How to unit test collection methods with velocity/jasmine - meteor

I'm completely new to javascript testing and I am trying to get a grasp on how to approach testing methods that touch the database
For example, I have this method that returns true if there are any documents in the db matching the query
Payments = new Mongo.Collection('payments');
_.extend(Payments, {
hasAnyPayments: function(userId) {
var payments = Payments.find({ userId: userId });
return payments.count() > 0;
So far I have only written the structure that I think is correct, but I am pretty lost
describe('Payments', function() {
describe('#hasAnyPayments', function() {
it('should return true when user has any payments', function() {
Are such tests even supposed to touch the database? Any advice is much appreciated

Unless you are manually inputting data into Mongo manually (or outside of Meteor) then you don't need to test the database.
What you should be testing, are the execution paths in your code.
So for the case above, hasAnyPayments is a unit that finds all user payments and returns true if there are more than 0. So your test would look something like this:
describe('Payments', function() {
describe('#hasAnyPayments', function() {
it('should return true when user has any payments', function() {
Payments.find = function() { return 1; } // stub to return a positive value
var actualValue = Payments.hasAnyPayments(); // you don't really care about the suer


Tracker autorun using findone

I have this piece of code in client side:
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (params && params._id) {
const dept = Department.findOne({ _id: params._id }) || Department.findOne({ name: params._id });
if (dept) {
params will be passed into the url. So, initially we won't have the department data and the findOne method will return null, and then later on, when data arrives, we can find the department object.
But if user enters an invalid id, we need to return them 404. Using tracker autorun, how can I distinguish between 2 cases:
a. Data is not there yet, so findOne returns null
b. There is no such data, even in server's mongodb, so findOne will also returns null.
For case a, tracker autorun will work fine, but for case b, I need to know to return 404
I would suggest you to subscribe to data inside template, like below so you know when subscriptions are ready, then you can check data exists or not
Template.myTemplate.onCreated(function onCreated() {
const self = this;
const id = FlowRouter.getParam('_id');
self.subscribe('department', id);
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function onRendered() {
const self = this;
// this will run after subscribe completes sending records to client
if (self.subscriptionsReady()) {
const id = FlowRouter.getParam('_id');
const dept = Department.findOne({ _id: params._id }) || Department.findOne({ name: params._id });
if (dept) {
// found data in db
} else {
// 404 - no department found in db
If you are using Iron-Router, you may try this hack.
Router.route('/stores', function() {
this.render('stores', {});
}, {
waitOn: function() {
return [
The sample code above will wait for the subscription "stores_db" to complete, before rendering anyhing. Then you can use your findOne logic no problems, ensuring that all documents are availble. This suits your situation.
This is what I used to do before I completely understand MeteorJS publications and subscriptions. I do not recommend my solution, it is very bad to user experience. Users will see the page loading forever while the documents are being download. #Sasikanth gave the correct implementation.

Am I using ForEach correctly?

I'm working on a presence-like system in firebase with following layout:
firebase {
user1 {
isOnline: true
user 2 {
isOnline: true
user3 {
isOnline: false
The isOnline booleans are what I am going to use later to output the names of the users that are online to the console
So for example, in the case above it would say:
user1 is online.
user2 is online.
Here is my code:
var gameRef = new Firebase("");
var userOnline = new Firebase('https://xxx/.info/connected');
userOnline.on('value', function (snapshot) {
if (snapshot.val()) {
isOnline : true
else {
isOnline : false
// for each user that is online, output to the console
gameRef.forEach(function (snapshot) {
var obj = snapshot.val();
if(obj.isOnline == true) {
console.log( + " is online.");
There seems to be a problem with my forEach, how can I fix this?
You cannot forEach over a ref, but only over a snapshot.
// for each user that is online, output to the console
gameRef.on('value', function(function(gamesSnapshot) {
gamesSnapshot.forEach(function (snapshot) {
var obj = snapshot.val();
if(obj.isOnline == true) {
console.log( + " is online.");
This code has two snapshot variables:
gameSnapshot is the data in the parent node
snapshot is the data of a specific player
The approach above will download all players, even though you are only looking to deal with players that are online. It is more efficient in this case, to query Firebase so that it only returns players that are online.
// for each user that is online, output to the console
var onlinePlayers = gameRef.orderByChild('isOnline').equalTo(true);
onlinePlayers.on('child_added', function(function(snapshot) {
var obj = snapshot.val();
if(obj.isOnline == true) {
console.log( + " is online.");
The code now listens for the child_added event, since Firebase spoon-feeds us the players one at a time. You will probably also have to handle child_changed and child_removed, once you map the players to HTML elements.
Even though this will result in a bit more code, I would normally recommend using querying and the child_* events, since they limit the data that Firebase sends you both initially and when e.g. a player goes offline.

How can I change a laika test from testing successful insert to testing for failed insert?

I've updated my allow and deny rules from the client. No inserts, updates or removes should work on the client side. Previously this test (listed below) passed because it tested to see if the client could insert into the collection. Now I want to switch this to test make sure the test only passes when the client can't insert into the collection.
How is this done?
var assert = require('assert');
suite('Donate', function() {
test('in the server', function(done, server) {
server.eval(function() {
Donate.insert({fname: 'George'});
var docs = Donate.find().fetch();
emit('docs', docs);
server.once('docs', function(docs) {
assert.equal(docs.length, 1);
test('using both client and the server', function(done, server, client) {
server.eval(function() {
added: addedNewDonate
function addedNewDonate(donate) {
emit('donate', donate);
}).once('donate', function(donate) {
assert.equal(donate.fname, 'George');
client.eval(function() {
Donate.insert({fname: 'George'});
You might be going about this in the wrong way. Testing to see if an insert is denied as expected is actually testing the Meteor core which is already tested. Put another way, you should be testing the method that returns false for the insert deny property. If all you are doing is:
insert: function(){
return false;
then you don't need to test for this since the Meteor core is tested enough for you to know that this will work.
On the other hand if you have something like
function complexDenyFunction(){
//perform complex actions
//if all complex conditions are satisfied
//return true
//else return false
return result;
insert: complexDenyFunction
Then what you want to do is create the scenarios where complexDenyFunction would return true and false and test complexDenyFunction to see if if returns the expected results

Working with Meteor and Async balanced-payments functions

I'm using balanced-payments and their version 1.1 of balanced.js within Meteor.
I'm trying to create a new customer using
Here is my CheckFormSubmitEvents.js file{
'submit form': function (e, tmpl) {
var recurringStatus = $('[name=is_recurring]').is(':checked');
var checkForm = {
name: $('[name=name]').val(),
account_number: $('[name=account_number]').val(),
routing_number: $('[name=routing_number]').val(),
recurring: { is_recurring: recurringStatus },
created_at: new Date
checkForm._id = Donations.insert(checkForm);"balancedCardCreate", checkForm, function(error, result) {
// Successful tokenization
if(result.status_code === 201 && result.href) {
// Send to your backend, {
uri: result.href
}, function(r) {
// Check your backend result
if(r.status === 201) {
// Your successful logic here from backend
} else {
// Your failure logic here from backend
} else {
// Failed to tokenize, your error logic here
// Debuging, just displays the tokenization result in a pretty div
$('#response .panel-body pre').html(JSON.stringify(result, false, 4));
Here is my Methods.js file
var wrappedDelayedFunction = Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers.create);
balancedCardCreate: function (formData) {
var response = wrappedDelayedFunction(formData);
return response;
I get nothing back when I submit the form, except that on the server console I do see the log of the form data.
I'm sure I'm not calling some of these async functions correctly. The hard part for me here is that the balanced function are async, but I don't know if they fit into the same mold as some of the examples I've seen.
I've tried to follow this example code.
Is there a specific change that needs to be done in regard to working with balanced here? Does anyone have any tips for working with Async functions or see something specific about my code that I've done wrong?
The NPM utilities Async.wrap does the same thing as the undocumented Meteor function Meteor._wrapAsync, in that it takes an asynchronous function with the last argument function(err, result) {} and turns it into a synchronous function which takes the same arguments, but either returns a result or throws an error instead of using the callback. The function yields in a Fiber until the asynchronous callback returns, so that other code in the event loop can run.
One pitfall with this is that you need to make sure that the function you wrap is called with the correct context. So if balanced.marketplace.customers.create is a prototype method that expects this to be set to something, it will not be set properly unless you bind it yourself, using function.bind or any of the other various library polyfills.
For more information, see
What I ended up doing was using a future. This works great, I just need to do better at catching errors. Which will be a question for a pro I think ; - )
Credit should go to user3374348 for answering another similar question of mine, which solved both of these.
var Future = Npm.require("fibers/future");
function extractFromPromise(promise) {
var fut = new Future();
promise.then(function (result) {
}, function (error) {
return fut.wait();
createCustomer: function (data) {
var customerData = extractFromPromise(balanced.marketplace.customers.create({
'name': data.fname + " " + data.lname,
"address": {
"state": data.region,
"line1": data.address_line1,
"line2": data.address_line2,
"postal_code": data.postal_code,
'email': data.email_address,
'phone': data.phone_number
var card = extractFromPromise({
'number': data.card_number,
'expiration_year': data.expiry_year,
'expiration_month': data.expiry_month,
'cvv': data.cvv
var associate = extractFromPromise(card.associate_to_customer(customerData.href).debit({
"amount": data.total_amount*100,
"appears_on_statement_as": "Trash Mountain" }));
As Andrew mentioned, you need to set the context for the method.
Here's the way you can do that with Async.wrap
Async.wrap(balanced.marketplace.customers, "create");

Method call that fetches data. Can it be made reactive?

I want to get data from a number of queries on the same collection, and unfortunately this is not yet supported on meteor. That's why I tried to do something like this:
Dep = new Deps.Dependency;
fetch: function(){
var results = Data.find(dataQuery).fetch();
var otherResults = Data.find(queryThatCannotBeCombinedWithPrevious).fetch();
return results.concat(otherResults);
save: function(data){
update: function(data){
Data.update({_id: data._id}, data);
Session.setDefault('combinedData', []); = function(){
Dep.depend();'fetch',function(error, data){
Session.set('combinedData', data);
return Session.get('combinedData');
This doesn't work though, propably because the Dep variable on the client is different from the Dep on the server. Is there a way to make the method call reactive when the contents of the Data collection change?
I am currently using Meteor, which doesn't allow subscriptions that return multiple cursors of the same collection yet.
This requires a small hack and you're close. First, you need a client–only dependence, the server just passes a data returned from the method and doesn't share variables (also there's nothing on the server that requires deps). Second, you only want to fetch the actual variable once, otherwise you'll end up with an infinite loop.
Example implementation:
var value = null;
var valueInitialized = false;
var valueDep = new Deps.Dependency(); = function() {
if(!valueInitialized) {
valueInitialized = true;'fetchData', function(err, result) {
value = result;
return value;
