from Artifactory 4.x to 5.4.x and above. As can be seen here (for example).
Like in any other upgrade process, make sure you have a full system backup (Artifactory configuration, metadata, and artifacts)

Composer misses to install certain files (app/console, AutoLoader.php, app_dev.php, etc.)

I am developing a web application with Symfony 2. The code of my own bundle that forms the heart of my application and some configurations files for application-wide settings are controlled by Git (mostly the directories, src/MyCompany/MyBundle, app/Resources/config, etc.) The rest is under control of Composer (the framework, 3rd party bundles, etc.)
Up to now, I ran a ./composer self-update && ./composer.phar update once in a while, pushed or fetched source code from the origin of my repository and everything has been working well.
Today, I started a new fresh working directory and experienced some odd problems.
I performed
git clone <my git repo url> www
cd www
composer.phar install
The composer.json is part of my repository, hence it normally suffices to excute Composer in order to install the framework and all required bundles to get a fully working copy of my web application.
But today, composer.phar install stopped prematurely complainig about missing files. Luckily, I still had my old working directory, so I could copy over the missing files manually, and restart composer.phar. I had to repeat these steps several times until I ended with a fully working application.
The files that were missing are
I thought that these files are part of the Symfony framework and expected them to be installed by Composer. Fot this reason they are not under control of my revision control system.
I found this related question. The answer is very generic und not particularly helpful. All it says is that for example app/console should be included into revision control, because it is not installed by Composer (any longer) and that there is a change in the directory structure due to the transition from Symfony 2 to 3. But I know for sure that app/console was installed by Composer in the past. Hence, something changed.
This leads me to the following questions
Is there any complete, up-to-date and official documentation
what should be included in the repository
what should be in .gitignore
what is managed by Composer?
Is there any documentation how to do the transistion from the old directory structure to the new one in preperation of Symfony 3?
I thought I read all README.md, all release information and everything in "Living on the Edge" of the Symfony site, but somehow I missed this.
The clean way to install Symfony2 from scratch with composer, is to use the following command:
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name
This will ensure that all basic structures are created. After that, you can still insert your customisations from the previous project.
Then you can add everything – except app/config/parameters.yml as well as the contents of vendor/, app/cache and app/logs – to your repository.
About transitioning to SF3, I guess there’ll be an upgrade path as soon as SF3 is stable enough to create such a document.
1.1. that depends how you want people to be able to fetch your bundle
1.2. I share with you my own .gitignore: beware I use git for my own use to have a security for my files, not to allow people to get my bundle:
# Cache and logs (Symfony2)
# Cache and logs (Symfony3)
# Parameters
# Managed by Composer
# Assets and user uploads
# PHPUnit
# Build data
# Composer PHAR
1.3. everything that is in composer.json

Is there a URL for the latest snapshot for an artifact in Artifactory?

I would like to make a permalink to the latest snapshot version of an artifact in Artifactory. If we are on 1.0-SNAPSHOT, I would like a URL that downloads the latest 1.0-SNAPSHOT JAR. I can find the latest artifact by locating the artifact on our server at http://hostname/artifactory/libs-snapshot/groupId/artifactId/1.0-SNAPSHOT/. Other than checking the timestamps, I can figure out which one if the latest by opening maven-metadata.xml and matching metadata/versioning/snapshot timestamp and buildNumber with a JAR in the same directory. This could be scripted, but ideally Artifactory already has a way to construct a permalink in this manner. Does Artifactory provide such a URL?
Doing the normal query for the entry with artifactId-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in the URL name should return automatically the latest snapshot.
See the doc here
One thing: This is base either on the latest creation date if no pom present, or latest creation of the pom if there are some. Mixing pom and non-pom deployment may results in strange results!
I tried using shell script and it worked for me.
Step1: Get an encrypted password for your user account by clicking on user name or create a common user. Go to using your secure password section in the following link
Step 2: In your local machine create a temp folder and type this curl(may be wget for windows) command:
curl -o tmp/foo.jar --user <username>:<encrypted_password> <artifactory_url>/list/libs-snapshot-local/com/search/foo/1.0/foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.JAR
Your foo.jar in tmp folder is latest version. If we dont give timestamp as like above, it will download latest artifact in that version. Hope this helps!
This might be helpful:
How to download the latest artifact from Artifactory repository?
Although there is no permalink ability in the free version of Artifactory, it can be scripted easily as you suggest. I have provided a quick script to do that in the referenced question.
Hope it helps.
Another portable option is to use the maven command line:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.4:get -DartifactId=[artifactId] -DgroupId=[groupId] -Dversion=[version] -Ddest=[dest file]
This works for me (no search API, just direct artifact URL):
curl -O -J --user <username>:<encrypted_password> http://hostname/artifactory/libs-snapshot/groupId/artifactId/1.0-SNAPSHOT/artifactId-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Basically using 1.0-SNAPSHOT in the artifact name downloads the latest version of 1.0-SNAPSHOT snapshot.

Plone4 - Installing addons

I am new to Plone and I am having trouble understanding how to install addons. I have read the documentation provided on their site, but I am still a bit confused.
The addon that I am trying to install is http://plone.org/products/uwosh.timeslot.
In the documentation, I see them using a something like cmd.exe, but I am not really sure what it is. Is it the python.exe located in the python folder?
Also, I am not clear if the addon that I wish to install is in an "egg" form.
Could someone please provide me with a detailed process for installation?
Thank you.
Find, then edit your buildout.cfg file per instructions above to add the uwosh.timeslot egg.
Re-run bin/buildout (or bin\buildout on windows) from the main plone directory on the command-line (do not run from the bin directory as your current working directory).
Answering your other questions:
Yes, packages listed on PyPI.python.org are "eggs" in the sense that you install them as eggs in buildout, not classic "Products".
cmd.exe is MS Windows command-line, assuming you are using Windows, not Unix.
This is only useful if you know where your Plone installation is located on disk -- you should.
