CSS outline property not showing in Firefox for SVG image? - css

I'm trying to design an interaction that uses an SVG canvas (the full app uses d3) and image elements drawn on the canvas. I'd like each image to change somehow when the user hovers or clicks on the image, to show that it is selected. The most basic style change I could think of is changing the outline of the image (i.e. draw a border around it), and this works fine on Chrome 23/Chromium 20. However it does not have any effect on Firefox 16.
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/RSLsy/
.map {
background-color: blue;
.button:hover {
outline: solid medium black;
<svg width="400" height="300" class="map">
<image class="button" xlink:href="http://www.gstatic.com/ui/v1/button/search-white.png"
x="10" y="10" width="20" height="20"/>
Any ideas for how I can achieve this type of effect cross-browser?
Thanks in advance!

If you aren't limited to using png images and could potentially have icon shape images like the magnifying glass as svg paths, you can use JQuery to animate their fill, stroke, etc. Here is a fiddle I made for another SO question regarding animating color change on hover that you might be able to repurpose.
in your case you would want to change the JQuery UI Color plugin hook to
to get an outline effect. That fiddle should work in IE9 and all current versions of Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari
I updated your fiddle to get the same effect in chrome & firefox w css (havent tested other browsers) by wrapping the image element in a group with an empty rectangle the same size and location of the image. Not sure why it wont make the group element the size of the image element without the rect element holding it open.. Adding duplicate empty rectangles for each of your image elements is probably not ideal but might be easier than making svg paths for my original fiddle solution


How to make SVG clip-path work correctly in Google Chrome?

I'm using an inline SVG together with CSS clip-path property to create a beveled corner on a div element.
On Firefox, the size of the beveled corner is correct. However, on Google Chrome, not only the size of the beveled corner is incorrectly smaller, but the size of the div element also become incorrectly smaller.
Here is the demo on jsFiddle.
How do I make Google Chrome works correctly with SVG and clip-path?
P.S. I know CSS generated content can simulate the beveled corner effect. But in my case, I have to use SVG and clip-path.
I had found the solution in this article. The solution is adding clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox" to the clipPath element, and then change the value of the points attribute of the polygon element to percentage value.
Here is the updated demo on jsFiddle.
The previous problem was that Google Chrome incorrectly applies the clipping path to the document instead of the HTML element that references it. According to the aforementioned article, setting the value of the clipPathUnits attribute to objectBoundingBox makes the clipping path honors the boundaries of the HTML element that references it.
One thing that helped me solve this was adding a unique clip-path ID. This, along with the vendor prefix for webkit, helped me get everything working!
(...normal svg stuff...)
<clipPath id="uniqueId" transform="translate(-0.01)">
<rect width="90.96" height="78" style="fill: none"/>
...other svg stuff...
<g style="clip-path: url(#uniqueId); -webkit-clip-path: url(#uniqueId);">
This was for multiple inline svgs and there must have been collision with the Adobe Illustrator-generated "clip-path" ID that the clipPath was given.

SVG in MSFT Edge sometimes goes invisible or distorts

I'm using this inside Angular if it matters, but for some unknown reason only in Edge.. as I move the mouse around on the screen the img will either distort and render with some of it missing, or completely disappear
<img class="my_image_class" src="img/My-Svg-ToRender.svg" ng-src="img/My-Svg-ToRender.svg">
associated CSS for this element is as follows.. I've tried setting no height and no width, setting height and width.. behavior doesn't change
img.my_image_class {
width: 100%;
-webkit-user-drag: none;
there is other parent CSS, but it looks like just margins, borders, padding
edit :
turning everything I can off, in CSS, I notice the svg will not render UNTIL I mouse over it.. I do not see any directives that could be modifying the svg's CSS and don't see any transformations occurring
I found some open issues on SVGs through Microsoft's feedback portal; it looks like a recent update may have negatively impacted SVG display in Edge (e.g., https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/2350665). Based on what I've read about this issue, it seems like text boxes are a common culprit.
My website displays a logo as an SVG containing text, and it renders without problem in Edge. However, before I exported my SVG from Illustrator, I converted all text to paths. I did this for a similar reason: I was having issues with SVG text display in Safari.
Of course, ideally, SVGs should just work in all browsers. And it seems like this issue is on the fix-list for Edge. But in the meantime, perhaps this workaround will help! Cheers!
I had my inline svg images disappear on hover. I had the following styling:
svg {width: 100%; height: 60px;}
The 'width: 100%' styling was intended to activate the hover styling as soon as the mouse entered the containing block element. This caused som strange behavior on the svg image. Mouse-in from top or bottom functioned as expected, mouse-in from left or right caused the svg to disappear. Removing the 'width' styling, solved the problem.

IE11 using svg as background-image fails

I'm facing a weird problem with Internet Explorer 11 running on Windows 10 machine.
Using an SVG image as background thats appears totally black, Edge with the same code works fine.
Here a little fiddle reproducing my problem
Using this, Edge renders SVG rightly, IE renders only a black image...and i can't understand such a different behaviour!
Furthermore, on a Windows 7 machine IE11 works fine!
Some ideas?
Thanks in advance guys!
.icon-user-default {
width: 128px;
height: 128px;
background-image: url()
<div class="icon-user-default">
Make sure to set background size width and height
background-size: 80px 60px;
After digging into SVG file structure I found that problem concerns the SVG' styling properties.
Adobe Illustrator give me four options to declaring style sheet properties when saving graphics as an SVG file
Presentation Attributes
Style Attributes
Style Attributes (Entity Reference)
Style Elements
Accordingly to W3C specs regarding SVG1.1' Styling
No problem using the first three ways to styling properties, but embedding style sheets into SVG content inside a <style> element cause the problem!
Here my final fiddle test results
<div class="icon-user-default-css1"></div>
<div class="icon-user-default-css2"></div>
<div class="icon-user-default-css3"></div>
<div class="icon-user-default-css4"></div>
I hope will be of help to someone...
If, like me, you have inline SVG in your background
(e.g. <svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'...></svg>)
You will want to make sure your encoding is charset=utf8 (e.g. url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,)
Also ensure that reserved URL characters are encoded (e.g. < === %3C and > === %3E) and you use single quotes ' around attributes.
I had this problem too.
In my case, changing the "styling" setting didn't help, but unchecking the "responsive" checkbox in the Illustrator SVG export dialog did, even with an internal CSS element in the SVG.
The difference is that the SVG element needs a width and height attribute.
These attributes are absent when you check the "responsive" checkbox in the Illustrator SVG export dialog. If that's really all it does, then it's poorly named, I think.
If you're using inkscape, or some other tool to make your SVGs, I am sure your observations, when added here, would be of value.
So, if you want SVG background images in CSS to work properly in IE, make sure the root element of the SVG has a width and height attribute. (e.g. by unchecking the "responsive" checkbox in AI).
The width and height attribute do not have to be the correct display size (which may change anyway, via the CSS background-size property), but they do have to be the correct aspect ratio.
If you are hand-coding the SVG markup, and the first two values for viewbox are zero, then you can just use the last two values for width and height respectively.
data-name="Layer 1"
viewBox="0 0 298.2 108.8">
In my case, the SVG was also invisible most of the times I tried to load the page. But sometimes, it was loaded.
I noticed that if I add background: red then remove it, SVG would appear.
After converting the file to PNG, I noticed that it behaves the same way as SVG after adding and removing the background style rule.
So, I think Internet Explorer converts SVG to PNG, but sometimes it fails.

Exported SVG file rendered differently in browsers

I'm having problems in understanding what causes this file to be rendered differently in browsers (Chrome: only axes visible, Safari and FF display the main content and axes).
It's a figure that has been exported from DC.js example page, first figure, using SVG-crowbar2.
Basically the Crowbar just looks for any external css rules applied to the SVG element and applies them as inline css. The question is what css rules cause the elements to be shown differently?
The issue appears to be cause by the #yearly-bubble-chart-clip > rect element. It has inline styles that set width and height to auto. In Chrome, this is overriding the width and height attributes, and resulting in a clipping path that is 0 pixels by 0 pixels.
If you remove those styles, like so, it will work in Chrome.
<rect width="888" height="198" transform="translate(-0, -0)" style="overflow-x:visible;overflow-y:visible;perspective-origin:0px 0px;-webkit-perspective-origin:0px 0px;transform-origin:0px 0px;-webkit-transform-origin:0px 0px;"/>
JSFiddle Example
Your chart-body seems to appear in Chrome if you remove the width:auto; and height:auto; from the rect in the yearly-bubble-chart-clip clip path.

Can I do knock-out/punch-through transparency with CSS fonts?

I would like to know if there is any way I can apply 100% transparency to text so that we can see the background picture of the page within the characters in the text.
i.e. imagine I’ve got a <div> with a white background, and a background image on <body>. I’d like to set the text inside the <div> so that the background image on <body> can be seen through the text, despite the white background on the <div>.
I could probably use an inverted font but I would prefer a better way to do it if there is one.
Does it have to be dynamic? The only way to do that is with an image with transparency (GIF or, better, PNG).
I'm not sure if this is what you want, but will explain it anyway.
Situation: you have a non plain background that you want to bee seen through your text.
Solution: no CSS is coming to the rescue for this. You'll have to use your trusty image editor to create a layer with text, and another layer that will be the negative of your text
This could allow you to have some interesting effects, but if you want it to be dynamic, you'll have to generate the images on the fly serverside.
This kind of trickery is currently impossible with pure CSS (might be possible with Javascript).
Seeing Paul's find on webkit got me thinking on how to fake that behavior in Firefox, Opera and IE. So far I've had good luck using the canvas element on Firefox, and I'm trying to find some behavior in filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.
So far with canvas, this is what I did
<canvas id="c" width="150" height="150">
ctx = document.getElementById("c").getContext("2d");
// draw rectangle filling the canvas element
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
// set composite property
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
// the text to be added now will "crop out" the red rectangle
ctx.strokeText("Cropping the", 10, 20);
ctx.strokeText("red rectangle", 10, 40);
by using a detination-out compositing and drawing text on the canvas.
I’m not exactly clear what you’re asking (100% transparency means that something’s invisible, and invisible text isn’t generally a great idea), but in general:
The CSS opacity property applies to an entire element, not just its text. So if you have this HTML:
<div class="opacity-50">
This is a div with a background colour and 50% opacity
And this CSS:
.opacity-50 {
background: #ccc;
color: #000;
opacity: 0.5;
Then both its background and its text will have 50% opacity.
rgba colour values allow you to specify semi-transparent colours. So, if you have this HTML:
<div class="text-opacity-50">
This is a div with semi-transparent text
And this CSS:
.text-opacity-50 {
background: #ccc;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
Then only its text will have 50% opacity.
I think rgba colour values are supported by slightly fewer browses than opacity.
Ah — if you’re talking about “punch-through” transparency, no, CSS doesn’t do this.
Except for WebKit (the rendering engine in Safari and Chrome), which has a totally custom, made-up-by-Dave-Hyatt, not-even-in-CSS-3 property value, -webkit-background-clip: text;.
No other browser other than Safari and Chrome supports it.
You can spent the time to make your own font with InkScape and IcoMoon and make a negative knocked out font, then your letters can be see trough! I used this technique for some see trough Icons.
Why not try to set the DIV's background image to a completely transparent GIF?
Using a .png without background is a good method. In Photoshop you can save for the web.
or in css:
