membership IsApproved false but still allowing login -

i have change the default Account Membership provider to set IsApproved to false.
public MembershipCreateStatus CreateUser(string userName, string password, string email)
MembershipCreateStatus status;
_provider.CreateUser(userName, password, email, null, null, false, null, out status);
return status;
But i then go back to the login page and it allows me to login. Shouldn't it fail login and say that i am not approved ??
public ActionResult Register(string userName, string email, string password, string confirmPassword, string address, string address2, string city, string state, string homePhone, string cellPhone, string company)
ViewData["PasswordLength"] = MembershipService.MinPasswordLength;
if (ValidateRegistration(userName, email, password, confirmPassword))
// Attempt to register the user
MembershipCreateStatus createStatus = MembershipService.CreateUser(userName, password, email);
if (createStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
FormsAuth.SignIn(userName, false /* createPersistentCookie */);
TempData["form"] = Request.Form;
TempData["isActive"] = false;
return RedirectToAction("Create", "Users");
ModelState.AddModelError("_FORM", ErrorCodeToString(createStatus));
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View();

(it looks like the other copy of this question is going to be closed, so I've copied my answer here)
HttpRequest.IsAuthenticated returns true if HttpContext.User.Identity is not null and it's IsAuthenticated property returns true.
The current identity is set in the FormsAuthenticationModule, but it has nothing to do with your MembershipProvider. In fact, it doesn't even reference it. All it does is check to see if the authentication cookie is still set and is still valid (as is, has not expired).
I think the problem is that you are calling one of the FormsAuthentication methods like RedirectFromLoginPage, which is settings the authentication cookie. If you need to wait until the user is approved, then you need to make sure you are not setting the cookie.
There are no values of MembershipCreateStatus that specify that the user has been created but not approved, so your code is calling FormsAuth.SignIn without actually checking if the user has been approved.
FormsAuth.SignIn just sets the cookie, that's it. It doesn't validate the user or otherwise have any relation to your MembershipProvider. If approval is asynchronous (ie. waiting for a human), then don't automatically log the user in by calling FormsAuth.SignIn.


Creating users with no password using ASP.NET Identity

I have been given the requirement to provide the ability to create users through the UI with no password. I am trying to accomplish this using ASP.NET Identity.
I am able to successfully create a user without a password using the UserManager's Create method:
if (vm.ShouldHavePassword)
userManager.Create(userToInsert, vm.Password);
After the call to the Create method, the test user gets successfully saved into our AspNetUsers table. And when I do not provide a password, the PasswordHash column in our AspNetUsers table is set to NULL.
My issue is, I cannot login as the test user that does not have a password. The following is the method call that we use to validate a user's credentials:
result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
I attempted to login as a test user that has a NULL PasswordHash multiple times. To do this, I do not provide a password in our login form. As a result, a NULL password is passed into the PasswordSignInAsync method. The return value of this method call is always SignInStatus.Failure.
Using ASP.NET Identity, how can I configure my code to correctly authenticate user credentials when the credentials contain a NULL password, and the user in the database contains a NULL PasswordHash? Is such a thing even possible?
Yes you can. ASP.NET Identity Framework is fully customizable. Just override PasswordValidator.ValidateAsync and PasswordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword methods like this:
internal class CustomPasswordValidator: PasswordValidator
public override async Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync(string item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) return IdentityResult.Success;
return await base.ValidateAsync(item);
internal class CustomPasswordHasher : PasswordHasher
public override PasswordVerificationResult VerifyHashedPassword(string hashedPassword, string providedPassword)
if (hashedPassword == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(providedPassword))
return PasswordVerificationResult.Success;
return base.VerifyHashedPassword(hashedPassword, providedPassword);
And set them like this:
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>()));
manager.PasswordValidator = new CustomPasswordValidator();
manager.PasswordHasher = new CustomPasswordHasher();
Okay, what you need to do is find the user (AspNetUsers user) using your db context. After you have the user, you can check if their PasswordHash is null.
If yes, then just sign them in using SignInManager.SignIn.
If not, use SignInManager.PasswordSignIn.
//alternatively, you can find the user using Email, Id or some other unique field
var user = db.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserName);
if (user != null)
if (user.PasswordHash == null)
await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, true, true);
await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, model.Password,
model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
Hope it helps.
I don't think you can validate user without password. As a workaround: Instead of blank password, I'll recommend to use some Dummy/Common password from C# code, both while creating User and while validating credential
When creating user
if (vm.ShouldHavePassword)
userManager.Create(userToInsert, vm.Password);
userManager.Create(userToInsert, "someDummy123$");
When validating
result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, "someDummy123$", model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);

Log all other browsers out on login

I have a project running MVC4 and using Simple Membership for authentication. I only want to allow a user to login on one browser. To make this transparent to the user, I need a way to have any other authenticated browser log out whenever a user logs in. This means, if two users are trying to use the same login, they would just continuously kick each other off making that very unproductive.
Right now, I have it set up to only allow a user to login once but if that user were to close the browser and move to another computer, they would be locked out for 30 minutes I can see this creating a number of unnecessary support calls.
I would assume I need to track some sort of identifier in a database and check to make sure it matches with each request otherwise they are logged out. Maybe, adding some sort of cookie.
If anyone has an elegant solution to this, I would appreciate it!
This is what I am currently using to lock users into only one login:
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
string sKey = model.UserName;
string sUser = Convert.ToString(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache[sKey]);
if (sUser == null || sUser == String.Empty)
TimeSpan SessTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout, 0, 0);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(sKey, sKey, null, DateTime.MaxValue, SessTimeOut, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);
Session["user"] = model.UserName;
if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe))
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are already logged in.");
return View(model);
protected void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null)
if (Session["user"] != (null)) // e.g. this is after an initial logon
string sKey = (string)Session["user"];
// replace the last hit with current time
// Accessing the Cache Item extends the Sliding Expiration automatically
string sUser = (string)HttpContext.Current.Cache[sKey];
public ActionResult LogOff()
UserProfile user = db.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(s => s.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
string sKey = user.UserName;
return RedirectToAction("Start", "Home");
I had used the term session and have removed it. I'm not trying to delete the user's session but make their authorization invalid using web security.
There's nothing built-in for this. You'd have to develop some methodology on your own. You'd basically need two pieces:
Some way of tracking a logged in user across requests. This could be as simple as a table with a username column which you could use to determine if that particular username has been logged in. You'd need to keep this in sync with your logins/logouts of course, and you would also need to store the session id for the user. You'll need that for the next piece:
Some mechanism of removing the session from whatever store it exists in. This would be easiest if you're using SQL sessions, as you could simply delete the row from the table session table with the matching id. There's no way to do this directly with ASP.NET, so you'd have to directly query the database, used a stored procedure, etc.
So, the general idea would be that when a user logs in, you record their username and session id in a table or some other persisted store. When someone attempts to log in, you'd check this store for the username that is being attempted, and if it exists, go delete the session that corresponds to this. The next time the user with that session tries to access a page, their session cookie will no longer match a valid session and they'll be treated as if they've been logged out.

Create Cookie in MVC 3

How can i create a cookie step by step,
that stores the user login id and password when he/she clicks Remember Me? option
and i am planing to kill this cookie after certain time
Cookies are created the same way as they are in plain old ASP.NET, you just need to access the Response.
public ActionResult Login(string username, string password, bool rememberMe)
// validate username/password
if (rememberMe)
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("RememberUsername", username);
return View();
However, if you're using Forms Auth, you can just make your FormsAuth ticket cookie persistent:
public ActionResult Login(string username, string password, bool rememberMe)
// validate username/password
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, rememberMe);
return View();
You can read cookies like this:
public ActionResult Index()
var cookie = Request.Cookies["RememberUsername"];
var username = cookie == null ? string.Empty : cookie.Value; // if the cookie is not present, 'cookie' will be null. I set the 'username' variable to an empty string if its missing; otherwise i use the cookie value
// do what you wish with the cookie value
return View();
If you are using Forms Authentication and the user is logged in, you can access their username like this:
public ActionResult Index()
var username = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? User.Identity.Name : string.Empty;
// do what you wish with user name
return View();
It is possible to decrypt and read the contents of a ticket. You can even store small amounts of custom data in the ticket, if you need to. See this article for more info.

ASP.NET how to store user login data in the APP

Just wondering what the best way to store user login data on successful login in my application. I.e. when logged in at the moment I do something like this in my login script
Session("loggedIn") = "Yes"
Session("userName") = reader_login("useremail").ToString()
Session("userId") = reader_login("user_ID").ToString()
Session("firstName") = reader_login("firstName").ToString()
Session("lastName") = reader_login("lastName").ToString()
And then I use these session variables on my scripts, but just noticed that every time I want to use some of these session variables I do need to check if they are nut null before calling them, seems a bit clumsy to repeat these for a lot of my .aspx pages. Is there a better way to do this ?
Also I am wondering why do I need to add the IS NUll check for the session on each script I use session variables I put the check in the master page but noticed I still get null exception in my usercontrol which is referenced in my master page but does not have the IS null check
Session is not the way to check whether user is authenticated or not. Session may be cleared on demand by administrator when clearing app pool, or by the low memory on server. You won't wish to log out user in such cases. The builtin and reccommended way for doing this in ASP.NET is storing data in authentication cookie. Once the user is logged in, you issue the cookie that contains all the data, including user id, name, etc. And then, you don't have to check every property in session for null, more simple - you just check if the user is authenticated - then you've got the data, else -not. And the other benefit, if you substitute builtin principal with custom one, you can define strongly typed object that holds user data, no more casting from objects extracted from session. Here're the examples for defining custom principal with forms authentication
First, let's define custom MyIdentity and MyPrincipal
public class MyIdentity : IIdentity
private FormsAuthenticationTicket _Ticket;
private int _userId = 0;
public FormsAuthenticationTicket Ticket
get { return _Ticket; }
public string Name
get { return _Ticket.Name; }
public int UserId
if (_userId == 0)
_userId = Convert.ToInt32(_Ticket.UserData.Split("|".ToCharArray())[0]);
return _userId;
public Identity(FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket)
this._Ticket = ticket;
public string AuthenticationType
get { return "Custom"; }
public bool IsAuthenticated
get { return UserId > 0; }
Then the MyPrincipal that holds MyIdentity
public class MyPrincipal : IPrincipal
private MyIdentity _Identity;
public Principal(MyIdentity identity)
_Identity = identity;
public IIdentity Identity
get { return _Identity; }
public bool IsInRole(string role)
return false;
Then substitute original forms user with the custom one. In Global.asax
private void Application_OnPostAuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
IPrincipal usr = HttpContext.Current.User;
// If we are dealing with an authenticated forms authentication request
if (usr.Identity.IsAuthenticated && usr.Identity.AuthenticationType == "Forms")
FormsIdentity formsIdentity = usr.Identity as FormsIdentity;
// Create a CustomIdentity based on the FormsAuthenticationTicket
IIdentity identity = new MyIdentity(formsIdentity.Ticket);
IPrincipal principal = new MyPrincipal(identity);
// Attach the CustomPrincipal to HttpContext.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
Define method for issuing forms authentication ticket. Later, the custom MyIdentity class will extract userId and other methods from userData.
public static HttpCookie GetAuthCookie(string userName, string userData, bool createPersistentCookie, HttpSessionStateBase session)
HttpCookie authCookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie);
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
FormsAuthenticationTicket newTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDate, ticket.Expiration, ticket.IsPersistent, userData, session.SessionID);
authCookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newTicket);
return authCookie;
When the user is checked and is authenticated, return them authentication cookie
Response.Cookies.Add(AuthenticationCookie.GetAuthCookie(model.UserName, GetUserInfo(model.UserName, passwordHash), model.RememberMe, Session));
//GetUserInfo returns | separated string of user datas. "userId|userName|firstName|lastName" for example.
And at last, using all of the above in code
int userId = ((MyIdentity)User.Identity).UserId;
This may seem the larger code, but in runtime it'll give much more benefits than storing all the data in session. The main of them are null checking and casting every time.
You could load this through a single object which you put in the Session. This will remove all your strings as you can just set properties. Also you can check if the object is available in the session, if it's not the user is not logged in?
public class CurrentUserObject
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string UserID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public CurrentUserObject(string userName, string userID, string firstName, string lastName)
UserName = userName;
UserID = userID;
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
You can instantiate this object and store it in Session("CurrentUser") or something. If you request this session variable and it turns out to be null, your user is not logged in. I would advise you to do this in a master page or something by the way to avoid duplication of this code.
you don't have to store "loggedIn" in session.
you can use Session["userName"] to check, if it is null, not logged in; not null, logged in.
try to use one session item to track user login status, such username or userid.
also you can encapsule the logic into a method such as
static bool CheckLogin(HttpSession sessionState, out username, out userId, out firstName, out LastName);
may be you need to use caching in your application because you are going to check if null or not every time i think for save use data caching will be better and here are some links :
Hope it helps mark as answered if it helps :)

Is Roles.IsUserInRole behaving as expected in the following simple scenario?

In a custom role provider (inheriting from RoleProvider) in .NET 2.0, the IsUserInRole method has been hard-coded to always return true:
public override bool IsUserInRole(string username, string roleName) { return true; }
In an ASP.NET application configured to use this role provider, the following code returns true (as expected):
Roles.IsUserInRole("any username", "any rolename"); // results in true
However, the following code returns false:
Roles.IsUserInRole("any rolename"); // results in false
Note that User.IsInRole("any rolename") is also returning false.
Is this the expected behavior?
Is it incorrect to assume that the overload that only takes a role name would still be invoking the overridden IsUserInRole?
Update: Note that there doesn't seem to be an override available for the version that takes a single string, which has led to my assumption in #2.
I looked at Roles.IsUserInRole(string rolename) in .net reflector, and it resolves to the following:
public static bool IsUserInRole(string roleName)
return IsUserInRole(GetCurrentUserName(), roleName);
I would take a look at your current user. Here's why:
private static string GetCurrentUserName()
IPrincipal currentUser = GetCurrentUser();
if ((currentUser != null) && (currentUser.Identity != null))
return currentUser.Identity.Name;
return string.Empty;
I would be willing to bet this is returning an empty string because you either don't have a Current User, or its name is an empty string or null.
In the IsUserInRole(string username, string roleName) method, there is the following block of code right near the beginning:
if (username.Length < 1)
return false;
If your GetCurrentUserName() doesn't return anything meaningful, then it will return false before it calls your overridden method.
Moral to take away from this: Reflector is a great tool :)
Also beware if you have selected cacheRolesInCookie="true" in the RoleManager config. If you have added a new role to the database, it might be looking at the cached version in the cookie.
I had this problem and the solution was to delete the cookie and re-login.
This may help someone - be aware:
If you are using the login control to authenticate - the username entered into the control becomes the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name which is used in the Roles.IsUserInRole(string rolename) and more specifically - the membership's GetUser() method. So if this is the case make sure you override the Authenticate event, validate the user in this method and set the username to a value that your custom membership provider can use.
protected void crtlLoginUserLogin_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)
bool blnAuthenticate = false;
string strUserName = crtlLoginUserLogin.UserName;
if (IsValidEmail(strUserName))
//if more than one user has email address - must authenticate by username.
MembershipUserCollection users = Membership.FindUsersByEmail(strUserName);
if (users.Count > 1)
crtlLoginUserLogin.FailureText = "We are unable to determine which account is registered to that email address. Please enter your Username to login.";
strUserName = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(strUserName);
blnAuthenticate = Membership.ValidateUser(strUserName, crtlLoginUserLogin.Password);
//setting the userLogin to the correct user name (only on successful authentication)
if (blnAuthenticate)
crtlLoginUserLogin.UserName = strUserName;
blnAuthenticate = Membership.ValidateUser(strUserName, crtlLoginUserLogin.Password);
e.Authenticated = blnAuthenticate;
