Categorize register users in Wordpress - wordpress

I am trying to find a way to categorize my users when they are registering in the website, but I can't find any way. I also searched for some newsletter to have a category in it but I could not find anything useful.
I found this link: but i dont think
That's what I want. I want to categorize users and then use this categories in my newsletter.
Did anyone try to do the same thing, or does anyone have any tips?


WooCommerce custom pricing for businesses

I have a WordPress website using WooCommerce and I want businesses to be able to contact me for pricing. Currently, I have 3 set packages, but I am looking to get rid of them and just use the contact for pricing.
My question is: is there a way to set custom pricing per business that contacts me?
I can't think of a way to do this just by using WooCommerce. I would ideally like to create their account and assign them a package, but even then I am not sure if that's possible.
If anyone has ever done this before please let me know how.

Make a search only field for WooCommerce products

OK so I know this isn't exactly a code-specific question, but I'm out of luck in my research to find a way to make a search only product in WordPress using WooCommerce. I have 10,000 products I need to have available to buy on the website, however the majority of them are very small and specific. SO I need a way to have products on my website that aren't visible in the catalog, but can be found by search, specifically by their part numbers. This seems like a common occurrence in the world of eCommerce so perhaps there is already a way to do this in WooCommerce and I'm just missing it. Or does anyone know of a plugin that will achieve this?
Anything will help, thanks!
I think there are many plugins that can help you with this. Try for example this one

How to create a listing of Social networks' posts with Drupal

I want to achieve something like this: with DRUPAL
Here different people post over the same twitter-Account for one week. The Twitter-stream is published on the Website and you can also „time travel“ via the archive to see what which people posted in which week/days.
I want to achieve the same with DRUPAL and with a Twitter AND Instagram Account (and maybe FB too). My Idea is to import those streams with the feeds-module to treat the posts as DRUPAL-content. This way is more flexible to work with the content afterwards. But how to "automatically" map this to different users (or maybe treat a user as own content-type instead of normal DRUPAL-user?)?
What modules - or combination of modules - would you use to realize this? Im open for any suggestion!
Edit the view/config page of the feed to include a "user reference" using terms or taxonomy. This might require using a custom hook_form_alter to tweak it a bit.

Restrict Access to wordpress page

Basically on my website launch I will be offering users a lot of app promo codes to get apps free. However, I want to know if there is a way that I can make it so that once they have clicked a page they are unable to access any of the others and get all the promo codes basically. So once they have one they are prevented from doing any more.
I dont think this is possible, because you can't denie a random visitor of your website access to a page if they just read an other page.
Maybe it would be possible if you make sure visitors can only read pages if they got an account. That way you can instal a page restric plugin and edit it yourself by adding a variable that checks how many posts are read and activites the page restrict plugin when x posts are read.
Never done something like this myself, and i dont see why you wouldnt provide all your promo codes to everyone, but thats your own choise:p
I might be completely wrong, but this is what i think.
There is a wordpress plugin called S2Members to help you restrict pages/posts from guest users.

Wordpress feed with exclusive content

I want to offer my visitors some freebies, but I want them to be available only on the website's feed (to promote it). In others words, I don't want it to appear as a normal post on my website, but only on the feeds.
Is there any way of doing that? I know how to edit my theme files if needed, but if there's a plugin that does the job, the better.
Please note, the offer will only available on the feed, not through mail-lists, etc.
This isn't a programming answer -- unless you specifically want to ask programming-related WordPress questions, you may well be better off asking on -- but I'd just use a plugin like the Advanced Category Excluder. You can specify any category of post to be excluded from the archive/home/search pages, or the feed.
So, install the plugin, put the posts you want to be feed-only in a particular category, and configure the Category Excluder to exclude that category from everything except the feed.
There are many plugins that will append things to the feed, such as:
That's probably the way to go if you want to offer freebies at the bottom of each post. If you want entire posts, look for some kind of category excluder like:
One issue you'll run into, however, is that at some point someone will start scraping your feed and republishing it in an autoblog. That's true of anything you do, though.
