Reformatting date in google spreadsheet - datetime

I'm setting up a spreadsheet for someone else with a form to enter data.
One of the columns is supposed to hold a date. The input date format is like this example: "Jan 26, 2013" (there will be a lot of copy & paste involved to collect data, so changing the format at input step is not a real option).
I need this date column to be sortable, but the spreadsheet doesn't recognize this as a date but simply as a string. (It would recognize "Jan-26-2013", I've tried.)
So I need to reformat the input date.
My question is: how can I do this? I have looked around and google apps script looks like the way to go (though I haven't found a good example of reformatting yet).
Unfortunately my only programming experience is in Python, and of intermediate level. I could do this in Python without a problem, but I don't know any JavaScript.
(My Python approach would be:
splitted = date.split()
newdate = "-".join([splitted[0], splitted[1][:-1], splitted[2]])
return newdate
I also don't know how I'd go about linking the script to the spreadsheet - would I attach it to the cell, or the form, or where? And how? Any link to a helpful, understandable tutorial etc. on this point would help greatly.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Edit: Here's the code I ended up with:
//Function to filter unwanted " chars from date entries
function reformatDate() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startrow = 2;
var firstcolumn = 6;
var columnspan = 1;
var lastrow = sheet.getLastRow();
var dates = sheet.getRange(startrow, firstcolumn, lastrow, columnspan).getValues();
newdates = []
for(var i in dates){
var mydate = dates[i][0];
var newdate = mydate.replace(/"/g,'');
var newdate = mydate
sheet.getRange(startrow, firstcolumn, lastrow, columnspan).setValues(newdates)
For other confused google-script Newbies like me:
attaching the script to the spreadsheet works by creating the script from within the spreadsheet (Tools => Script Editor). Just putting the function in there is enough, you don't seem to need a function call etc.
you select the trigger of the script from the Script Editor (Resources => This Project's Triggers).
Important: the script will only work if there's an empty row at the bottom of the sheet in question!

Just an idea :
If you double click on your date string in the spreadsheet you will see that its real value that makes it a string instead of a date object is this 'Jan 26, 2013 with the ' in front of the string that I didn't add here...(The form does that to allow you to type what you want in the text area, including +322475... for example if it is a phone number, that's a known trick in spreadsheets cells) You could simply make a script that runs on form submit and that removes the ' in the cells, I guess the spreadsheet would do the rest... (I didn't test that so give it a try and consider this as a suggestion).
To remove the ' you can simply use the .replace() method **
var newValue = value.replace(/'/g,'');
here are some links to the relevant documentation : link1 link2
EDIT following your comment :
It could be simpler since the replace doesn't generate an error if no match is found. So you could make it like this :
function reformatDate() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dates = sheet.getRange(2, 6, sheet.getLastRow(), 1).getValues();
newdates = []
for(var i in dates){
var mydate = dates[i][0];
var newdate = mydate.replace(/"/g,'');
sheet.getRange(2, 6, sheet.getLastRow(), 1).setValues(newdates)
Also, you used the " in your code, presumably on purpose... my test showed ' instead. What made you make this choice ?

Solved it, I just had to change the comma to dot and it worked


moment.js will not parse UK format date even when setting the locale

Quite simply, this is my code:
var d = moment('22/12/2019');
I would expect this to parse, however it says invalid date.
I have referenced moment.js and the locale/en-gb.js
I'm writing a global control so the date may come in in a variety of formats.
If I put in a variety of American dates they all work, for example 12/12/2019, 12/12/2019 23:04 etc.
However the locale command does not appear to do anything and I cannot get a single date to parse. What am I doing wrong?
You need to pass the format as the second argument for moment(), as discussed here:
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'DD/MM/YYYY');
From the docs:
If you know the format of an input string, you can use that to parse a
moment("12-25-1995", "MM-DD-YYYY");
I think that there is no need to write your own complex logic to parse your input, you can use moment(String, String) (or moment(String, String[], String, Boolean)), as suggested by Thales Minussi's answer.
moment(String) is the good choice only if your input is in ISO 8601 or RFC 2822 compliant form.
In your case, you can probably use Localized formats listed in the format section of the docs. If you have a list of possible formats, I think that the best choice is tho use moment(String, String[]).
Please note that, by default: Moment's parser is very forgiving, so using default Forgiving Mode will handle "any" character as separator.
Here a live sample:
['22/12/2019', '22/12/2019 15:00',
'22-12-2019', '22-12-2019 15:00',
'1-3-2019', '1-12-2019', '22-1-2019'
].forEach((elem) => {
var d = moment(elem, 'L LT');
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Still hoping there's a nice moment js way to do this but in the meantime I just bashed this together. Pretty nasty and it will probably go wrong in 80 years or so.
var a = "23/03/19 12:42:21.123";
var datePart = a.substring(0, a.indexOf(" "));
var timePart = a.substring(a.indexOf(" ") + 1);
var dateParts = datePart.split("/");
if (dateParts[0].length == 1) dateParts[0] = "0" + dateParts[0];
if (dateParts[1].length == 1) dateParts[1] = "0" + dateParts[1];
if (dateParts[2].length == 2) {
var threshold = parseInt(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substring(2)) + 10;
if (parseFloat(dateParts[2]) > threshold ) {
dateParts[2] = "19" + dateParts[2];
dateParts[2] = "20" + dateParts[2];
alert (parseFloat(dateParts[2] + dateParts[1] + dateParts[0] + timePart.replace(/:/g, "").replace(/\./g, "")));
This won't solve every usecase, but in your specific example if you want just a simple date (with no time component) auto-parsed in UK format you can just use the 'L' format string having set the locale to 'en-GB'
Your example with this change (your jsfiddle also)
// just pass 'L' i.e. local date format as a parsing format here
var d = moment('22/12/2019', 'L');
It's quite nice because you get the auto parsing of various formats you wanted for free. For instance this works just the same:
var d = moment('22-12-2019', 'L');
You can return a date using moment.js in a desired format -
return moment(aDateVar).format('DD/MM/YYYY');

Function for Google Sheets' Script editor with a button for TODAY(), and NOW() in two different columns of which are the next not blank in the column

Currently, I'm looking at some simple documentation for vague ways to make a 'button' (image) over a Google sheet to trigger a function on the script editor. I'm not familiar with this type of Syntax, I typically do AutoHotKey, and a bit of python.
All I want to do is have this button populate 2 columns. The current date in one, and the current time in the other (It doesn't even have to have its year or the seconds tbh). I don't know if it matters of what the pages name is based on how the script works. So the range is ( 'Log'!G4:H ).
Like if I were to make it for AutoHotkey I would put it as :
WinGet, winid ,, A ; <-- need to identify window A = active
MsgBox, winid=%winid%
;do some stuff
WinActivate ahk_id %winid%
So it affects any page it's active on.
I would like to use the same function on the same columns across different sheets. Ideally, that is. I don't care if I have to clone each a unique function based on the page, but I just can't even grasp this first step, lol.
I'm not too familiar with this new macro. If I use this macro does it only work for my client, because of say like it recording relative aspect ratio movements?
IE if I record a macro on my PC, and play it on my android. Will the change in the platform change its execution?
If anyone can point me in any direction as to any good documentation or resources for the Google Sheet Script Editor or its syntaxes I would really appreciate it.
EDIT: Just to clarify. Im really focused in on it being a function that populates from a click/press(mobile) of an image. I currently use an onEDIT on the sheet, and it wouldnt serve the purposes that I want for this function. Its just a shortcut to quickly input a timestamp, and those fields can still be retouched without it just reapplying a new function for a newer current time/date.
EDIT:EDIT: Ended up with a image button that runs a script that can only input to the current cell.
function timeStamp() {
.setValue(new Date());
It only works on the cell targeted.
I would like to force the input in the next availible cell in the column, and split the date from the time, and put them into cells adjacent from one another.
maybe this will help... if the 1st column is edited it will auto-print date in 2nd column and time in 3rd column on Sheet1:
function onEdit(e) {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
if( s.getName() == "Sheet1" ) {
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 1);
var newDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "MM/dd/yyyy");
if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) {
var nextCell = r.offset(0, 2);
var newDate1 = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),
"GMT+8", "hh:mm:ss");

Xpages Date Time

I'm going loopy....
I want a date, in date format, for example
21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT
I stamp this on a document, but I then want to display it on my xpage as:
21/06/2017 17:23
But I keep getting different results no matter what I do. I get the date from the onClick of a button using
var dt = new Date();
I then pass this into a function:
function AddObjectivesHistoryItem(doc, dt, action, username){
var ArrDocHistory:array = doc.getItemValueArray("History");
if(ArrDocHistory.length < 1){
// This should always return an object as it is created when an objectives document is first
// created but do this check to be safe and create an array if for some reason it doesnt exist
ArrDocHistory = [dt+"|"+action+"|"+username];
// append new value to the array
I've tried using toLocaleString() and all others it seems but it wont work.
For example, toLocaleString() displays as 13-Mar-2018 15:02:15 on my xpage. It's close to what I want except it uses hyphens instead of slashes, and also displays the seconds.
I've tried using custom date pattern on my date field properties with no luck and I'm certain I'm missing something super obvious!?
Any pointers on how to firstly get the date like 21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT and store as a date and secondly to then display it as 21/06/2017 17:23, this can be a string if it needs to be.
You can get your date value as String in SSJS with:
var dateTimeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy kk:mm");
var dateTimeString = dateTimeFormat.format(dt)));
If you want to store as text, java.text.SimpleDateFormat is best for converting a date server-side to a specific text format. It can also be used in a converter to manipulate to/from as well.

formatDate() gives correct date -1 day (Google Apps Script)

I'm using a Google Spreadsheet to log some things on a day-to-day basis. To make it user-friendly to my colleagues I've made the spreadsheet as "interface-ish" as possible, basically it resembles a form.
This "form" has a submit button that saves the sheet and creates a new sheet (copy of template).
The problem is that the sheet that is saved should be saved with the date from a cell. BUT it saves with the date one day before the actual date... (!) I'm going nuts trying to figure out why.
Here's the code from the Google Apps Script I'm calling when the submit button is pressed:
function renameSheet() {
var ShootName = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet( ).getRange("G8").getValue();
var DateName1 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet( ).getRange("A8").getValue();
var newdate = new Date(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet( ).getRange("A8").getValue());
var Datename2 = Utilities.formatDate(newdate, "PST", "yyyy-MM-dd");
var NewName = Datename2 + " - " + ShootName;
var oldSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
// create a duplicate of the template sheet
var newSheet = ss.duplicateActiveSheet();
If cell A8 has the value "12.25.16" - the sheet will be named "12.24.16".
If anyone has a proper or even a dirty quickfix to this, I'd love to hear it.
You are hardcoding the timezone in this line :
var Datename2 = Utilities.formatDate(newdate, "PST", "yyyy-MM-dd");
but this does not take into account the daylight saving and date only values in spreadsheets are always at 00:00:00 hours so one hour shift can change the date...
Replace with an automated value like this :
var Datename2 = Utilities.formatDate(newdate, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");

Regex verification correct birth date and check age

I need a regex which takes the string YYYY-MM-DD-XXXX (The last 4 are just for purpose of gender/area) It's mostly important to check the first 8 Digits for a valid birth date.
So far i have this:
Also i want to check so the input age is at least 18 years old. Would appreciate if somone had some input on how to achieve this.
Edit: The regex above was tested in JS, but should work fine in ASP as well?
I have changed your regex a bit to make it look more authentic
years like 3012 will not pass.
Now you want to find whether a person is 18 years or not.
One approach could be to find the difference between the years of dates provided like this
var str = '1990-09-12-5555';
var res = /^([1-2]\d{3})\-([0-1][1-9])\-([0-3][0-9])\-([0-9]{4})$/.exec(str);
var year_now = new Date().getFullYear();
a second approach will be more precise one :
var str = '1990-09-12-5555';
var res = /^([1-2]\d{3})\-([0-1][1-9])\-([0-3][0-9])\-([0-9]{4})$/.exec(str);
var todays_date = new Date();
var birth_date = new Date(res[1],res[2],res[3]);
will output the result in milliseconds. You can do the math to convert it into year
Cheers , Hope that helps !
I suggest using moment.js which provides an easy to use method for doing this.
interactive demo
function validate(date){
var eighteenYearsAgo = moment().subtract("years", 18);
var birthday = moment(date);
if (!birthday.isValid()) {
return "invalid date";
else if (eighteenYearsAgo.isAfter(birthday)) {
return "okay, you're good";
else {
return "sorry, no";
To include moment in your page, you can use CDNJS:
<script src="//"></script>
The following will match any year with a valid day/month combination, but won't do validation such as checking you've not entered 31 days for February.
Not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve but I'd suggest using a date library for this sort of thing. You could return a message to the user somehow if the entered date fails to parse into an object.
In order to do age validation, you will certainly need to use a library so a regex should only be used for date validation purposes
