tmux window_name(#W) shows long path in windows-status-format - tmux

I'm using CentOS 7, and Tmux 2.0. I found the windows-status-format shows $PS1:
I checked the tmux manual, it shows:
window_name #W Name of window
I don't understand why it works in RHEL6.6 (in RHEL6.6, tmux 1.6, the tab name shows "bash"), but it shows path in CentOS 7.
And How can I restore the same format?
$ cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
$ uname -a
Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 19 22:10:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
My tmux configuration:
Thanks in advanced.
-----------First Update------------
My PS1 as blow:
echo "$PS1" | cat -v
\n\[\033[30;1m\]M-bM-^TM-^LM-bM-^TM-^# (\u#\h \[\033[31;1m\]\w\[\033[30;1m\]) ->\nM-bM-^TM-^TM-bM-^TM-^# `if [ $? = 0 ]; then echo \[\e[1\;30m\]\$\[\e[1m\]; else echo \[\e[1\;31m\]\$\[\e[0m\]; fi` \[\033[0m\]
This is the PS1 configuration:
# └─ $
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]
export PS1="\n\[\033[30;1m\]┌─ (\u#\h \[\033[31;1m\]\w\[\033[30;1m\]) ->\n└─ \`if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo \[\e[1\;30m\]\\$\[\e[1m\]; else echo \[\e[1\;31m\]\\$\[\e[0m\]; fi\` \[\033[0m\]"
export PS2="\[\033[30;1m\] ->\[\033[30;1m\] \[\033[0m\]"
export PS1="\n\[\033[30;1m\]\[\033(0\]l\[\033(B\]\[\033(0\]q\[\033(B\] (\u#\h \[\033[31;1m\]\w\[\033[30;1m\]) ->\n\[\033(0\]m\[\033(B\]\[\033(0\]q\[\033(B\] \`if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo \[\
e[1\;30m\]\\$\[\e[1m\]; else echo \[\e[1\;31m\]\\$\[\e[0m\]; fi\` \[\033[0m\]"
export PS2="\[\033[30;1m\] ->\[\033(0\]q\[\033(B\] \[\033[0m\]"
Actually, I've disabled the all of my settings to debug the issue. But nothing different.

After asked github:tmux/tmux, set allow-rename to off will prevent show long-long-path in windows-status-format:
set-option -g allow-rename off


wso2 API Manager AutoScaling Group Not Creating

I've been trying to use the stock templates from the wso2 website to deploy wso2 to AWS. The CloudFormation stack fails to create because the auto scaler fails to create.
I checked the EC2 instances and the actual instance is running and healthy.
I SSH'ed to the instance and ran:
grep -ni 'error\|failure' $(sudo find /var/log -name cfn-init\* -or -name cloud-init\*)
to check the log files for errors or failures. I didn't find any.
I then tried to run:
/usr/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}
from the correct instance. I filled in the correct information manually when I ran the command on the instance. I pulled this command from the YAML file from the wso2 website. This command returned an Access Denied error for the stack.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm over looking something simple. I included the LaunchConfiguration and the template for the Auto Scaling group below if that's useful. Happy to provide other information.
Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration'
ImageId: !FindInMap
- !Ref 'AWS::Region'
- !Ref OperatingSystem
InstanceType: !Ref WSO2InstanceType
- DeviceName: /dev/sda1
VolumeSize: '20'
VolumeType: gp2
DeleteOnTermination: 'true'
KeyName: !Ref KeyPairName
- !Ref WSO2MISecurityGroup
UserData: !Base64
'Fn::Sub': |
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="//"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/cloud-config; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cloud-config.txt"
- [scripts-user, always]
Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="userdata.txt"
exec > >(tee /var/log/user-data.log|logger -t user-data -s 2>/dev/console) 2>&1
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get update
apt install -y puppet nfs-common
apt install -y python-pip
apt install -y python3-pip
pip3 install boto3
pip install boto3
sed -i '/\[main\]/a server=puppet' /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then
yum install -y epel-release zip unzip nfs-utils
yum install -y python-pip
pip install boto3
rpm -Uvh
yum install -y puppet-agent
echo $'[main]\nserver = puppet\ncertname = agent3\nenvironment = production\n\runinterval = 1h' > /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
pip install
export PuppetmasterIP=${PuppetMaster.PrivateIp}
echo "$PuppetmasterIP puppet puppetmaster" >> /etc/hosts
export MI_HOST=${WSO2APIMLoadBalancer.DNSName}
export MI_PORT=8290
service puppet restart
sleep 150
export FACTER_profile=mi
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then
puppet agent -vt >> /var/log/puppetlog.log
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -vt >> /var/log/puppetlog.log
sleep 30
service puppet stop
sh /usr/lib/wso2/wso2am/4.1.0/wso2mi-4.1.0/bin/ start
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "Ubuntu1804" ]]; then
echo "/usr/local/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}" >> /home/ubuntu/cfn-signal.txt
/usr/local/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}
if [[ ${OperatingSystem} == "CentOS7" ]]; then
/usr/bin/cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource WSO2MINode1AutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region}
echo 'export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T "' >> /etc/profile.d/
cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c
- WSO2MISecurityGroup
- WSO2APIMSecurityGroup
- PuppetMaster
Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup'
LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref WSO2MINode1LaunchConfiguration
DesiredCapacity: 1
MinSize: 1
MaxSize: 1
- !Ref WSO2APIMPrivateSubnet1
- !Ref WSO2APIMPrivateSubnet2
- Key: Name
Value: !Sub ${EnvironmentName} WSO2MIInstance
PropagateAtLaunch: 'true'
Count: 1
Timeout: PT30M
MaxBatchSize: '2'
MinInstancesInService: '1'
PauseTime: PT10M
- AlarmNotification
WaitOnResourceSignals: false
- WSO2APIMNode1AutoScalingGroup
- WSO2APIMNode2AutoScalingGroup
Thank you!

/Users/username/.jenv/jenv.version: Permission denied

macOS Catalina, installed jenv 0.5.4 using homebrew, using zsh, followed all the steps listed in
In terminal I have the following error
Last login: Tue Dec 22 10:10:15 on ttys002
/usr/local/Cellar/jenv/0.5.4/libexec/libexec/jenv-refresh-plugins: line 14: /Users/username/.jenv/jenv.version: Permission denied
The below is the code from jenv-refresh-plugins
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Summary: Refresh plugins links
resolve_link() {
$(type -p greadlink readlink | head -1) "$1"
set -e
[ -n "$JENV_DEBUG" ] && set -x
if [ ! -f "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version" ]; then
echo "NONE" > ${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version
if [ "$1" = "--complete" ]; then
echo "--force"
if [ "$1" = "--force" ]; then
lastVersion=$(cat "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version" || echo "none")
currentVersion=$(jenv --version)
if [ ! "$lastVersion" == "$currentVersion" ] || [ $FORCE_REFRESH == "1" ]; then
echo "jenv has been updated, process to refresh plugin links"
for path in "${JENV_ROOT}/plugins/"*; do
if [ -L "$path" ]; then
pluginName=$(basename $path)
echo "Refresh plugin $pluginName"
ln -sfn "${JENV_INSTALL_DIR}/available-plugins/$pluginName" "${JENV_ROOT}/plugins/$pluginName"
echo "$currentVersion" > "${JENV_ROOT}/jenv.version"
jenv doctor
[OK] Java binaries in path are jenv shims
[OK] Jenv is correctly loaded
Any help, much appreciated.
I just experienced this same issue on mac- it was caused because for some reason the folder /Users/username/.jenv had become locked.
I couldn't find a way to unlock it, so i just copied it to another directory, then ran sudo rm -rf /Users/username/.jenv , copied it back, and that has solved the problem.

Mapping ACPI events for brightness buttons on Lenovo Yoga X1 v2

I installed Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 on my new Lenovo Yoga X1 (version 2) and the brightness buttons don't work out of the box. I've gone through the steps (below) I thought necessary to map these keys to xrandr calls, but nothing happens, even if I log the key mapping event being caught successfully. If I manually run the logged command brightness changes appropriately. What am I missing in the ACPI route?
First see what ACPI events the brightness buttons are sending
$ acpi_listen
video/brightnessdown BRTDN 00000087 00000000
video/brightnessup BRTUP 00000086 00000000
Then create the event definitions
$ cat yoga-brightness-up
event=video/brightnessup BRTUP 00000086
action=/etc/acpi/ up
$ cat yoga-brightness-down
event=video/brightnessdown BRTDN 00000087
action=/etc/acpi/ down
Define the action script
$ cat /etc/acpi/
# Where the backlight brightness is stored
test -d "$BR_DIR" || exit 0
MAX=$(cat "$BR_DIR/max_brightness")
VAL=$(cat "$BR_DIR/brightness")
if [ "$1" = down ]; then
if [ "$VAL" -lt $MIN ]; then
elif [ "$VAL" -gt $MAX ]; then
PERCENT=`echo "$VAL / $MAX" | bc -l`
#export XAUTHORITY=/home/ivo/.Xauthority # CHANGE "ivo" TO YOUR USER
#export DISPLAY=:0.0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/jorvis/.Xauthority
export DISPLAY=:0
echo "xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness $PERCENT" > /tmp/yoga-brightness.log
xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness $PERCENT
echo $VAL > "$BR_DIR/brightness"
Restart acpid
$ sudo /etc/init.d/acpid reload
Success should write to the brightness log
$ rm /tmp/yoga-brightness.log
[ hit brightness down button three times ]
$ sudo cat /tmp/yoga-brightness.log
xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness .76603773584905660377
Log is written correctly, as is the brightness value:
$ cat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0/card0-eDP-1/intel_backlight/brightness
Nothing happens on the actual display though. It DOES work
though if I manually run the command which was logged to
have run.
$ xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness .76603773584905660377
And after reading through this post I noticed the ENV part again and double-checked it. The problem was the setting of $XAUTHORITY in the script. It was fine for it to point to my ~/.Xauthority (which didn't exist by default), but I needed to do this:
$ ln -s /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority ~/.Xauthority
After that the brightness buttons worked.

How to get uname correct info with uname_hack

I need to get correct information from uname command when uname-hack script is running on Solaris.
More details about uname-hack:
There is any file that contain this information or any command that can give me the correct information?
You can go to peek the information straight from the kernel with the kernel modular debugger:
Without the hack:
# uname -a
SunOS s10u11 5.10 Generic_147148-26 i86pc i386 i86pc
With the hack:
# uname -a
SunOS PowerPC 5.5.1 gate:1996-12-01 PPC i386 i86pc
# echo "$<utsname" | mdb -k
sysname = [ "SunOS" ]
nodename = [ "s10u11" ]
release = [ "5.10" ]
version = [ "Generic_147148-26" ]
machine = [ "i86pc" ]

How can I assign command output to a variable in GNU make target rule?

At a BASH prompt, I can do the following:
~/repo$ HISTORY_LOG=$(git log $(get_old_version)..$(get_new_version)); [[ ! -z ${HISTOR_LOG} ]] && ( echo "Some header"; echo "${HISTORY_LOG}" )
Where git log is demonstrably simplified version of what I actually have.
In a make file I have the following command as part of a target:
echo "Some header" > $(LOG_FILE)
git log $(shell get_old_version)..$(shell get_new_version) >> $(LOG_FILE)
How can I rewrite the make target to behave like the bash command?
If I do the following line-feeds are being stripped:
HISTORY_LOG="$(shell git log $(shell get_old_version)..$(shell get_new_version))" ; \
[ -z "$${HISTORY_LOG}" ] && \
true || \
(echo "Some header" ; echo "$${HISTORY_LOG}" )
when run looks like:
~/repo $ make
commit 2b4d87b0e64d129028c1a7a0b46ccde2f42c5e93 Author: Jamie <> Date: Mon Jun 25 18:46:27 2012 -0400 Issue #468: This sucker's been sped up.
and what I prefer would be:
~/repo $ make
commit 2b4d87b0e64d129028c1a7a0b46ccde2f42c5e93
Author: Jamie <>
Date: Mon Jun 25 18:46:27 2012 -0400
Issue #468: This sucker's been sped up.
I think the issue is the that make executes commands in /bin/sh and not /bin/bash. Regardless I'm looking for a portable solution if there is one.
Make's shell is eating your newlines. Just stop using it. Instead of $( shell get_old_version ), escape the $:
$$( get_old_version )
