Meteor: issue with reactivity in the #each loop - meteor

Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post images, so that makes it a bit harder to show the issue at hand. So I will describe it here.
In my final Meteor on screen display, I have an invoice with line-items. The line-items and all work perfectly and show as expected.
What I wanted to do, was "break in" in the #each-loop after 4 line-items are printed on screen, and then do something else (calculate and print sub-totals). I can't get that to work, since the session var I created for that does not seem to reactively change on every line-item. Instead, it seems to hold the last value from the complete #each loop.
Note, that there is a listindex variable in there that perfectly re-actively builds up from 1, to 2,3, and 4 on each line-item that is within the #each loop. So, the listindex variable does work reactively within the #each loop.
At the same time, I am introducing a session var in there, that should be "true" on line-item number 4, and "false" in all other cases. On "true" it should print "onderbreking" right in there. However, the session var always gives "true" and (because of that) always prints "onderbreking". That's not how I intended it to work of course.
I do not understand why the listindex works, and the session var does not?
Here is my javascript on this. The template is called "layout6.html":
// Bereken de index in de #each loop
listIndex: function() {
currentIndex += 1;
if(currentIndex == 4) {
Session.set('sessionPageBreak1', true);
if(currentIndex != 4) {
Session.set('sessionPageBreak1', false);
return currentIndex;
Template.layout6.SessionPageBreak1 = function() {
// Voeg de waarde van de sessie variabele toe aan de template
var data = Session.get('sessionPageBreak1');
return data;
The session var is initially set here:
// Session var for layoutcounter
Session.setDefault('sessionPageBreak1', false);
Session.setDefault('sessionPageBreak2', false);
Session.setDefault('sessionPageBreak3', false);
var currentIndex = 0.0;
Finally, this is the html involved on layout6.html:
{{#each factuur6.lineItems}}
{{#if SessionPageBreak1}}
And of course, there is a {{/each}} statement as well, but there is a lot of code in between that is not very relevant for this issue, so I did not put it in here.
I hope I included everything, if not, you guys doubtlessly will tell me.
The question is: what am I doing wrong, so that the session var is not reactively changing within the #each loop?

This isn't really the right way to use Session variables. Session variables are for global application state, not for storing intermediate values through a single computation. The general rule is that templates and template helpers should not have side-effects (like setting Session variables).
I would take a different approach. Define a helper:
lineItemsWithIndex: function () {
return, function (item, index) {
var newItem = _.clone(item);
newItem.index = index;
return newItem;
This function returns a copy of this.factuur6.lineItems, except each object has an index property added to it. For example, if the list of lineItems is [{name: "foo"}, {name: "bar"}, {name: "baz"}], we return [{name: "foo", index: 0}, {name: "bar", index: 1}, {name: "baz", index: 2}]. The original list is unchanged. If factuur6 is a helper rather than a field, then instead use ....
Then iterate over that in your template:
{{#each lineItemsWithIndex}}
{{#if pageBreak1}}
Where pageBreak1 is a helper function () {return this.index == 3;} (3 rather than 4, since these indices are 0-based). Since we added the index to each object, it is now accessible in the helper.
This assumes that your line items don't already have a field called index.


Where do I set Session defaults so that they are available in my subscriptions?

I have a helper function that depends on a collection document lookup, the result of which it passes to a subscription via a Session. It then needs to query the documents from that subscription.
The code explains it better than I could.
var selection = Selections.findOne()
var itemIds = function() {
return selection && selection.itemIds
var itemIdsArray = itemIds()
Session.set('itemIdsArray', itemIdsArray)
_.each(Items.find({_id: {$in: itemIdsArray}}).fetch(), function(element, index, list) {
//doing stuff
Meteor.subscribe('itemsById', Session.get('itemIdsArray'))
Meteor.publish('itemsById', function(itemIdsArray) {
return Items.find({_id: {$in: itemIdsArray}})
My console.log returns an undefined value before it returns the array of IDs. So undefined gets passed all the way to the publication, which complains of a null value (which is weird in itself) after $in and breaks.
My solution was to set the Session to default to [],
Session.setDefault(`itemIdsArray`, [])
which I honestly had high hopes that it'd work, but alas, it did not.
I've tried putting it inside IronRouter's onBeforeAction, I've tried putting it at the top of the helper, I've tried putting it pretty much anywhere but it still logs and returns undefined once before it gets the correct value.
I've also tried to move around my subscription, from waitOn to subscriptions to onAfterAction to onRendered, but those attempts have been utterly fruitless.
What should I do?
That's fairly typical behavior in Meteor. Session variables are not always ready at the time. The usual way of dealing with this is to introduce a guard in the helper that checks the variable is defined before doing anything else with it.
In your case something like this would work: itemsIdArray = itemIds() || [];
To answer the actual question you are asking, where do you set Session defaults that they are available in your subscriptions: it's not important where you set them, but when you access them. You can wait for the subscription to be ready using iron router's waitOn() function, or you can check the subscription handle's ready() function (see
If you return a subscription in your waitOn option of Iron Router you should have the data in your template then:
Router.route('/yourRoutePath/:_id', {
// this template will be rendered until the subscriptions are ready
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
waitOn: function () {
// return one handle, a function, or an array
return Meteor.subscribe('itemsById', this.params._id);
action: function () {
Your template helper:
items: function() {
return Items.find();
I noticed that you publish Items collection and you want to use Selections collection in your helper. If you need more than one subscription, you can return an array of subscriptions in waitOn:
waitOn: function () {
// return one handle, a function, or an array
return [
Meteor.subscribe('itemsById', this.params._id),
WaitOn ensures that your template will be rendered when all subscriptions are ready.

I'd like to create a reactive filter for textbox input - best practice?

I have a list of company names I'm populating from a collection
the helper function I have is:
companies: function () {
return Companies.find({owner: Meteor.userId()}, {sort: {a: 1}, name:1, createdAt:1});
It's looped through using a
{{#each companies}}
which outputs
<LI> Company Name </LI>
Above this I have a text box, and would like to filter the list of companies by what I type in the textbox - I'd prefer to have a "containing" filter as opposed to "starting with" filter, but i'll take either one - is there an established way of doing this in Meteor? If not, is there a plugin that someone wrote that does this?
Also, whatever answer you give, please consider the fact that I've been using Meteor for, oh, 5 days now, and i'm still learning it, so, a Newbie style answer would be great.
Thanks for Reading!
This is the updated answer I came up with - combining David's answer with my previous companies helper:
companies: function () {
var query = Session.get('query');
selector = {owner: Meteor.userId()};
options = {sort: {a: 1}, companyName:1, createdAt:1};
if (query && query.length) {
var re = new RegExp(query, 'i');
selector.companyName = re;
return Companies.find(selector, options);
Here is the outline for a simple search-as-you-type interface:
companies: function() {
// build a regular expression based on the current search
var search = Session.get('search');
var re = new RegExp(search, 'i');
selector = {owner: Meteor.userId()};
// add a search filter only if we are searching
if (search && search.length) = re;
options = {sort: {createdAt: -1}};
return Companies.find(selector, options);
'keyup #search': function() {
// save the current search query in a session variable as the user types
return Session.set('search', $('#search').val());
This assumes:
You are trying to search Companies by name.
You have an input with an id of search.
Please modify as needed for your use case. Let me know if you have any questions.

Meteor: sharing variables between helpers

I am currently building a quizz app in Meteor and have three function within helpers
//this helper finds the currentquiz and returns the currentquestion to the template
question: function(){
currentquiz = this.quiztitle;
currentQuestion = Session.get('currentQuestion') || 0;
return Quizzes.findOne({'quiztitle': currentquiz}).quizquestions[currentQuestion]
length: function (){
questionlength = $(Quizzes.findOne({'quiztitle': currentquiz}).quizquestions).length;
return questionlength;
answers: function(){
currentquiz = this.quiztitle;
currentQuestion = Session.get('currentQuestion') || 0;
return Quizzes.findOne({'quiztitle': currentquiz}).answers[1][currentQuestion]
As you can see some of this code is already duplicate (currentquiz = this.quiztitle). How can I share currentquiz between functions within a helper?
This is becoming a real problem as I need to define the variable currentquiz one time
currentQuestion = [0,0,0,0,0];
But current code resets the currentquestion any time I activate the helper in the template. I can;t define it above the function $(document.ready) wrap to set the variable or define it . This should be really easy right?
i know this is an old thread but I just came across the same problem. What you can do is define a reactive variable on the template level:
var abc;
Template.XY.rendered = function(){
abc = new ReactiveVar("abc");
return abc.get();
I define a var abc; to bind the variable to the template instance (i guess this can also be done with = new ... )
To provide a variable available in the template helpers and events you just need to add it in the template instance.
In the onCreated function you can access the template instance with the keyword this.
this.mySharedVariable = new ReactiveVar("myValue");
In the helpers you can access to the templace instance with Template.instance().
const instance = Template.instance();
instance.mySharedVariable.get(); // Get the value "myValue"
// Do something
const instance = Template.instance();
instance.mySharedVariable.get(); // Get the value "myValue"
// Do something
In the events you can access to the template instance with the second parameter of the function.{
'click .js-do-something' : function(event, instance){
instance.mySharedVariable.set("newValue"); // Set the value "newValue"
In the example above i'm using a ReactiveVar so if its value get changed the two helpers myHelper1 and myHelper2 will re-execute. But be free to use normal variable depending on your need.
PS: Because Session are global, you should not use Session if you only use this "shared" variable inside your template.

Meteor.autorun() not working on client when insert occures

i have been knocking my head for 2 days now in that .
am creating a search engine, am creating queries dynamically using Meteor Framwork, the queries are working fine and when i search i can rebind the UI (Table in My Case) with the dynamic data query output.
however if an insert/update/delete operation occures the data object
and the UI (html Table) is not updating.
which means that the template is not re-rendered when the data object changes. = function () {
Meteor.autorun(function() {
alarmsData = Alarms.find(getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val())).fetch()
//alarmsData = Alarms.find({},{sort: {timestamp: "desc"} }).fetch();
getConsole(alarmsData, ".console")
the get console function is just reading the array from teh search and creating an html table (this is working fine)
as for the begining i am creating a simple query as the default for my search. and then am changing this query whenever user changes the search criteria. i can notice that only the first instance of teh data object is kept and tracked for changes, so if the second search criteria resides within the first one, it's updating the UI, if not nothing happenes
i have used Meteor.autorun(function(){}) function however i traced it's execution with console.log and i can see it's no excuting when i insert data in the database for the same collection.
One, I believe you are trying to use Deps.autorun. Also, there is nothing in your autorun that seems to be dependent on a reactive source. Since alarmsData is taking a snapshot of data it won't care when Alarms has data changing.
Second, I would probably approach this with a redirect. I would compile my data, and redirect to the same page, allowing the server to handle the querying for me. This easily allows you to jump to this page from anywhere else with a prefilled query in the parameters (because the route would then handle it) and also gives a visual change to the navigation bar when a search has happened (just like every other search engine). You would do something like this on a button click:
var query = {},
query.text = encodeURIComponent($('#searchTxt').val()),
query.start = encodeURIComponent($('#startTimeTxt').val()),
query.end = encodeURIComponent($('#endTimeTxt').val()),
// redirect to current path
path = Router.routes[Router.current()].path({}, {
query: query
Router.go( path );
In your router you would just pass the query into your server and route as a data object (assuming you are using iron-router):
this.route( "search", {
path: "/search",
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe( "searchAlarms", _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) ),
data: function () {
return { "query": _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) };
This will not only give you the query data that was used for the search (in your template) but the server can now handle the search for you! Your Alarms data now holds all of the documents needed to display to the user and you no longer need to subscribe to all your Alarms. This is also great because it is automatically reactive. So if a new Alarm matches your query filter it will automatically be passed down to the client and displayed to the user without needing to setup any extra dependencies/autoruns.
Note though, that if you are subscribing to Alarms elsewhere you will still need to do filtering client-side.
What a strange meteor code…
The "rendered" code method code is called once you will be rendering the search template
getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val() is not reactive, my advise is to use the session variable to put your search criteria inside and use this same session to inject the find parameters inside.
Are you looking for displaying all the alarms Data ?
function getAlarms()
var text = Session.get("text");
var from = Session.get("start");
var to = Session.get("end");
var filter = getSearchSelector(text, from, to);
return Alarms.find(filter);
} = function () {
return getAlarms();
} = function () {
return getAlarms().count();
'keypress input[name=text]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name= text]").val()
Session.set("text", val);
'keypress input[name=start]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=start]").val()
Session.set("start", val);
'keypress input[name=end]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=end]").val()
Session.set("end", val);
// And your template will look something like:
<template name="search">
Search alarms
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Enter your text here…"/>
<input type="text" name="start" placeholder="start time"/>
<input type="text" name="end" placeholder="end time/>
There is {{alarmsCount}} alarms(s);
{{#each alarms}}
Alarm object: {{.}}
I Guess its Solved it by using Session.set & get, and automatically subscribing to the Serevr and send the dynamic Query.
Check the below Code
Template.zConsole.rendered = function () {
Session.set("obj", getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val()))
Deps.autorun(function (){
Meteor.subscribe("dynamicAlarms", Session.get("obj"))
console.log("Count from AutoRun ==> " + Alarms.find(Session.get("obj")).count())
on the server
Meteor.publish('dynamicAlarms',function (searchObj) {
return Alarms.find(searchObj)
& it works perfect with less code.

Meteor minimongo dynamic cursor

In my client UI I have a form with differents search criterias, and I'd like to reactively update the results list. The search query is transformed into a classical minimongo selector, saved in a Session variable, and then I have observers to do things with the results:
// Think of a AirBnb-like application
// The session variable `search-query` is updated via a form
// example: Session.set('search-query', {price: {$lt: 100}});
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
// I want to add and remove pins on a map
added: Map.addPin,
removed: Map.removePin
Deps.autorun(function() {
// I want to modify the cursor selector and keep the observers
// so that I would only have the diff between the old search and
// the new one
// This `modifySelector` method doesn't exist
How could I implement this modifySelector method on the cursor object?
Basically I think this method needs to update the compiled version of the cursor, ie the selector_f attribute, and then rerun observers (without losing the cache of the previous results). Or is there any better solution?
Edit: Some of you have misunderstood what I'm trying to do. Let me provide a complete example:
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
if (Meteor.isServer && Offers.find().count() === 0) {
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
// Inserting documents {price: 1}, {price: 2} and {price: 3}
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.setDefault('search-query', {price:1});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
added: function (doc) {
// First, this added observer is fired once with the document
// matching the default query {price: 1}
console.log('added:', doc);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('new search query');
// Then one second later, I'd like to have my "added observer" fired
// twice with docs {price: 2} and {price: 3}.
Session.set('search-query', {});
}, 1000);
This doesn't solve the problem in the way you seem to be wanting to, but I think the result is still the same. If this is a solution you explicitly don't want, let me know and I can remove the answer. I just didn't want to put code in a comment.
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {}); = function() {
return Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
} = function(pins) {
// use d3 or whatever to clear the map and then place all pins on the map
Assuming your template is something like this:
<template name="map">
{{placepins pins}}
One solution is to manually diff the old and the new cursors:
# Every time the query change, do a diff to add, move and remove pins on the screen
# Assuming that the pins order are always the same, this use a single loop of complexity
# o(n) rather than the naive loop in loop of complexity o(n^2)
Deps.autorun =>
old_pins = #pins
new_pins = []
position = 0
old_pin = undefined # This variable needs to be in the Deps.autorun scope
# This is a simple algo to implement a kind of "reactive cursor"
# Sorting is done on the server, it's important to keep the order
collection.find(Session.get('search-query'), sort: [['mark', 'desc']]).forEach (product) =>
if not old_pin?
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
while old_pin?.mark > product.mark
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
if old_pin?._id == product._id
#movePin(old_pin, position++)
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
newPin = #render(product, position++)
# Finish the job
if old_pin?
for old_pin in old_pins
#pins = new_pins
But it's a bit hacky and not so efficient. Moreover the diff logic is already implemented in minimongo so it's better to reuse it.
Perhaps an acceptable solution would be to keep track of old pins in a local collection? Something like this:
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
var Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
var OldOffers = new Meteor.Collection(null);
var addNewPin = function(offer) {
// Add a pin only if it's a new offer, and then mark it as an old offer
if (!OldOffers.findOne({_id: offer._id})) {
var removePinsExcept = function(ids) {
// Clean out the pins that no longer exist in the updated query,
// and remove them from the OldOffers collection
OldOffers.find({_id: {$nin: ids}}).forEach(function(offer) {
OldOffers.remove({_id: offer._id});
Deps.autorun(function() {
var offers = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
removePinsExcept( {
return offer._id;
added: addNewPin,
removed: Map.removePin
I'm not sure how much faster this is than your array answer, though I think it's much more readable. The thing you need to consider is whether diffing the results as the query changes is really much faster than removing all the pins and redrawing them each time. I would suspect that this might be a case of premature optimization. How often do you expect a user to change the search query, such that there will be a significant amount of overlap between the results of the old and new queries?
I have the same problem in my own hobby Meteor project.
There is filter session var where selector is storing. Triggering any checkbox or button changes filter and all UI rerender.
That solution have some cons and the main - you can't share app state with other users.
So i realized that better way is storing app state in URL.
May be it is also better in your case?
Clicking button now change URL and UI rendering based on it. I realize it with FlowRouter.
Helpful reading: Keeping App State on the URL
