Selecting what elements from an RSS feed appear in infobox on map - google-maps-api-3

I have a GeoRSS feed from a Flickr set showing on a map as a KML layer and the images appear as intended in the infoboxes.
Above the image is the text 'Flickr username posted an image', which is the text from the content element of the feed item.
I would like to remove this and I'm trying to find a simple way of only showing the elements from the feed that I want in the infoboxes.

You must supress the default infoWindows and create your own.
How it works I described a couple of hours ago here (the question there is about a weatherLayer, but the workflow is exactly the same).
The contents of the cklicked item are stored in the featureData-property of the KMLMouseEvent-object, passed as argument to the click-callback. You must parse these data and create the desired content for the infoWindow.


add text to title on admin/content page drupal 7

I want to add some text to 'title' on admin/content page, based on content type.
for ex. if any article title is 'this is test article'. I want it to be displayed on this page like 'this is test article SOME EXTRA TEXT'.
I want to do it for 3 4 content type. for every content there will be different extra text.
How can I achieve it ??
Easier and yet more powerful solution would be to create your own content overview page. Create a page view that will list content. Use table format and set some back-end path to that page so you'll get the admin theme for it and it will look (almost) identical to original one. Or, make it even better - add more filtering options, make content sortable by other colomns (except for "Updated" field")...
When you do that for every field you'll have many options including most powerful one - to execute some php code on original content to generate different one...
And you can edit admin menu, to add your new page to it (eventually replace original one).

Conditional display of field in Views

I have a custom (i.e. View) menu based on taxonomy vocabulary, in wich each term has an image field.
So far, each term is displayed properly with its picture, but I want to know if it is possible to display only the Image field relative to currently active term, while maintaining label+link for the whole vocabulary. Result would be to have an illustrative picture in top of menu, changing according to which item is clicker.
Is there any way to do something like that directly inside the View configuration ?
With the use of contextual filter, you can display information for the term passed as argument/ in URL.

Drupal 7 Views list, add link

Currently I have a Drupal installation which has colorbox installed, this allows me to upload a group of images with some text, each entry is its own entity but are all listed on the same page.
I was just wondering if there is a way that I can display a custom link under each views item (entity). Is this possible?
I'm looking for a quick way to simply add a link that links to the first image of the colorbox image slider.
First, set your Format to Show: Fields. To do so, click the link next to Show: (refer to the picture below) and change it to Fields.
If your Format is set to Show: Fields, you can add a new field of type Global: Custom text. Then, in the text box that appears, simply insert your custom link. If you need to pull in the URL dynamically, use a Replacement Pattern (see the list under the text box).
If you need to use another field as a replacement pattern, add it in the same way as you added the Global: Custom text field but make sure to check the Exclude from display checkbox so that it is not shown in your view.

Drupal 7: navigation menu with Views?

I want to make a long page consisting of multiple nodes (each of the same Content Type). The page should have navigation on top of it that will allow to jump directly to the desired point of the long page, kind of like here: (there navigation is under the picture)
I used the Views module to assemble a long page from content, and for navigation I tried to use another View of the same content, only inserted in the top of the page as a block. I set this view to display grid of fields; it looks good. Only I could not figure out how to make each cell in the grid to become a link to the content on the same page.
I tried modifying views template, but there $rows variable turned out to be a string with already assembled html. Maybe I could possibly modify the content template, and insert some sort of condition that will change the way content looks based on what part of the page current view is located, but I am not sure how to do that either.
In the views, edit the field selected, and there are options there to configure the field as hyperlinks how you may want them. Also you can just let the field link directly to the node, there is an option for that. cheers

View with a page using arguments wtih a path using %

I've just started using Drupal and I must admit its brilliant. Im still finding my way around it, so this might be a stupdi question, but Id like to know what the best and least perofrmance impacting way to achieve the below.
I have created a view with the "Node: Nid" argument to bascially list certain information about additioanl information about an artist, his events, albums etc..... The path has been set using the %. The idea being that when a particular artist node is in the node URL it will display all of the other info.
What I would like to do is add a link to the artist page called more info. So when clicked it takes you to that particular view and display all the other information.
I have realised that you cannot create menu items, using % argument.
How you would you guys do this ?
thanks :)
You are correct that you can't use wildcards in menus.
However, you can create a fake menu block outside the normal Drupal menu system that contains the menu items you want: just create a view and use the HTML list style. Each row in the view will correspond to one of your fake menu's items. When you're finished creating the view, create a block display for that view.
Add the block to a region using Site Building -> Blocks, and style it to look like your other menus.
