ASP:NET MVC 5 Page Rendering Very Slow -

In my mvc 5 project, every page is rendering very slowly at 5-10 seconds. I've tried many solution to increase performance but I haven't found a solution:
Web Optimization - all scripts and css files bundled
Set to release mode
I've tried ViewEngine clearing and setting one engine (Razor)
I've tried urlCompression
(I haven't tried Etag)
On the Client side, I use ajax but my problem is slow page rendering.
This image shows a page rendered in 6,74 seconds (which is a typical time for other pages)
How can I increase performance for the page rendering, there is no problem on the server side. When I click any link to open a page, I am waiting approx 10 seconds.

I not see all requests. But i fix same problem when i check all errors in request and set this setting (and publish/deploy).
<add name="BundleModule" type="System.Web.Optimization.BundleModule" />


Will changing web.config session timeout to enabled in SharePoint Web App affect other application?

Senario: I have multiple .aspx page coded with Get session timeout, and the .aspx are stored in SPS .../_layouts/15/MyPages/ folder. Below is my changes on web.config
<pages enableSessionState="true" ... >
<add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule" preCondition="" />
.aspx C# code
int milliSec = (this.Session.Timeout * 60000);
Will this affect other application in SharePoint? If yes, can my .aspx page have it's own web.config to prevent conflict?
Changes of web.config will affect only corresponding web application. But increasing timeout is generally not a good idea especially when you want to affect only one your page. Much better solution is using SPLongOperation object to implement your logic. There are at least three reasons:
It is systematic solution that solves not only timeout but also waiting animation and standard behavior.
Setting timeout in web.config affects whole web application not only your page.
Any value you put in web.config could be too low for slow systems and too high for fast systems.

To Increase Request Timeout only on particular Web Page

Is it possible to increase the request timeout for just the one particular web page? I am working on ASP.Net 4.0 and I need one particular page to have a longer request timeout, since it is responsible for initiating a long running process. Thanks.
Use Web.config:
<location path="Page.aspx">
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="180"/>
This is an old thread, but it should be emphasized that updating the executionTimeout of a page or the entire machine must also be accompanied by the compilation debug flag being set to "false", otherwise the timeout element is ignored.
Also, depending on whether or not you are using AJAX update panels, you may also have to look at the AsycPostBackTimeout flag on the ScriptManager itself - depends on how your timeout is manifesting itself. Ajax post back timeouts will be seen as error messages logged to the Javascript Console and tend to manifest themselves as ajax operations "dying on the vine" depending on how you are handling things.
The debug="false" bit is probably what is afflicting the gentleman above who was having issues on his Amazon Server, but not locally.
Some googling will also reveal that some folks have noticed that localhost handles things differently as well, so you may need to experiment around that.

Can't stop firing ASP.NET Module for static content

I have a module in an ASP.NET MVC application. The module is working fine, but it's firing for every type of file including static content even though I have:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false">
<add name="MyModule" ... / >
The module hooks AcquireRequestState and PostRequestHandlerExecute events and both show static content firing (.htm, .css, .png etc.).
I was under the impression that runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" should keep modules from firing on non-ASP.NET content.
To clarify:
I can set preCondition="managedHandler" like this:
<add name="MyModule" type="MyApp.MyModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />
and get my module to fire only managed requests.
However, I'm trying to understand why the IIS pipeline in general is firing managed module hits for every request. I think this used to work just fine in older versions where unless runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" it wasn't firing unmanaged content into ASP.NET modules.
Running on IIS8 on Windows 8 64 bit mode, with integrated pipeline mode.
After some more research it turns out that the following is true:
if runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" all modules - regardless of their preCondition attribute setting fire on all requests. This also true for Application_XXXX events implement on the HttpApplication
runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" has no effect of keeping unmanaged requests from hitting modules, unless preCondition="managedHandler" is set
runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" does affect Application_XXXX events, causing those events to only fire on managed requests then. IOW, Application_XXXX behaves as if the 'module' implementation had a preCondition="managedHandler"
For more detailed information on this I posted a blog entry:
In IIS7 Microsoft introduced a new way of developing modules and handlers by using managed (.NET) code, not just native code. Problem is switching a request between managed and native code is very expensive, so Microsoft introduced the preCondition="managedHandler". It flags the module as only available for managed content requests (.aspx, .asmx, ...) so IIS avoids firing it for static content.
Now, you can have a situation where you want to modify an static content request, such as minifying JavaScript on the fly. You can write the module using C# and compile it as a managed module, but you want it to be fired for static content, so you simply do not mark it as managedHandler.
Finally, runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" is used to override preCondition="managedHandler" so all of them get fired.
There is more info available at:

Basic authentication in avoided if runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="True"

We have one module which does internal redirection to real aspx pages. He is also in charge for directly serving cached/compressed HTML/txt/cs/js output to client.
Here is how web.config looks like for modules section:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="True">
<remove name="RequestInterceptor" />
<add type="Lib.Request.RequestInterceptor" name="RequestInterceptor" />
<remove name="Session" />
<add type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule" name="Session" />
Basic authentication is turned on on IIS7. When first visitor comes to site login popup shows and he is correctly authenticated, and then pages which he visits get cached.
When next visitor comes authentication pop up doesn't show up, unless he visits a page which was not visited by previous visitor (page that is not cached). Once the cache has expired, authentication works again until the page content gets cached, and so on.
Is there a way to force authentication for every visitor? Maybe we need to add basic authentication module to module section of web.config (how to do that)?
Thanks in advance.
While searching for an answer to a related question I came across this post:
Don't use runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" when getting your MVC routing to work
It seems to be common advice to make your modules section of your
web.config say . In
fact this is quite a drastic thing to do to solve the routing problem
and has global effects that could CAUSE ERRORS. ... This highly
recommended fix can cause other problems. These problems come in the
form of making all your registered HTTP modules run on every request,
not just managed requests (e.g. .aspx). This means modules will run on
ever .jpg .gif .css .html .pdf etc.
And, while I'm not using MVC in my WCF REST Service, it did fix my (other) problem and this advice against inappropriate or overuse of runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests may be warranted.
Because httpmodule intercepts each request, server is not able to map appropriate handler for static files, dynamic files, and among others secuirty authentication.

UrlRewriting.Net Module + IIS7 Equals Page.User == null?

I've used the UrlRewriting.Net module for a couple years now without any problems in Windows XP and Windows 2003. I just recently upgraded my home PC to Windows 7 and started developing a new website.
The plan was to use .html extensions and rewrite them to their .aspx counterparts using the UrlRewriting.Net module. Everything works flawlessly in VWD 2008, but when I try running it through IIS7 it is a different story.
When I try to access a page via the .html rewrite I can no longer access Page.User; it keeps returning null. If I hit the page using it's .aspx extension, Page.User is correctly populated. I should also mention that I have a LoginView controller in my Master Page and it suffers from the same symptoms: When accessing via .html extension it shows the AnonyousTemplate; When using .aspx extension it properly shows the LoggedInTemplate. I'm guessing the two are related.
[Note: I've also tried extensionless URLs and they exhibit the same problem]
The only way I've gotten it to work is to switch the application pool to Classic, which then requires me to add an ASP.Net ddl handler for the .html extension [otherwise it is handled by the StaticFileHandler and comes up as a 404 error]. However, I'd like my web app to run properly for people without having to fiddle around with IIS.
So I am left with several questions:
Does anyone have ideas as to why Page.User always equals null for .html => .aspx rewritten pages?
Why does it work in VWD 2008, but not IIS7?
What changed from IIS6 => IIS7 that could have caused this?
Any other thoughts on workarounds?
[Note: I just tried a .aspx => .aspx rewrite and it did not exhibit the problem. Not really what I want, but thought I should mention it.]
Just had a breakthrough with the UrlRewriting.Net module. This makes it work in Integrated Mode in IIS7:
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
After figuring it out I did a search on "runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests" and the first thing that popped up was Scott Guthrie's blog which actually talks about using it for this purpose.
Another approach that seems to work is to remove the Session module and readd it leaving the "Invoke only for requests to ASP.NET applications or managed handlers" checkbox unchecked. It looks like this in the web.config file:
<remove name="Session" />
<add name="SessionManualAdd" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />
It seems the problem is that the Session module doesn't execute for say '*.htm' files when HttpContext.RewritePath is used, but removing and readding the module in this fashion causes the Session handler to be executed for the request.
This solution was suggested on the thread below. Unfortunately Microsoft chose not to explain the reasoning behind this behavior fully:
Microsoft included a fix for this issue (at least for extensionless urls) in Service Pack 1 for Win7 and Windows Server 2008 R2:
Also available as a hotfix:
After this patch is applied, ASP.NET 4 applications can handle requests for extensionless URLs. Therefore, managed HttpModules that run prior to handler execution will run. In some cases, the HttpModules can return errors for extensionless URLs. For example, an HttpModule that was written to expect only .aspx requests may now return errors when it tries to access the HttpContext.Session property.
After applying SP1 or the hotfix, no web.config changes are needed to make the session and forms auth work for extensionless URLs rewritten to pages/handlers/etc.
I don't know if this fixes anything for rewrites to static file extensions like .htm. My guess is, probably not. I would try to avoid setting runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" in production environments, because it adds unnecessary overhead on static file requests.
