Windows Authentication IIS 6 IsAuthenticated is always false -

I have ASP web site using Windows Authentication.
Here are the web.config settings
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<identity impersonate="true" />
<allow users="*" />
<deny users="?"/>
When I host the website in IIS 6 the user never gets authenticated so Request.IsAuthenticated is always null in Application_AuthenticateRequest method. Same about the identity of the CurrentPrincipal.
The weird thing is that when I switch the website to use Visual Studio Dev Server, everything works brilliantly.
I have Integrated Windows Authentication ticked in the IIS web directory settings.
What am I doing wrong? Any help or advise will by much appreciated.

Related How To allow only one Domain user

I have looked for this issue on the internet and nothing specifies how to solve my problem.
It is a very small web application hosted on IIS7. In my web.config i have this code:
<allow users="WORKGROUP\SOMEONE"/>
<deny users="?"/>
<roleManager enabled="true" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
When i access my website, it gives me the following error
401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
I want to authenticate only one domain user and I think i have used everything correctly. Please Guide Me What am i missing here
You'll need to install Windows Authentication and enable that on the IIS website.
See this post for details on how to install and configure Windows Authentication on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2:

null user.identity in iis 7.5

We are getting a null reference exception from the following line in iis 7.5
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
we are using forms authentication and also have anonymous authentication enabled. This works just fine in iis 7. Following is our configuration in web.config
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name=".ASPXAUTH" loginUrl="/Auth/Login" defaultUrl="/" timeout="600" path="/" />
<deny users="?" />
<allow users="*" />
<identity impersonate="true" />
This form authentication option also doesn't show up under iis site authentication configuration for this site. The only options I see there are Anonymous Authentication and ASP.NET Impersonation.
So, maybe it is not reading from Web.config for some reason? Any help is greatly appriciated.
This is fixed. I saw that the site didn't have references to FormsAuthentication and Anonymousidentificationmodule. I ran aspnet_regiis -i for 4.0 and now the site works fine.

Domain user authentication in ASP.NET

I would like my asp .net web application to only allow users belonging to DomainName\Domain Users to access the site. Right now I have "Anonymous access" disabled and "Windows Integrated Security" enabled on IIS. I also have the following code in my web config:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="DomainName\Domain Users" />
<deny users="*" />
When I attempt to access the website it prompts me for the username and password to connect to I am a member of the domain users group but it does not allow me access. What am I doing wrong either in the syntax or in my IIS settings?
Is Anonymous Authentication Disabled in IIS ? Only Integrated Windows Auth should be enabled on the web application.
EDIT from comments:
I see you have Anonymous disabled. Try adding <identity impersonate="true" /> within <system.web> and see if your behavior changes.

Disable windows authentication on single location

I have a web application and I want to provide anonymous access to a couple of the web services in it so that we can access the web services from computers without a windows login on our network.
I've tried the stuff here Disable authentication on subfolder(s) of an ASP.NET app using windows authentication. I've done this:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?" />
<location path="Tests/QService.asmx">
<allow users="?" />
<deny users="*" />
These both "work" in that they allow access to the web service for anonymous users. However, it seems that IIS still sends an authorization challange because when I access the service from a browser I get a box to enter my username and password. If I hit cancel I get access to the page anonymously. However, some of our clients don't handle this well and just fail because of the 401 return code.
Is there a way to completely disable the windows authentication on that single location such that IIS will not try and establish a windows authentication?
You need to disable Windows Authentication on the Virtual Directory for that single location. Then you shouldn't be challenged.

After impersonation authentication screen keeps popping up in my ASP.NET Application

I'm working on a program that has to archive (zip and delete files and folders) on a server. The servers that hosts the application (ASP.NET MVC) and the server that holds the files are two different servers. When I run the application without impersonation and the default web configuration everything works fine. The credential of the program is: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. When I use impersonation by adding the following line in the web.config <authentication mode="Windows"/> the program runs fine with anonymous login. When I prevent anonymous login by adding the following code to the web.config, the authentication screen keeps popping up for every folder or file I want to access.
What's the problem?
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>
To get this to work, you need to disable anonymous authentication and enable Windows Authentication in IIS, otherwise it doesn't have an identity to impersonate being passed.
Here's how to do that :)
