There isn't enough memory to perform this operation - out-of-memory

I am making an automated report that gets sent to some pretty important people.
This is one report with 7 subreports, and there are several subreports in those 7 subreports. to get an idea of how big the report is:
first subreport has 2 subreports
second subreport has 13 subreports
third subreport has 2 subreports
fourth subreport has 2 subreports
fifth subreport has 4 subreports
sixth subreport has 6 subreports
seventh subreport has 3 subreports
in the seventh subreport, they have multiple subreports as well.
first subreport within the seventh one has 17 subreports
second subreport within the seventh one has a subreport which is a table that pulls data to compare data
first subreport within the seventh one has 17 subreports
Another issue im having is that when i view the report in print preview it's only supposed to make 2 pages but instead makes 35 pages and on every other page has that subreport which references to data in the table im looking at within the report.
The main issue however is that when i go to print the fist two pages of the report to observe how the data looks on paper i get the message:
There isn't enough memory to perform this operation. Close unneeded programs and try the operation again. (couldn't post a picture of the image)
Then after click OK on the error message 7 times it then says:
System resource exceeded
I've tried compacting/repairing the database, copying the queries and subreports to another database to see if that would fix it, and now i am at a loss of what to do. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Dynamics NAV 2015 - details group not always printed in report

I am working on a custom report in Dynamics NAV 2015 and am experiencing a very strange behaviour:
The report contains a table with 2 groups and one detail group.
The details group basically outputs extended texts and other information per invoice line.
Sidenote: There are more objects in the report body than just this table.
In the details group I output data from several data items that are dependants of the invoice line with some visibility condition added to avoid blank lines. (Only print when not empty)
Now the odd behaviour:
In some scenarios (I don't know what the prerequisites are) the details group is not shown for one - seemingly random - invoice line despite the dataset containing values and no visibility condition preventing it from being displayed.
Even stranger: When increasing the size of one details row, the details disappear for a different invoice line while the previously missing data is printed. This is making me think it could be some report property causing this.
Did anyone ever encounter this or has an idea what may be the cause?

how to create rdlc report in two column format?

I am very new to rdlc reports so this question might seem very silly.
I can paginate my rdlc reports using group by clause in the report designer. what I cannot do is divide the page into two columns. records 1 to 5 will show on the left and records 6 to 10 will show on the right. the same Pattern will be followed for subsequent pages.
can this even be done? please help!

Error while trying to publish an Infopath 2013 form to Sharepoint 2013 Document Library

I am a newbie in Infopath & Sharepoint. I am trying to create a form from Infopath 2013 and publish it as a document library to Sharepoint. I have some 60 fields that needs to be calculated(add) into another field. When tried to use the Design Checker, it throws an error as mentioned below in the screenshot. But it accepts if I key in only 45 fields in the Insert Formula text area. Is there any limitation on number of fields to be entered in Insert Formula? When I use PREVIEW in Infopath it works fine. This error pops up only when I try to publish it to Sharepoint. Any ideas on how to resolve this? - Thanks inadvance
InfoPath preview is rendered with IP Filler. The Browser experience has always been different, and the Filler preview is not a reliable check for the browser experience. You may have hit the limits of what a browser form can do. I don't have the numbers or limits, though.
Looking at the error message, you seem to be amassing an awful lot of calculations in one single field. My gut feeling is that this is very bad information architecture. What is the purpose of the form? What are you trying to achieve? Why would anyone have 60 fields in a form?
It looks as if you are summing a large number of cells. InfoPath is not a spreadsheet.
Use repeating tables to capture similar data. Then you can total the table entries with a standard IP function.
This looks like a sum of all the items a restaurant has on the menu. This is a perfect case for a repeating table. Don't use all 60 items on the menu in a list of 60 fields all in one form. That is overkill and not user-friendly. Create a repeating table structure where the user selects one of the 60 items and enters the transaction data. Each row of the repeating table can have another item of the list of 60. The grand total will be calculated from the entries.
If that is not viable, use helper fields to calculate sub totals by item category, and create a grand total from all the category totals.

RDLC rendering performance (ASP.Net)

I have RDLC report that uses list with ~200K records as object data source. Records are grouped by one field and report is splitted into pages. When I trying to test it - it takes about 4 minutes to render report. Profiler shows that data source generation takes 1 minute and 3 minutes are taken by CreateSnapshot method from report viewer OnPreRender event. It looks like reporting services renders report body for whole report to determine total page count and then shows only first page. Is there way to fix such behavior somehow? If it wouldn't show exact total page count for user - I am OK with it.
I have found that having expressions in RDLC reports hurts performance, this is especially said for expressions to group on or sort on.
Eliminating all expressions might bring down the processing time to seconds instead of minutes.

How to group multiple result sets in a report?

I am using ActiveReports with ASP.NET but I think answer for any similar reporting component will do.
I have two resultset to merge and show in a single report, like:
Table 1:
Name Job Start End
Jack Some service 1992 1997
Jack Some Sales Exp 1998 2007
Jane Some programming 2000 2003
Table 2:
Name Training
Jack Shiny French Certificate
Jane Crappy database certificate
Jane Some courses in management
And the report should look like:
Job History:
Some Corp, 1992-1997
Some Sales Exp, 1998-2007
Training History:
Shiny French Certificate
Job History:
Some programming, 2000-2003
Training History:
Crappy database certificate
Some courses in management
How should I merge the two tables and how should I design the layout to achieve the report in the given example?
As you may notice, I am not trying to do this with a single select. I have two datatables as source and I can merge them by hand to get a single data source. I am trying to use grouping but I need two kind of groups for each employee. One for the jobs, and one for the trainings. How can I use groups or sub-reports feature to bind this kind of data (and how should I process the data if necessary)?
Use subreports... Create a main report that will have two subreports. One subreport for job history and one subreport for training history. The main report will need a query that will return a list of people. Then for each Person in the detail of the main report, set a parameter on each of the child subreports that will refine the query in those two to list the Job History or Training History for only the current person being displayed in the parent report.
A detailed walkthrough that explains how to do this step by step is on the Data Dynamics website here. Some overview information is also here
In general you cannot do it in a single SELECT statement. Most reporting tools offer some kind of "subreports" or "inner sections" that run on a different SQL question and have some parameters passed from the main report. You could use two subreports and one master report.
You should select this two tables with "left-join", create a "GroupHeader/Footer" section in report and set "DataField" on "GroupHeader" section to field, which should be used as grouping.
Look at the samples from ActiveReports, they surely has a sample for grouping.
