I'm using fog to create an instance and want to specify a specific network to attach to.
In the Openstack environment I am using there are multiple networks defined, when the instance is created it attaches to all networks. Is there a way to use the create 'options' to restrict this?
I have tried to use "nic" or "net-id" as would be used in the nova command line utility, but no luck.
Here is an example of an equivalent Nova command that I'd like to do via Fog:
nova boot --user-data ./mytext --image my-image image-name --flavor my-flavor --nic net-id=e150d32a-a4b1-4a1d-a7a2-fa435d61aaaaa --nic net-id=7a445090-b1c6-4503-83df-7714daaaaa
You can specify different networks using the nics option.
fog_client.servers.create(name: 'test_net',
flavor_ref: 1,
image_ref: '...',
nics: [{ :net_id => '...'}, ...])
Why are some openstack instances found in the "dashboard" and viewed using the command 'nova list --ip [ip]', but not found using the command 'openstack server list|grep [ip]', 'nova list|grep [ip]'?
It is hard to say for sure what the cause of your problem is from the information you provided.
However, nova list and openstack server list both default to listing instances for the current project only. To list instances for all projects, you need to include the --all-tenants or --all-projects option respectively.
Refer to the Nova list command command to select parameter parameters:
Maximum number of servers to display. If limit == -1, all servers will be displayed. If limit is bigger than 'CONF.api.max_limit' option of Nova API, limit 'CONF.api.max_limit' will be used instead.
I installed Openstack using Devstack on a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 18.04. I am trying to create a provider network with the following command:
neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 --provider:segmentation_id=500 --shared
This command returns the following error:
neutronclient.common.exceptions.BadRequest: Invalid input for operation:
physical_network 'physnet_em1' unknown for VLAN provider network.
Neutron server returns request_ids: ['req-7a0bfe13-b4c3-4408-bc60-8d36e8bc3f9a']
I would like to know how to proceed.
You should use the openstack-client commands like openstack network create ..., because the client-commands of the single libraries, like your neutron net-create, are deprecated. There are some really special cases, which are only possible with the client-library of the single components, but the most is covered by the openstack-client. Unfortunately there are often used the old commands in documentations, because many documents are not up-to-date.
To avoid the error you had, you only need to remove the --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 and --provider:segmentation_id=500 from your command. The physical network and vlan-range should be defined within the ml2_conf.ini of the neutron-server, like this for example:
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
network_vlan_ranges = physnet_em1:171:280
So with neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --shared it works in my test-deployment (at least there in no error in the terminal, not tested the network-connectioin now). The openstack-command for this task would be openstack network create --provider-network-type vlan mgmt --share --external.
Normally, as far as I know, for the provider network a flat network-type is used instead of vlan, because the provider-network should normally not directly connected to any VM. The other non-provider networks can be vlan or vxlan and then connected with a neutron-router to the provider-network. An openstack-command for this could be: openstack network create --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet_em1 mgmt --share --external. For flat-networks you have the possibility to define a provider-physical-network via command-line.
In some documentations like this: https://docs.openstack.org/newton/install-guide-ubuntu/launch-instance-networks-provider.html they also use a flat-network as provider-network-type.
I am trying to get non SRIOV pci-passthrough using OpenStack Liberty, but not successful.
These are the steps followed
create pci_passthrough_whitelist in nova.conf of the compute node as pci_passthrough_whitelist = {"address": "0000:89:00.0", "physical_network": "test_phy_nw"}
As sriov is not used, do not add sriovnicswitch as mechanism driver
in ml2. and do not do any ml2 sriov configurations. do not configure pci_passthrough_alias as alias does not support BDF (address)
create a neutron net - neutron net-create --name test_os_nw
--provider:physical_network test_phy_nw --provider:physical_network_type flat. (is Flat ok ? or should i use vlan or vxlan type networks ?)
create port with direct vnic_type - neutron port-create
--name pci.port --binding:vnic_type direct
boot an instance with this port nova boot --flavor m1.small --image
ubuntu --nic port-id=$(neutron port-show pci.port -F id -f value)
Two questions in this regard
Are the steps mentioned above correct & am i missing anything in the
above steps ?
Is the process to achieve pci-passthrough (non SRIOV) different from
SRIOV pci-passthrough ? If it is different, can you please share a
link to it (or better can u give a quick summary of the process).
After some more experimenting and reading, figured out BDF based pass through is supported only for SRIOV (as of Liberty).
Is there a way to specify a network id to the network and sub network during creation?
neutron net-create test-net --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network physnet2 --provider:segmentation_id 22
neutron subnet-create test-net --name test-subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= --gateway
The answer is as simple as NO! This option is not available from the command line client. For the supported parameters you can refer to:
netron net-create
neutron subnet-create
As I see it there is not a hint that this is going to be changed in the feature release.
If for any reason you still need to ad-hoc specify the Network ID, it is possible (I do not know how exactly) to do it manually by changing the values post-creation. But I discourage these action.
I create Fedora instance in horizon by giving public key. But i didn't get any user and password to ssh the instance. Also tried to create instance from shell by running this,
nova boot --config-drive=true --flavor 3 --key-name testkey --image be1437b9-b7b4-4e56-a2c3-f92cdd0848ce --user-data cloud-config.txt test
Instance launched successfully in both case and when i try to login with root it ask me for password.
So please tell me what is the exact way to create a fedora instance in Openstack and what would be its user and password for ssh.
Just to confirm, I suppose that you have the corresponding .pem file for the keyname that you create (testkey) and this file has the appropriate permissions to be used to access using ssh. I mean chmod 600 of the .pem file.
If this is the case, you should go into the instance only executing the following sentence:
ssh -i testkey.pem root#<IP address>
Have you installed cloud-init package from epel repository?
So, you can get into the server using 'fedora' or 'cloud-user' user account.
Let leave cloud-init option in nova boot, I have also tried this one,
nova boot --flavor 3 --key-name testkey --image be1437b9-b7b4-4e56-a2c3-f92cdd0848ce test
In this command Instance launches successfully, but still I can't ssh the instance.
Where as now when I create instance from horizon I do ssh in that instance easily.
For the first time login it is recommended that you generate a key-pair (In ubuntu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys) and inject into the image (http://docs.openstack.org/grizzly/basic-install/yum/content/basic-install_operate.html) and do SSH to the instance using the key-pair. Once you are logged in, you can create a user and using this user you can login through VNC console.