Loading tab from different file does not show anything. QML - qt

I am trying to load tabs dynamicly into a TabView from a different file. For this I am using Qt.createComponent and adds the component to the view. The tab is loaded but it's content does not show up and it is properly loaded. Like this:
TabView {
Layout.minimumWidth: 50
Layout.fillWidth: true
Component.onCompleted: {
function newTab() {
var c = Qt.createComponent("tab.qml");
editor.addTab("tab", c);
var last = editor.count - 1;
editor.getTab(last).active = true;
And the "tab.qml" file:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
Tab {
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
color: "lightgray"
TextArea {
anchors.fill: parent
What do I do wrong?

After reading #folibis clean-up suggestion I realized the way I got the Tab onCompleted handler wasn't working. Why I don't know. However replacing
var c = Qt.createComponent("tab.qml");
editor.addTab("tab", c);
var last = editor.count - 1;
editor.getTab(last).active = true;
var c = Qt.createComponent("tab.qml");
var tab = editor.addTab("tab", c);
tab.active = true
solved it.


Qml: How to set a property to all GridView items

I am trying to make a change to all items of a GridView.
I have tried to iterate through either the model or the grid, I looked at similar examples on the web, but everything I try ends with Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined.
It seems to me that the problem is that the interpreter can't figure out that the item from the grid or model is a Button. But I don't know how to cast it.
If I change the log to only display the item, not any property, (see code snippet), it seems that it knows it is an item... see my experiments below.
The only thing I can make work is set a property (or call a signal, or a function) from the delegate. But that only affects one grid item, not all.
How can I set a property on every item of the grid ? Alternatively, how can I send a signal, or call a function, on every item?
My experiments are in function changeEverythingFunction()
file: Button.qml
id: itemButton
signal changeEverything
property int buttonIndex
property string buttonText
file: Model.qml
id: modelItem
id: listModel
property int buttonCount: listModel.count
function changeEverythingFunction()
// for (var i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++)
// listModel.setProperty(i, buttonText, "abc")
for(var childIndex in gridItems.contentItem.children)
console.log(listModel.get(childIndex).buttonText) // Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined
console.log(gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex].buttonText) // Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined
console.log(gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex]["buttonText"]) // undefined (I saw this in a SO example)
var item = gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex]
console.log(item) // qml: QQuickItem(0xe496370)
id: gridItems
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: listModel
delegate: Item
id: buttonDelegate
buttonIndex: gridId
buttonText: itemText
Your approach is in the opposite direction: Your approach is to obtain the item of the view and modify it, but the approach that Qt points out is that the view reflects the information of the model and modifies it when necessary.
The following is a simple example where every time you press on the button with "change me" text increasing the number it shows, but if you press the button with "change all" text it will change all the numbers. As it is observed everything is done through the model, not through the view that are only used to display information or receive user interaction.
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
id: listmodel
function changeAll(){
for(var i=0; i< listmodel.count; ++i){
listmodel.setProperty(i, "number", listmodel.get(i).number + 1)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: listmodel
cellHeight: 120
cellWidth: 120
delegate: Item {
width: grid.cellWidth; height: grid.cellHeight
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Text { text: model.number; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
Button{text: "change me"; onClicked: model.number +=1}
Button{text: "change all"; onClicked: changeAll()}
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i=0; i < 10; ++i){
listmodel.append({"number": 0});

Create a copy of a rectangle in QML

I want to make an area, where a small rectangles appear in the places it where clicked. Later on I would try to add an ability to move those rectangles by dragging.
After studying Help, I tried to accomplish this with a MouseArea and a Component containing a Rectangle. Then, with onClicked, I was trying to create a new copy of a Component, but I failed whatever I tried (createComponent, createObject, etc.).
What is the correct way of creating a copy of an object in this case?
Am I using right tools for this goal?
MouseArea {
Component {
id: rect
Rectangle {
width: 10
height: 10
onClicked: < what? >
you can create a QML object from a string of QML using the Qt.createQmlObject() and set it's x and y values to mouseX and mouseY :
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Window {
id : root
visible: true
width: 1000
height: 500
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
var newObject = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.3; Rectangle {color: "red"; width: 10; height: 10}',
newObject.x = mouseX;
newObject.y = mouseY;
Also if you put the code for your rectangle in a separate qml file say myRect.qml, you can create the object from the qml file by :
var component = Qt.createComponent("myRect.qml");
var newObject = component.createObject(root, {"x": mouseX, "y": mouseY});

How to add children inside gridlayout dynamically in Qt quick QML code

I want to add controls at runtime, e.g. a certain number of TextField items added to a GridLayout.
I've tried to use Repeater like in the code below (some code skipped for brevity).
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
Rectangle {
width: 400
height: 400
GridLayout {
id : gridmain
Repeater {
font.pointSize: 10
placeholderText: index +1
focus: true;
The Repeater is populated via a JS function:
function gameview() {
gridmain.rows = 10
gridmain.columns = 10
gridgenerate.model = gridmain.rows * gridmain.columns
Is this the correct approach? How do I get focus on first TextField of the Gridlayout?
Almost done. Remove gridgenerate.forceActiveFocus() and set TextField focus property to true if it's the first item: index == 0.
GridLayout {
id : gridmain
Repeater {
font.pointSize: 10
placeholderText: index +1
focus: index == 0 // only first item get focus
its' a good aproach.
you can do it dinamicaly (like a gridView)
function gameview() {
gridgenerate.model = 0 //destroy all items created by repeater
gridmain.rows = 10
gridmain.columns = 10
gridgenerate.model = buttonModel.count //add new items, using ListModel
ListModel {
ListElement {
color: "red"
name: "B1"
Repeater {
property var listobjects:[]
color :buttonModel.get(index).color

Wrong property values in Component.onCompleted

My problem is the following: I have a custom QML object based on a Rectangle, and I need to execute some javascript function with the width & height of this object when it's created.
To do that, I use Component.onCompleted to execute the javascript but in this function the width and height properties are wrong (like 0;0 or 0;-30), as if they were not yet created.
import QtQuick 2.3
import "js/kloggr.js" as Game
Rectangle {
property var kloggr: undefined
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
// outputs the right values (about 400;600)
onClicked: console.log(width+";"+height);
Component.onCompleted: {
Game.kloggr = this;
kloggr = new Game.Kloggr(width, height);
console.log(width+";"+height); // outputs 0;-30
This object is created like this:
Kloggr {
id: kloggr
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: pauseBtn.top
(I've removed the irrelevant parts of the code)
So what did I do wrong, or what could I do to get the same result?
You have forget to set the width and height of your Rectangle ...
import QtQuick 2.3
import "js/kloggr.js" as Game
Rectangle {
width: 300
height: 300
property var kloggr: undefined
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
// outputs the right values (about 400;600)
onClicked: console.log(width+";"+height);
Component.onCompleted: {
Game.kloggr = this;
kloggr = new Game.Kloggr(width, height);
console.log(width+";"+height); // outputs 0;-30
//now h + w = 300
If your use anchors, change your Rectangle by Item, for exemple
import QtQuick 2.3
import "js/kloggr.js" as Game
//without W and Height if you don't use the designer, if you use the designer you should set a default size
property var kloggr: undefined
anchors.fill : parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
// outputs the right values (about 400;600)
onClicked: console.log(width+";"+height);
Component.onCompleted: {
Game.kloggr = this;
kloggr = new Game.Kloggr(width, height);
console.log(width+";"+height); // outputs 0;-30
}//end of rectangle
} //end of item
I did not find out it if was a bug or something but I found a workaround: instead of using Component.onCompleted I used onVisibleChanged:
onVisibleChanged: {
if (visible && kloggr === undefined) {
Game.kloggr = this;
kloggr = new Game.Kloggr(width, height);
It seems that the width and height properties are only valid when the object is set to visible...
Thank you #yekmen for your help

Reject external files dragged in a DropArea without breaking the DropArea

In my application I'm displaying a list of audio files and the user can drag an external file to add it to the list. I want to be able to refuse the drag if no file in the list is supported by my application.
The issue is that when I call drag.accepted = false; in onEntered of my DropArea then it becomes completely unresponsive to any other event.
Here is some sample code showing the issue. If you drag an MP3 in the window you see that it works. Then if you drag any other file it won't work, as expected. But then dragging an MP3 file back will not work either.
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 640
height: 480
DropArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onEntered: {
console.log("[Droparea] entered");
// Ensure at least one file is supported before accepted the drag
var validFile = false;
for(var i = 0; i < drag.urls.length; i++) {
if(validateFileExtension(drag.urls[i])) {
validFile = true;
if(!validFile) {
console.log("No valid files, refusing drag event");
drag.accepted = false;
return false;
onExited: {
console.log("[Droparea] entered");
onDropped: {
console.log("[Droparea] dropped");
// Only MP3s
function validateFileExtension(filePath) {
var extension = filePath.split('.').pop();
var valid = false;
if(extension == "mp3") {
valid = true;
return valid;
Text {
id: textDrop
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Please drag element"
Is there a bug in the DropArea or did I misunderstood something? I know I can filter the files in the onDropped but then you loose the visual feedback you get on OSX when dragging file on an area that does not accept them.
It has been a known bug for a long time. A patch has been submitted and after been stalled for several months is now merged into 5.6 branch.
Anyone who wants to use this functionality MUST upgrade to Qt 5.6 or MANULLY integrate the available patch into his/her Qt version.
QQuickDropAreaPrivate, contained in DropArea, updates the containsDrag flag to true when a dragEnterEvent occurs, emitting the entered signal. It updates containsDrag to false when adragLeaveEvent occurs, emitting an exited signal. However, when the drag event is not accepted dragLeaveEvent is never called, leaving the private object in a incosistent state. Each subsequent dragEnterEvent is discarded since containsDrag is still true, i.e. the previous drag event is still considered active and the entered is no more emitted.
Since the issue is related to an interaction between private APIs and usage of the public APIs, the problem does not affect filtering using keys. Unfortunately, this approach does not seem to fit for the presented use case.
A quite partial workaround is to use a MouseArea along with the DropArea. The latter disables itself when a rejection occurs while the former enables back the DropArea for the next drop. This workaround covers the common case in which a wrong item is dropped inside the DropArea, which is the most common and intuitive for an end user. Releasing the wrong item outside the DropArea invalidate the mechanism (until the next drop).
Here's the code:
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
enabled: !drop.enabled
onContainsMouseChanged: drop.enabled = true
DropArea {
id: drop
anchors.fill: parent
onEntered: {
console.log("[Droparea] entered");
// Ensure at least one file is supported before accepted the drag
for(var i = 0; i < drag.urls.length; i++)
console.log("No valid files, refusing drag event")
drop.enabled = false
onExited: console.log("[Droparea] exited")
onDropped: console.log("[Droparea] dropped")
// Only MP3s
function validateFileExtension(filePath) {
return filePath.split('.').pop() == "mp3"
Text {
id: textDrop
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Please drag element"
you never put accepteed = true
just add drag.accepted = true after you set the valid as valid
for(var i = 0; i < drag.urls.length; i++) {
if(validateFileExtension(drag.urls[i])) {
validFile = true;
drag.accepted = true;
