Orika and usage of PermGen Space - out-of-memory

Since some days we're using Orika for Class Mapping in our production environment. Now it seems that we have a problem with the PermGen Space. We need more then twice as much PermGen Space then before and had some OutOfMemoryError's.
Is it possible that Orika is producing this memory consumption in the PermGen? Respectively what is the best way to improve this situation?
I read something about the VM-flag -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled, which forces the PermGen to collect the garbage. Can this help?

Never experienced such issues (even on large projects),
Some unit test included in Orika that verify some key performance issues:
You can find them here
To be sure consider to use a profiler/memory analyzer.


Benefit of reimplementing recursion with manually maintained stack?

I read that maintaining a stack manually could sometimes avoid stack overflow of recursion algorithms, because manually-maintained stack is allocated in heap, which has much larger size than the run-time thread stack. Is there any other benefit of reimplementing recursion with a manually-maintained stack? Why not just increase that program's stack size, which is much more straightforward?
If you can solve your problem simply by increasing the stack size, that's almost certainly the right solution.
If your algorithm is complex, a manually-maintained stack might save you time and space. You can allocate and free memory exactly when needed and reuse space, especially with multiple or conditional recursion. If the arguments are of various sizes, you can hold the storage used to only what you need in each call.
If you do this well, it's possible that you'll also save time in maintaining argument space ... if the algorithm happens to waste time fetching superfluous data with an automatic stack. I wouldn't count on this.
Reinventing the wheel is generally a bad idea: you have to debug and maintain the new code. Unless the old wheel was a rectangle ... :-)

System.web.optimization AssetManager increases memory usage

I am doing so memory analysis for our project there is excessive usage of memory.
This is what I got when I did a deep analysis.
I have recently found that minifing large minified files via ScriptBundle can cause excessive memory usage.
In my case changing
From:bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Bundles/Scripts/").Include(....
To:bundles.Add(new Bundle("~/Bundles/Scripts/").Include(....
Reduced my memory usage by around 300mb.
Long term this obviously isn't a great solution, and you should probably move to another solution ("Gulp" or "Bower"), but this may be enough to get through the next release or two.

Under what circumstances is a deadlock a good thing?

What is an example of when a deadlock is beneficial?
If the program you're deadlocking is a virus?
If you want to freeze up a process, I suppose that would be the only time you should do it... lol.
It's beneficial in that it clearly demonstrates you that your code is buggy and your synchronization methods need to be revised.
here is an example of exploiting a db deadlock in mysql.
It's more of a hack than a generalizable benefit of deadlocks, but it's the only thing I've ever come across that involves creating a deadlock for a beneficial effect other than for training purposes and for testing automated detection methods (which some may argue are both beneficial but where the benefit comes from helping avoid future deadlocks, so they are beneficial in the same sense as it's beneficial to study a deadly disease in a lab).
A deadlock is never beneficial. It is a huge problem in a program, because it causes the program to freeze under given circumstances!
A deadlock is never beneficial. It occurs when one or more processes are blocked forever because of requirements that cannot be satisfied. This will usually cause the program to appear to freeze as the processes will not continue unless the deadlock is broken. Programs must be crafted specifically to avoid deadlocks in all cases.

OpenCL bank conflict - dropping memory / corrupting data?

I apologize in advance for the vagueness of this question.
I am attempting to write a morphological image processing function in OpenCL. I have a __local buffer which I use to store data for every pixel (each pixel is represented by a work-item, no loop unrolling yet). Also, since I am early in testing, I am only using a single work-group (8x8 pixel image so I can manually validate results).
There are occasions when data from one, two, three, or even four pixels must be added into the pixel buffer of another. Since these are adjacent pixel in the same workgroup, I am sure I am causing local memory bank conflicts. That's ok, speed isn't my top priority (yet!). However, these bank conflicts seem to be dropping data and even corrupting data. I've been very careful not to overflow or over run the buffers.
So, my first question is: is it, in fact, possible that the the bank conflicts are causing data corruption and loss? The Opencl spec seems to indicate that the operation should serialize, slowing down the bandwidth - but there is no mention of data loss.
My second question is: Help! - What can I do about this?
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated - thanks!
maybe the nvidia whitepaper Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA can bring you on the right track. It is about the all-prefix-sums algorithm, which is a good example of a computation that seems inherently sequential, but for which there is an efficient parallel algorithm.
The all-prefix-sums operation turns lists of numbers [3,4,1,2] into their sums: [0,3,7,8].
I know the paper is about CUDA, but I found that the resulting kernels are very similar as
both tchnologies use similar concepts.
I hope, the paper can help you.

How do you pre allocate memory to a process in solaris?

My problem is:
I have a perl script which uses lot of memory (expected behaviour because of caching). But, I noticed that the more I do caching, slower it gets and the process spends most of the time in sleep mode.
I thought pre-allocating memory to the process might speed up the performance.
Does someone have any ideas here?
I think I am not being very clear here. I will put question in clearer way:
I am not looking for the ways of pre-allocating inside the perl script. I dont think that would help me much here. What I am interested in is a way to tell OS to allocate X amount of memory for my perl script so that it does not have to compete with other processes coming in later.
Assume that I cant get away with the memory usage. Although, I am exploring ways of reducing that too but dont expect much improvement there.
FYI, I am working on a solaris 10 machine.
What I gathered from your posting and comments is this:
Your program gets slow when memory use rises
Your pogram increasingly spends time sleeping, not computing.
Most likely eplanation: Sleeping means waiting for a resource to become available. In this case the resource most likely is memory. Use the vmstat 1 command to verify. Have a look at the sr column. If it goes beyond ~150 consistently the system is desperate to free pages to satisfy demand. This is accompanied by high activity in the pi, po and fr columns.
If this is in fact the case, your best choices are:
Upgrade system memory to meet demand
Reduce memory usage to a level appropiate for the system at hand.
Preallocating memory will not help. In either case memory demand will exceed the available main memory at some point. The kernel will then have to decide which pages need to be in memory now and which pages may be cleared and reused for the more urgently needed pages. If all regularily needed pages (the working set) exceeds the size of main memory, the system is constantly moving pages from and to secondary storage (swap). The system is then said to be thrashing and spends not much time doing useful work. There is nothing you can do about this execept adding memory or using less of it.
From a comment:
The memory limitations are not very severe but the memory footprint easily grows to GBs and when we have competing processes for memory, it gets very slow. I want to reserve some memory from OS so that thrashing is minimal even when too many other processes come. Jagmal
Let's take a different tack then. The problem isn't really with your Perl script in particular. Instead, all the processes on the machine are consuming too much memory for the machine to handle as configured.
You can "reserve" memory, but that won't prevent thrashing. In fact, it could make the problem worse because the OS won't know if you are using the memory or just saving it for later.
I suspect you are suffering the tragedy of the commons. Am I right that many other users are on the machine in question? If so, this is more of a social problem than a technical problem. What you need is someone (probably the System Administrator) to step in and coordinate all the processes on the machine. They should find the most extravagant memory hogs and work with their programmers to reduce the cost on system resources. Further, they ought to arrange for processes to be scheduled so that resource allocation is efficient. Finally, they may need to get more or improved hardware to handle the expected system load.
Some questions you might ask yourself:
are my data structures really useful for the task at hand?
do I really have to cache that much?
can I throw away cached data after some time?
my #array;
$#array = 1_000_000; # pre-extend array to one million elements,
# http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html#Scalar-values
my %hash;
keys(%hash) = 8192; # pre-allocate hash buckets
# (same documentation section)
Not being familiar with your code, I'll venture some wild speculation here [grin] that these techniques aren't going to offer new great efficiencies to your script, but that the pre-allocation could help a little bit.
Good luck!
-- Douglas Hunter
I recently rediscovered an excellent Randal L. Schwartz article that includes preallocating an array. Assuming this is your problem, you can test preallocating with a variation on that code. But be sure to test the result.
The reason the script gets slower with more caching might be thrashing. Presumably the reason for caching in the first place is to increase performance. So a quick answer is: reduce caching.
Now there may be ways to modify your caching scheme so that it uses less main memory and avoids thrashing. For instance, you might find that caching to a file or database instead of to memory can boost performance. I've found that file system and database caching can be more efficient than application caching and can be shared among multiple instances.
Another idea might be to alter your algorithm to reduce memory usage in other areas. For instance, instead of pulling an entire file into memory, Perl programs tend to work better reading line by line.
Finally, have you explored the Memoize module? It might not be immediately applicable, but it could be a source of ideas.
I could not find a way to do this yet.
But, I found out that (See this for details)
Memory allocated to lexicals (i.e.
my() variables) cannot be reclaimed or
reused even if they go out of scope.
It is reserved in case the variables
come back into scope. Memory allocated
to global variables can be reused
(within your program) by using
undef()ing and/or delete().
So, I believe a possibility here could be to check if i can reduce the total memory print of lexical variables at a given point in time.
It sounds like you are looking for limit or ulimit. But I suspect that will cause a script that goes over the limit to fail, which probably isn't what you want.
A better idea might be to share cached data between processes. Putting data in a database or in a file works well in my experience.
I hate to say it, but if your memory limitations are this severe, Perl is probably not the right language for this application. C would be a better choice, I'd think.
One thing you could do is to use solaris zones (containers) .
You could put your process in a zone and allocate it resources like RAM and CPU's.
Here are two links to some tutorials :
Solaris Containers How To Guide
Zone Resource Control in the Solaris 10 08/07 OS
While it's not pre-allocating as you asked for, you may also want to look at the large page size options, so that when perl has to ask the OS for more memory for your program, it gets it in
larger chunks.
See Solaris Internals: Multiple Page Size Support for more information on the difference this makes and how to do it.
Look at http://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Size
You could also inline a c function to do the above.
As far as I know, you cannot allocate memory directly from Perl. You can get around this by writing an XS module, or using an inline C function like I mentioned.
