I tried to install vNext on Fedora 20 following this tutorial: http://www.ganshani.com/blog/2014/12/shell-script-to-setup-net-on-linux/ but when I start HelloWeb example from aspnet github repo I get this message:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv.loop_size () [0x00000] in :0
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.UvLoopHandle.Init (Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv uv) [0x00000] in :0
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.KestrelThread.ThreadStart (System.Object parameter) [0x00000] in :0
[root#localhost HelloWeb]# k kestrel
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv.loop_size () [0x00000] in :0
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.UvLoopHandle.Init (Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.Networking.Libuv uv) [0x00000] in :0
at Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel.KestrelThread.ThreadStart (System.Object parameter) [0x00000] in :0
I belive that problem is in wrong libuv library. Can you help me?
try to follow the procedure explain here, I'd the same issue on ubuntu
Anyway I prefer to use Firefly which is much more performant
I am getting below exception while using Microcharts.Forms( package in Xamarin forms, I am getting this exception on ios side only. I am currently using visual studio for mac(8.7.8-build 4). I am checking this in ios simulator iphone 11 pro with ios 14.0.
System.DllNotFoundException: #rpath/libSkiaSharp.framework/libSkiaSharp assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
at at (wrapper managed-to-native) SkiaSharp.SkiaApi.sk_color_premultiply(uint)
at SkiaSharp.SKPMColor.PreMultiply (SkiaSharp.SKColor color) [0x00006] in <659007ac60e94125a4c9f512b9669a79>:0
at SkiaSharp.Views.iOS.Extensions+<>c.<.cctor>b__15_0 () [0x00000] in <cae2c036472b46c8bc8acfecce5cdb6a>:0
I installed package SkiaSharp (2.80.2) in my .netstandard(Shared) project and issue get solved.
I imported the Firebase Database unity package into Unity and it is constantly showing me many errors.
Unable to find dependency com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:10.2.4 in paths ($SDK\extras\android\m2repository, $SDK\extras\google\m2repository).
com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:10.2.4 was referenced by:
at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System/Environment.cs:line 227
at Google.JarResolver.Dependency..ctor(System.String group, System.String artifact, System.String version, System.String[] packageIds, System.String[] repositories)
at Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport.DependOn(System.String group, System.String artifact, System.String version, System.String[] packageIds, System.String[] repositories)
at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception ByRef )
at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MonoMethod.cs:line 222
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Reflection/MethodBase.cs:line 115
at Google.VersionHandler.InvokeMethod(System.Type type, System.Object objectInstance, System.String methodName, System.Object[] args, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 namedArgs)
at Google.VersionHandler.InvokeInstanceMethod(System.Object objectInstance, System.String methodName, System.Object[] args, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 namedArgs)
at FirebaseAppDeps.SetupDeps() in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\WHOT_2D\Assets\Firebase\Editor\AppDeps.cs:line 52
at FirebaseAppDeps..cctor() in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\WHOT_2D\Assets\Firebase\Editor\AppDeps.cs:line 23
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(IntPtr )
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(RuntimeTypeHandle type) in /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Runtime.CompilerServices/RuntimeHelpers.cs:line 101
at UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies.ProcessEditorInitializeOnLoad(System.Type type) in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\EditorAssemblies.cs:line 136
at UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies.ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes() in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\EditorAssemblies.cs:line 162
GooglePlayServices.PlayServicesResolver:<PlayServicesResolver>m__0(String, LogLevel)
Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport:Log(String, LogLevel, Boolean)
Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport:FindCandidate(Dependency, List`1)
Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport:LoadDependencies(Dictionary`2, List`1, Boolean, Boolean)
Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport:LoadDependencies(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Google.JarResolver.PlayServicesSupport:FindMissingDependencyPaths(String, Dictionary`2&, ExplodeAar)
GooglePlayServices.ResolverVer1_1:DoResolution(PlayServicesSupport, String, OverwriteConfirmation, Action)
Unable to find dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-common:10.2.4 in paths ($SDK\extras\android\m2repository, $SDK\extras\google\m2repository).
Unable to find dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-auth:10.2.4 in paths ($SDK\extras\android\m2repository, $SDK\extras\google\m2repository).
No compatible versions of com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:10.2.4 found given the set of required dependencies.
No compatible versions of com.google.firebase:firebase-common:10.2.4 found given the set of required dependencies.
I tried Compiling the quick test sample database game like that for android, but i get "One or more Firebase dependencies are not present. Current dependency status: UnavailableOther".
So i tried using that Asserts > Play services Resolver > Android Resolver > Resolve Client Jars. It will print back this error lists instead. Please help me out.
The Firebase plugin, like many other plugins, uses the Play services resolver to resolve required dependencies.
From the error message, looks like the resolver fails to find what it's looking for:
Unable to find dependency com.google.android.gms:play-services-base:10.2.4 in paths ($SDK\extras\android\m2repository, $SDK\extras\google\m2repository).
Note that the path starts with $SDK, and not not an actual real folder.
You should make sure your Android SDK path is properly set in Unity under Preferences -> External Tools.
Also, make sure that you have the latest versions of Google play services (from SDK manager, make sure the stuff under "Extras" is up to date).
I'm trying to deploy asp .net 5 sample application on Azure VM (ubuntu). I'm using Docker tools for Visual Studio 15.
I'm following http://www.hanselman.com/blog/PublishingAnASPNET5AppToDockerOnLinuxWithVisualStudio.aspx
Process 1;
I have followed below steps;
1. Created sample app using VS15
2. Publish wizard, created new VM
3. Published, keeping same host and container port 80.
4. Exposed 80 port using azure portal
Publish goes through but when opened in IE, it shows page can not be displayed.
I have even created multiple VMs and tried the same but no success.
Process 2;
I'm trying to create an image using docker client but it gives TLS error.
Are you trying to connect to a TLS enabled daemon without TLS?
I'm getting this even on my Laptop. which is trying to create the image using
Can anyone please help?
I have checked container logs; below is the details.
System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to resolve the following
dependencies for target framework 'DNX,Version=v4.5.1':
Current runtime target framework: 'DNX,Version=v4.5.1 (dnx451)'
Version: 1.0.0-beta7-15532
Type: Mono
Architecture: x64
OS Name: Linux
at Microsoft.Dnx.ApplicationHost.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000]
in <filename unknown>:0
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x00000] i
n <filename unknown>:0
at Microsoft.Dnx.Runtime.Commo`enter code here`n.EntryPointExecutor.Execute (System.Reflection.
Assembly assembly, System.Strenter code hereing[] args, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) [0x00
000] in :0
at Microsoft.Dnx.Host.Bootstrapper.RunAsync (System.Collections.Generic.List`1
args, IRuntimeEnvironment env, System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName targetFr
amework) [0x00000] in :0
Could you please try the below mentioned two links. Please let me know if you are still facing issues. I will join you in hunting the issue down.
I build an ASP.Net WebApi project with mono in Linux.
When I start (Debug/Release) the Application within Monodevelop. The application runs without errors.
Example : I start a (Debug/Release) session. Then I navigate to . Then I receive the expected xml output.
However, when I execute the xsp4 server from within the "bin" directory. The application starts fine, but when I go to .
I'm ending with the following exception:
Description: HTTP 404.The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies)
could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please
review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Details: Requested URL: /api/person/
Exception stack trace:
at System.Web.StaticFileHandler.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext context, System.AsyncCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Web.HttpApplication+ <Pipeline>c__Iterator1.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Web.HttpApplication.Tick () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Im using :
Monodevelop 4.1.7
Mono: 3.2.7
Ubuntu 13.10
xsp4: same version as monodevelop is using.
bin: location of the compiled binaries of the project build with monodevelop.
What steps do i miss, which monodevelop automates?
How to get an advanced output(Browser or console) to identify the missing file?
Why is the file missing in the standalone xsp4 and not in monodevelop?
In addition: I didn't noticed this problem until i tried to deploy the app to appharbor.
xsp4 is supposed to be run from the web application directory, not from bin directory.
The reason is in the ASP.NET architecture: a web application consist of a main directory ( say webapp) and several standard directories.
Let's just focus on bin, which only contains compiled assemblies referenced by your web application.
Simply said, if you run xsp4 under the scope of the bin directory, it'll never be able to reference Index.aspx. On the other hand, running Index.aspx from webapp allows the server to load any required assembly from the bin directory
After a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10, which comes with Mono 2.10, I've found myself in a bit of a pickle: I can't run ASP.Net 4.0 projects, even though I have XSP4 installed. It's almost as if it expects there to only be an xsp2...
Here's the error:
Could not launch web server. The "xsp2" web server cannot be started. Please ensure that it is installed.
MonoDevelop.Core.UserException: The "xsp2" web server cannot be started. Please ensure that it is installed.
at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionHandler.GetXspPath (MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionCommand cmd) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetExecutionHandler.Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ExecutionCommand command, IConsole console) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.DefaultExecutionHandler.Execute (MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.ExecutionCommand command, IConsole console) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MonoDevelop.AspNet.AspNetAppProject.DoExecute (IProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.ExecutionContext context, MonoDevelop.Projects.ConfigurationSelector config) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Any idea what the problem for this could be? Is XSP4 only compatible with MonoDevelop 2.8?
Assuming you are using monodevelop, Go to Project menu select your "application option" not solution option.In the dialog box that appears, under "Build" select "General", then on the right pane change "Runtime Version" to Mono/.Net 4.0
VB.NET addin seems no to support .NET 4.0 (see this stackoverflow question) but I found that just creating a symbolic link (xsp2->xsp4) was enough to run Mono/.Net 3.5 on mono-xsp4