I tried to use iframe using embedded code from Spotify in dialog but it says "Acess denied on this server".
I tried deploying the chatbot on a website but it still says the same.
I am trying to separate the Administrator Authentication and Organization Authentication in the OpenAM. The version that I'm using is AM-7.2.0.
I just changed the Organization Authentication from the embedded ldap to OpenDJ. And I found that I cannot login to the console page with the amadmin account.
I tried to access http://am.example.com:8080/am/console but it shows "Page Not Found". When I check with the webapps/am/console/ folder. There is only images/PrimaryProductName.png.
May I know how can I make the console page with the above url available? or it is no longer used for Administrator Authentication?
Good Morning,
So I am facing a dilemma using Firebase Auth (specifically Google OAuth).
Google seems to have blocked the use of their OAuth when a user access my site via a web-view (for example they have clicked on the link in TikTok and the website has opened within a view in TikTok)
It makes sense as to why Google has blocked this, however, this is now stopping my ads from being successful as users see the ad, click on the link, and then it opens up in the TikTok web view, and then they can't log into my web application.
I'm using the simple Firebase Authentication plugin, with Nuxt/Firebase the code for it is as below:
const provider = new this.$fireModule.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
prompt: 'select_account'
Does anyone know any workaround? I've googled this so much but the only real solution I have come across is if I'm creating an android/ios app and this is not a mobile application, this is just a web application.
Thanks so much for your help.
I have created deployment for App Maker app, with URL https://script.google.com/a/macros/domain.com/s/AKfy..adwq/exec
Also enabled "Allow app to be embedded in any site within an iFrame" option in App Settings.
But when inserting on website:
<iframe src="https://script.google.com/a/macros/domain.com/s/AKfy..adwq/exec"></iframe>
app is not displayed, and this error is in dev console:
Refused to display 'https://www.google.com/a/domain.com/ServiceLogin?passive=1209600&continue=https://script.google.com/a/macros/domain.com/s/AKfy../exec&followup=https://script.google.com/a/macros/domain.com/s/AKfy../exec' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
As I understand, because App Maker app requires GSuite account to run, it redirects to different Google's authorization URL first.
But I don't understand why this URL is banned from displaying in iframe, and how it is possible to embed App Maker app then?
I have some problems downloading the Mobile Client from developer.gracenote.com.
Am registered and signed in to gracenote's developer program, but I'm unable to download the Mobile Client SDK from https://developer.gracenote.com/mobile-client
When selecting Mobile Client for iOS
It brings me to a page showing the following error :
Access Denied
You are not authorized to access this page.
Am i missing something or do gracenote have a problem?
This was a temporary misconfiguration on the website - it should be fixed now.
I'm using the following step by step guide to connect to Facebook Connect:
However I have a problem at the 'Authentication and Initiating a Session' stage.
When I go through the steps, I click on 'Connect' in my browser, which opens a popup, where I login to Facebook and 'Allow' the application to access my account. I'm then redirected to the filename I specify in thw 2nd parameter of the javascript function 'FB.init'.
However, this page then displays:
Please sign-in with Facebook.
Why is this happening?
I'm developing this on localhost, I don't know if that could cause a problem? Please help! Thanks.
You actually can use localhost. The one problem you may have is that there is a bug with the Facebook Javascript SDK in internet explorer if you are on a port other than 80 or 443. http://github.com/facebook/connect-js/issues#issue/106
If you check out my Facebook .Net SDK on codeplex you can download the sample app. As it is configured it will run locally. The one thing is you need to set your site url and/or canvas url to point to http://localhost:port#/
Do download the sample go to: http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com
I ran into a similar problem where I could not test Facebook on localhost. Due to security requirements from Facebook you must test from the domain you used to register your application.
Create a dev.yourname.com subdomain and test it there.