Retrieve Arguments of a Workflow (with default values)? - workflow-foundation-4

Given is a Workflow Foundation 4 runtime that is working against a website ;)
We need to get the arguments of workflows to show the user an editor to enter the arguments. For that we need all arguments with names, types and - default values, as well as an indication whether an argument is required.
Workflows are stored as XAML files.
How to do that? The data seems to be in the Activity Metadata which seems to be not avaialble outside the Workflow. In addition, the Workflow Engine ModelService is for the Designer and has a lot of overhead.
Any easy way to retrieve this information?

I've already done something similar. Reflection might be your best (and only) option if you want a generic approach.
// Just an holder for InArgument informations
class InArgumentInfo
public string InArgumentName { get; set; }
public string InArgumentDescription { get; set; }
public bool InArgumentIsRequired { get; set; }
static ICollection<InArgumentInfo> GetInArgumentsInfos(Activity activity)
var properties = activity.GetType()
.Where(p => typeof(InArgument).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
var argumentsCollection = new Collection<InArgumentInfo>();
foreach (var property in properties)
var descAttribute = property
string description = descAttribute != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(descAttribute.Description) ?
descAttribute.Description :
bool isRequired = property
argumentsCollection.Add(new InArgumentInfo
InArgumentName = property.Name,
InArgumentDescription = description,
InArgumentIsRequired = isRequired
return argumentsCollection;
This way you can not only retrieve the argument's name but also other information hold by the argument's attributes. For example I choose to give argument an user-friendly name through [Description] attribute (eg. instead of MyPropertyName user sees "My Property Name").
Note: if you can ensure that you activity is an ActivityBuilder or DynamicActivity they both have Properties property that you can use, but the principle is the same.

Load it as DynamicActivity and iterate over Properties property
var dynamicActivity = ActivityXamlServices.Load(foo) as DynamicActivity
foreach(DynamicActivityProperty prop in dynamicActivity.Properties)
// ...
UPDATE: Missed default value part
foreach (var prop in dynamicActivity .Properties)
object defaultValue;
if (prop.Value == null)
defaultValue = null;
Type genericTypeDefinition = prop.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
if (genericTypeDefinition == typeof(InArgument<>) || genericTypeDefinition == typeof(InOutArgument<>))
var valueProp = prop.Value.GetType().GetProperty("Expression", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
var expression = valueProp.GetValue(prop.Value, null);
var expressionValueProp = expression.GetType().GetProperty("Value");
defaultValue = expressionValueProp.GetValue(expression, null);
Not totally guaranteed, there are some checks you have to do.


JsonConverter and Swashbuckle - Approach for decorating a swagger

I'm playing around and developed a simple custom JsonConverter that takes a min and max temperature and have decorated my model class as follows and validates that the temperature falls in that range.
[JsonConverter(typeof(TemperatureConverter), 5, 10)]
public int Temperature { get; set; }
This is all good but I'm wondering what's the approach to best output the correct decoration in my swagger file generated by swashbuckle... like so:
name: Temperature
type: integer
minimum: 5
maximum: 10
I know this is a trivial example, but it's more the approach to tying JsonConverter to the generation of the swagger I'm interested in.
I'm currently looking at ISchemaFilter but can't see how I can get the type of converter that decorates the property.
You have to be at the parent schema level, looking at it's properties. By the time it gets to the property itself, it is too late, as there is no link back to the parent class.
I was using a custom attribute, not JsonConverter, but something like this should work for detecting the attribute.
public class TemperatureSchemaFilter : ISchemaFilter
public void Apply(Schema schema, SchemaFilterContext context)
var converterProperties = context.SystemType.GetProperties().Where(
prop => prop.CustomAttributes.Select(
attr => attr.AttributeType == typeof(JsonConverterAttribute)).Any()
foreach (var converterProperty in converterProperties)
var converterAttribute = (JsonConverterAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(converterProperty.PropertyType, typeof(JsonConverterAttribute));
if (converterAttribute.ConverterType != typeof(TemperatureConverter)) continue;
Schema propertySchema = null;
propertySchema = schema.Properties.First(x => x.Key.ToLower().Equals(converterProperty.Name.ToLower())).Value;
catch (Exception)
if (propertySchema == null) continue;
propertySchema.Minimum = (double) converterAttribute.ConverterParameters[0];
propertySchema.Maximum = (double) converterAttribute.ConverterParameters[1];
Unfortunately my environment is currently hosed, so I can't test it out, but I think this is the way to go.

replace DescriptionAttr with Dictionary or smth

I have a enum that's contain Description Attribute(for audit):
public enum ActivityType
[NotExist("Not Assign")]
[Description("Change Level")]
[NotExist("Not Assign")]
[Description("Change Skill Level")]
And all had been great until i needed to put Desription in Resource files(attribute didn't support them), so i need Dictionary or something like this.The question is: How implement this feature without big changing in all another logic?Something like this:
private static readonly Dictionary<ActivityType, String> ActivityDescription = new Dictionary<ActivityType, String>()
{ActivityType.LevelChanged, "Change"},
{ActivityType.SkillLevelChanged, "SkillChange"}
The solution that requires the minimal amount of code change for you would be to alter your descriptions to be the resource keys in your resource file. Then you could read these dynamically by doing something like:
Then your resource key/value would be:
Change_Level Change Level
And to read it you can do:
FieldInfo fi = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
DescriptionAttribute attribute = value.GetType()
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false)
.SingleOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
var resManager = new ResourceManager(typeof(MyResources));
return resManager.GetString(attribute.Description);
return value.ToString();
If however you're wanting a nicer solution with the option to pass in the resource file, you can hijack the Display attribute:
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(MyResources), Name = "Change_Level")]
Then you can do:
FieldInfo fi = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());
DisplayAttribute attribute = value.GetType()
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), false)
.SingleOrDefault() as DisplayAttribute;
if (attribute != null)
var resManager = new ResourceManager(attribute.ResourceType);
return resManager.GetString(attribute.Name);
return value.ToString();

ASP.NET MVC Conditional ViewModel Abstraction

I am new to ASP.NET MVC and I am stuck on a point. I am working on a classified site. My situation is, I have a lot of categories in which a user can post their ads and each ad category have different View. I have created a Controller Action like
public ActionResult PostAd(string CategoryName, string SubCategoryName)
if(categoryName == "Vehicle" && SubCategoryName == "Cars")
var model = new CarAdViewModel();
// set CarAdViewModel properties...
return View("CarAdCreateView", model);
else if(categoryName == "Vehicle" && SubCategoryName == "Bikes")
var model = new BikeAdViewModel();
// set BikeAdViewModel properties...
return View("BikeAdViewModel", model);
else if(categoryName == "Property" && SubCategoryName == "RentHouse")
var model = new RentHouseAdViewModel();
// set RentHouseAdViewModel properties...
return View("RentHouseAdViewModel", model);
else................... so on and so on
My problem is I have huge number of Categories and Sub Categories almost 60+. And if I keep on coding like above for 60+ categories and subcategories, my PostAd method is going to blast and become unmanageable.
Please tell me some best practice or pattern which can bring me out of this problem.
Unfortunately, some of what you are doing cannot be avoided. There needs to be some form of model and view selection based on category.
Use a factory pattern. Create a base class:
public abstract class BaseCategory
public abstract string GetViewName();
public abstract Object CreateModelFromFormData();
For each category, create a sub-class derived from BaseCategory and implement the abstract functions.
In your action, do the following:
public ActionResult PostAd(string categoryName, string subCategoryName)
BaseFactory factory;
if (categoryName == "Vehicle")
if (subCategoryName == "Cars")
factory = new CarsFactory();
else ...
else ...
return View(factory.GetViewName(), factory.CreateModelFromFormData());
I have a couple reasons for this schema:
I am purposefully using if/else for the factory selection. Your controller is going to be created and re-created for every action call. So pre-populating a list will constantly and needlessly create objects for categories that will not be selected. A simple if/else will be more efficient. If you want to prevent the if/else, you can put your factories in a Dictionary and select based on the categories, but that would be a lot of needless constructor actions.
I made the CreateModelFromFormData a function because I assume you'll need to copy data from the posted form data. This may require passing in data, but I left the function parameterless.
I used base/derived classes because the copying of the form data will probably need to be custom from the model being created and the form data being posted. Also, saving to persistent storage (file or database) may be category-specific as well.
It would be one of some possible solutions
public class PostAdData
public string CategoryName;
public string SubCategoryName;
public string ViewName;
public Type Model;
public class PostController : Controller
private readonly List<PostAdData> _theData;
public HomeController()
_theData = InitializeData();
public ActionResult PostAd(string categoryName, string subCategoryName)
var data = _theData.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CategoryName == categoryName && c.SubCategoryName == subCategoryName);
if (data != null)
var model = Activator.CreateInstance(data.Model);
return View(data.ViewName, model);
return View("Error");
public List<PostAdData> InitializeData()
var result = new List<PostAdData>
new PostAdData
CategoryName = "Vehicle",
SubCategoryName = "Cars",
ViewName = "CarAdCreateView",
Model = typeof (CarAdViewModel)
return result;
You should make this data driven. You create a lookup table that has a compound primary key of category and subcategory. Then it has a table with View in it. Then you simply ad rows for each category/subcategory/view combination.
If you absolutely don't want a database, then you can use a simple hashset or dictionary.
var views = new Dictionary<Tuple<string,string>,string>();
views.Add(new Tuple<string,string>("Vehicle", "Cars"), "CarAdCreateView");
Then in your PostAd you just lookup the correct view.
What a beautiful solution on to my question, here is the link :
My code is :
public class AdsController : Controller
private readonly IAdService _adService;
public AdsController(IAdService adService)
_adService = adService;
public ActionResult PostAd(string Category, string SubCategory)
//Here I will call
var strategy = GetStrategy(CategoryName, SubCategoryName);
strategy.FillModel(_adService );
return View(strategy.ViewName, strategy.Model);

Get variable name from InArgument

I have a custom activity where the user selects a variable from a drop down list in a rehosted designer environment. My problem is I want to get variable's name along with its value.
Let's say my custom activity has "InArgument MyVar{ get; set; }".
I'm currently getting the variable's name by parsing "((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.VisualBasicValue)MyVar.Expression).ExpressionText". Is there any better way?
You can't surelly know the true value of an argument until the runtime.
But, you can take it's default value, using those extension methods:
public static T GetImediateValueOrDefault<T>(Activity<T> activity, ModelItem modelItem)
if (activity == null)
return default(T);
var exprAsLiteral = activity as Literal<T>;
if (exprAsLiteral != null)
return exprAsLiteral.Value;
var exprAsVbValue = activity as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.VisualBasicValue<string>;
if (exprAsVbValue != null)
return modelItem.GetDefaultValueOfScopedVariable<T>(exprAsVbValue.ExpressionText);
return default(T);
public static T GetDefaultValueOfScopedVariable<T>(this ModelItem modelItem, string variableName)
IEnumerable<ModelItem> scopedVariables = modelItem.GetScopedVariables();
ModelItem variableModelItem = scopedVariables.FirstOrDefault(v => Equals(variableName, v.Properties["Name"].ComputedValue));
if (variableModelItem == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
Variable<T> variable = variableModelItem.GetCurrentValue() as Variable<T>;
if (variable == null)
return default(T);
return GetImediateValueOrDefault(variable.Default, modelItem);
Not guaranteed, use with caution

Pass property from controller to Model

I am trying to pass a variable from a method in my Controller to a method in a Model. Since the method in the Model takes one argument (which was designed earlier), I cannot pass my variable as an argument to the method in the Model. And also, the method in this Model is called by other controllers too, so if I change the argument, I have to change all the controllers too, which would be a tedious task.
What I have been trying so far is- I created one MyVariableClass and declared a property. Then I instantiated that class and set the property string to the variable that I wanted to pass. Now, in my Model's method, I instantiated the same MyVariableClass again, but when I did that, the value of the variable was set to null. The code I have right now is -
public ActionResult ItemInformation( string id)
//Pass a string to MyVariable
MyVariableVClass params = new MyVariableClass();
params.myVariable = "abc";
//This is what My Model is taking as an argument(id), and I don't want to
//pass mYvariable along with that argument because it will break other controllers
// too which calls this method
var itemInformation = _repository.GetItemInformation(id);
return View(itemInformation);
and MyVariableClass
public class MyVariableClass
public string myVariable { get; set; }
and the method in My Model
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId)
MyVariableClass webType = new MyVariableClass();
var _params = webType.myVariable;
//Check this variable and perform database query
if (_params =="this")
var query = myFirstQuery;
var query = mySecondQuery;
//return ....
Anybody has solution to this? Thanks in Advance!
Any reason why subclassing your model and overriding the GetItemInformation method wouldn't work? Or, even easier, why not just overload the GetItemInformation method with one that takes two strings? Your other controllers can still use the one that only takes a single string.
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId, MyVariableClass webType)
var _params = webType.myVariable;
//Check this variable and perform database query
if (_params == "this")
var query = myFirstQuery;
var query = mySecondQuery;
//return ....
public IList<Items> GetItemInformation(string itemId)
MyVariableClass fauxType = new MyVariableClass();
fauxType.myVariable = "not this";
return GetItemInformation(itemId, fauxType);
Try using session variable.
