controls for MAP based Applications -

I am new to stackoverflow, I am creating an .net web map applications similar to google maps.
But my 1st requirement is to create my own map. please suggest tools to create shapefiles,index files and dbfiles.
2nd requirement is that i need to know controls in for implementing it.
I have a jpg image of my map can i use that image as my map or do i need to create the shape files for this. I want to include all the features shown in google map in my application.
Note .net 3.5 framework is where i have to implement this application. And also i can not use any existing map such as bing, google maps.

Look into ESRI's ArcInfo and Spacial Analyst tools. We used to do generate our own maps, but it was fairly time consuming (but this was some 10+ yrs ago). They have probably made it faster these days. It sounds like you may have some knowledge of arcview (shapefiles, db, indx), but that will not do what you need.


Tool to make mindmap for test strategy

I need to draw a more elaborate Mindmap to present my test strategy to my client. I have no experience of creating mind map with any tool.
Can someone suggest any good mindmap making tool?
For "pure" mind mapping I would suggest Freeplane (free and open source). I know people using Freeplane for professional test case generation. Very helpful in this respect are
extensive scripting support that can be used to support testcase entry and for customized exports
multiple fields per node that can be used for different purposes: attributes (tabular data), notes, detail
If your primary focus is the generation of presentations then you should probably use a different tool.
For more elaborate mindmap I would suggest XMind.
With XMind you can even create testcases inside your mindmap using its matrix features. There are lots more features like:
Gantt view
Try , this desktop application provides features that you can create and manage mind map easily.
You may try online service MindMup or desktop ConceptDraw MINDMAP. Though the first one is not that professional and intuitive as ConceptDraw tool, it is free. The second product has a 21-day trial period, brainstorm mode, multiple hyperlinks, export to MS PowerPoint or Web pages and so on.

Mapstraction, OpenLayers, LeafLet, etc?

I've been looking through a few different sites and places about geocoding. I currently have a module with Google Maps that I'd like to switch out to a free alternative, like OpenStreetMaps.
However, I've been hearing that these API's are now abstracted away even further, and services like Mapstraction exist that are API-swappable.
However, I haven't been able to find out what OpenLayers really is, same with Leaflet. What are they? Can you swap API's? Do they default to a specfic API?
This article could prove helpful: "A Process for Keeping Pace with Evolving
Web Mapping Technologies. Roth et al 2014" (
Especially the table on page 34 (page 10 of pdf) gives you a great overview of the different APIs and their capabilities.
I've made a small extension (plugin) to OpenLayers 3 which can use one of the following nominatim provider:
It is called OpenLayers 3 Control Geocoder Nominatim
You can see a demo here.

How to create HERE maps

HERE maps for certain city like Chennai, India is very limited. I understand that lot of information can be added so that it will benefit end-user.
My question, can I create a new map using HERE and allow my version of maps to be downloaded? If yes? How can I do this
HERE Maps is a proprietary software so you can not try to recreate your own version of it. Trying to recreate a Map API by yourself is a cool idea, but it is also a good idea to build something on top of a technology or an application that is already existing. There are other Map API's out there like OpenStreetMap and Google Maps that allows user to create and add data about POIs (Point of Interests) and/or locations. The data on these apps are also open source, that is why the community are encouraged to contribute data of their own on top of the Application.
TIP: If you are really onto it here is a page that documents the stuffs the happened behind the scenes in developing the HERE Maps:

How to display data as 3D bars/stories on Map using

I am a beginner in ASP.NET.I am researching on 3D data visualisation on Google Maps using ASP.NET. I have integrated the map with web site. Now, I have to show data as bars/stories on the map. More like the Microsoft's Geoflow. Please, guide me. I want to know the pre-requisites(tools etc) and possible procedure to implement the concept.
i never worked with these but u can still try the 3D programming libraries

Flex equivalent of Google Visualization Geomap (choropleth map)?

The Google Visualization Geomap component is a choropleth map of continents, countries and regions, with colors and values assigned to specific regions. Although it is rendered with Flash, it can only be accessed and customized via JavaScript or GWT API.
Does anyone know an alternative Flash/Flex component that I could easily embed into Flex 3 applications (using AS3) ?
I've had previous success in a non-Flex project using amMap's non Flex maps, but they do offer a Flex mapping product. I was able to create and define custom map regions and you can essentially treat "anything" as a map, so I was able to create custom regions that weren't otherwise considered a region by anyone else.
I am not sure why this post suddenly showed up as "interesting" as of 1 minute ago given its age, but hopefully this can help someone else :)
checkout Esris Map solution. I worked with it on a big project and it proved to be a very flexible and functional mapping api
Quite a few Flex map components you can check out:
Commercial product:
Open source project:
My experimental component: :-)
