Where can I find QtMobility package for downloading? - qt

I cannot find package of QtMobilty, all links that I found in internet were invalid. Could you please help? I need to install it under Windows(I need QtConnectivity library).

Did you try QtMobility#gitorious?
Although you can't really "install" it - you will have to build it.

Qt Mobility is available as part of the Qt SDK for Nokia Devices. Get
it here.


How to open openFrameworks examples on QtCreator

I successfully set up oF on Qt creator.
However, I don't know how to open oF's "examples" on Qt.
I can find .qbs file only in 3DprimitivesExample.
Please let me know the way to open other examples.
OS:macOS Sierra
Install the qt creator plugin by running the following script found in the distribution: openFrameworks/scripts/qtcreator/install_template.sh?
Once you do, you can import any existing project.
Please also see the tutorial video here:

Qt5 reference documentation: qch files

I want to view Qt reference documentation inside QtAssistant, but the installation of Qt5 did not come with .qch documentation files for Qt libraries.
I have tried to find them on the http://qt-project.org but could not find them anywhere.
How do I get the Qt5 documentation files ?
I am using Ubuntu 12.10, I have installed the new qt-library sdk from the qt-project website.
Open Assistant (5.0.1/gcc/bin/assistant) and then go to Edit -> Preferences menu.
There's a Documentation tab. If the list is empty, add the .qch files found in the 5.0.1/gcc/doc/ directory.
This is how it looks. This is Ubuntu 12.10 as well.
Qt 5.0.1 installed with the qt-linux-opensource-5.0.1-x86-offline.run package (388Mb).
Yes, the official Ubuntu-documentation for Qt5 is very incomplete. You don't have information about nearly any class.
If you want to use the QtCreator/QtAssistant build from Ubuntu you have to acquire the docs yourself. I did and uploaded these on my personal Mega-account. Here are the docs. I installed the Qt framework with the installer from qt-project.org, grabbed the documentation and inserted it into the software-center-version.
I don't use QtAssistant as a stand-alone program but integrated in QtCreator. To add the docs to QtCreator go to Tools>Options>Help>Documentation and click add. Then select all .qch files, click apply and enjoy. Maybe try the way as mentioned above.
After all, you can just download the necessary *.deb file from the store of the Ubuntu packages, and install it on your system. As they wrote here, this package will install the *.qch files in /usr/share/qt5/doc. The pitfall is that you will have to remember that you have done that, since your Ubuntu will not take any records for you.

Link to Qt SDK? [duplicate]

I haven't used Qt on Windows in a while. I know that now we're supposed to download the open source version from the Qt Project website.
But the page at http://qt-project.org/downloads has separate links to installers for Qt libraries and Qt Creator. I remember being able to just download the full SDK and get started, but now I have t separately install MinGW, the libraries and Qt Creator.
Can I still get the libraries and Qt Creator in a single bundle, and if yes, where should I look?
Digia distributes the SDK now. Not sure if it's still free. http://qt.digia.com/Product/Qt-SDK/
I just downloaded Qt SDK from http://download.cnet.com/Qt-SDK/3000-2069_4-75305206.html
It seems to be working, although windows says the installer is unsigned.
There is a installation guide plus full SDK (1.2.1), both LINUX/WINDOWS including supplemental files. No non-functional Windows-MinGW installation is required here.

QML fails to load

I am a beginner to QML, just wanted to test the Hello WOrld program with it. It fails:
/home/saman# /home/saman/QtSDK/Simulator/Qt/gcc/bin/qmlviewer
Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
Cannot find any Simulator supporting Qt version
I need to know how to solve it.
It looks like you have not installed the Qt-SDK properly. Try to follow the installation instructions that came with the SDK or install it through your distributions package manager.
Try installing SDK (Qtcreator & Qt Kit) from https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.0/5.0.0/ (download required version depending on the platform you are working). This would inturn contain samples & demos which will work flawlessly.
All the best!

phoneGap files not found in QT-creator

i'm new to Qt, i just install all in one QT-SDK beta with QT-creator as described here. I tried to import PhoneGap example files from there (I use Qt-creator coz when I try to do it on Carbide, as described, it said that my EPOCROOT is wrong, but it isn't). When I want to debug or run project it said that there are some files missing, but i see them in files-tree (look). Any ideas what's going on?
I am working on PhoneGap Qt and am currently in the process of upgrading PhoneGap Qt to use the latest Qt Release, as well as the latest Qt Mobility Libraries. Hopefully once this is complete things will work smoother for you. Keep an eye on the github repository for updates.
