I have installed openstack (liberty release). All the services are installed on the VM. Now i am trying to integrate the Ironic service and trying to provision the physical server.
Nova compute service has configured for baremetal hypervisor and the command "nova hypervisor-stats" shows the correct output.
However, when i am trying to launch the instance from horizon , getting error
No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.
somehow , nova compute service is not able to connect to baremetal node OR ironic service.
In fact , i have referred the doc :
openstack troubleshoot doc
but no luck.
please suggest
This typically happens when Nova scheduler tries to find a suitable host to instantiate your VM and then could not succeed. Nova scheduler first runs the list of all available hosts through a series of filters to narrow down the list to the best possible hosts that are capable of running that instance.
... Filter ExactRamFilter returned 0 hosts
... Filtering removed all hosts for the request with reservation ID 'r-mld1goh8' and instance ID '98c49d72-9d8e-4377-bbe0-6dbef187e75a'. Filter results: ['RetryFilter: (start: 3, end: 3)', 'AvailabilityZoneFilter: (start: 3, end: 3)', 'ComputeFilter: (start: 3, end: 3)', 'ComputeCapabilitiesFilter: (start: 3, end: 3)', 'ImagePropertiesFilter: (start: 3, end: 3)', 'ExactRamFilter: (start: 3, end: 0)']
ExactRamFilter tries to match a host with the same amount of RAM as the amount of RAM specified in the flavor chosen for the VM. Either create a new flavor or use an existing flavor with exact RAM as the hosts, and you should be able to create the VM successfully (unless you run into some other issues).
Creation instance failed with error:
Exceeded maximum number of retries. Exhausted all hosts available for retrying build failures for instance
Controller node has not any errors.
There is exception on compute node:
nova.exception.PortBindingFailed: Binding failed for port b70c2f30-f83c-4cae-abf8-98be39a382d5, please check neutron logs for more information.
Neutron's log no errors.
neutron config
physical_interface_mappings = provider:ens3
enable_vxlan = true
local_ip =
l2_population = true
enable_security_group = true
firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver
How can I fix port binding?
1, check the port create successful by openstack port show b70c2f30-f83c-4cae-abf8-98be39a382d5, I guess it's good because of the nova execute PortBinding.
2, check whether the all network component works by openstack network agent list, and check the not works component's log.
3, make sure the all hypervisor are at consistent time.
did this port created first then try to attach as interface ? if yes pleas check port owner ( project) .
Port type you created is normal or direct ?
I installed Openstack using Devstack on a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 18.04. I am trying to create a provider network with the following command:
neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 --provider:segmentation_id=500 --shared
This command returns the following error:
neutronclient.common.exceptions.BadRequest: Invalid input for operation:
physical_network 'physnet_em1' unknown for VLAN provider network.
Neutron server returns request_ids: ['req-7a0bfe13-b4c3-4408-bc60-8d36e8bc3f9a']
I would like to know how to proceed.
You should use the openstack-client commands like openstack network create ..., because the client-commands of the single libraries, like your neutron net-create, are deprecated. There are some really special cases, which are only possible with the client-library of the single components, but the most is covered by the openstack-client. Unfortunately there are often used the old commands in documentations, because many documents are not up-to-date.
To avoid the error you had, you only need to remove the --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 and --provider:segmentation_id=500 from your command. The physical network and vlan-range should be defined within the ml2_conf.ini of the neutron-server, like this for example:
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
network_vlan_ranges = physnet_em1:171:280
So with neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --shared it works in my test-deployment (at least there in no error in the terminal, not tested the network-connectioin now). The openstack-command for this task would be openstack network create --provider-network-type vlan mgmt --share --external.
Normally, as far as I know, for the provider network a flat network-type is used instead of vlan, because the provider-network should normally not directly connected to any VM. The other non-provider networks can be vlan or vxlan and then connected with a neutron-router to the provider-network. An openstack-command for this could be: openstack network create --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet_em1 mgmt --share --external. For flat-networks you have the possibility to define a provider-physical-network via command-line.
In some documentations like this: https://docs.openstack.org/newton/install-guide-ubuntu/launch-instance-networks-provider.html they also use a flat-network as provider-network-type.
I have installed eucalyptus 4.4.4 on Centos 7 and I have already done all installation steps but it is still showing "imagingbackend" as not ready.
The imaging service is not always required when using eucalyptus. Particularly for smaller deployments it can be a good choice to skip configuration of the imaging service and save the resources (virtual machine instances) that would have been used by the imaging service for user workloads.
To enable the imaging service you need to install and register the service image (v5 output shown):
# esi-describe-images
imaging 5.0.100 * emi-b54e3b35170d2c56e 1
loadbalancing 5.0.100 * emi-b54e3b35170d2c56e 0
and create the stack:
# esi-manage-stack -a check
Stack 'euca-internal-imaging-service' currently is in CREATE_COMPLETE state.
the steps to get to this state are covered in the documentation:
You can also use esi-manage-stack to delete / create the imaging stack:
# esi-manage-stack -a delete
services.imaging.worker.configured = false
# esi-manage-stack -a create
Stack 'euca-internal-imaging-service' currently is in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS state. Please wait till the end of previous stack change operation.
# esi-manage-stack -a create
services.imaging.worker.configured = true
If you have gone through these steps but the service is not enabled you should do basic checks to verify that you can run any instances in your cloud:
# euca-describe-instance-types --show-capacity
# euserv-describe-events
and also check the log for errors /var/log/eucalyptus/cloud-debug.log
I've been trying to deploy Openstack on a multi region setup, with two nodes, one for RegionOne and one for RegionTwo, with the Horizon and Keystone services shared (they both are hosted in RegionOne).
I'm using Ubuntu server Bionic on virtualbox, and devstack for the Openstack config.
Now here's my problem: I've followed the documentation but the configuration for the second region fails, and even though I have the drop down menu to choose between the two regions when I point to the second one I receive the "Unable to retrieve limits information" error.
Following the two localrc files and the images of the errors.
[ Localrc for RegionOne ]
[ Localrc for RegionTwo ]
disable_service horizon
THIS is the error I get from RegionTwo
THIS is what I see when I try to access the Horizon dashboard
I tried using different net configurations (nat, host only, hybrid, bridged) and vm dimensions but I really cannot figure out what's wrong. Any help is appreciated.
I have achieved a small test cloud on 3 pieces of hardware. It works fine when in EDGE mode but when I try to configure it for VPCMIDO, new instances begin to launch but then timeout and move to a terminated state. I can also see the instances' initial volume and config data appear in the NC and CC data directories. Below is my system layout and network.json.
em1 (All Services including Mido Cluster):
em3 (Target VPCMIDO Adapter):
em1 :
em1 :
"Mido": {
"Gateways": [
"Ip": "",
"ExternalDevice": "em3",
"ExternalCidr": "",
"ExternalIp": "",
"ExternalRouterIp": ""
"Mode": "VPCMIDO",
"PublicIps": [
I may be misunderstanding the intent of reserving an interface just for the mido gateway. All of my eucalyptus/zookeeper/cassandra/midonet configs use the interface and seem to communicate fine. The midonet tunnel zone reports my CLC host and NC host successfully in the tunnel zone. The only part of my config that references the interface I intend to use for the midonet gateway is the network.json. No errors were returned at any time during my config so I think I may be missing something conceptual.
You may need to start eucanetd as described here:
The eucanetd component in vpcmido mode runs on the cloud controller and is responsible for controlling midonet.
When eucanetd is not running instances will fail to start as the required network resources will not be created.
I configured a bridge on the NC and instances were able to launch and I no longer got an error in my nc.log. Docs and the eucalyptus.conf file comments tell me I shouldn't need to do this in VPCMIDO netowrking mode: https://docs.eucalyptus.cloud/eucalyptus/4.4.5/index.html#install-guide/configuring_bridge.html
Despite all that adding the bridge fixed this issue.