Flash Builder 4.5.1 published android app does not run - apache-flex

Mobile application runs perfectly in the debug mode - I can test it on the device etc... The problem is with the release build - it simply does not run. When I manually install .apk I don't get any errors messages, simply a green check mark and "Application not installed" message. Any thoughts?
Running the latest version of air and Flash Builder 4.5.1

I'm not 100%, but if I remember correctly, you need to uninstall the old application before installing the new one because of a name collision. Try that.

I just ran into this problem and regenerating my p12 certificate fixed it.


breakpoint not working on Xamarin PCL but working fine on .Android

Hello I have been trying to debug an Android project on mac os that was built with Xamarin Forms but have been unable to hit a single breakpoint in the Portable Class Library.
After deployment I get hollow type debugger.
Hollow breakpoint image
But its working fine on .Android and .IOS
Here is a list of everything I have tried so far:
Deleting the bin and obj folders then clean and rebuild Setting the
Android build property "Link Behavior" to "Don't Link" Unselecting Strip
native debugging symbols Removed all symbols on path to debug file
Fresh installation of Xamarin
fresh cloning
changing Debug information to "Symbol only"
Can you please suggest any answer that can help me in this ?
This issue was introduced in a recent visual studio update and should be fixed soon
Visual studio for Mac
While I wait for the new visual studio update I manage to fix this by enabling Fast Assembly Deployment located at: Android Project Options -> Android build
Visual studio for Windows
Try enabling Use Fast Deployment check this thread:
According to the screenshot you provided, it seems on Windows Visual Studio.
The hollow red circle in your screenshot means disable a breakpoint without deleting it. It shows the breakpoint, but it would not work in debug.
You could click the black circle in the screenshot to enable breakpoint.
For more details, you could refer to the MS docs. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/using-breakpoints?view=vs-2022

Android Debugging Failing With "Couldn't connect to logcat, GetProcessId returned: 0" FFImageLoading.Platform.dll.so Not Found

I am having issue debugging Android project. I can deploy to device and run it, all works fine but if I try to debug, the app gets deployed to the device and very briefly opened, splash screen shows up but the app then closes.
I am using Xamarin Forms on Visual Studio 2015.
Device is running Android Oreo (8.0.0). Another device running Android 6.0.1 is debugging fine.
The output shows following:
InspectorDebugSession(11): StateChange: Start -> EntryPointBreakpointRegistered
InspectorDebugSession(11): Constructed
Android application is debugging.
InspectorDebugSession(11): HandleTargetEvent: TargetExited
InspectorDebugSession(11): Disposed
Couldn't connect to logcat, GetProcessId returned: 0
I checked Logcat and it seem to be having issues finding FFImageLoading library:
Time Device Name Type PID Tag Message
09-18 14:35:52.361 Huawei Nexus 6P Debug 1560 Mono AOT:
image '/usr/local/lib/mono/aot-cache/arm/FFImageLoading.Platform.dll.so'
not found: dlopen failed: library "/data/app/myapp.android.dev-
WEb1bz8edgF7vwx6uCoZ-A==/lib/arm/libaot-FFImageLoading.Platform.dll.so" not found
I have added Nuget package for FFImageLoading to my projects and Droid project references show it as in image below:
This worked for me :-
Deselecting the 'Use Shared Runtime' in Project Properties > Android
Options > Packaging properties
I also had this issue with Android 8.1 and Visual Studio 2017 15.7.4.
There are three steps to got it working again.
Under Android Options, go to Advanced and add your device architecture, in my case it was x86_64.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Xamarin > Android Settings and enable: Provide debug symbols for shared runtime and base class libraries.
And the final step is to delete following Apps from your device:
All Xamarin.Android API Support libraries
Mono Shared Runtime
Your App
After these steps you don't need to disable "Use Shared Runtime" and can Deploy and Debug much faster.
This is a known issue with Oreo and Xamarin Android on Visual Studio for Windows. It works on Visual Studio for Mac apparently. It will be fixed in an upcoming release. In the mean time there is a work around down near the bottom of the bug link above (comment 20).
deselecting 'Use Shared Runtime' in Project Properties > Android Options
delete bin & obj files from solution
clean solution
rebuild the solution it works
One another reason for that is if you dont enable usb debugging on your device, VS 2017 still recognizes your phone and installs the app on your phone. Just after debugging starts, it will throw this error and not continue debugging. Make sure to enable Developer Mode -> Usb debugging like described here

Visual Studio 2017 Doesn't Run Core Apps with IIS Express

I am having an issue with Visual Studio 2017 RC where when I run an MVC and/or WebAPI app using IIS Express the app never actually runs. Instead I get stuck with a page in the browser indicating it is trying to attach and from there it goes no further. If I open another tab/window in the browser and try to navigate directly to the launch URL, it just spins forever. Likewise when I run this using the dot net run command, the app launches and runs fine.
There do not seem to be any errors that I can see, just that the browser spins indefinitely without actually ever loading the page/endpoint.
Note: this occurs for most any circumstance. Newly created project in VS with no changes, known working project from previous versions, etc.
You could follow or upvote the issue: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/11391/aspnet-core-iis-express-httplocalhost51733-failed.html
Looks like our workarounds meanwhile are
dotnet run
Publish to local IIS. Which is working for me.
(Untested: downgrade from core-1.1 to core-1.0)
If you aren't familiar with VS2017/asp.net:
You have, or can reveal via View Menu-->Other Toolbars :
Debug toolbar --> dropdowncombobutton saying "[green arrow>] IIS Express"
Click on the dropdown downarrow part of the button.
You should see a Run {yourprojectname} option.
This is the equivalent of dotnet run {yourprojectname} from the commandline.
You can configure the options that appear in the dropdown with
Right-click on project in solution explorer --> Properties --> Debug
I had this same issue and after digging around for a while I discovered that I had dotnet preview v1.0.0-preview2 installed under Programs Files (x86) and a non-preview version in x64. I think VS is launching the x86 (preview) version but expecting to see the full version. To fix this, I did the following.
from programs and feature uninstall every visible dotnet core. (note: for me this did not remove the x86 preview)
go to https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core#/sdk and install BOTH x86 and x64 SDK packages
open command line and from the root directory check run: dotnet --version (at the time of writing it was 1.0.4)
fire up .net core project in VS 2017 and run.
When I did all of the above, I was able to start up the site in IIS Express from VS.

Visual Studio 2015 missing emulators

I have VS2015 and VS2013 installed side-by-side. In VS2013 I have a list of emulators to start my app and it works awesome.
But VS2015 only has device in the list. How do I add the phone emulators to Visual Studio 2015?
After playing around some more I've dug up some new findings.
Creating a new universal JavaScript project has the same issue
Creating a new universal C# project DOES show a list of emulators.
This worked for me!
Although I had CoreCon\12 and vs2015.3 instead of CoreCon\11 and vs2012
Maybe you could fix this issue by deleting this folder
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Phone Tools\CoreCon\11.0
Then open VS2012 again.
If not repairing is always recommended
original post : no-emulator-lists-to-deploy-windows-phone-app
Rerun the installer. Make sure that the desired options are checked (probably either Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator or Microsoft Visual Studio Emulator for Android, you don't say which emulator you are interested in). If in doubt, just check everything.
If you had unloaded your start project, it may not be your start project anymore after reloading. So do a right click -> Set as Startup Project and then hopefully the emulators will reappear.

ERROR ITMS-90161 when trying to upload an app built with Visual Studio for Apache Cordova

We just started creating cross platform mobile apps using "Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova".
I followed the procedures described in Install Tools to Build for iOS and To run your app on an iOS device. Everything works nicely, the app gets deployed on my USB attached iPhone and runs as expected.
I then tried to upload the app to iTunes, to provide the app via TestFlight to testers and to generally see how app-submitting works:
Build the iOS app as "Release" in VS: it builds and deploys to the iPhone nicely
On the Mac: Start Application Loader, click on "Deliver your App" and navigate to "...remote-builds/builds/"xxx-buildnmb"/cordovaApp/plattforms/iOS/build/device/APPNAME.ipa"
Several checks run OK ("verifying assets, etc.), but it then stops with the error
ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle xxx.yyyyyy.zzzz [Payload/xxx.yyyyyy.zzzz.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate.] For more information, visit the iOS Developer Portal."
I then discovered the Xcode Project in ".taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds/<build-number>​/cordovaApp/platform‌​s/ios/" and used Xcode to define the code signing identities in "Build Settings" and the Team information in "General", created the archive via Product-->Archive and submitted it in the Organizer - Archives. And voila it worked!
My questions:
Do I have to use Xcode to submit?
If not, what might I be missing in a) regard to building and signing apps with vs-mda-remote, and b) submitting it with Application Loader?
What are Microsoft's plans in regard to providing access the build settings from within Visual Studio (similar to the ones in Xcode)?
Thanks a lot for any pointers in the right direction.
You need to use distribution provisioning profile to sign the package and apps are published to the App Store by using the iTunes Connect website along with the Xcode Archive Tool, which is included with the iOS SDK.
