Different in dynamic and static version of realm - realm

I want to use realm and I dont know whats so different
Dynamic framework version and static framework version of realm.
(which one is more popular in usage?)
Is anyone can describe a difference with 'easy' words ??

It is described here: https://realm.io/docs/java/latest/#dynamic-realms
But the main difference is that a DynamicRealm is not type-safe and does not enforce your schema. Everything you are specified using Strings, whic means they are slower and more unsafe than the static Realm that uses the type system. So unless you are dealing with really dynamic data or migrations I would encourage you to stay with the static Realm. That way you get the full benefit of a statically typed language like Java, less bugs and faster code.


Does Flow work with any JavaScript framework?

Not looking for any recommendations, just an objective assessment if any JavaScript framework can be type-checked with Flow in the current state.
With Flow decreasing in popularity compared to TypeScript, framework declaration files tend to be written in TypeScript, and conversion is not trivial nor automatic. Is there still a framework that works well with Flow type inference, or for which you can write your own framework declarations on the fly? Or is Flow mostly used for framework-agnostic business logic today?
So the main one is react, given that its type defs are built directly into the flow project. The other which I haven't looked into personally is Vue, given that it's written in flowtype. But I cannot confirm how to get their type defs as I haven't used it personally.
But even if a library doesn't ship with type defs, it doesn't mean it doesn't support flow. One clear example is styled-components, it's built in flow with first class flow support but do not ship out of the box. Instead their defs are shipped via flow-typed. I'm not sure what their reasoning is, but most likely it's to remove coupling of flow version with styled-component version, and consumers can upgrade each independently.
Overall if you can't find a lib def readily, either not many people use it with flow or the consumers don't bother and just use the types as any. Since there are many projects in the world that don't use any static type checker, having partial static analysis may be good enough.
Answering my own question, I think looking into the flow-typed repo and look for a particular lib or framework will answer this. No recent update = no support, unless you have time and interest to make a PR yourself.

Is roslyn a reasonable substitute for reflection related tasks?

Have a question, never used roslyn before so i'm wondering about maybe experimenting it in a task that i would normally use reflection.
I'm given an external dll, i need to go over some classes in that dll and extract some metadata on them.
Like for example, the class name, property names and types and such.
I would normally use reflection to do it. Should be a super simple task.
But i've been told that this can be achieved using roslyn.
Can it? From what i'm seeing, Roslyn can parse a class but i need to give it the code that represents this calss as text. How would i get the code as text in an already complied code?
Is that even a reasonable scenario to use roslyn? Does it worth the effort?
If all you need is information that's already easily available via reflection, then Roslyn is likely to make it much harder. There's quite a lot of setup required, which can be error-prone and brittle in the face of new releases, in my experience.
I would typically use reflection for anything where the starting point is an assembly. When the starting point is source code, that's when it makes more sense to use Roslyn.
When Roslyn is the right tool for the job, it's amazing - but it doesn't sound like that's the case here.
When you using Roslyn, you have lexical info and symbolic info.
The lexical info won't help you, you must use the symbolic info, for that, you must have compilation and you can create it for compiled code.
With the compilation, you indeed can achieve types info but not runtime info. Anyway, using reflection for this is much straight forward.
When your mission is related to tree transverse or syntax rewriting, Roslyn is perfect, but for metadata info, it's the wrong usage.
It depends on your specific needs but maybe there are other "tools" that more suitable for your task (e.g. cecil or dnlib)

.NET Core in-memory Stream class which can use Memory<T> as storage

I've been looking for a type that is analogous to the MemoryStream class, but uses a Memory<T> as storage medium instead of byte
The reason for this, is I want to create in-memory streams, whose data might come from either managed, or unmanaged source, and avoid the performance cost that comes with copying said data.
Does anyone know a type that derives from System.Stream and is applicable in this scenario?
I've looked around the open issues on the corefx github, and it seems that such a type would be indeed be nice to have, and they have an open issue about it. However as things stand, such a thing is not yet available.

The standard map/associative-array structure to use in flash actionscript 3?

I'm relatively new to flash, and is confused about what I should use to store and retrieve key value pairs. After some googling I've found various map-like things to choose from:
1) Use a Object:
var map:Object = new Object();
map["key"] = "value";
The problem is that it seems to lack some very basic features. For example to even get the size of map I'd have to write a util method.
2) Use a Dictionary
What does this standard library class provide over the simple object? It seems silly for it to exist if it's functionally identical to Object.
3) Go download some custom HashMap/HashTable implementation from the web.
I've used a lot of modern languages, and this is the first time I haven't been able to find a library implementation of an associative array within 5 minutes. So I'd like to get some best-practice advice from an experienced flash developer.
Maybe your google foo is a bit weak today?
But you're right, the built-in Object object, doesn't provide many extra features.
Dictionaries have at least two important differences with Objects:
They can use any object as a key. For Objects, the key has to be a string (if you pass any other object, the toString() method will be implicitly called).
You can optionally set they keys to be weak referenced (this doesn't make much sense for Objects).
Anyway, there are a number of opensource libraries that implement various data structures and collection types.
Just from the top of my head:
You should use whichever option is needed for a particular situation. There is no correct answer to say "always use 'x'".
I've found that the vast majority of times Object based dictionaries are all that's needed. They're extremely fast and easy to use and I almost never need the extra features. It converts any key to a string which works well for most situations.
Dictionary provides some extra features but I've never needed object-based keys (and I've been programming in Flex since 1.0 alpha 1). The only time I've used a Dictionary is as a hack to get access to a weak reference since Flex doesn't provide a simple weak reference class.
More complex dictionaries are available which will provide more functionality. If you really need this functionality, then they will be useful, but I wouldn't recommend jumping in to use them when a plain old Object will work find for your needs. That said, if you do turn out to need them in your application, it might be best to using the same 3rd-party dictionary everywhere in that app for consistency and easy of maintenance.

Reflection: for frameworks only?

Somebody that I work with and respect once remarked to me that there shouldn't be any need for the use of reflection in application code and that it should only be used in frameworks. He was speaking from a J2EE background and my professional experience of that platform does generally bear that out; although I have written reflective application code using Java once or twice.
My experience of Ruby on Rails is radically different, because Ruby pretty much encourages you to write dynamic code. Much of what Rails gives you simply wouldn't be possible without reflection and metaprogramming and many of the same techniques are equally as applicable and useful to your application code.
Do you agree with the viewpoint that reflection is for frameworks only? I'd be interested to hear your opinions and experiences.
There's the old joke that any sufficiently sophisticated system written in a statically-typed language contains an incomplete, inferior implementation of Lisp.
Since your requirements tend to become more complicated as a project evolves, you often eventually find that the common idioms in statically-typed object systems eventually hit a wall. Sometimes reaching for reflection is the best solution.
I'm happy in dynamically-typed languages like Ruby, and statically-typed languages like C#, but the implicit reflection in Ruby often makes for simpler, easier-to-read code. (Depending on the metaprogramming magic required, sometimes harder to write).
In C#, I've found problems that couldn't be solved without reflection, because of information I didn't have until runtime. One example: When trying to manipulate some third-party code that generated proxies to Silverlight objects running in another process, I had to use reflection to invoke a specific strongly-typed "Generic" version of a method, because the marshalling required the caller to make an assumption about the type of the object in the other process was in order to extract the data we needed from it, and C# doesn't allow the "type" of the generic method invocation to be specified at run time (except with reflection techniques). I guess you could argue our tool was kind of a framework, but I could easily imagine a case in an ordinary application facing a similar problem.
Reflection makes DRY a lot easier. It's certainly possible to write DRY code without reflection, but it's often much more verbose.
If some piece of information is encoded in my program in one way, why wouldn't I use reflection to get at it, if that's the easiest way?
It sounds like he's talking about Java specifically. And in that case, he's just citing a special case of this: in Java, reflection is so wonky it's almost never the easiest way to do something. :-) In other languages like Ruby, as you've seen, it often is.
Reflection is definitely heavily used in frameworks, but when used correctly can help simplify code in applications.
One example I've seen before is using a JDK Proxy of a large interface (20+ methods) to wrap (i.e. delegate to) a specific implementation. Only a couple of methods were overridden using a InvocationHandler, the rest of the methods were invoked via reflection.
Reflection can be useful, but it is slower that doing a regular method call. See this reflection comparison.
Reflection in Java is generally not necessary. It may be the quickest way to solve a certain problem, but I would rather work out the underlying problem that causes you to think it's necessary in app code. I believe this because it frequently pushes errors from compile time to run time, which is always a Bad Thing for large enough software that testing is non-trivial.
I disagree, my application uses reflection to dynamically create providers. I might also use reflection to control logic flow, if the logic is simple and doesn't warrant a more complicated pattern.
In C# I use reflection to grab attributes off Enumeration which help me determine how to display an enumeration to an end user.
I disagree, reflection is very useful in application code and I find myself using it quite often. Most recently, I had to use reflection to load an assembly (in order to investigate its public types) from just the path of the assembly.
Several opinions on this subject are expressed here...
What is reflection and why is it useful?
Use reflection when there is no other way! This is a matter of performance!
If you have looked into .NET performance pitfalls before, it might not surprise you how slow the normal reflection is: a simple test with repeated access to an int property proved to be ~1000 times slower using reflection compared to the direct access to the property (comparing the average of the median 80% of the measured times).
See this: .NET reflection - performance
MSDN has a pretty nice article about When Should You Use Reflection?
If your problem is best solved by using reflection, you should use it.
(Note that the definition of 'best' is something learnt by experience :)
The definition of framework vs. application isn't all that black & white either. Sometimes your app needs a bit of framework to do its job well.
I think the observation that there shouldn't be any need for the use of reflection in application code and that it should only be used in frameworks is more or less true.
On the spectrum of how coupled some piece of code are, code joined by reflection are as loosely coupled as they come.
As such, the code which is doing it's job via reflection can quite happily fulfil it's role in life knowing not-a-thing about the code which is using it.
