Copy Clipboard from iOS Simulator to Mac? - ios-simulator

Is it possible to copy clipboard from iOS simulator to my mac?
Not sure I should ask here or at AskDifferent.

Using Xcode 10 Beta
Trying going to Edit>Automatically Sync Pasteboard. Mine was checked, but they weren't synced. Try unchecking it then re-checking it.
If that doesn't work, Uncheck it, select text and copy within simulator, then click Edit>Get Pasteboard.

Select the text in the simulator, and make sure the edit menu with "Copy" is visible on the simulator screen
Use the Mac keyboard to press "⌘ + C" to copy the text into mac clipboard.
Update(Have tested on MacOS 11.3.1):
Select the text in the simulator, and make sure the edit menu with "Copy" is visible on the simulator screen
Use the Mac keyboard to press "⌘ + Shift + C", and click "Copy" in the previous step to copy the text into mac clipboard

In addition to the use of the Edit Menu in to copy data between the macOS and iOS pasteboards, with Xcode 8, you can do this from the simctl command line. Check out:
xcrun simctl pbinfo
xcrun simctl pbsync
xcrun simctl pbcopy
xcrun simctl pbpaste

Yes! First, make sure whatever you want to bring to the Mac is on your simulator's clipboard already. Then, do the regular copy shortcut (⌘ + C) to bring the simulator's clipboard to your Mac's clipboard.
You should now be able to paste whatever it was on your Mac, given that it was a compatible format.

None of these answers worked for me, I'm not sure why the simplest way isn't listed in one of the answers, but it is to first copy like you would usually on iOS, then browse to the simulator menu at the top left of MacOS: Edit > Get Pasteboard


Copy link for launch Jupyter Notebook

I installed Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook. When I launch from Jupyter Notebook I see such a message "copy and paste one of these urls". How can I copy thess urls? I tried to click with the right button, left button, double click. Nothing helps, there is no interaction with the open window. I use Windows 8.1.
Can you please tell me why this window is not active and how can I copy the URL?
You could either click on the Python icon in the top left corner of the window to get into the edit menu. (Select + Copy) or you could use Ctrl + M to select and Ctrl + C to copy.
But usually the browser is supposed to open itself and go to the notebook.

Electron : Mac Icon is not working

I try to create the Mac .DMG for my application with the following command :
electron-installer-dmg ./release-builds/automental-darwin-x64/ Automental --out=release-builds --overwrite --icon=images/favicon.icns
For me, there is nothing anormally and the path is ok and the icon too.
When, I'm launching the DMG file generated, I still have the default Mac Application icon and the desired icon is visible in a small file called .VolumeIcon.icns
So, am I doing something wrong ? Because I want to display my icons, not the default Mac one. (I already check : Node package are all up to date)

How to change an initial size of qtcreator's qtcreator_process_stub window (on Ubuntu)?

I have an application being developed in QT Creator on Ubuntu. I need to run some tests and to see their results I use console — qtcreator_process_stub window is opened. And now comes my question: how to set its initial size? (especially the width to make results more readable). Setting the width by mouse each time I run my app is quite annoying.
I found a simple solution:
Go to Tools->Options->General->Environment: System->Terminal. There is a command used to invoke a terminal. In my case I needed to change the command to:
xterm -geometry 250 -e
That's all;)
Maybe it will be useful for Windows users:
You can right click on the console title bar (when running your program), select properties and change the font size (or other properties) in the font tab. It will be remembered for the future sessions.
For changing console size from command starts console use cmd.exe "/k mode con: cols=150 lines=50" (not working from Qt for me, changing COMSPEC do nothing).
In more recent versions of Qt Creator (2.6.2 and up) this can be changed in
Run (from the top of the window)
In the run environment edit the COMSPEC field
On Linux Mint you can do the following:
Open Terminal
Edit -> Profile Preferences -> General -> Use custom default terminal size
Set the Default size to a value which fit your needs.

Copy LIne in qt shortcut

I have been searching a lot on this but of no use. Is there any shortcut to copy an entire line with a keyboard shortcut in QT creator? I have seen shortcut for cutting a line but that's not what i want..
The shortcut list is user configurable in Tools menu -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard.
And the default shortcut to copy a line is Ctrl + Ins.
Set cursor to the line you want copy and press Command+Alt+Down or Command+Alt+Up
That's it!
You can also move a line:
Mark the line you want to move and press Command+Shift+Down or Command+Shift+Up
ps: clearly they are shortcuts for mac!
pps: see also

How can I reset Xcode 4 keyboard shortcuts?

How can I reset Xcode 4 keyboard shortcuts to the default values? Thanks.
mv ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/Default.idekeybindings ~/
This will make a backup copy just in case. Then start XCode, view the Keybinding preferences, and restart XCode. This will create a blank default Default.idekeybindings file.
Edit: As per the comment response, first Quit XCode. Then if you want to reset a particular binding, you'll have to edit the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/Default.idekeybindings File and remove the <key></key> element that has the keycode that was overridden, and the <string></string> element that comes after it.
